PA-Israeli document liquidating Right of Return unveiledPalestinian Information Center, November 26, 2007
OCCUPIED JERUSALEM, (PIC)-- The Hebrew Haaretz newspaper has unveiled in its late edition on Monday a "serious" PA-Israeli document that aims at liquidating the right of return of millions of Palestinian refugees to their homeland in the 1948-occupied Palestinian lands.
According to the paper, an Israeli group close to Israeli premier Ehud Olmert along with a Palestinian team associated with PA chief Mahmoud Abbas had negotiated the possibility of replacing the RoR with some economic projects that could cost 90 billion dollars.
The document, the paper added, was an initial semi-official attempt to dismantle the barrier of the RoR and to transform it into economic benefits that could help reaching practical solutions to the issue.
The paper also quoted Israeli deputy premier Haim Ramon as saying that the document was a work paper that both Israeli and Palestinian parties should study, and once PA-Israeli talks on the final status started, the document could help the negotiating teams of what is possible to do.
Data on the numbers of the Palestinian refugees were based on the UNRWA records, revealing that there were 4.4 million Palestinian refugees, including 1.3 million living in neighboring Arab countries, and 1.7 million dwelling in refugee camps in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.
Furthermore, the paper disclosed that a number of international parties, including the World Bank and the EU among other parties had financed activities of the Israeli group in coordination with the Peres center for peace and the Data Institution in Bethlehem city.
A number of alternatives were suggested by the document to solve the refugees' issue, including naturalizing them in their host countries and improving their housing, transferring and naturalizing them in different countries, and sending them to the PA-controlled land that could be arranged with the Israelis through the "exchange of lands" process.
Regarding the issue of occupied Jerusalem, the paper unveiled that the document presented thee scenarios for settling that issue, the first scenario talks about dividing the holy city politically between the Israelis and the Palestinians, the second suggests that city be an open city for people and goods, and the third scenario was to make it a semi-open city.
However, the three scenarios would confirm the permanent Israeli presence in the city, and would scatter Palestinian hopes of ending the Israeli occupation.
Hundreds of thousands of Palestinian refugees were forced out of their homes at gunpoint at the hands of Jewish gangs in 1948 and after the 1967 war, however, those refugees along with their children and grandchildren who were born in the diaspora remain holding to their right of return to their homes, and vowing to reject all financial compensations offered to them.
"Palestine isn’t for sale", the refugees affirmed after being offered to be financially compensated in exchange to drop their RoR.