The Secret Jews in Turkey
Leading Zionist dr. Joachim Prinz portrays Mustafa Kemal Ataturk as an "ardent 'doenmehs' ", i.e. an ardent secret Jew!
Quotes from the book The Secret Jews, by dr. Joachim Prinz, 1973, pp. 111-122:
"..... In December 1686, more than three hundred families converted to Islam in Salonika. Like Shabtai and other Marranos, they continued to attend Jewish services secretly and observed certain Jewish customs in their homes.
This was the origin of the most important group, numerically and historically, of Islamic Marranos. The faithful Mohemmedans call these hidden Jews 'doenmehs', the renegades. ..... Over the years the 'doenmeh' movement became firmly established in Asia Minor. In the nineteenth century the sect was estimated to have twenty thousand members. Salonika remained its main seat until that city became Greek in 1913. Although the Jewish community remained there under Greek rule, the 'doenmehs' moved to Constantinople.
In Salonika in the early days of the movement the ten commandments "of our Lord King and Messiah Shabtai Zvi" were proclaimed by the 'doenmehs'. They still form the credo of the surviving 'doenmehs' of our time.
I shall meticulously adhere to the customs of the Turks so as not to arose their suspicion. I shall not only observe the Fast of Ramadan but all the other Muslim customs which are observed in public.
I shall not marry into a Muslim family nor maintain any intimate association with them, for they are to us an abomination and particularly their women.
From time to time the Turkish governors of Salonika, who received complaints about the sect from the Mohammedan clergy, tried to investigate the strange existence of the 'doenmehs'. Their clannishness, their refusal to mingle with Mohammedan families, and their marital restrictions had become a well-known fact, difficult to hide from the majority of the people among whom they had lived for many generations. Socially, they seemed impenetrable, although in their Moslem religious practices they were beyond reproach. In fact, they often seemed even more devout followers of the Prophet Mohammed and more sincere worshipers of Allah than the rest of the community. They fasted during Ramadan, and their leaders and adherents were found in large, even conspicuous numbers among the pilgrims to Mecca. It was well known that in the seventeenth century Joseph Zvi, one of the immediate followers of Shabtai Zvi and one of his inner circle, died on the way from his pilgrimage to Mecca, and the day of his death is still commemorated.
The revolt of the Young Turks in 1908 against the authoritarian regime of Sultan Abdul Hamid began among the intellectuals of Salonika. It was from there that the demand for a constitutional regime originated. Among the leaders of the revolution which resulted in a more modern government in Turkey were Djavid Bey and Mustafa Kemal. Both were ardent 'doenmehs'. Djavid Bey became minister of finance; Mustafa Kemal became the leader of the new regime and he adopted the name of Ataturk. His opponents tried to use his 'doenmeh' background to unseat him, but without success. Too many of the Young Turks in the newly formed revolutionary Cabinet prayed to Allah, but had as their real prophet Shabtai Zvi, the Messiah of Smyrna."[End of quotes]
Who is Joachim Prinz?
Dr. Joachim Prinz (1902-1988) was a Jewish Rabbi and Zionist born in Germany. Prinz had joined the Zionist Blau Weiss (Blue White) youth movement already in 1917. Having left Germany for the USA in 1937 Prinz, with the sponsorship of Stephen S. Wise, the famous American Rabbi and confidant of President Franklin Roosevelt, began his life in the United States by lecturing across the country for the United Palestine Appeal.
Joachim Prinz became the spiritual leader of Temple B’nai Abraham in Newark New Jersey, one of the country’s oldest synagogues.
Prinz became one of the top leaders of Jewish organizations: he held top leadership positions in the World Jewish Congress, first as its Vice President and ultimately Chairman of its Governing Council, he was a director of the Conference of Jewish Material Claims Against Germany. Prinz served as Chairman of the World Conference of Jewish Organizations and also as the President of The American Jewish Congress from 1958-1966.
Prinz´ early involvement in the Zionist movement brought him into contact with the founding leaders of the Zionist State of Israel, most of whom he counted among his good friends. Prinz helped his long time friend and world Jewish leader Nahum Goldmann (who was the chief of the World Zionist Organization) to create the Conference of Presidents of American Jewish Organizations and Prinz served as one of its early Chairmen (1965-1967).