Richard Holbrooke - new Jewish Viceroy of Afghanistan and Pakistan
By Freedom Research, May 2009
After naming Rahm Emanuel as his White House Chief of Staff Obama continues on the line of awarding influential posts to his Zionist backers, the very people that helped him to fame and winning the US election in 2008.
Two other major posts have now been awarded whereby the Zionist Jew Dennis Ross became Special Adviser for the Persian Gulf and Southwest Asia (which includes Iran) and the Jew Richard Holbrooke became President Obama´s US Special Representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan.
Barack Obama and his court-Jew Rahm Emanuel in the Oval OfficeRichard Holbrooke has a long track record of working for Jewish causes.
When Holbrooke was US Ambassador to the United Nations he laid hismelf out for the Zionist state by working to secure membership for Israel in the UN's Western European and Others regional group, ending Israel's historic exclusion from regional group deliberations and allowing it to, for the first time, stand for election to leadership positions in UN sub-bodies.
For this he was officially thanked by the Israeli government:
"Israel wishes to thank the governments of the WEOG states and, in particular, the United States government for their welcome decision. Israel also wish to convey its appreciation to President Clinton, Secretary of State Albright and US Ambassador to the UN, Richard Holbrooke, for their firm support for its position."(From the official site of the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs, "Israel Accepted to WEOG - An Achievement for Israeli Diplomacy", May 28, 2000.)
During the final weeks of his term in the UN, Holbrooke secured consultative status at the United Nations for Hadassah, the Zionist organization of Jewish women, overcoming the objections of righteous countries critical of Zionism. According to New York Daily News (underlines added by Radio Islam):
By Owen Moritz
New York Daily News, January 17th 2001Overcoming years of strenuous opposition from Arab nations, Hadassah was approved yesterday for consultant status with the United Nations.
The 89-year-old U.S. women's Zionist and charitable organization was accepted by a 9-to-5 vote after a vigorous lobbying campaign by Richard Holbrooke in one of his last actions as U.S. ambassador to the UN. He leaves office Friday.
Cuba and four Islamic nations - Sudan, Algeria, Lebanon and Pakistan - voted against Hadassah's approval, prompting Israeli envoy Aaron Jacob to denounce "anti-Semitic and anti-Zionist rhetoric" that emerged during discussions.
Joining the United States were Turkey, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Ethiopia, France, Germany and Romania. China, India and Russia abstained.
The vote clears the way for Hadassah to become a nongovernmental organization within the Economic and Social Council that enables it to give expert advice to UN bodies and conferences. "It's a great day for Hadassah, a good organization that deserves recognition by the UN," said Holbrooke.
The Zionist Jew Richard Holbrooke leads the way, Obama watches on...Holbrooke has also been employed by the old Jewish financial institution Lehman Brothers as an adviser and has been advisor to the Presidential campaign of the Jewish Senator John Kerry in 2004.
In the article "Obama’s Neocon: The Curious Case of Richard Holbrooke" more is written on Holbrooke´s involvement in the Indonesian regime´s US sponsored war against East Timor:
"It was Carter’s appointee to the Department of State’s Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs, Richard Holbrooke, who authorized additional arms shipments to Indonesia during this supposed blockade. Many scholars have noted that this was the period when the Indonesian suppression of the Timorese reached genocidal levels."The article also points to the political symbiosis between Holbrooke and the Jew Wolfowitz, one of the main Zionist architects behind the war in Iraq.
"If we track Holbrooke’s recent statements, the disturbing symbiosis between him and figures like überhawk Paul Wolfowitz is startling."In an unguarded moment just before the 2000 election, Richard Holbrooke opened a foreign policy speech with a fawning tribute to his host, Paul Wolfowitz, who was then the dean of the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies in Washington,"reported First of the Month following the terrorist attacks in 2001.
The article continued: ''Holbrooke, a senior adviser to Al Gore, was acutely aware that either he or Wolfowitz would be playing important roles in the next administration. Looking perhaps to assure the world of the continuity of US foreign policy, he told his audience that Wolfowitz’s ‘recent activities illustrate something that’s very important about American foreign policy in an election year, and that is the degree to which there are still common themes between the parties.’ The example he chose to illustrate his point was East Timor, which was invaded and occupied in 1975 by Indonesia with US weapons – a security policy backed and partly shaped by Holbrooke and Wolfowitz. ‘Paul and I,’ he said, ‘have been in frequent touch to make sure that we keep [East Timor] out of the presidential campaign, where it would do no good to American or Indonesian interests.”"
On 26th June, 1998, the Jewish Telegraphic Agency wrote a piece on Holbrooke "U.N. nominee Holbrooke says wife is his 'Jewish story'":
Richard Holbrooke only spent a year as the U.S. ambassador to Germany, but he tried to make sure that his hosts would not forget this son of German Jews.Visitors to Holbrooke's official residence were greeted by an ambassador who proudly displayed a photo of his grandfather, a Jewish businessman, in his World War I Germany army uniform. "I show it to German visitors as a symbol of what they lost," Holbrooke told The New York Times in a 1994 interview.
Four years, three jobs and a marriage later, Holbrooke is Clinton's nominee to serve as the American ambassador to the United Nations. Raised in the United States after his parents and grandfather fled Germany in the 1930s, Holbrooke is slated to join Clinton's inner circle. Many are speculating that this posting is his tryout for the top diplomatic job, as secretary of state, if Vice President Al Gore wins the 2000 presidential election.
If confirmed by the Senate, Holbrooke, 57, would replace Bill Richardson, whom Clinton tapped to become his secretary of energy. Although Holbrooke remains a relative unknown when it comes to Middle East issues, he will not be setting policy at the United Nations. Much of his direction will come from the State Department.
The United Nations has remained relatively quiet the last couple of years on the peace process front, but the Palestinians are beginning to once again use the world body to try to pressure Israel to make concessions in the peace process. This week, the Palestine Liberation Organization mission in New York was working to force a General Assembly vote to change its status from observer to nearly that of a state. The United States is working to avert such a move.
At other U.N. bodies, the PLO is trying to convene the signatories to the human rights convention to sanction Israel for its treatment of Palestinians in the West Bank, Gaza and eastern Jerusalem.
A 36-year veteran of the foreign service, Holbrooke has become best known for his chief role in negotiating the end to the Bosnian war. He would become the most seasoned diplomat to represent the United States at the United Nations since the Persian Gulf War.
After losing the nomination for secretary of state to Madeleine Albright, Holbrooke returned to work on Wall Street, where he had worked in between the Carter and Clinton administrations. He has continued to work as a special envoy for Cyprus, and from time to time on Bosnia.
Holbrooke is currently vice chairman at Credit Suisse First Boston, an affiliate of one of the Swiss banks facing a class-action lawsuit to settle Holocaust-era claims. Holbrooke, who will leave that post to move to the United Nations, early on urged Switzerland to return assets to Holocaust victims.
President Carter made Holbrooke the youngest person ever to hold the rank of assistant secretary of state, naming him to run East Asian and Pacific affairs. Holbrooke returned to that same rank under Clinton as assistant secretary of state for European and Canadian affairs. Clinton cited these experiences as well as his work as one of the chief architects of the 1995 Dayton accords that ended the war in Bosnia when he nominated Holbrooke last week.
Widely praised in the Jewish community for his role in ending the Bosnian war, he received awards for his efforts from the Anti-Defamation League and the World Jewish Congress. According to friends, Holbrooke's Jewishness has not played a role in either his career or private life.
In newspaper interviews, he has pointed to his third wife, Kati Marton, as the interesting "Jewish story." While working on a book about Raoul Wallenberg, the Swedish diplomat stationed in Budapest who saved Jews during the war, Marton traveled to her native Hungary from where her parents had fled during the 1950s Communist takeover. It was there that an old friend of her mother's told her that Wallenberg had come too late for Marton's grandparents.
It was the first time that she had heard about her Jewish roots. Like Madeleine Albright's parents, Marton's family hid their Jewish identity when they came to the United States. When Albright found out about her own Jewish family history last year, she is said to have turned to Marton for advice and support.
Although Holbrooke has not written extensively on the Middle East, in his latest book, "To End a War," he wrote about the impact the assassination of Yitzhak Rabin, which came during the Dayton peace talks, had on the parties to those talks. Rabin "had been murdered because he had been willing to consider a compromise for peace. The reaction of the Balkan presidents was cold-blooded and self-centered; this showed, each said separately, what personal risks they were taking for peace," Holbrooke wrote.
All these quotes point to the fact that this Zionist Jew - Richard Holbrooke - has proven that he is an agent for the state of Israel, and the causes of World Jewry. Thus having him as the US representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan shows that the war in these two countries is nothing but an Israeli affair; the strategies are orchestrated by Jews with "Israel First" as the only political slogan running in their minds, but with non-Jewish armies of the so called Coalition and the US doing the dirty job of killing Muslims to secure Israeli hegemony in the region.
Richard Holbrooke, Jewish "Special Envoy" for the US to Pakistan, instructs Pakistan´s
President Zardari on how he should act and use Pakistan´s military and intelligence resources
against Israel´s enemies, the so-called "Taliban terrorists" and "Muslim fundamentalists" in his country.
We also recommend reading the article:
- Obama’s Neocon: The Curious Case of Richard Holbrooke
- Kerry and Genocide: Know What You Are Voting For
"...Richard Holbrooke, happened to play a significant role in perhaps the largest U.S.-backed genocide of the 20th century."
- Back to our section on Jewish-Israeli influence in U.S. Politics