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Exodus Hoaxes: The Myth of the Jewish Slaves and the Myth of the Jewish Holocaust Victims


The First Exodus (i.e. Moses opening the gates of Palestine to 600,000 Jews by parting the Red Sea) was a hoax. The Second Exodus (i.e. Zionists opening the gates of Palestine by inventing a fake Nazi genocide of 6,000,000 Jews) was a hoax too.

Creating Exodus myths is just a Jewish tradition...

Exodus1 Hoax

Exodus2 Hoax


The Great Pyramids of Ancient Egypt – Jewish Slave Myth Examined

The myth of Jewish slaves being forced to build the pyramids of ancient Egypt has recently been challenged by new evidence that paid workers built the tombs.

The innovative pyramids of ancient Egypt have stood the test of time, as their architects intended, to help usher dead pharaohs into the afterlife, along with their possessions. Over 4,000 years later, the elaborate tombs still stand – although plundered by pyramid robbers – and the people responsible for their construction are still a matter of controversy.

Jews, Ancient Egypt and Mass Exodus

The stories we hear in Sunday school seem to form the basis for the popular belief that Jewish slaves were forced to build the pyramids in Egypt, but they were saved when they left Egypt in a mass Exodus,” said Brian Dunning. But, according to findings, “no Egyptian record contains a single reference to anything in Exodus; and by the time there were enough Jews living in Egypt to constitute an Exodus, the time of the pyramids was long over.”

Furthermore, says Amihai Mazar, professor at the Institute of Archaeology at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, “No Jews built the pyramids because Jews didn't exist at the period when the pyramids were built.” It wasn’t until over 600 years after the last of the large pyramids had been built that Israel came into existence, and over 2,000 years after the Great Pyramid had been completed that Jews are evidenced to have been in Egypt.

The Myth of the Jewish Slave

So where did the myth of the pyramid-building Jewish slaves come from? Herodotus of Greece  “The Father of History” or “The Father of Lies” – inadvertently facilitated the myth in 450 BCE. During his time, creating a good story was more important than adhering to the facts. But the historian took his responsibility seriously, being one of the first to meticulously document his work. He believed that about “100,000 workers” constructed a single pyramid in 30 years – nowhere did he specify Jews or slaves. And the origin of the idea of Jews building the pyramids remains a mystery.”

Egyptian Paid Laborers Built Elaborate Pyramids

It is now estimated that about 10,000 – 30,000, rather than 100,000, paid workers were responsible for building a single pyramid in ancient Egypt. Local Egyptians from poor families worked on the tombs “out of loyalty to the pharaohs,” said Dieter Wildung, a former director of Berlin’s Egyptian Museum. They were respected and earned the right to be buried near their pharaohs.

In the 1990s graves of the laborers were found by a tourist, who came across what appeared to be a wall but was actually a tomb. Egypt’s archaeology chief Zahi Hawass concluded, “No way would they have been buried so honorably if they were slaves.” Workers built their own tombs with leftover supplies. Hieroglyphics on the inside walls of the tomb indicated that there were bread makers and beer makers among the pyramid laborers, and their bodies were perfectly preserved by dry sand.

The Treatment of Pyramid Workers

The workers were well fed: “laborers working on the pyramids ate 21 cattle and 23 sheep sent to them daily from farms.” They also worked in 3-month shifts. There is evidence that brain surgery had been done on a worker, who went on to live at least two more years. And some lived to old age. Nevertheless, “their skeletons have signs of arthritis, and their lower vertebrae point to a life passed in difficulty.”

But the most undeniable evidence that Egypt’s pyramids were built by paid workers and not slaves is the pyramids themselves: due to a shrinking budget, pyramids gradually got smaller over time. In other words, money paid to pyramid laborers to construct elaborate tombs helped destroy ancient Egypt’s economy.

Today the world recognizes the novelty and intricacy of Egypt’s pyramids: The Great Pyramid of Giza is one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World and the United States one-dollar bill includes an Egypt-inspired pyramid. It is only fitting that those who built such masterpieces be given credit after so many centuries of obscurity.

Tomb discovery helps solve ancient slavery riddle of the pyramids

By Neil Millard

UPDATED: 12:01 GMT, 11 January 2010

The location of tombs discovered in Egypt helps prove the men who built the great pyramids were not slaves after all, say archeologists.

A set of tombs belonging to the workers who built them has been discovered which sheds light on how they lived and ate more than 4,000 years ago.

The thousands of men who built the last remaining wonder of the ancient world regularly ate meat and worked three-month rotating shifts.

They were so well regarded they were also given the honour of being buried in mud brick tombs within the shadow of the sacred pyramids they worked on if they died during construction.

Burial: Dr Zahi Hawass in the tomb of the workers who built Khufuís's pyramid

The tombs, revealed today by Egypt's Supreme Council of Antiquities, date back to the country's fourth dynasty between 2575 BC and 2467 BC.

It was during this time that the great pyramids were built, according to the head of the Council, Zahi Hawass.

Graves belonging to workers who helped build the pyramids were first discovered in the area in 1990 but further discoveries such as this show the workers were paid labourers rather than slaves.

Bones belonging to a worker who built Khufuís's pyramid discovered in a tomb

Mr Hawass said: 'These tombs were built beside the King's pyramid, which indicates that these people were not by any means slaves.

'If they were slaves they would not have been able to build their tombs beside their king's.'

He added that archeological evidence at the site indicated that the 10,000-strong army of workers ate 21 cattle and 23 sheep a day, sent to them from farms in northern and southern Egypt. The workers were rotated every three months.

Pottery was discovered in this tomb where Egyptian archaeologists have unearthed ancient artefacts

Privileged: The tombs were discovered on a hillside overlooking an Egyptian town

The discovery also helps experts study the social classes that made up Egyptian society.

Salima Ikram, a professor of Egyptology at the American University in Cairo, said: 'It is important to find tombs that belong to lower class people that are not made out of stone and tell you the social origin and wealth of a range of people.'

Workers' tombs of this era were usually conical in shape and made from mud brick. They would then be covered in white plaster, probably echoing the nearby limestone-clad pyramids of the kings.

The most important of the new discoveries was a tomb belonging to a man named Idu.

It was a regular structure with a plaster-covered mud brick casing. The tomb containing skeletal remains and featured burial shafts encased in white limestone and clay pots.

Tomb discovery helps solve ancient slavery riddle of the pyramids | Mail Online

The Exodus and The Holocaust – Jewish Myths

January 31, 2012

It’s not surprising that Steven Spielberg is going to direct a Moses movie titled Gods and Kings.

The first tagline underneath the header of my Holocaust Denying website used to be “I deny the Exodus too.”

But really, “The Holocaust” is more like “Exodus II”.

Both are insane, scientifically impossible Jewish myths, somehow related to a poor, persecuted Jewish minority being imprisoned by horrible oppressive Gentiles and miraculously escaping.

What is the true story of the Exodus? Why are Jews always persecuted? Is it because they are such nice people? “God’s Chosen?” Or maybe they are the persecutors, and their being expelled from every country they’ve ever settled in is a reaction of the host population against their parasitic Semitic supremacism (Semitism).

“The Holocaust” and “The Exodus” are myths forced upon most American children at an early age. These children rarely question the reality of these events when they become adults.

Spielberg’s films such as Schindler’s List and his upcoming Jewish supremacist Moses film help brainwash Americans into supporting Zionism and its disastrous wars in the Middle East.

Six Million Jews weren’t gassed, and Moses didn’t part the Red Sea.

Never Happened

Spielberg's Implied Auschwitz Gassing in Schindler's List

Steven Spielberg (S.S.) implies that these Jews were killed and turned into smoke in the chimney the camera pans up to.

1939, UK — A family, each carrying their gas masks in a little box, enter an underground air raid shelter

Air raid shelter entrance

Additional reading:

“The Holocaust” and “The Exodus” – Similar Jewish myths.

Note by this site:

In 2013, Spielberg dropped from the Warner Bros. Pictures "Gods and Kings" movie project, while Ridley Scott went to direct the separate and finalized movie "Exodus: Gods and Kings", with Christian Bale - "the sex symbol" - as Moses.

As an interesting point to note the latter movie had to change its title from "Exodus" to "Exodus: Gods and Kings", after it was discovered that Jewish Hollywood studio Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer owned the single-word title Exodus in perpetuity! (see Wikipedia)

Doubting the Story of Exodus

Many scholars have quietly concluded that the epic of Moses never happened, and even Jewish clerics are raising questions. Others think it combines myth, cultural memories and kernels of truth.

By Teresa Watanabe
Los Angeles Times April 13, 2001

It's one of the greatest stories ever told: A baby is found in a basket adrift in the Egyptian Nile and is adopted into the pharaoh's household. He grows up as Moses, rediscovers his roots and leads his enslaved Israelite brethren to freedom after God sends down 10 plagues against Egypt and parts the Red Sea to allow them to escape. They wander for 40 years in the wilderness and, under the leadership of Joshua, conquer the land of Canaan to enter their promised land.

For centuries, the biblical account of the Exodus has been revered as the founding story of the Jewish people, sacred scripture for three world religions and a universal symbol of freedom that has inspired liberation movements around the globe. But did the Exodus ever actually occur?

On Passover last Sunday, Rabbi David Wolpe raised that provocative question before 2,200 faithful at Sinai Temple in Westwood. He minced no words. "The truth is that virtually every modern archeologist who has investigated the story of the Exodus, with very few exceptions, agrees that the way the Bible describes the Exodus is not the way it happened, if it happened at all," Wolpe told his congregants.

Wolpe's startling sermon may have seemed blasphemy to some. In fact, however, the rabbi was merely telling his flock what scholars have known for more than a decade. Slowly and often outside wide public purview, archeologists are radically reshaping modern understanding of the Bible. It was time for his people to know about it, Wolpe decided. After a century of excavations trying to prove the ancient accounts true, archeologists say there is no conclusive evidence that the Israelites were ever in Egypt, were ever enslaved, ever wandered in the Sinai wilderness for 40 years or ever conquered the land of Canaan under Joshua's leadership. To the contrary, the prevailing view is that most of Joshua's fabled military campaigns never occurred-- archeologists have uncovered ash layers and other signs of destruction at the relevant time at only one of the many battlegrounds mentioned in the Bible.

Today, the prevailing theory is that Israel probably emerged peacefully out of Canaan-- modern-day Lebanon, southern Syria, Jordan and the West Bank of Israel--whose people are portrayed in the Bible as wicked idolators. Under this theory, the Canaanites took on a new identity as Israelites were perhaps joined or led by a small group of Semites from Egypt--explaining a possible source of the Exodus story, scholars say. As they expanded their settlement, they may have begun to clash with neighbors, perhaps providing the historical nuggets for the conflicts recorded in Joshua and Judges.

"Scholars have known these things for a long time, but we've broken the news very gently," said William Dever, a professor of Near Eastern archeology and anthropology at the University of Arizona and one of America's preeminent archeologists. Dever's view is emblematic of a fundamental shift in archeology. Three decades ago as a Christian seminary student, he wrote a paper defending the Exodus and got an A, but "no one would do that today," he says.

The old emphasis on trying to prove the Bible--often in excavations by amateur archeologists funded by religious groups--has given way to more objective professionals aiming to piece together the reality of ancient lifestyles. But the modern archeological consensus over the Exodus is just beginning to reach the public. In 1999, an Israeli archeologist, Ze'ev Herzog of Tel Aviv University, set off a furor in Israel by writing in a popular magazine that stories of the patriarchs were myths and that neither the Exodus nor Joshua's conquests ever occurred. In the hottest controversy today, Herzog also argued that the united monarchy of David and Solomon, described as grand and glorious in the Bible, was at best a small tribal kingdom.

In a new book this year, "The Bible Unearthed," Israeli archeologist Israel Finklestein of Tel Aviv University and archeological journalist Neil Asher Silberman raised similar doubts and offered a new theory about the roots of the Exodus story. The authors argue that the story was written during the time of King Josia of Judah in the 7th century BC--600 years after the Exodus supposedly occurred in 1250 BC--as a political manifesto to unite Israelites against the rival Egyptian empire as both states sought to expand their territory. Dever argued that the Exodus story was produced for theological reasons: to give an origin and history to a people and distinguish them from others by claiming a divine destiny.

Some scholars, of course, still maintain that the Exodus story is basically factual. Bryant Wood, director of the Associates for Biblical Research in Maryland, argued that the evidence falls into place if the story is dated back to 1450 BC. He said that indications of destruction around that time at Hazor, Jericho and a site he is excavating that he believes is the biblical city of Ai support accounts of Joshua's conquests. He also cited the documented presence of "Asiatic" slaves in Egypt who could have been Israelites, and said they would not have left evidence of their wanderings because they were nomads with no material culture. But Wood said he can't get his research published in serious archeological journals.

"There's a definite anti-Bible bias," Wood said. The revisionist view, however, is not necessarily publicly popular. Herzog, Finklestein and others have been attacked for everything from faulty logic to pro-Palestinian political agendas that undermine Israel's land claims. Dever, a former Protestant minister who converted to Judaism 12 years ago, says he gets "hissed and booed" when he speaks about the lack of evidence for the Exodus, and regularly receives letters and calls offering prayers or telling him he's headed for hell.

At Sinai Temple, Sunday's sermon--and a follow-up discussion at Monday's service--provoked tremendous, and varied, response. Many praised Wolpe for his courage and vision. "It was the best sermon possible, because it is preparing the young generation to understand all the truth about religion," said Eddia Mirharooni, a Beverly Hills fashion designer.

A few said they were hurt--"I didn't want to hear this," one woman said--or even a bit angry. Others said the sermon did nothing to shake their faith that the Exodus story is true.

"Science can always be proven wrong," said Kalanit Benji, a UCLA undergraduate in psychobiology. Added Aman Massi, a 60-year-old Los Angeles businessman: "For sure it was true, 100%. If it were not true, how could we follow it for 3,300 years?" But most congregants, along with secular Jews and several rabbis interviewed, said that whether the Exodus is historically true or not is almost beside the point. The power of the sweeping epic lies in its profound and timeless message about freedom, they say.

The story of liberation from bondage into a promised land has inspired the haunting spirituals of African American slaves, the emancipation and civil rights movements, Latin America's liberation theology, peasant revolts in Germany, nationalist struggles in South Africa, the American Revolution, even Leninist politics, according to Michael Walzer in the book "Exodus and Revolution." Many of Wolpe's congregants said the story of the Exodus has been personally true for them even if the details are not factual: when they fled the Nazis during World War II, for instance, or, more recently, the Islamic revolution in Iran.

Daniel Navid Rastein, an Encino medical professional, said he has always regarded the story as a metaphor for a greater truth: "We all have our own Egypts--we are prisoners of something, either alcohol, drugs, cigarettes, overeating. We have to use [the story] as a way to free ourselves from difficulty and make ourselves a better person."

Wolpe, Sinai Temple's senior rabbi, said he decided to deliver the sermon to lead his congregation into a deeper understanding of their faith. On Sunday, he told his flock that questioning the Jewish people's founding story could be justified for one reason alone: to honor the ancient rabbinical declaration that "You do not serve God if you do not seek truth."

"I think faith ought not rest on splitting seas," Wolpe said in an interview. "For a Jew, it should rest on the wonder of God's world, the marvel of the human soul and the miracle of this small people's survival through the millennia."

Next year, the rabbi plans to teach a course on the Bible that he says will "pull no punches" in presenting the latest scholarship questioning the text's historical basis. But he and others say that Judaism has also traditionally been more open to non-literal interpretations of the text than, say, some conservative Christian traditions.

"Among Reform, Conservative and Reconstructionist Jews, there is a much greater willingness to see the Torah as an extended metaphor in which truth comes through story and law," said Rabbi Bradley Shavit Artson, dean of the Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies at the University of Judaism in Los Angeles. Among scholars, the case against the Exodus began crystallizing about 13 years ago. That's when Finklestein, director of Tel Aviv University's archeology institute, published the first English-language book detailing the results of intensive archeological surveys of what is believed to be the first Israelite settlements in the hilly regions of the West Bank. The surveys, conducted during the 1970s and 1980s while Israel possessed what are now Palestinian territories, documented a lack of evidence for Joshua's conquests in the 13th century BC and the indistinguishable nature of pottery, architecture, literary conventions and other cultural details between the Canaanites and the new settlers. If there was no conquest, no evidence of a massive new settlement of an ethnically distinct people, scholars argue, then the case for a literal reading of Exodus all but collapses. The surveys' final results were published three years ago.

The settlement research marked the turning point in archeological consensus on the issue, Dever said. It added to previous research that showed that Egypt's voluminous ancient records contained not one mention of Israelites in the country, although one 1210 BC inscription did mention them in Canaan. Kadesh Barnea in the east Sinai desert, where the Bible says the fleeing Israelites sojourned, was excavated twice in the 1950s and 1960s and produced no sign of settlement until three centuries after the Exodus was supposed to have occurred. The famous city of Jericho has been excavated several times and was found to have been abandoned during the 13th and 14th centuries BC.

Moreover, specialists in the Hebrew Bible say that the Exodus story is riddled with internal contradictions stemming from the fact that it was spliced together from two or three texts written at different times. One passage in Exodus, for instance, says that the bodies of the pharaoh's charioteers were found on the shore, while the next verse says they sank to the bottom of the sea.

And some of the story's features are mythic motifs found in other Near Eastern legends, said Ron Hendel, a professor of Hebrew Bible at UC Berkeley. Stories of babies found in baskets in the water by gods or royalty are common, he said, and half of the 10 plagues fall into a "formulaic genre of catastrophe" found in other Near Eastern texts.

Carol Meyers, a professor specializing in biblical studies and archeology at Duke University, said the ancients never intended their texts to be read literally. "People who try to find scientific explanations for the splitting of the Red Sea are missing the boat in understanding how ancient literature often mixed mythic ideas with historical recollections," she said. "That wasn't considered lying or deceit; it was a way to get ideas across."

Virtually no scholar, for instance, accepts the biblical figure of 600,000 men fleeing Egypt, which would have meant there were a few million people, including women and children. The ancient desert at the time could not support so many nomads, scholars say, and the powerful Egyptian state kept tight security over the area, guarded by fortresses along the way.

Even Orthodox Jewish scholar Lawrence Schiffman said "you'd have to be a bit crazy" to accept that figure. He believes that the account in Joshua of a swift military campaign is less accurate than the Judges account of a gradual takeover of Canaan. But Schiffman, chairman of Hebrew and Judaic studies at New York University, still maintains that a significant number of Israelite slaves fled Egypt for Canaan. "I'm not arguing that archeology proves the Exodus," he said. "I'm arguing that archeology allows you, in ambiguity, to reach whatever conclusion you want to."

Wood argued that the 600,000 figure was mistranslated and the real number amounted to a more plausible 20,000. He also said the early Israelite settlements and their similarity to Canaanite culture could be explained as the result of pastoralists with no material culture moving into a settled farming life and absorbing their neighbors' pottery styles and other cultural forms.

The scholarly consensus seems to be that the story is a brilliant mix of myth, cultural memories and kernels of historical truth. Perhaps, muses Hendel, a small group of Semites who escaped from Egypt became the "intellectual vanguard of a new nation that called itself Israel," stressing social justice and freedom.

Whatever the facts of the story, those core values have endured and inspired the world for more than three millenniums--and that, many say, is the point.

"What are the Egypts I need to free myself from? How does the story inspire me in some way to work for the freedom of all?" asked Rabbi Steven Carr Reuben of Kehillat Israel in Pacific Palisades. "These are the things that matter--not whether we built the pyramids." - Doubting the Story of Exodus


May 4, 2001
L.A. rabbi creates furor by questioning Exodus story

by TOM TUGEND, Jewish Telegraphic Agency

LOS ANGELES -- Passover has passed, but Los Angeles Jews are still heatedly discussing whether the Exodus actually happened.

The controversy, labeled a "hurricane" by the Jewish Journal of Greater Los Angeles, was triggered by Rabbi David Wolpe, the spiritual leader of the Conservative Sinai Temple and the author of numerous popular books on Judaism.

In three sermons at the beginning and end of Passover, Wolpe examined current research in biblical archaeology and concluded that "virtually every modern archaeologist who has investigated the story of the Exodus, with very few exceptions, agrees that the way the Bible describes the Exodus is not the way it happened, if it happened at all."

Some of Wolpe's congregants were shocked, but normally the sermon would have caused only a few ripples within the temple. However, during the latter part of Passover, The Los Angeles Times ran a front page article on biblical archaeology, leading with the Wolpe sermons under the headline, "Doubting the story of the Exodus."

The reaction was strong.

"Everybody was in shock," said Orthodox Rabbi Elazar Muskin of Young Israel of Century City.

Even at liberal congregations, many worshipers asked, "Did he have to say it during Passover?"

Wolpe forcefully defended his position.

"It's a well-known fact that millions of Jews have doubts about the literal veracity of Bible stories. My sermons emphasized that faith is independent of doubt. I wanted the millions of doubting Jews to know that they can still be faithful Jews," Wolpe said in a statement.

"If scholarly books are written that question the literal veracity of Bible stories, it does not help our credibility to pretend that they don't exist. By discussing these books, we maintain the Jewish tradition of sustaining faith by seeking truth," he continued. "Ignoring the books, on the other hand, conveys a message of fear: We are afraid that science will shake our faith. I don't believe it should, and that is why I spoke out."

The controversy continues unabated, however. In the current issue of the Jewish Journal, the entire letters to the editor section is taken up by 17 pro-and-con arguments.

Actor Kirk Douglas, who at 83 celebrated his second bar mitzvah under Wolpe's auspices last year, wrote that "Rabbi Wolpe had tremendous courage to stand up and speak about what is essentially a search for truth. That is the highest form of Jewish learning."

By contrast, Orthodox Rabbi Ari Hier -- the son of Simon Wiesenthal Center founder Rabbi Marvin Hier -- wrote that "Rabbi Wolpe has chosen Aristotle over Maimonides, theories and scientific method over facts."

Earlier, author and national talk show host Dennis Prager sharply attacked Wolpe's thesis in a lengthy article.

"If the Exodus did not occur, there is no Judaism. Judaism stands on two pillars -- Creation and Exodus," Prager wrote. "Judaism no more survives the denial of the Exodus than it does the denial of the Creator."

In an opposing view, Reform Rabbi Steven Leder of Wilshire Boulevard Temple argued that "defending a rabbi in the 21st century for saying the Exodus story isn't factual is like defending him for saying the Earth isn't flat. It's neither new nor shocking to most of us that the Earth is round or that the Torah isn't a history book dictated to Moses by God on Mount Sinai."

Wolpe himself re-emphasized his position in a sermon last week, addressing a jammed sanctuary of 1,300 congregants.

"The Torah is about the spiritual truth of the Jewish people, not about particulars," he said. "Let us be brave together."

Were the 6 million liberated Jewish slaves of the Nazi camps (who were first reported by the New York Times 3 weeks after Hitler's death and 4 months after the liberation of Auschwitz) the grand...grandchildren of the 600,000 liberated Jewish slaves of the Egyptian gulags?

On April 30, 1945, Hitler dies and Germany Surrenders a week later. The 1st news which comes out of Germany is that 6 million Jews are safe and were found working in hidden factories. The news was published in New York Times on May 20, 1945

Published New York Times May 20, 1945 after death of Hitler

The complete news is as under:

Published in New York Times May 20, 1945 after death of Hitler.

Shoah et holocauste nucléaire d'Hiroshima et de Nagasaki...

Moses and the Holocaust

"During World War II, in Nazi-occupied Poland, there lived a baby who learned not to cry."

"But when she could hide him no longer, she got a papyrus basket for him and coated it with tar and pitch. Then she placed the child in it and put it among the reeds along the bank of the Nile."
Exodus 2:3

"Then Pharaoh's daughter went down to the Nile to bathe, and her attendants were walking along the river bank. She saw the basket among the reeds and sent her slave girl to get it."
Exodus 2:5

Polish Jew Shulamit Bastacky was born in August 1941, two months after the Nazis captured her home-town of Vilnius"

Her parents were captured by the Nazis and forced into a concentration camp, miraculously they too survived the Ho£ocaust.

Shulamit Bastacky was raised by a Roman Catholic nun:
"locked up in this basement and cellar, not much light, total isolation"

"Bastacky, said that when she was 4 years old, the nun
bundled her up and placed her near a riverbank.

"I don't know why she did it," she said of the nun.

"That kind of reminds me of the story of little Moses, although I don't have his wisdom," Bastacky added with a smile.

A Lithuanian man discovered Bastacky and took her to a Catholic orphanage, where a small miracle occurred, she said.

"It just so happened that my late father walked into
this particular orphanage," Bastacky said.

Bastacky said she was in poor physical condition, and her father only recognized her because of her birthmark."

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Israel and the Ongoing Holocaust in Congo

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Abbas - The Traitor

Protocols of Zion - The whole book!

Encyclopedia of the Palestine Problem
Encyclopedia of the
Palestine Problem

The "Holocaust" - 120 Questions and Answers

Quotes - On Jewish Power / Zionism

Caricatures / Cartoons 

Activism! - Join the Fight!