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Jewish Prof. Roger Dommergue Demolished the Holocaust and Warned of Worldwide Weimar

Introduction to Prof. Roger Dommergue

Roger Dommergue (full name Roger Dommergue Polacco de Menasce; b. c. 1923) is a French Jewish professor, philosopher, and essayist, known for his writings concerning alternative medicine and his Holocaust revisionism.

The following is a letter and pamphlet written by Dommergue.




Dear Mr. Spielberg,

I wish your honesty to be equal to your very great talent. I saw you on T.V in France. You declared that you would pour out Shoa propaganda in German schools. You mentioned that witnesses would be convinced for good, as to the reality of the Shoah (6-million-gas-chambers). I feel it my duty as a Jew and after 20 years of study of the historical problem of the holocaust, to call your attention to the facts.

Facts are very stubborn and as no one can gainsay them, our congeners have been compelled to make disgusting politicians enact Stalino – Orwellian laws which forbid to mention anything concerning the dogma of the “six-million-gas-chambers”, definitively reduced to perpetual worship of this alchemy.

In case of no respect of silence and worship of the myth, you suffer the penalty of fines or prison or both. Professor Faurisson, who has been studying the subject for 20 years, has been practically massacred. This is utterly ridiculous, but give the Police and the Justice of all countries to Mr Lévy, he will not be ridiculous any more: here is the XXth century!

These laws are, accordingly, the absolute proof of the fake before we study its arithmetical and technical ineptitude. No Sir, you will not find ONE witness who saw 6 million Jews slaughtered. You will not find ONE witness of Zyclon-B – gas chamber’s to exterminate 1000 or 2000 people at a time, close to the crematoria. See my “Shoa Sherlockholmized” herewith: it is the summary of 20 years study on the subject.

The “6-million-gas-chambers myth “is an arithmetic and technical nonsense.

As a matter of fact the howling, snivelling, Shoah business, 50 years after the war, is disgusting, debasing: it is a disgraceful shame. No people in History has ever been wailing about its losses 50 years after a war, even its true and real losses. Even if the 6-million-gas-chambers were true, it would be a dishonour to make such din and pump up so much money everywhere: who were the usurers of the Weimar Republic? You know it as well as I do.

It is all the more so as we know that 6.000.000 is gross exaggeration and that the Zyclon-B gas chambers are a technical impossibility. (See Degesh Trial in 1949). In fact 150,000 or 200,000 Jews died in the German camps of typhus or starvation. Many others died but as fighters against Germany to which we, the Jews, had declared war in 1933! (Herr. Hitler was allergic to the hegemony of gold and of the dollar: so he could give work to six million unemployed, before the functioning of German armament factories!).

Do you know the book published at this period and written by our congener Kaufmann: GERMANY MUST PERISH? We know that 80,000,000 Goyim were slaughtered in the USSR, in a political regime which was entirely Jewish, from Marx and Warburg, to Kaganovitch, Frenkel, Yagoda, the executioners. We know that after 1945 Americans and Russians killed and raped German communities all over Europe from Lithuania to Albania. We know that 1,500,000 German war prisoners were starved to death after the war (a quite famous book was published a few years ago, but is ignored to day). You will find there included in French the text of a rabbi: “A rabbi pleads guilty”: unfortunately I possess neither the German original nor an English translation. You should have it translated.

The Rabbi condemns the Jewish behaviour in Germany 50 years before Nazism and vindicates the emergence of Hitler. As for the harm we have done to Humanity absolutely not redeemed by your excellent films or the virtuosity of Yehudi Menuhin, or the neutron bomb of S.T. Cohen, I wrote a book about it from texts written by important Jews which are much above the most anti-Semitic text written by Goyim.

Simone Weil drew a tragic summary:

 The Jews, this handful of uprooted people, have been the cause of the uprooting of the whole mankind”.

And George Steiner:

For 5000 years we have been talking too much: words of death for us and for the others”.

We know that all the German towns of more than 100,000 people have been destroyed during the last war, with women and children: silence about this real holocaust. If we consider the turn taken by the Shoah business, what you intend to do in Germany is actually the safest way to a heaping up of a huge amount of anti-Jewism the explosion of which will be unique in History. Discretion and moderation must be our behaviour: all the rest is suicide.

Neither “mondialism” nor Orwellian laws for “crime of thought” can prevent antisemitism to explode: only OUR behaviour can. What you do and all the whining and money pumping can only egg it on. It will increase out of reasonable proportions, if there can be a reasonable proportion to antisemitism. I know that it is practically impossible to check our propensity to speculation and that only the abolition of circumcision, the 8th day could (our particularism derives from the disturbance of the 21 days of the 1st puberty, which starts precisely at the 8th day) but we must, at least, try to avoid such blunders as the one you intend to perform in Germany and which would be appalling. I am a great admirer of your films (except the Shindler list: ask his wife and the historical real reality, but this is a minor blunder). I hope you will scrutinize what I send you and escape the folly of the majority of our congeners. I will always answer you if you have the integrity to write to me.

Cordialement à vous.

Signed by: Dr. Roger Dommergue Polacco de Menasce.

Also by Prof. Roger Dommergue:

The «Shoa» Sherlockholmised – By R. Dommergue Polacco de Ménasce

1. Do we know, in the course of History, of an ethnic group which would not rejoice when learning that, in a war ended fifty years before, it had suffered many less losses than it thought? Would the discoverer of such good piece of news, not be rewarded, celebrated? Would he be overwhelmed with heavy fines, would he escape attempted murder, as such was the case with Professor Faurisson? Do such reactions not belong to a heavy case of psychopathy?

2. Have the live skeletons which can be seen in such films as “Night and Fog” (by Alain Resnais), have anything to do with gassing? Are they not the result of famine in the camps because of the systematic bombing of German towns containing more than 100,000 people, “holocausting” hundreds of thousands of women and children who are never mentioned?

3. Where would have been the 4 million Jews (if we consider that 2 millions were killed in battlefields), when it is well known that one camp could not contain more than 60,000 thousand people, and that except in Auschwitz, there was no Zyclon- B gas-chambers? ( there never was any proof of mass gasing with any other gas).

4. Are the witnesses worth anything, when you know that torture was the way to squeeze out evidence. Such was the case of Commandant Hoess whose ludicrous declaration has become a legend. What about the 100 witnesses of gassing in Dachau, when it is official that there was no gas chamber in that camp?

5. 130 kilos of coal are necessary for the cremation of one dead body. We are told that the Germans cremated 1300 corpses a day. U.S.A aircraft took hundreds of pictures of Auschwitz, during the supposed period of the holocaust. (1943-44). Why is there not a single gigantic heap of the necessary coal? Why not a single black coil of smoke?

6. Why do radio, films, press, T.V., continue daily to inflict upon us the myth of the six-million-gas-chambers, in a never ending whining and moaning? Why is the Jewish lobby chasing, 50 years after the end of the war, nonagenarians who attempted to rescue Germany from the iniquity of the Versailles treaty, from the rot of the Weimar Republic, from the collapse of German youth, from the unemployment of 6 million people, who, back to work could give bread to the 21,500,000 persons who were dependent on them?

7. Why does the AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK, issue 43, page 666, inform us that in 1941, there were 3.300.000 Jews in occupied Europe?

8. How is it possible that the gas chambers could be just near the crematoria, when any chemist will tell you that Zyclon-B is hyperflammable?

9. Why are revisionist historians persecuted when they demonstrate the hoax of the Shoa? A scientific dialogue, a court ordered appraisal have been demanded since 1980 about a problem specifically arithmetic and technical. It would seal truth for ever. It would definitively shut the mouths. Such was the case for Katyn, thanks to the revisionist Gorbatchev.

10. How could Zyclon-B gas 1000 people at one time, when it is well known that the USA gas chamber for one ( maximum 2) persons sentenced to death, are of an unheard of complexity and cost? Why, at the trial of the Degesh, which fabricated the Zyclon-B, was it declared in 1949, that gassing in such conditions is impossible and unthinkable?

11. Why did Leuchter, who was in charge of the maintenance of the USA gas chambers, give the firm evidence that there was no gassing in Auschwitz? Why have Austrian and Polish reports confirmed the Leuchter report? Why is the Rudolf report, which analyses all results, forbidden? Why are those who divulge the Rudolf report, heavily sentenced by the law? And yet the slightest care of the quality and accuracy of the report is not taken.

12. Why was, for the first time in History, the doctors degree of Mr Roques, on the “Gerstein report” cancelled? And still, this report was not accepted at the Nuremberg trial! Besides the well known historian, a socialist minister, Alain Decaux, mentioned in the press that ” nobody could have access to the Gerstein report, without passing first through the excellent thesis of M. Roques” Alain Decaux said: “I admired the skill and perfection of a “chartist” performed by M.Roques in his doctors degree on the Gerstein report” (in his book: “la guerre absolue” 1998).

13. Why did Raymond Aron and François Furet at a Sorbonne seminar, (to which no revisionist was invited), (state) that there was not the slightest trace of a written or oral order for the extermination of the Jews?

14. Why is it never spoken of the planning of the extermination of the Germans as expressed in a book written by the Jew Kaufmann (“Germany must perish”), by sterilisation of German men.? It is undoubtedly a small detail?

15. Why Zyclon-B, used by the Germans for hygiene since 1920, could be used in the concentration camps for other purposes than delousing and protection against typhus? Why large quantities of Zyclon-B could be found in camps where it is official that there never was any gasings???

16. Why do they harp on the “six-million-gas-chamber” and never on the 80 million Goyim exterminated in the USSR, by an entirely Jewish political regime, the executioners of which bore the names of Kaganovitch, Yagoda, Frenkel, Firine, Jejoff, Ourenski, Rappaport, and fifty other Jews?

17. Why, during the Zundel trial in Canada, the famous exterminationist Jews disgraced themselves by talking of “poetic licence” in their holocaust assertions, and never came back when summoned by the judges?
18. Why the Fabius-Gayssot law ? (the man of the contaminated blood and another man, a Communist dragging along 200,000,000 corpses).

19. Is it not the supreme proof of the fake? Is it not casting out nines? There is no need of Stalino-Orwellian law “to be put in prison because of ones beliefs” (thought crime of ” 1984 “) as stated M. Toubon, before he became a minister of Justice in France, to set up truth. This law is anti constitutional, anti democratic, against the rights of men. Facts, proofs, pros and cons, are only what we need. Professor Faurisson besought for the granting of a forum with an unlimited number of contradictors: he never obtained it. L’abbé Pierre did ask for it: they pretended to grant it but refused it almost immediately. The forum did take place at the television of Lugano. It was a complete success for the Revisionists and was broadcast twice. Nobody knows it as the media at the beck and call of the Jewish lobby, move their little finger only when authorized.

20. Why is it that when a professor declares that the holocaust is an arithmetic and technical ineptitude, he is forthwith dismissed! This, for the first time in History, sets up the insane concept of religious historical dogma, which in case of non perennial worship, is doomed to be struck by the lightning of the inquisition of a secular state.

21. Why did the EXPRESS, a famous French newspaper, in January 1995, assert that the gas-chamber shown for decades in Auschwitz I, was reconstructed after the war, and that all that concerns it, is false?

22. There was actually a holocaust of 60 million people in a war declared in 1933 by the Jews against Hitler. Hitler had given bread to 6 million unemployed, he had rejected the dictatorship of the dollar and the Jewish totalitarianism which pollute man and the planet and which is called “democracy” by semantic mystification. Only two parties are left: the totalitarian Judeopathy, exterminating man and the planet, and Nationalism for the Goyim not yet cankered by Capitalisto-Marxist Jewish influence.

In “Marianne” Jean François Kahn expresses anger against the bureaucrats of the Jewish World Congress about the despoilment of Jewish property, which ended on the 3rd of March 1998 in Washington. He writes: “They have reduced the Shoah to a financial market. So the typical victim of Nazi barbarity, the archetype of the most frightful genocide of this time, is not the exploited worker in Cracovie, the humble artisan of Lodz, the small civil servant of Kiev, the modest shopkeeper of la rue des Rosiers, or the unknown craftsman of Riga, but the cosmopolitan billionaire who collected Rembrandt and Rubens, slept on a heap of gold signed here and there comfortable insurance policies, sent his children to the U.S.A in order that they should make a brilliant career. This mighty lobby of American oligarchs is not ashamed of reducing the holocaust to a Shoa-business.”
If Faurisson had written what J.F. Kahn wrote he would have had one more trial on his shoulders ! There is not the shadow of a doubt!

By R. Dommergue Polacco de Ménasce

(A Jew who strongly takes issue with the totalitarian Judeopathy)



Revisionist Ernst Zündel interviews Jewish Professor Roger Dommergue Polacco de Ménasce

Alternatives: (Part 1) (Part 2)

An interview with famous Jewish philosopher and French revisionist, the late Prof. Roger Dommergue Polacco de Menasce on the Jewish question, Adolf Hitler and the Third Reich, "the holocaust" and Revisionism. Interviewed by Ernst Zündel for his Samisdat Issue.


The Jews and Six Million

First some newpaper articles from before WW2 on the magical "6 million Jews" figure, then a revealing interview with Roger G. Dommergue Polacco de Ménasce on the so-called Jewish "holocaust".


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French Jewish Prof. Roger G. Dommergue Polacco de Ménasce analyses the post-WW2 silence of respected German philosopher Martin Heidegger on the subject of Auschwitz (holocaust).



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