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our Voice in a World where Zionism, Steel, and Fire, have Turned Justice Mute

Why the "Holocaust" is important to Palestinians and Muslims


April 28, 2001

This issue of the Free Arab Voice (FAV) is dedicated to the necessary connection between the historical review of the "Holocaust" and the worldwide struggle against Zionism. Entries in this issue include:

1) 'Revisionist Historians for Arabs: A Preview', by Ibrahim Alloush

2) Dr. Faurisson's Paper for the Cancelled Beirut Conference. One of the foremost revisionist historians, Robert Faurisson, expounds on the Arab Muslim strategy of tackling Zionism. In this seminal paper, Dr. Faurisson argues that Zionists don't care as much if you speak out against Zionism, or even Judaism, as much as they worry if we speak out on the following list of topics that we frequently brush aside as politically uncouth. Read all about it, straight from the forehead of the teacher of many revisionist historians, including Roger Garaudy.

3) More Sources on Historical Revisionism, and Cancelled Revisionist Conferences and Forums in Beirut and Amman

4) A Short Interview with Dr. Faurisson on the Agonies and Joys of Historical Revisionism.


1) Revisionist Historians for Arabs: A Preview, by Ibrahim Alloush

a) Who are the revisionist historians?

You probably heard through the Zionist-controlled media machine that revisionist historians are a bunch of anti-semitic Christian fundamentalists. The truth, however, is that historical revisionism is NOT an ideology or an ideological current. Among revisionist historians there are Muslims like Roger Garaudy. There are leftists like Pierre Guillaume, Garaudy’s publisher who used to issue a publication called ‘Socialism or Barbarism’, and whose bookstore was attacked and destroyed by the Zionists repeatedly. There are Jews among revisionist historians like Henry Lewkowicz, and there are as well Christians and Christian fundamentalists. Historical revisionism then is not an ideology, but a position, supported with facts and meticulous analyses, on a specific historical event: the ‘Holocaust’. And for taking such a position, many revisionist historians have been fined, fired from their jobs, socially ostracized, and even assassinated. In many countries in Western Europe now, which claim to defend free speech otherwise, expressing views sympathetic to historical revisionism is punishable by law.

b) Do revisionist historians deny that Jews died in WWII?

Revisionist historians do NOT deny that Jews died in the Second World War. They say, however, that hundreds of thousands of Jews died along with the forty five million who perished in that war. The revisionist historians used hard sciences like physics and chemistry in proving that the so-called gas chambers were not used to exterminate Jews systematically. Crematoria, on the other hand, were used to dispose of the corpses of people from different nationalities (after their deaths) to circumvent plagues. Of course, a crematorium is something completely different from a gas chamber. Scientific evidence indicates that the latter never existed. They proved, for example, that Anne Frank died of Typhus, like many others who supposedly died in a systematic campaign by the Nazis. The revisionist historians then dispute: a) the number of Jews who died in WWII, b) how they died, and c) the alleged uniqueness of the death of the Jews in human history. The revisionist historians dispute scientifically the received version of the ‘Holocaust’, not that Jews died in WWII.

c) Why is this important to Palestinians, Arabs, and Muslims?

Many Palestinians, Arabs, and Muslims, frequently voice frustration at the indifference with which Western public opinion treats Palestinian and Arab suffering at the hands of the Zionists. In fact, the Zionists have succeeded in presenting themselves to Western public opinion as a people who were so victimized in the ‘Holocaust’, they practically acquired a free license from the West to do anything to anybody at anytime with impunity. Palestinians, Arabs, and Muslims frequently say when the ‘Holocaust’ is cited in defense of the Zionist movement that if there had been a ‘Holocaust’, why should they be the ones to pay for it? After all, nobody, even the Jews, accuses the Arabs of perpetrating the ‘Holocaust’!

But things are not so simple. The myths of the ‘Holocaust’ are extremely important for the Zionist movement. For example:

i) the claim that the Jews were systematically exterminated in WWII, provides the argument for the need for a safe haven for the Jews, i.e., the need for “Israel”. This myth basically provides a justification for the rape of Palestine. As Uri Avenary put it in a recent article, the Jews are like a man who jumped from a burning building only to land on somebody’s head, and the Jews landed on the heads of the Palestinians. He says blithely that the [real] dislocation of a few hundred thousand Palestinians cannot be compared of course to the [alleged] extermination of a several million Jews, but the Palestinians have been the victims of the ‘victims’, and this is why the world won’t support them as it supported the blacks of South Africa.

ii) the claim that the Jews were exterminated in a way unparalleled in human history, i.e., the argument of the uniqueness of Jewish deaths, provides a justification for “Israel” and the Zionist movement to violate every ethical and legal code in the book, and to persecute opponents, like the revisionist historians and the Arabs, without any reprimand, even with sympathy, from the West.

iii) the claim that the countries and the peoples of the West bear a collective guilt for the alleged ‘Holocaust’ lies at the heart of the support that Western public opinion furnishes “Israel” and the Zionist movement. This collective guilt has been a very lucrative source of financial compensation and moral support, without which “Israel” could not have been established or sustained.

It is because revisionist historians of different ideological backgrounds quarrel with all of the claims above that they represent such a serious threat to the Zionist movement. They basically threaten the lifeline of Zionism in the West. Thus, their importance as a crucial ally to the Palestinians, Arabs, and Muslims, should not be missed by any of us, and by the defenders of truth and justice anywhere in the world.

On the other hand, there are Palestinians, Arabs, and Muslims who were duped by the supporters of Zionism into thinking that to get the Palestinian cause accepted in the West, they have to pay homage to the Zionist version of the ‘Holocaust’, and to participate in the persecution of revisionist historians. In fact, this is extremely self-destructive behavior. By accepting the claims of the Zionists about the ‘Holocaust’, we would be effectively setting the stage for:

i) accepting the rape of Palestine and the legitimacy of the Jewish invasion of Palestine, by accepting the Zionist narrative on how the Jews ‘had to’ come to Palestine.

ii) accepting implicitly the motives for Western political, financial, and moral support for “Israel”, and thus obstructing sincere efforts by many Arab activists to garner support for the Palestinian cause in the West.

iii) accepting implicitly part of the motives for the siege on Iraq, since Iraq is viewed first and foremost as a threat to “Israel”. The memory of how the ancient Iraqis obliterated the ancient kingdom of Israel several thousand years ago intertwine with the Hollowcause here to provide a background of a people under a continuous threat to maintain support for the siege, more than ten years after the Iraqi withdrawal from Kuwait. When claims are spread that Iraq represents a threat to the neighboring countries, who do you think is meant here?

Thus, it is counter-productive for an Arab to gain individual acceptance in the West by conceding to the Zionist narrative on the ‘Holocaust’. The price of that individual acceptance is the national rights of the Palestinian Arab people. It’s not worth it!

d) Should we accept everything about revisionist historians?

Of course not! Historical revisionism is a research project underway. As said earlier, revisionist historians are not one monolithic prototype. Historical revisionism has obtained some useful results, but it remains lacking in many points.

For example, upon reading the literature of many revisionist historians, I noticed that they do not give enough attention to the role and interest of Western governments in forcibly maintaining the myths of the ‘Holocaust’. The dilemma can be paraphrased like this: if we agree that the death of the Jews in WWII is neither unique nor unparalleled, and if we agree the numbers were highly over exaggerated and that gas chambers were not used to exterminate Jews, but that crematoria were used to fight diseases emanating from corpses, we are left with a big question which is WHY DID THE JEWS COME TO PALESTINE THEN?

In fact, it is historically proven that European colonial powers blocked the immigration of Jews on and off in an attempt to force them to go to Palestine. Why did they do that?

European colonial powers had an interest in creating an alien demographic barrier in the midst of the Arab World, in Palestine, as is evident from the correspondences of Viscount Palmerston, the British Ambassador in Istanbul, and Lord Rotschield in the first half of the nineteenth century. That’s when the idea of creating a colonial base in Palestine first came into being, after Muhammad Ali Pasha of Egypt succeeded in uniting the Arab east with Egypt and the Sudan.

The need for that colonial base, i.e., the colonial need for “Israel”, remains as indispensable today as it was in the first half of the nineteenth century. Hence, mobilizing public support for “Israel” in Western democratic societies, and justifying all the financial, political, and moral support rendered to it, necessitate that Western public opinion embrace the myths of the ‘Holocaust’ wholeheartedly. Mind you, this happens NOT because poor Western governments are manipulated by some Zionist conspiracy, but because Western governments derive strategic benefits from creating and maintaining a colonial base that would split the eastern and Western parts of the Arab World and weaken it.

To attribute all support for “Israel” by Western governments to Zionist influence is to miss the point behind the dynamics of imperialism, divide and conquer strategies, and economic exploitation. In fact, attributing all Western support to “Israel” to Zionist influence there would set the stage for another political mishap that many Arabs make: deluding oneself into pandering to neo-colonial policies of Western governments in the illusion of winning them over against Zionism. The first political mishap, of course, is that of pandering to Zionists in the illusion of winning over the West! These are in fact two sides of the same coin. We cannot afford to miss the symbiotic relationship between Zionism and imperialism. By getting the Jews to play their reactionary geopolitical role in Palestine, through “Israel”, imperialism and Zionist movement have exposed them to serious danger. That is the real threat the Jews should be aware of. We are not the threat. We are only a people who will not stop at anything to get their LAND back.

Ibrahim Alloush


2) Dr. Faurisson's Paper to the Cancelled Revisionist Conference in
Beirut:  What Hurts the Zionists More?

Please go to:


3) More Sources on Historical Revisionism, and Cancelled Revisionist Conferences and Forums in Beirut and Amman

a) For References on the "Holocaust": The most recent perhaps on this topic is Dissecting the Holocaust (Theses and Dissertations Press, Alabama/USA 2000), the most important revisionist work which extensively discusses all important aspects of the "Holocaust" story.

The most thourough study of Jewish population losses during World War Two is Walter Sanning's "The Dissolution of Eastern European Jewry" (I.H.R., 1983).

In 1991, the adherents of the Holocaust story tried to counter Sanning's book by publishing a work defending the tradtional six million figure. This book (Wolfgang Benz, "Dimension des Voelkermords", Munich 1991) has never been translated into English.

In "Dissecting the Holocaust", Germar Rudolf has compared the two works and exposed the blantantly fraudulent methods used by Benz to corroborate the official figure.

For a no-nonsense analysis of the Anne Frank Diaries, go to:

The Israeli Holocaust Against the Arabs virtual museum is online at:

To read on the fraud of the six-million figure, please go to:

For Jewish population losses in the German sphere of influence during the World War II (by Jurgen Graf):

For the website of the Institute of Historical Review in the U.S., go to:

b) For News on the Cancelled Forum in Amman:


4) A Short Interview with Dr. Faurisson on the Joys and Agonies of Historical Revisionism


19 January 2001

Answers to Andrea Colombo (of the Italian Libero)

1. I was born on January 25, 1929, in England to a French father and a Scottish mother. I possess British citizenship together with French. Married, with three children, I have lived in Vichy since 1957. I used to teach French, Latin and Greek in Lycées. Then, as assistant professor, I taught Modern French Literature at the University of Paris (Sorbonne). From 1974, at a University in Lyon, I taught Modern French Literature along with « Analysis of Texts and Documents (Literature, History, Media) ». Because of my revisionist views, which I had expressed only outside the University, I was forbidden from lecturing as of May 1979. My tenure was taken away in 1990 by a sleight of hand on the part of Lionel Jospin who at the time was Minister of Education and who is now Prime Minister. Jewish organisations had led numerous campaigns and exerted pressure so as to get me fired, and they eventually succeeded.

2. I am apolitical and an atheist. [Please note that Dr. Faurisson here is dispelling the claim that revisionist historians are all Christian fundamentalists - FAV].

3. I have been assaulted more than ten times. On 19 September 1989 I was nearly killed by Jews. A young man saved me but, the next day, learning my name in the local newspaper, he told the police that he regretted his intervention. The police ended up concluding that my three assailants probably belonged to a group of « young Jewish activists in Paris ». They then dropped their inquiries. I knew that the three Jews in question had been guided by another Jew in Vichy, who himself had already assaulted me on 12 July 1987. But I had no time and no money to pursue the case, and experience had taught me that it would have been to no avail since in France Jews have the right to do whatever they want against those believed to be « anti-Semites ». In such cases the courts usually decide that the Jews have acted « in good faith » regardless of whether such acts are forbidden by law.

4. In July 1990, Jews like Chief Rabbi René-Samuel Sirat and Professor Pierre Vidal-Naquet, acting in concert with the country’s principal Jewish organisations, obtained the passage of a special law against Historical Revisionism. It is commonly called the « Fabius-Gayssot law » or sometimes « Lex Faurissonia ». Fabius is a Jew and a Socialist while Gayssot is a Communist. That law forbids one to express even a doubt about the so-called « Holocaust ». If found guilty one may be sent to jail for a year, fined up to FFr 300,000 and sanctioned still otherwise.

5. There is no debate between Revisionists and Exterminationists. For years and years we have been asking for such a debate. The answer has been, in P. Vidal-Naquet’s words : « One may debate on the Revisionists but not with the Revisionists ».

6. Our adversaries claim that we are « deniers ». In fact, I have not denied anything. Galileo Galilei did not « deny » at all. He affirmed several things, as conclusions of his research. As a conclusion of my own research undertakings, which were essentially of a physical or historical nature, I affirmed in 1980 that the alleged genocide of the Jews, the alleged Nazi gas chambers and the alleged Six Million victims constituted one and the same historical lie. Whereas, for his part, Ernst Nolte is definitely not a Revisionist; he is only a « Retouchiste » as I would say in French, an alterations tailor. He still claims that he is a true believer in official history and in the kosher version of World War II history.

7. During the war, many Jews died and many survived. It should be possible to determine what « many » means in either case but the archives, especially those of the International Tracing Service in Arolsen-Waldeck (Germany), are closed to the Revisionists.

8. I happened to find that there were in fact no execution gas chambers in Auschwitz and that the room which visitors there were shown had been first a simple mortuary and, later on, an air-raid shelter but French Justice and legislation decided that I could no longer say so. So I do not say so anymore because I haven’t enough money for the heavy fines I would have to pay if I dared. Which is rather strange since, in 1995, an antirevisionist French historian finally admitted, without being sued thereafter, that the « gas chamber » visited by millions of tourists in Auschwitz-I was nothing but a fake « as demonstrated by Faurisson already at the end of the 70s ». This historian went so far as to add that a certain lady in charge of the Auschwitz Museum, whose name he gave, admitted that it was a fake; she added that telling the truth to the visitors would be « too complicated » (See Eric Conan, « Auschwitz : la mémoire du mal », L’Express, 19-25 janvier 1995, p.68).

9. « Extermination camp » is an expression invented by the Allies.

10. Rudolf Hoess, one of the three successive commandants of Auschwitz camp (not to be confused with Rudolf Hess who landed in May 1941 in Britain) made quite a few nonsensical confessions, especially to the British. We knew that it was because he had been tortured. In 1983, a Jew belonging to the British Field Security Police described how he had himself tortured Hoess in 1946 and obtained those confessions (See Rupert Butler, Legions of Death, London, Arrow Books, 1983, page of Acknowledgments and p. 234-238). The Jew was proud of having tortured an « SS ».

11. In concentration camps during the war many Jews as well as non-Jews died from starvation, disease, sickness and overwork. Even outside the camps typhus, for example, raged; such was the case in 1943 in Southern Italy. The same thing happened after the war to millions of Germans deported by the Allies.

12. In order to try and protect life and health, Germans used different products as ways and means for disinfecting, delousing and disinfestation. One of the products was known by the « Zyklon B » trademark. It was invented in 1922. It is still used today although the name has had to be changed. Basically it is hydrogen cyanide acid (HCN). It is powerful and dangerous to handle. Only trained personnel can use it and only whilst taking drastic precautions. The « exterminator » (this is the right word in English even today for “vermin destroyer”) may kill himself if he is not extremely careful.

13. Of course HCN can kill human beings. It is used in American penitentiaries’ gas chambers to execute persons sentenced to death. But there is a terrible danger for the executioners (that is, the doctor and his two attendants) who have to enter the gas chamber after the execution. You cannot enter a place with HCN except with a special gas mask and only after a long and thorough mechanical ventilation. You may also be poisoned simply by touching the corpse’s skin. You must not make any physical effort in a room with full of HCN, even wearing a gas mask. This is why since 1924 the Americans have had a necessarily complicated, sophisticated and expensive « gas chamber » with which to execute only one person. I have never understood, and nobody has explained to me, how it could have been possible for anyone to enter one of those fantastic Nazi gas chambers and to work in it, handling and transporting hundreds or thousands of dead bodies.

14. Ovens were used, as is today the case, to incinerate dead bodies. In every place where there has been grave danger of epidemics such crematoria have been needed. They were essential in Auschwitz where it was impossible to bury bodies because of the high groundwater level.

15. Schindler’s List is a fictional account based on a novel that was formally conceived as such. The true story was very different. In his cinematic fiction Spielberg failed to show us a Nazi gas chamber.

16. Many people think they have been shown a Nazi gas chamber either while visiting a camp, or in a film, or in a photo, or in a book. In fact, they have never been shown such a chemical slaughterhouse as a complete building with its machinery, its procedure, etc. There are sometimes models to be found in certain museums. They are purely fictitious. Such « gas chambers » would never have functioned. This is why in the museums they prefer showing you hair or shoes officially supposed, though for no apparent reason, to be the hair or shoes of the gassed. For years I had been asking: « Show me or draw me a Nazi gas chamber! » I have received no answer except insults, assaults, legal claims and so on.

17. The Germans had a « territorial final solution of the Jewish question » (territoriale Endlösung der Judenfrage), which was to give the Jews a territory of their own in the future. National-Socialists and Zionists agreed on that. Many Zionists collaborated with Adolf Eichmann who was a Zionist and a friend of those Jews. That solution had to be postponed to some time after the war. Meanwhile, many Jews were transported or deported to the Eastern part of Europe. Those able to work had to work. The others had to stay behind, to wait and often to suffer, mostly from the dreadfully bad conditions of war and blockade. Many Jewish children died and many survived. In the German cities many German children were killed and sometimes so were Jewish children in those same cities. Please note that the adjective « territorial » is generally omitted by Germany’s accusers.

18. In every war you have massacres of innocent civilians. This happened to Jewish people but I have found no trace of any policy of killing the Jews. No order, no plan, no instruction, no budget for such a policy. On the contrary, I have found that German military tribunals convicted, sometimes sentencing to death, German soldiers, officers or civil servants for having killed only one Jew or one Jewess (in Poland, USSR, Hungary).

19. In December 1980 I summarized the result of my research on a radio station in a sixty-word French sentence which was: « The alleged Nazi gas chambers and the alleged genocide of the Jews are one and the same historical lie, which has opened the way to a gigantic political-financial swindle, whose principal beneficiaries are the State of Israel and world Zionism and whose principal victims are the German people – but not their leaders – and the entire Palestinian people ».

20. Ten years later, in 1990, with the Lex Faurissonia, I was officially told that my conclusions were wrong. I suppose that sometimes professors need to learn from the judges what history is all about. Without law courts historians might not be able to see where exactly historical accuracy lay. Nowadays, thanks to our French politicians and judges we, Revisionists, realize that no longer is any discussion, dispute or research permissible which would endanger the general belief that the Genocide (with a capital « G ») of the Jews and, at a much lower level, the genocide (with a small « g ») of the Armenians really took place in the way the interested parties, that is, the Jews and the Armenians, say it took place. We are left with no choice: we have to obey like children and to repeat verbatim our masters’ lessons. Thus we are like the little dog listening to his master’s voice. If we want to eat we have to bark in tune. This is now the case nearly all over the world, perhaps even including the Internet in the near future. We are living in Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World (1932) and George Orwell’s 1984 (written in 1948).

Good luck and best wishes to the historians!

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