Lobby's influence on Israeli policy due to skill in Congress
New York Times News Service
WASHINGTON -- The Reagan administration notified Congress at 5:57 p.m. Friday, May 29, of its intention to sell 1,600 Maverick antitank missiles to Saudi Arabia.
Within half an hour, lobbyists from the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, the only group registered to lobby Congress on legislation affecting Israel, were on the telephone to legislators about the proposal.
Over the next 13 days, the committee mobilized its nationwide network of supporters with a series of memorandums and telephone calls urging them to lobby Congress.
Though it is unclear whether the committee, known as AIPAC, can take all the credit, more than 260 members of Congress co-sponsored resolutions to block the sale, prompting President Reagan to withdraw it.
To some, like Rep. Henry Hyde, R-Ill., the incident demonstrated that the lobbyists from AIPAC were, in his words, "extremely effective" on Capitol Hill.
AIPAC's influence over the executive branch is a result, in part, of its skills in lobbying Congress.
Interviews with dozens of lawmakers, politicians and present and former AIPAC officials provide a picture of how the lobby actually works -- how it seeks to inform and influence members of Congress, both in Washington and back home.
The AIPAC lobbyists "are professionals in every sense of the word," said Hyde, a member of the House Intelligence and Foreign Affairs committees who has often clashed with them over arms sales and other issues. "They bring clarity of purpose with passionate commitment to everything they do. They are never ambiguous. The president's foreign policy should be so effective."
The AIPAC lobby is a well-oiled machine, a model for other lobbies in a technological age, and there is no evidence to suggest that its effectiveness has been diminished by the disclosure of Israel's role in either the Iran-Contra affair or the case of Jonathan Jay Pollard, the Washington intelligence analyst convicted last year of spying for Israel.
According to members of Congress, AIPAC is one of the most successful lobbies on Capitol Hill for these reasons: It has a simple, coherent message and is motivated by single minded devotion to a cause. Unlike business lobbies, the AIPAC lobbyists are not seeking financial benefits for their members.
Though AIPAC does not endorse or give money to candidates, it is perceived as influencing many campaign contributions. Israel's friends in Congress are often rewarded with such contributions from individual AIPAC members and from pro-Israel political action committees.
Many in Congress are predisposed to help Israel. Morris Amitay, former executive director of AIPAC, said that any legislation deemed important to Israel starts with "a consistent, reliable base" of 200 supporters in the 435-member House and 40 to 45 of the 100 senators.
A lobby is only as good as the quality of the information it supplies to members of Congress, and lawmakers say that AIPAC generally supplies timely and reliable information.
Thomas Dine, executive director of AIPAC and one of its six registered lobbyists, is continually urging the 55,000 members to become citizen lobbyists. "Issues are won or lost on Capitol Hill not because of what takes place in Washington, but because of what constituents want", he said in an interview.
Jews Who Run USA (during the Clinton era)
7.1. The intensification of armaments, the increase of police forces - are all essential... there should be in all the States of the world, besides ourselves, only the masses of the proletariat, a few millionaires devoted to our interests, police and soldiers.
7.2. Throughout Europe... we must create ferments, discords and hostility... we must use great cunning... during negotiations... we shall keep... the mask of honesty... In this way... the Goyim... will still continue to accept us as the... saviours...
7.5. We must compel the governments of the GOYIM to take action in the direction favored by our widely conceived plan... by what we shall represent as public opinion, secretly promoted by us through the means... of the press, which, with a few exceptions that may be disregarded, is already entirely in our hands.
15.4. We shall create... free masonic lodges... the members... will be almost all the agents of international and national police... the police is in a position... to use its own particular measures with the insubordinate...
15.5. People who... enter into secret societies are... mostly light-minded, with whom we shall have no difficulty... but if there should arise in its midst a plot, then at the head of that plot will be no other than one of our most trusted servants...
15.6. The GOYIM enter the lodges... in the hope... to get a nibble at the public pie... they thirst for the emotion of success and applause, of which we are... generous...
15.7. To bring them to such a pitch of stupid blindness is it not a proof of the degree to which the mind of the Goyim is undeveloped in comparison with our mind?
15.8. We have not counted the victims of the GOY cattle... but for that we have given them such a position on the earth as they could not even have dreamed of...