Palestinians won't get their independence until Americans get theirs!
Ariel Sharon:
"We control America""Every time we do something you tell me America will do this and will do that . . . I want to tell you something very clear: Don't worry about American pressure on Israel. We, the Jewish people, control America, and the Americans know it."
- Israeli Prime Minister, Ariel Sharon, October 3, 2001.
"Israel controls the United States Senate."
- Sen. William Fulbright
The everlasting Jewish role in the U.S. government
The grossly disproportionate number of Jews in Clinton's recent appointments reflects not the proportion of Jews in the American population (3 to 4%), but rather the fact that Clinton is well aware of the phenomenal power which Jews wield in the United States, including their extensive control of the American media. The news media are in a position virtually to control American politics. The vast majority of Jewish votes, perhaps 90% went to Clinton.
The following list of Clinton's appointments is based on carefully compiled data. Note, though, that this list refers to Jews appointed by Clinton, in his first administrative period. As soon as the new data, of the judaised Clinton administration of 1997, is compiled, it will be published. Especially as Jews such as Madeleine Albright and William Cohen have advanced even further since the last election. They are now in 1997, US minister of foreign affairs and US minister of defence, respectively. Two other important Jews in the so-called "American" "peace-effort" in the Middle East, not named in the list, are the two Zionist Jews Dennis Ross and Martin Indyk.
List of the Jews in President Clinton´s First Administration
Albright, Madeleine K. ..............Jewess.......................U.S. Ambassador to the U.N.
Altman, Roger ..........................Jew.................................Deputy to Secretary Bentson
Baird, Zoe ...............................Jewess.............................Attorney General (Declined Post)
Berger, Samuel ........................Jew..................................National Security Deputy Head
Boorstin, Robert ......................Jew..................................Communications Aide
Boykin, Keith ..........................Jew..................................Communications Aide
Dreyer, David ..........................Jew..................................Communications Aide
Eisenstat, Stuart E. ...................Jew..................................Asst. Secretary of State: Security
Eller, Jeff .................................Jew...................................Communications Aide
Feder, Judith ...........................Jewess..............................Advisor to Secretary of Health
Gober, Hershel .......................Jew...................................Asst. Secty. for Veterans' Affairs
Herman, Alexis .......................Jew...................................Secty. to President: Public Works
Kantor, Mickey ......................Jew...................................U.S. Trade Representative
Klain, Ron ..............................Jew...................................Third White House Counsel
Kunin, Madeleine ...................Jewess...............................Assistant Secretary of Education
Kusnet, David ........................Jew....................................Communications Aide
Lewis, Samuel ........................Jew....................................Director of Strategy
Ludwig, Eugene A. .................Jew....................................Director of the Mint (Jew of course)
Magaziner, Ira ........................Jew....................................Cheif Advisor: Security Questions
Newman, Frank N. ................Jew....................................Asst. Secretary of State: Finance
Nussbaum, Bernard ................Jew....................................White House Counsel
Oxman, Stephen A. .................Jew...................................Asst. Secretary of State: Europe
Paster, Howard .......................Jew...................................Presidential Secty. for Congress
Pena, Federico F. ....................Jew...................................Secretary of Transportation
Rahm, Emanuel ........................Jew...................................Presidential Secty. Political Affairs
Reich, Robert ...........................Jew...................................Secretary of Labor
Rivlin, Alice ..............................Jewess..............................Deputy Director: O.M.B.
Rubin, Robert E. ......................Jew...................................Head: Counsel Economic Advisors
Segal, Eli ..................................Jew...................................Director: Office of Nat'l Service
Seidman, Ricki .........................Jewess..............................Communications Aide (Research)
Schifter, Richard .......................Jew..................................U.S. Ambassador to Israeli
Spero, Joan Edelman ................Jewess.............................Asst. Secty. State: Econ. Affairs
Summers, Lawrence H. ............Jew..................................Asst. Secty. State for Policy
Tarnoff, Peter ...........................Jew..................................Asst. Secty. State: Pol. Affairs
Waldman, Michael ...................Jew..................................Communications Aide
Article from the American Jewish magazine "Jewish Post", 16/9-1992:
Clinton Advisers: 5 of 7 are Jewish
NEW YORK - Of the seven advisers on whom Gov. Clinton relies, at least five are Jewish and perhaps six.
They are Robert Reich, 45, a professor of Harvard's John F. Kennedy School of Government; Ira Magaziner, 45, president of SJS, Inc.; Robert J. Shapiro, 42, vice president of the Progressive Policy Institute; Samuel R. Berger, 46, former deputy director of the State Department policy planning staff; and Michael Mandelbaum, 45, professor and director of American foreign policy studies at the Nitze School of Advanced International Studies at Johns Hopkins University.
Today, our President William Clinton has gone overboard in appointing anti-Christ Jews to high government positions. Although he claims to be born again Christian Southern Baptist, he has not appointed one White Anglo-Saxon to a high government position. Here are a few of the Jews who now occupy high position in our government, listed alphabetically:
ADLER, Karen - Director of State Department Policy.ALBRIGHT, Madeline - Secretary of State.
APFEL, Richard - Chief of Social Security.
BERGER, Samuel - Head of National Security Council.
BOSKIN, Stanley - Economic Policy Advisor.
BREUER, Lanny - Special Counsel of the President.
BREYER, Stephen - Supreme Court Justice.
BROMWICH, Mike - Inspector General of the FBI.
COHEN, David - CIA Director of Operations.
COHEN, William - Secretary of Defense.
DIAMOND, Paul - Head of Economic Policy.
EISENSTAT, Struart - Under Secretary of the Treasury.
EISNER, Hal - Director of Bureau of Intelligence.
GINSBURG, Ruth - Supreme Court Justice.
GLICKMAN, Dan - Secretary of Agriculture.
GREENSPAN, Alan - Chairman of the Federal Reserve.
HANS, Ellen, - Assistant Secretary of Education.
HOLBROOKE, Richard - Special Representative to NATO.
KESSLER, David - Chief of Food & Drug Administration.
KLEIN, Joel - Assistant Attorney General.
LEHMAN, Bruce - Head of U.S. Patent Office.
LIPTON, David - Under Secretary of the Treasury.
MAGAZINER, Ira - Head of National Health Care Policy.
PLTOFSKY, Robert - Chairman Federal Trade Commission.
RAHM, Emanuel - Director of Communications.
ROSS, Stanley - Member of the National Security Council.
RUBIN, James - Under Secretary of State.
SHERBURNE, Jane - White House Counsel.
SPERLING, Gene - Head of National Economic Council.
TARNOFF, Peter - Deputy Secretary of State.
TENET, George - CIA Chief.
WAXMAN, Seth - Acting Solicitor General.
YELLEN, Jannet - Head Council of Economic Advisors.
These are but some of the more than 100 Jews, Clinton has appointed to high government positions.
The first class up for control became important newspapers such as the New York Times, The Washington Post, The London Times, Les Debats, and ''Independence Beige in France.
At the present time (1982), more than 47 major weekly magazines, with a circulation of over 79-million, are either directly owned or controlled by Jews. Listed below are a few of them:
Name of Magazine Circulation Ownership or Control TV Guide 19,168,096 Walter H. Annenberg McCalls 6,801,287 Robert Stein, Editor Good housekeeping 5,250,597 Harrison Aaron Mitnick, Tresurer Time 4,325,270 Andrew Heiskell, Chairman of Board News week 2,928,484 Katherine Meyer Graham,
Chairman of BoardSports Illustrated 2,267,747 Andrew Heiskell, Chairman of Board U.S. News and World Report 2,036,140 Lester Tanzer, Editor Esquire 1,208,390 Stanley Spregel, V.P. Sports Afield 1,123,686 Harrison Aaron Mitnick, Tresurer
In the even more important field of daily news, 909 major newspapers, with a daily distribution of 49-million, are Jewish owned/or controlled as noted:
Name of Daily Paper Circulation Ownership or Control Wall Street Journal 1,406,192 Warren Henry Philip, President New York Daliy News 1,941,917 L. W. Gold, Advertising Manager Los Angeles Times 1,000,866 Simon Ramo, Director New York Times 906,498 Arthur Ochs Sulzberger, President Chicago Tribune 750,707 Edward Engle, V.P. Detroit News 626,801 B. Gingold, V.P. Detroit Free Press 623,846 John Livingstone Weinberg, Director Chicago Sun Times 554,334 Howard A. Seitz, Director Philadelphia Bulletin 553,304 Herbert Shugar, Director Washington Post 534,400 Katherine Meyer Graham,
Chairman of BoardNew York Post 517,982 Byron S. Greenberg, V.P.
NOTE: There may have been some change in ownership and control, as this list was made some years ago, and Jewish control has increased tremendously since then.In addition to the above, there are more than 17 daily newspapers with a circulation between 250,000 and 500,000 which are Jewish owned/and controlled, including such newspapers as the San Francisco Chronicle, the Miami Herald, the St. Louis Post Dispatch, the Atlanta Journal, the Indianapolis Star, the Boston Globe, the Kansas City Times, and the Omaha Herald.
Add to this the nation's major TV networks - ABC, CBS, NBC, and Metro-Media, and the major Hollywood movie studios, and you begin to realize the tremendous control Jewry exerts over the thinking of the American public, including countless millions of Christians.
Public attention was called to this fact a few years ago, when General George Brown, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and former Vice President Spiro Agnew, were forced to leave their jobs over remarks they had made about the Jews which were not considered to be politically proper. Both of these men suffered when they tried to warn their countrymen about the plans of Zionism.
A corporate director, or an editorial manager of Jewish descent, may not be Zionist, but it is reasonable assumption that his sympathies will coincide with those of International Jewry, especially when his job depends on it, and this feeling, no doubt will be translated into biased accounts which interfere with any objective reporting of the news.
The bias of a news director can easily be passed down to his subordinates over lunch, cocktails, or even in the executive washroom. As you must know, pay and promotions usually depend on the good will of the boss, and very few reporters have the guts to buck the boss' wishes.
Within a large newspaper chain, such as those owned by the New York Times, or the Knight-Rider Newspapers, Inc., individual papers may vary in their editorial positions on many issues, some may be pro-Republican, while others will be pro-Democrat. When it comes to Jewry, they will be 100% pro-Israeli. Word from the top has a way of filtering down to the lowest reporter and if he wants to keep his or her job, the must toe the Zionist line.
The three major TV networks and Hollywood have been under Jewish control for a long time, and major newspapers such as the New York Times and the Washington Post have been under Jewish control from the beginning. Other once great newspapers such as the chicago Tribune which was at one Lime noted for its conservative Christian stand under the direction of Colonel McCormick, have now been taken over by Jews and serve Jewish purposes. The same is true with organizations such as Walt Disney World in Florida. Today under Jewish control, this once family oriented amusement park, has become the dwelling place of all kinds of foul moral beasts, while it's theme is now anti-Christian.
It is interesting to note that the so-called Wall Street Journal and the extremely liberal New York Times, cooperated in the defense of the Jew Helmuth Sonnenfeldt, who was counselor of the U.S. State Department under the Zionist Secretary of State, Henry Kissinger, when he was opposed by some in Congress to an appointment as Under Secretary of the Treasury for Monetary Affairs. These newspapers defended him when serious charges were brought against him, accusing him of transferring highly classified military information to the Israeli government. In their defense, the positions of these two newspapers were identical. The impact of this influence in the newspapers, is compounded when we add TIMES, NEWSWEEK, and U.S. NEWS AND WORLD REPORT, to Zionist positions.
The major Jewish influence is on the few non-Jewish newspapers and commentators who are often forced into taking a Jewish stance in order to stay in business. The late Dorothy Thompson who was an influential commentator for years, lost all of her outlets, when she spoke out against Zionism. Joseph Kraft and C.L. Sulkenberger are two examples of pro-Zionists columnists, who while their stand was repugnant to many Christian readers, still held high paying positions because they are willing to brown-nose the Zionists. There is no need to speak out about men like Peter Jennings, who make great show on their TV programs, while being paid prostitutes of Judaism!
The Jewish mechanics in controlling small newspapers is to cut off it's advertising and shut off it's paper supplies. As a result, very few independent newspapers will buck the Zionist line.
There are several vicious Jewish commentators on TV, such as CBS Sixty Minutes, the 20/20 Show, and at one time the PHIL DONAHUE SHOW. All these are distinctly liberal, pro-Zionist, and anti-Christian and are all run by Jews.
Please do also read:
- Clinton´s List - The Jews who run Clinton and the USA
- The Jews Who run Clinton´s Court - article from Israeli newspaper Ma´Ariv
- Clinton: The best president the American Jewish community has ever known
- What George Washington and Benjamin Franklin said about the Jews?
- The Jewish Laundry of Drug Money - article from Israeli newspaper Ma´Ariv
- The Jewish US. Ambassadors
- Who Rules Hollywood And TV Today?
See also
- Obama’s Jews… Change We Can’t Believe In - a list of USA:s new Jewish rulers
a list compiled 20 Jan 2009
- The Jews in the Bush Administration