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Israel's Grand Design: Leaders Crave Area from Egypt to Iraq

By John Mitchell Henshaw


Nearly 34 years ago, an America-firster used The American Mercury magazine to warn of the danger posed by Zionism and its rule of Washington and the Mideast. John Henshaw wrote this article shortly after Israel laid claim to the annexed land  during 1967 Arab-Israeli war. This article first appeared in the spring of 1968. 


The metamorphosis of tiny Israel from a midget to a giant is in the making. The grand design of Judaic-Zionist expansionist doctrine is to seize all the oil-rich lands from the shores of the Euphrates to the banks of the Nile.

In defining the aims of Zionism, Hebrew scholar Levnoch Osman recently said: "In our eternal Book of Books (the Torah), the lofty ethical teachings of which are cherished by all mankind, the land of Israel is described not as a long, narrow strip of land with wavy, crooked borders, but as a state with broad natural borders. God has promised to Patriarch Abraham the following: 

"I give unto them the land where they have sown their seed, from the river of Egypt unto the great river of Euphrates’ (Genesis 15:18). And so, in order to realize the words of this prophecy, the Israeli state had to continue, not in the borders it has today but within its broad historical boundaries."

And as far back as 1952 Moshe Dayan, the present Israeli defense minister, declared:  

"Our task consists of preparing the Israeli army for the new war approaching in order to achieve our ultimate goal, the creation of an Israeli empire."

The British historian Arnold J. Toynbee, who served as an adviser on Near Eastern affairs to the British delegation at the Versailles Conference, in a newspaper article published in June last year stated the Zionist aims in these words: 

We are Jews, the living representatives of Judah, one of the 12 tribes of Israel that conquered most of Palestine in the 13th century B.C. We held Judah’s share of the conquered territory for seven centuries, till we were deported by Nebuchadnezzer in 587 B.C. We were back again within less than half a century, and we then held Judea, once more, for the next 773 years, till we were evicted by the Romans in A.D. 135. We have never renounced our claim to the land of Israel. We have always hoped, believed, and proclaimed that we shall get this land back again. It is our land, we contend.

After another 1,883 years we did recover a foothold there in 1918, and during the half-century since then, by devoted hard work, ability and military valor, we have built up our present national State of Israel, and have inflicted three smashing defeats on the Arabs, who have been trying to evict us again.

We want to have a country of our own again, like other peoples and like our own ancestors. We also need to have a country of our own, because, since the conversion of the Roman empire to Christianity in the fourth century A.D., we have been penalized and persecuted by the Western Christian majority among whom we have had to live.

The persecution has culminated in the unprecedented crime of genocide, which has been committed against us in our lifetime by a Western people, the Germans, in Europe. We are not going to let the Arabs commit the same crime of genocide against us here, in our own land of Israel.


Genocide in Six-day War

Apologist Toynbee omitted mentioning the fact that the Jews themselves are currently engaged in genocide. During the Sis-Day War last summer, Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Dayan ordered Brig. Gen. Yesha’ahu Gavish, the Israeli commander of the Sinai campaign, to ruthlessly drive the hapless Egyptian troops into the Sinai Desert to die of thirst, hunger and heat. Temperature on the arid Sinai rise to more than 100 degrees during the day. For over two weeks thousand of wretched Egyptian stragglers wandered over the swirling wastes finally drop dead in their tracks.

U.S. reconnaissance planes flying on the perimeter of the Sinai Desert took hundreds of pictures of the stragglers and reported there were 50,000 Egyptians dead or dying on the desert at the time. The U.S. Air Force loaded 60,000 gallons of water in five-gallon jerry-cans on pallets and prepared to drop them in the area where stragglers were observed. However, Defense Secretary Robert McNamara ordered the projected mission of mercy halted after he received phone calls from White House foreign policy-planner Walt Rostow and UN Ambassador Arthur Goldberg.

This flagrant violation of the Geneva Convention on the treatment of prisoners of war amounted to genocide, designed to destroy a whole nation.

Newspaper reporters visiting the war zones in Syria and Jordan, reported that if one sniper in a village fired on Israeli troops, the whole village was destroyed including the women and children. Napalm is frequently used.

This systematic extermination is an ideological doctrine of Zionism. The leading exponent of genocide is the chauvinist Moshe Dayan, whom the Zionists have proclaimed a Biblical "messiah" on a white horse. Arrogant, boastful Gen. Yitzhak Rabin, chief of the Israeli General Staff, who plotted and executed the Six-Day blitzkrieg last June, is in direct charge of the projected expansionist program from the Euphrates to the Nile.

The scope of this ambitious scheme of territorial seizures and exploitation has been recognized by at least a few of our American military strategists for years. This writer recalls that a dozen years ago an Army lieutenant colonel, who was a student at the War College, confined that some of his instructors believed the Zionist expansionist policy would provide the spark to ignite World War III.

(Incidentally, the then lieutenant colonel is now one of the top commanding generals in Vietnam.)

By guile, treachery and bloodletting, the Zionists plot to annex all of Jordan, virtually all of Syria, half of Iraq and a large part of Saudi Arabia and all of the rich cotton lands of the Nile Valley. It would be a simpler matter then to grab Yemen, Aden, Muscat, Qatar and Oman with their rich oil development. Israel is already well advanced in the development of its first nuclear warhead.

According to the Zionists’ schedule of operations, within a decade the Israeli empire be the master of the Middle East and take its place as a nuclear superpower on equal footing with the Soviet Union and the United States. David Rockefeller’s Standard Oil Company will pay its royalties to the Israeli military usurpers instead of the Arab sheiks.


Fabulous Oil Reserves

The stakes are high in this traditionally British-protected region. The Persian Gulf and adjacent countries hold 70 percent of the non-communist world’s oil reserves and produce half of its oil output. British with-drawl from Aden creates a power vacuum that will inevitably be filled by Israel and the Soviet Union.

The British have expressed the pious hope that their withdrawal would galvanize the Arab rulers into dropping their feuds and really unite in a mutual defense pact. However, the spreading oil boom is intensifying the territorial ambitions of rival kingdoms, sultanates and sheikdoms. Iran is selling oil to Israel, another aggravating factor in Mideast tensions.

Like the tentacles of an octopus the Israeli armed forces struck out in all directions into Jordan, Syria and Egypt in Israel’s Six-Day aggression. Last June. Even when encountering no resistance, the Israeli armored forces abruptly halted at predetermined strategic terrain points; they had accomplished their mission in the first phase of the Zionist Grand Design of imperialistic conquest. It was time to stop and consolidate their gains rather than risk spreading their forces too thin.

Israeli leader Menachem Begin says:  

"The return of even one bit of earth to the Arab would be a betrayal of the nation."

The grandiose idea of an Israeli empire controlling the Middle East is now for the first time arousing great popular enthusiasm among Jews everywhere in the world.

Officially Israel is continuing the pretense of keeping the door open to negotiations that might result in return of the conquered territory, in exchange for Arab recognition of Israel and peace treaty.

Jordan’s King Hussein has reportedly already made a secret and desperate offer to Israel: In exchange for the return of the West Bank of the Jordan River, Hussein agreed to demilitarize it, negotiate border adjustments and even waive his insistence upon regaining the Old City of Jerusalem. Israel rejected the offer. Israeli Minister of Labor Yigal Allon bluntly stated:  

"The natural border of the country is the Jordan River – a border that would be established only if Israel kept the West Bank areas it took from Jordan."

Gen. Aluf Ezer Weizmann, second highest-ranking officer in the Israeli army, is even more adamant: "We shall stay where we are and bring in Jews. We now have the unusual opportunity to consolidate the state for the Jewish people and help prevent future wars."

"If there is a fourth war," Defense Minister Moshe Dayan gloats, "we are in a position to win more decisively than ever."

And he warned that in the "fourth war" the great cities of Cairo, Damascus and Amman will be annihilated. This is in conformity with the genocidal plan.


Zionist have their eyes set on all of the land between the Nile and the Euphrates. The plan for a "Greater Israel" is as old as Zionism itself.


Israelis bitterly complain that along with the occupied territory that is three times the size of Israel, they have inherited its population of 1,330,000 Arabs.

Aliyah – voluntary relocation to Israel – has been a flop as far as Western Jews are concerned – few of them want to go to the Holy Land of their forefathers. The majority of Jews now in Israel are from Asia and Africa.

The System of government in Israel is a mixture of theocracy and gerontocracy. Full citizenship requires membership in the Jewish religion and Jewish ancestry. Israeli authorities refuse to accept Arabs or "Gentiles" (non-Jews) as full citizens with equal civil, political, and economic rights. Militant Zionists frankly admit that Israel and neighboring Arab nations cannot coexist. They claim that the incompatibility is due to ideological fanaticism. However, the Arab oil lands are fabulously rich.

"We must take steps leading to a long-range consolidation, lest we be considered a temporary, transient factor in the occupied areas," declares Israel Galili, minister without portfolio in the Israeli Cabinet.

The Zionists have invented the term "coercive noninterference" in explaining how they force the subjugated Arabs to cooperate with their conquerors. When the mayor of Nablus announced that he would resign rather than front for the Jews, the Israeli military officers told him that no one would be appointed to replace him, which would result in utter chaos. They mayor had second thoughts, stayed and obeyed the Jewish military commanders. Hundreds of similar examples could be cited.


Arabs Fear Genocide

"The Middle East today is dominated by raw, naked, savage, animal fear. The Arab nations are driven by the fear of mass death, by the fear of Israel’s genocidal intentions toward them. Israel, by bringing in immigrants from all over the world, has upset the demographic balance of the Middle East.

"The first basic fact about populations is that they multiply. They population of Israel is increasing, and the populations of the Arab nations are increasing. In the conflict between populations, either Arabs or Jews must someday end up being driven into arid desert wastes which will not support them, where they will find relief only in the oblivion of death. Israel means to kill the Arab populations and to occupy their lands. The Arabs, driven by fear of death, react powerfully. They seek the protection of a powerful nation, Russia, to which they will become tributary in return for protection…

"For the free world, this is a practically irretrievable disaster," says Benjamin H. Freedman.

We might well rationalize all this as strictly none of our business except that hundred of millions of American foreign aid dollars are being spend for the enrichment of the international Zionist network extending from Tel Aviv to Paris, London and New York. The Israelis are already pumping oil from Egyptian wells and splitting the profits with Rockefeller’s Standard Oil combine. This is only the prelude.

Now for the first time Soviet Russia is successfully penetrating the oil-rich Mideast countries. The Russians have made agreements to explore for oil in Iraq, Iran and Egypt. They have extended bids for cooperative ventures to Algeria, Syria and Kuwait. The agreement with Iraq provides for development of oil reserves in an area taken away from Western companies.

Most of the Arab oil countries are starting oil firms to give them a stronger hold on their petroleum reserves and a bigger bit on profits. They have also recently hiked their royalties they get from the big Anglo-American oil firms.

The Soviets furnish the technical know-how to the Arab oil industry and work out world marketing agreement with the Arab rulers. The Soviet naval fleet is standing in the Mediterranean. The Kremlin has launched an aggressive campaign to establish a protectorate over the Mideast oil lands. Russia finally has a firm grip on Egypt. Syria is now totally dependent on Soviet weapons and the protective arm of Moscow. The Soviets have a facility in Latakia.

Yemen is receiving Soviet arms, Russian advisers are training its army, and Soviet armed forces are establishing base facilities in Yemen. After all the millions the U.S. gave Iran in foreign aid, the ungrateful shah (who has $300 million stashed away in Swiss banks) is co-operating with the Soviets in construction of a natural gas pipeline that would feed Iranian gas to parts of Russia not easily served by Russian gas.

The sub-rosa partnership between Zionism and communism is still a fact. As Israel drives the Arabs into the arms of the Kremlin, Israel expands, fulfilling a grand design and an aggressive plan agreed upon years ago. And like the Arabs, Americans are helpless victims in this international crime.


The late John Henshaw was chief legman for columnist Drew Pearson, who later broke with Pearson. At that time, Henshaw’s expenses were paid by the Anti-Defamation League, a lobby for Israel, which had a "special relationship" with Pearson. Thus Henshaw’s Middle East insights are unique.


By courtesy & © 1968-2002 The American Mercury Magazine


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