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Hyman, Meryl. 'Who Is a Jew?' Conversations, Not Conclusive. Jewish Lights Publishing, Woodstock, Vermont, 1998
Hyman, Paula. The Jewish Family: Looking for a Usable Past. [In Heschel, S., 1983] p. 19-28
Hyman, Paula; and Moore, Deborah Dash; Ed. Jewish Women in America. Routledge, New York, London, 1997. Two volumes.
Ibrahim, Youssef M. Art Smuggling at Sotheby's; Executives Suspended. New York Times, February 7, 1997, p. A9
Iherjirika, Maudlyne. Slumlord Clears Hurdle ..., Chicago Sun-Times, April 30, 1992
Information Bank Abstracts [Philadelphia Inquirer]. Foiling Rappaport-ism. April 16, 1993

Independent, [London], Profile: She's Lady Beautiful on the BBC; Esther Rantzen, Heart of Gold, Will of Iron. December 21, 1991, p. 14
Ingham, John N.; Feldman, Lynne B. Contemporary American Business Leaders: A Biographical Dictionary. Greenwood Press, New York, Westport, London, 1990

Institute of Jewish Policy Research, Anti-Semitism and Xenophobia Today, Croatia, 2001 []
Intelligence Newsletter. Israel at War with Russian Mafia. May 29, 1997
Interfax Russian News. Authorities Anger Jewish Leaders by Raiding Moscow Synagogue. October 20, 2000

Interfax Russian News. Russian Jewish Congress Chair to Attend Trial. September 4, 1999; [Online] Primedia Names Tom Rogers Chairman and Chief Executive Officer. September 27, 1999
The Institute for Advanced Strategic and Political Studies. By the IASPS staff. [Israel] [Online] Lawlessness at the Top. The News Behind the News. March 10, 2000
Institutional Investor. Yugoslavia: Will Vasiljevic Expose Serbia's Secret Financial Channels? April 30, 1993
International Herald Tribune. May 22, 1998, p. 15
International Herald Tribune. [from Associated Press] U.S. Makes New Bid to Strip Citizenship from Demjanjuk. May 20, 1999, p. 10
International Herald Tribune. [from Associated Press] Mrs. Clinton Asked for Stand on Spy. August 31, 1999, p. 3
International Herald Tribune. Iran Rebuffs Paris on Arrest of Jews. June 22, 1999, p. 4
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Isaac, Jeffrey. At the Margins: Jewish Identity and Politics in the Thought of Hannah Arendt. TIKKUN, Jan-Feb 1990. p. 23-26, 86-92.
Isaacs, Harold. American Jews in Israel. The John Day Co., New York, 1966, 1967
Isaacs, Stephen. Jews and American Politics. Doubleday, Garden City, New York, 1974
Isaacson, Walter. Madeline's War. Newsweek. May 17, 1999. p. 24-33
Isikoff, Michael. Slain Israeli Reportedly Advised Bush Security ..., Washington Post, January 29, 1990, p. A14
Isikoff, Michael; and Thomas, Evan ... the Intern. Newsweek. Feb 2, 1998, p. 31-42
Isikoff, Michael. A Pardon's Path. MSNBC [online; Newsweek], February 19, 2001

Israel, Robert. Gauging the Impact of Jewish Foundations: Alexander Brin Forum. Jewish Advocate, 11-18-93, p. 1
Italie, Hillel. Literary Festivals are Rocking. MSNBC (Online); [Associated Press], April 25, 2000
Iwanowski, Jay Teixeira. Pizza Vending Scam Victims Paid Their Dough., Say They Got Rolled. Palm Beach Post, March 20, 1994, p. E1
Iwaseko, Tadeusz. Deportation to the Camp and Registration of Prisoners. [in Piper/Swiebocka] p. 54-69

When Victims Rule. A Critique of Jewish pre-eminence in America
By Jewish Tribal Review

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