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"Anti-hate" monitoring organizations:

Anti-Defamation League
("pro-racist Israel," born of the Jewish B'nai B'rith fraternal organization, headed by Abe Foxman)

Simon Wiesenthal Center
("pro-racist Israel" Jewish organization headed by Rabbi Marvin Hier)

Jewish Institute for Policy Research
("pro-racist Israel" Jewish organization; "hate" monitoring here

The "Hate Directory."   Proprietor: Raymond A. Franklin (Jewish?)

Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism (Director: Brian Levin, Jewish)

Hate Watch (Founder and Executive Director, David Goldman, Jewish)
(This web site folded in 2001)

Southern Poverty Law Center (President and co-founder: Joe Levin, Jewish)

Institute for the Study of Academic Racism
(Barry Mehler, Jewish)

A Matter of Free Speech. [Letter to the editor of the St. Petersburg (FL) Times] by Norman N. Gross, president, PRIMER, chairperson, Anti-Hate Committee Greater Florida B'nai B'rith, Palm Harbor


European/American Issues Forum
CW Kuhn, Secy.,
Ed. Broneski, Treasurer,
FP Williams, Sgt. at Arms
Stephen Mc Nallen, President

January 3, 2003

United States Senate Washington, D.C. 20510

United States Senators:
Honorable Barbara Boxer, Diane Feinstein, Norman Coleman, Frank Lautenberg, Joseph Lieberman, Russell Feingold, Herb Kohl, Carl Levin, Charles Schumer, Arlen Specter, and Ronald Wyden:

Dear Honorable Senators:

The Associated Press, reporter Frederick J. Frommer, recently wrote an article (November 30, 2002) titled Jewish senators find friendly turf in upper midwest. Reporter Frommer mentioned that there are now eleven members serving in the U.S. Senate who are Jewish. Congratulations to all of you. There is no doubt that each of you have worked hard, won the respect of the voters in your areas, and succeeded in being elected to one of the most respected offices in our Government; a member of the U.S. Senate.

I am writing to you because I believe that a very serious situation has developed that you all should be made aware because in many cases it affects our school children. We are deeply concerned that if it is not addressed soon it may drive a divisive and deepening wedge between the European American and Jewish communities of America. We are also studying attitudes and programs of other groups in American who may contribute to this same problem.

As one of the founders of the European/American Issues Forum (E/AIF-1997) I served as President until May of 2002 when I stepped down for health reasons. During my five years as President I found an alarming number of organizations in America who reject the idea that European American (whites) are also victims of racial animus, or who promote the idea that European American (whites) are the exclusive perpetrators of racial hatred and all other racial/ethnic groups are their victims. As you know, that is not true.

What's frightfully troubling is that the most effective groups promoting that false notion about European American (whites) seem to have Jewish leadership at the head of their organization. These groups are promoting this false idea through books and videos, some of which are distributed to schools and are also used for hate crime training of police officers and during community educational efforts regarding hatred in our communities.

I understand that you may be quite troubled with my making such an accusation--however, I respectfully ask that you review the material I am presenting to you with a clear and open mind. I am prepared to explain and document all of these allegations. My experiences enumerated below are quite troubling.

The organizations and brief comments about each follows:

1. Anti-Defamation League (ADL)
(a) The ADL has published a book, along with Barnes and Noble, titled Hate Hurts- How Children Learn and Unlearn Prejudice that is being used in our schools that stereotypes European American (whites) as the purveyors of racial animus and the perpetrators of hate crimes, and all other groups are their victims. ( Attachment A).
(b). The ADL promotes the showing of a video titled Not in Our Home Town that portrays European American (whites) in a similar manner.
(c). The European/American Issues Forum has filed claims of bigotry and discrimination against the San Francisco ADL with the San Francisco Human Rights Commission; once in 1997 and again in 2002.

2. Levi Strauss Corporation (Foundation). (a). The Levi Strauss Corporation (Foundation) funded a booklet titled Cause for Concern: Hate Crimes in America that recognizes all major racial/ethnic groups as victims of Hate Crimes except European American (whites). The booklet was written by the Leadership Conference Education Fund and the Leadership Conference on Civil Rights, Washington D.C. based organizations. ( Attachment B )

3. Leadership Conference Education Fund (LCEF) and the Leadership Conference on Civil Rights (LCCR). (a) Following President William Clinton's 1997 White House Conference on Hate Crimes a major New York corporation provided a $100,000 grant for the LCEF and the LCCR to develop a web site to fight racial hatred. They posted the booklet, Cause of Concern: Hate Crimes in America on their web site; repeated requests by E/AIF to the White House, LCEF and LCCR did not result in correcting the false stereotyping of European America (whites) on their web site.

4. Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) (a) The SPLC published a book titled teaching tolerance by Sara Bullard that is being used in our schools throughout America that stereotypes European American (whites) as the purveyors of racial animus and the primary perpetrators of hate crimes, and all other groups are their victims. ( Attachment C).
b) The SPLC published Responding to Hate at School along similar lines. See Hate Revisited article by John Horgan, San Mateo County Times, December 12, 2001. (Attachment D). Well respected African American Journalist Clarence Page's article confirms that the myth persists that hate laws were directed against whites to protect minorities. [Washington Times, July 19, 2002 Page A17]. (Attachment D-1)
(c) The SPLC is associated with a video titled The Shadow of Hate that is being used in our schools that stereotypes European American (whites) as the purveyors of racial animus and the perpetrators of hate crimes, and all other groups are their victims. (Attachment E.).

5. Intergroup Clearinghouse
(a) The Executive Director of San Francisco's Intergroup ClearingHouse, Jill Tregor was quoted as stating “white crime victims are using hate crime laws to enhance penalties against minorities, who already experience prejudice within the judicial system. (Hate Crimes--Criminal Law and Identity Politics--James B. Jacobs and Kimberly Potter, Oxford University Press 1998 pg. 17.). What drives her opinion to a level of absurdity is that Intergroup Clearinghouse successfully applied for and was granted a $50,000 grant from the City and County of San Francisco to advocate for ALL victims of hate crimes after she made that bigoted statement.

6. Simon Weisenthal Center, Los Angeles
(a). The Simon Weisenthal Center (LA) provided a video presentation on hate crimes at the Sept. 13-15 1999 Hate Crimes Symposium in Sacramento, Ca., hosted by the California State University, Sacramento, and California's Police Officers Standards and Training Commission. The video almost exclusively depicts European Americans as the primary purveyors of racial animus and the perpetrators of hate crimes along with the usual overemphasis of Nazi and KKK themes. Repeated requests to the Center for a copy of the video were met without success. Key note speaker at the Symposium was US Attorney General Janet Reno. Governor Gray Davis and California Attorney General General Bill Lockyer were also guest speakers. I attended the Symposium. ( Attachment F).

7. Sojourn to the Past
. (a) Sojourn to the Past is a program developed by a San Mateo Union High School District teacher; Jeff Steinberg. Mr. Steinberg offers high school students the opportunity of a ten day tour of locations throughout the south that were the scene of civil rights violations against African American. It is clear that the content of his tour is the truth about civil rights violations against African Americans, however the problem is that it violates state law because it does not tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. He excludes civil rights violations against all other groups. Mr. Steinberg's program violates California moral and education code sections that require that the material presented to students is to be objective and current. All racial groups have suffered civil rights violations, but the program excludes European Americans and other racial groups who were victims of racial animus. The program is highly emotional and seeks to not only indoctrinate students but it seeks an outcome of making them into advocates for African American civil rights while condemning European Americans as the perpetrators of all racial animus. Those outcomes are outrageous and do not belong in our school system. As a teacher, Mr. Steinberg should know better.

8. AJCommittee and Affirmative Action.
a) This time around, however, AJCommittee [American Jewish Committee] will draft a brief supporting the University of Michigan law school and undergraduate affirmative action programs now being challenged before the high court. The National Council of Jewish Women plans to sign onto a brief in support of the university's policies, and the Reform movement is likely to do so as well, said Mark Pelavin, associate director of the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism. 12.27/news3.html.
The question is: will the AJCommittee also support proportional Christian and European American enrollment whenever they are under-representated in colleges and universities?

9. Facing History and Ourselves Program Director Jack Weinstein of Facing History and Ourselves was a guest speaker at Woodside High School, Woodside California, as part of a program by the Racism Action Group organized by Sequoias Union High School District on January 31, 2000. Mr. Weinstein presented a documentary video that in my opinion stereotyped European Americans as the primary purveyors of racial animus and the perpetrators of hate crimes and all other groups are their victims. That is simply not true. Conclusion In conclusion we respectfully request that Senate staff members be assigned to evaluate and verify our allegations. We would then recommend the formation of a committee representing your offices and including members of our organization be formed to flush out ideas that may help to alleviate this situation and build bridges between European American and the Jewish communities rather than driving a wedge between us.

Thank you for your kind attention.

Louis Calabro
Bay Area Representative
PMB 155,
297 El Camino Real, San Bruno, Ca. 94066
(650) 952-8489

The European/American Issues Forum is a moderate and thoughtful San Francisco Bay Area civil rights organization dedicated to the eradication of discrimination against and defamation of European Americans. We do not denigrate or slur other racial/ethnic groups and welcome those who support our policy.
Louis Calabro
San Francisco Bay Area Representative European/American Issues Forum PMB155 297 El Camino Real San Bruno, Ca. 94066 (650) 952-8489
Fax (650) 869-7215


From: When Victims Rule. A Critique of Jewish Pre-eminence in America. See more, including bibliographic sources and traditional Jewish dominance of African-American civil rights organizations like the NAACP, at: Chapter 20, pt. 2

For decades Blacks were used by Jewish generals as the front-line troops in litigation battles over discrimination and minority rights. Louis Marshall had even begun, in 1909, to litigate NAACP cases himself, and he later served on that organization's Board of Directors. [IVERS, p. 40] With Jewish leaders safely nestled and hidden in the heart of what was publicly known as a Black organization, "in the South no small number of African-Americans feared that forcing whites to implement such radical legal doctrines would intensify their resentment towards blacks." [IVERS, p. 221]

"High public profile as Jews was anathema," notes David Levering Lewis about decades of Jewish civil rights involvement, "Support of and participation in the Afro-American civil rights movement was seen ... as a stratagem exactly meeting Jewish needs ... [LEWIS, p. 554-555] ... Upper class Jews ... increasingly encouraged the new Afro-American leadership ... which employed agitation and publicity as principal weapons to force the glacial pace of civil rights. By establishing a presence at the center of the civil rights movement with intelligence, money, and influence, elite Jews and their delegates could fight anti-Semitism by remote control." [LEWIS, p. 555]

In academe, notes Irving Horowitz, "while other minorities such as blacks, women, and gay-rights activists take a high profile, the Jewish group has opted for a low profile." [HOROWITZ, I., p. 91] A good case in point is Jewish social scientist Franz Boas, often called the "father of anthropology." As Marshall Hyatt notes, "Feeling that a scientific investigation of race prejudice centered on Jews would leave him open to charges of subjectivity, Boas used Afro-Americans as a substitute ... He surmised that if he could abolish racism as it pertained to blacks, Jews would also benefit to some extent. Boas was guilty of ethnic chauvinism. By his own example and his pronouncements, he demonstrated that Jews had progressed under persecution. He did not make the same claim for blacks ... He sought to focus on racism itself, using blacks as a surrogate for his real concern [Jews]." [HYATT, M., 1990, p. 97-98]

The Black civil rights movement has provided Jewish nationalism plenty of hiding places over the years. Nathan Glazer even used it as an apologetic for the standard charge against Jews of dual national loyalty. "Some Jews had always been troubled by the problem of dual loyalty," he admits, and then leaves the essence of this "troubling problem" hanging, merely excusing it away by noting that Black civil rights militancy (and its "distinctive group interests") "made it easier for Jews, too, directly to support the interests of the state of Israel." [GLAZER, AMERICAN, p. 174]

"The conventional wisdom among Jews," says Henry Feingold, "has long since concluded that the animosity toward African-Americans has served as a major deflector of hatred against themselves. Thus, a group that has inadvertently served as a shield for American Jewry is generating what may ultimately be identified as the most indigenous form of American anti-Semitism." [FEINGOLD, p. 77] "All the bigotry and hatred focused on the Black man," complained Malcolm X, "keeps off the Jew a lot of heat that would be on him otherwise." [GOULD, p. 565] Barnet Litvinoff noted the comparable situation in Great Britain: "A million colored people, mostly from the Caribbean Islands, India, and Pakistan, have arrived in Britain in recent years, ... providing new targets for the Englishman's prejudices ... Each one has unwittingly done the Jews a service. He has diverted attention from one kind of minority to another." [LITVINOFF, B., p. 170]

Even in far left-wing American political organizations like the Communist Party, in the 1960s Blacks began rejecting Jewish hegemony. "The period of Jewish dominance in the Communist Party," says Harold Cruse, a Black intellectual and former communist, "... culminated in the emergence of Herbert Aptheker and other assimilated Jewish communists, who assumed the mantle of spokesmanship on Negro affairs, thus burying the Negro radical potential deeper and deeper in the slough of white intellectual paternalism." [CRUSE, p. 147]


When Victims Rule. A Critique of Jewish pre-eminence in America

2,000 page scholarly work featuring approximately 10,000 citations from about 4,000 bibliographic sources.
The most thorough investigation to this day on Jewish power and influence in the USA and the world.


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- David Ben-Gurion, Israeli Prime Minister

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