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This is the story of the creation and implementation of the Jewish Tribal Review's St. Cloud University "Faculty Outreach Program," i.e., hereby titled "Truth Serum."

The origin of the necessity for the "truth serum" guerilla action was this news item:

St. Cloud State Settles Antisemitism Suit,
Star-Tribune (Minnesota), December 4, 2002
"St. Cloud State University will create a Jewish Studies and Resource Center and require anti-Semitism training for all faculty members under a lawsuit settlement announced this afternoon. The suit, which alleged a pattern of anti-Semitism and retaliation at the university, was filed in October 2001 by professors Geoffrey Tabakin and Laurinda Stryker, former professor Arie Zmora and student Robbi Hoy. Under the settlement, Zmora will receive $165,000, Stryker $80,000 and a paid educational leave for the current academic year, and Tabakin $20,000 and a job reassignment for two semesters. An additional $50,000 was set aside for Jewish faculty and staff members and anyone who filed a complaint that they suffered retaliation for opposing anti-Semitism. Another $265,000 will go for plaintiffs' attorney fees."

Three days earlier, there had been this article in the same local newspaper:

Another study critical of racial attitudes at St. Cloud State,
Star Tribune (Minnesota), Dec. 1, 2002
"When students, faculty and staff members at St. Cloud State were invited to take a survey addressing attitudes toward minorities and on other issues, some of the findings among the 400 people who responded included: • About one in five faculty and staff members agreed that there are too many Jewish faculty members and administrators in higher education, and that they control university policy and direction. • About one in four professors, staff and students agreed that the problem with hiring Jewish professors is that they gradually displace Christian ideas and values with secularism. • About one in three faculty and staff members and two in five students said discrimination against blacks on campus would be largely eliminated if they would make a sincere effort to assimilate into the St. Cloud community and campus life. The statements 'are pretty disturbing, and we need to address the attitudes that lie behind them,' Michael Spitzer, [Jewish] provost and vice president for academic affairs, said last week. 'It's important to know that the people who responded to the survey were self-selected and it was not a random sampling,' Spitzer said. Indeed, only 164 of the university's 16,000 students and 237 of the 1,600 employees responded to an invitation to fill out the Web-based survey. Despite the small numbers, Spitzer said, 'there are issues on campus that we need to take very forceful action to deal with.'"

Given that the alleged "antisemitic" opinions above were in fact reasonable responses to verifable facts in our social world as our web site amply documents, and given that there has been this successful effort at St. Cloud State to censor such critical ruminations about the nature of our social and political world, and given that no St. Cloud faculty member dare publicly speak out against the absurdity and injustice of this endless "antisemitism" fiasco, the Jewish Tribal Review decided upon a response to aid the St. Cloud State University community in resisting the Thought Machine that was to soon roll over them. And given that the Jewish collective's continuous propaganda efforts to censor all criticism of their community has hysterically risen in conjunction with the racist state of Israel's new heighths of atrocity and injustice, and given the centrality of Jewish American political lobbying for the state of Israel in our current "terrorist" problems and "war against Islam" scenarios, efforts to counter the Jewish propaganda machine at St. Cloud State University was deemed to be a moral imperative.

On the night of this "critical study of racial attitudes" publication, the Jewish Tribal Review sent the following email to over 450 faculty members at St. Cloud University:


Hello. Since the faculty at St. Cloud State has fallen prey to the heavy hand of the Jewish/Zionist lobby, and you are going to be subject to the heavy hand of Thought Control, you might find our online clearinghouse about Jewish power, Jewish racism, Israel, and so forth of value as you struggle with the Jewish Thought Police.


The Jewish Tribal Review -- the largest scholarly clearinghouse (from a CRITICAL perspective) for information about this subject in existence -- features over 1,850 links to (and excerpts from) online articles from mostly mainstream sources about Jewish racism, Jewish hypocrisy, Jewish power, Jewish exploitation, Jewish dominance of the Russian mafia, Jewish dominance of the pornography and smut trades, the Jewish assault on Islam and Christianity, the relation of our current "terrorist" problems to Jewish ethnocentrism, Jewish lobbying, racist Israel, etc., etc. as well as WHEN VICTIMS RULE. A CRITIQUE OF JEWISH PRE-EMINENCE IN AMERICA. This online scholarly volume features over 10,000 citations from over 4,000 bibliographic sources. It is the equivilant of over 2,000 paper pages.

The web site is anti-racist, anti-bigotry, anti-prejudice, and all the other PC platitudes.

And it explains for you, in massive detail, the peramaters of your problem.

Particular to your issues of "antisemitism" -- what it is in Jewish identity, and how it's used as a political tool:

About two weeks have passed by, and there have been 9 responses from faculty members, all in the first two days. (In other words, these people quickly responded with robotic, kneejerk replies, apparently without having visited the web site, which is thousands of pages). Here are the respondents to the email of faculty members at St. Cloud State University:

1) First faculty response, that night, from JOE MELCHER, Department of Psychology:

Dear Sir or Madame: Please extend the courtesy of identifying yourself in your post to the St. Cloud faculty. Sincerely, Joe Melcher Psychology

2) 2nd faculty response, next morning, from the St. Cloud University Dean of Fine Arts and Humanities, ROLAND SPECHT-JARVIS, email titled: "SCSU is no place for hate speech."

Dear coward, your posting is written to inflame the discussion our university is embarked upon to address problems we have with racism, anti-Semitism, and intolerance. Since the First Amendment would have protected your "views" no matter how sick they are, I must assume that it was your intention to assault our on-line discussions and hide behind your earthlink-net while our campus citizens pick up the discussion. Don't hold your breath ( or better: do) for an ugly debate to occur. We have been improving our environment and ourselves for some time now and we see through your hate speech for what it is: an attempt to deny peace and happiness. You should be ashamed for your posting.

JTR response to Mr. SPECHT-JARVIS:

Mr. Specht-Jarvis, Since you obviously have not looked at the web site yet, and nothing there is in fact false, by what logic do you declare it to be a manifestation of "racism, anti-Semitism, and intolerance." If you have such strong convictions, and you think you are right, I'd be happy to debate you about this, to be posted anywhere you like and at our web site. Maybe you could post it in a well-read site on campus where you can evidence the moral and intellectual vaccuuousness of our arguments. But of course I know you'll ignore this opportunity, because you are an intellectual and moral fraud. You are a member of the local Thought Police. Prove us wrong.

3) Third faculty response, by professor DANIEL L. WILDESON:

I have difficulty with messages from sources that do not identify themselves. Can you please identify yourself by name--personal and organizational.

JTR Reply: Dear professor Wildeson, You should understand well the anonymity. If an individual publicly championed our website (let alone worked on it) he/she would come under pressure from Thought Police to be fired. Those who complain about anything "Jewish" on your campus would probably be expelled. Our web site is scholarly, factual, and ethical. What else matters? It documents, in detail, just about anything the faculty might wish to know about what is happening at your campus.

WILDESON responds: What you say on your websites does not document anything specific to St. Cloud State University. Its level of generality, therefore, is easily dismissed as dogma.

JTR Reply: Your comment is like saying "money" has nothing to do with St. Cloud State, or the "weather," or plans to invade Iraq. Wake up.

Fourth professor's response, from FRANCES KAYONA, St. Cloud State, Department of Educational Leadership:

Go away you stupid idiot!

JTR Reply: By what logic, morality, and intellect do you condemn something you haven't even looked at.

5) Fifth professor's response, from: CAROL A. MOHRBACHER:

Dearest Earthlink Poster, I am not sure what your entire message said, but I invite you to correspond with me via my personal email. I promise I will be reasonable, as I expect you will be too. Nothing is accomplished by lobbing tomatoes from behind the outhouse, but perhaps a spirited but civil conversation might move us toward tolerance of each other at least. Carol
 'I have always thought respectable people scoundrels and I look anxiously at my face every morning for signs of becoming respectable.' ~Bertrand Russell

JTR Reply: Great. By all means. I find that censorship about this subject is the norm. Your offer here is both civil and moral. I'd love to have a moral and intellectual exchange about the subject with you. (But it's interesting you're not even interested in reading what the full email said, let alone our entire web site. You're not interested in learning about something you don't know -- even if you're Jewish? What do you say?

No response from Ms. Mohrbacher, so herein went a JTR follow-up:

Dear Ms. Mohrbacher: Since your response to my emailing about "antisemitism" was that of a good teacher, and not necessarily (yet) a censor, and that you "promised" a "reasonable" exchange with me about this issue, I am here for the second time to solicit it. I do not "lob tomatoes from behind the outhouse," and if you had bothered to examine The Jewish Tribal Review web site, you will find that your stereotypes about the origins of our complaints will vanish.

First, I am very, very, very educated about this subject. Second, I am a moral and ethical individual. My sense is that you will, as they say, "chicken out" once you understand the gravity of morality and facts you will be up against in any discussion about this subject.

If you seek to stereotype our web site as the expression of a KKK, neo-Nazi, racist or other such genre ideology, you will be DEEPLY disappointed. The origin of the web site is an investigation into the racist state of Israel, and later, a scholarly examination of Jewish history, Jewish identity, and Jewish power and influence in America. All of these things are related, including the crushing of intellectual dissent at St. Cloud State.

Let me start our discussion (which I expect you, frankly, to flee) by noting to you an article in YESTERDAY's Israel's Ha'aretz newspaper. I quote from it and post for you the link. And, please madam, this article has EVERYTHING to do with the accusation of "antisemitism" at St. Cloud State, and the indoctrination program that will be instituted upon free thinkers at your college. There is much of interest in this following excerpt, but I point out to you something very, very profound in it: the new Simon Wiesenthal Center for "tolerance" in Jerusalem is built upon a Muslim cemetery.

Now, Ms. Mohrbacher. Insofar as the Simon Wiesenthal Center is perhaps the most emphatic Jewish propaganda organization in the punishing of what is termed "antisemitism," I ask you to search your soul and try very hard not to grasp the ESSENCE of this article. The essence is this: the massive propaganda effort to crush critical commentary about Jews and Israel is, as evidenced below, a political tool, nakedly exposed in the fraud below. I eagerly solicit your feedback to my statements, that the Wiesenthal Center is the EPITOMY of the issue of the accusation of "antisemitism," and that the "politically correct" fiasco at your college is related to it.

Ms. Mohrbacher. The charge of "antisemitism" has become a tool for censorship, hypocrisy, and exploitation:
A museum of tolerance in a city of fanatics,
by Meron Benvinisti, Ha'aretz (Israel),
December 5, 2002
"Only in the holy city of Jerusalem are white elephants tempted to believe they have found their heaven. No matter where they come from, when someone decides to bring them to Jerusalem, the elephants first prosper, stuffed with all the hollow slogans of provincial kitsch, ignorance, and greed that blossom in the holy ground. But sadly, the life span of the white elephants is very short, because the struggle for survival is cruel and ruthless and their importers are interested in the profits resulting from bringing them to the city, not in the fate of the beasts after they've arrived ...

Occasionally, when there comes an elephant newer and bigger than the previous, people rub their eyes and are certain nothing more monstrous can come along, but sure enough, an even more grotesque creation shows up, as if it was an iron law of nature: Welcome the Simon Wiesenthal Museum of Tolerance as designed by Frank Gehry. It is difficult to imagine a project so hallucinatory, so irrelevant, so foreign, so megalomaniac, as the Museum of Tolerance. The mere attempt to stick the term tolerance to a building so intolerant to its surroundings is ridiculous. Others have already referred to the extravagant arrogance expressed in the geometric forms that can't be any more dissonant to the environment in which it is planned to put this alien object. There's no need to waste words on the absurdity of a Museum of Tolerance planted on part of an ancient Muslim cemetery, some of which has long since been turned into a parking lot, and will now be topped by spaces in which people are meant to learn about tolerance, mutual respect and religious coexistence.

Fanatic, brutal Jerusalem, saturated with the ambition to gain exclusive possession over it, will take pride in a site that preaches equality between communities and the brotherhood of nations, and from its rooftops will be seen the homes of Palestinians, whose struggle for freedom is always defined as 'terror.' Neither the project's initiators nor its financial backers deserve the criticism, which should be reserved for the local authorities that allowed this white elephant into the city ...

The marginal readiness of Diaspora Jews to be superficially involved, from a safe distance, is exploited by an entire industry of schnorrers and 'funds,' run by various government agencies and institutional interests for the sake of being in motion, without any serious look at the goals or the aesthetic and environmental implications ... The absurdity of the Museum of Tolerance and the danger that this white elephant might actually rise, are so tangible that this time apathy cannot be allowed to take over. There have been successful campaigns waged against destructive projects in Jerusalem and there's no reason why a well-planned campaign won't succeed in this case. The Museum of Tolerance project must be eradicated without any tolerance."

As I say I eagerly await your insights into all this. But please be careful with what you say. Alas, if you dare to agree with me -- without the profound carefulness, you risk losing your job.

6) Sixth professor's response, from: GUY BRUCE (under Roland Specht-Jarvis's already circulated title: RE: SCSU is no place for hate speech):

I don't usually enter into these discussions, but I wish to second Roland's comments. Bravo!

JTR's Reply: You HAVE entered the discussions. But not as a thinking, moral human being, but as a sheep that follows the leader.

7) Seventh professor's response from MARGARET A. VILANUEVA, Assistant Professor of Community Studies, under Roland Specht-Jarvis' circulated heading "RE: SCSU is no place for hate speech," and including his "Dear coward" email:

One does not have to accept hate speech online.... An email can be traced back to the writer and many service providers (earthlink in this case) will close accounts of users who indulge in hate speech or harrassment through the internet.

JTR Reply: This is not "hate speech." It is a scholarly documentation. If you looked, you'd see.

8) Eight professor's response, from W. E. Garrett:

Who are you?

JTR Reply: Per, "Who are you?" Dear professor Garrett, I am someone who knows what he's talking about, who has been researching this area for years, who has deep, moral commitment to the cause of Palestinian justice, and who will face the Thought Police Punishment Squad if I reveal myself. Given recent history at your university, you should understand this very, very well.

GARRETT Responds: While some individuals may take unsolicited and unverifiable e-mail accusations at face value, I do not. Please remove me from your e-mail list.

9) Ninth professor's response, from KATHERINE GILL:

are you mentally ill? or just pretty dumb?

JTR's Reply: This is the puny response from a faculty member? 8 words. Very good. You must have used the dictionary for this?

Gill responds: and yet you are unable to answer... and also feel the need to hide... what is your name? where are you?

JTR Reply: Dear Ms. Gill, Since you are the most obnoxious of the faculty respondents to my email, I wonder what exactly is your problem? Do you condemn the female author George Sand for posing as a man, lest she face discrimination with your [sic: her] work? Do you declare to anyone struggling with any liberation movement that they announce themselves to the power of their persecutors? Does knowledge and truth need an address for you to be able to even remotely grasp it? Must you anchor information to an exact face, that you may affix punishment for the expression of truths that make you uncomfortable? Faculty members like you are the problem: little PC lackies you [sic: who] toss off third-grade insults ("mentally ill) as if there is an ounce of intellectual and moral weight behind them.

This is the entirety of the exchanges.

The very next day after emailing St. Cloud faculty members, the following email was received:

Hello, my name is Eric; I am the associate editor of University Chronicle, the newspaper of St. Cloud State University. This morning, I was handed a copy of the email you sent SCSU faculty members last night, regarding your Web site (The Jewish Tribal Review) and the information posted there. Several faculty members have voiced concern over your email; some have called it anti-Semitic, while others have said that it seems to be particularly poor timing based on yesterday's settlement (I think they missed the fact that you were writing in response to the settlement, if I understood correctly).

I reviewed some of the information on your Web site and can see that it has been well-documented. However, I felt the content was such that some who view the site could be easily tempted to label it as having anti-Semitic bias.

I was wondering if I might interview you sometime this evening (Dec. 4). Our next issue is due out tomorrow; I'm currently working on a story about the settlement and would be interested to hear more about your reason for sending the email.

I will be in the University Chronicle office any time after 6 p.m. Central Time, for the rest of the night. The phone number there is [****] I understand that you have responded to the emails of several faculty members throughout the day and refuse to say anything about your identity.

We are very intrested in having your opinion as yet one more facet of the story. However, due to editorial policy, I'm not sure that we can use anything you have to say without a name. I could understand if you did not want to divulge your full name, however, would you consider giving us a first name and perhaps last initial, and maybe a geographic region from the country where you are from?

If you do not wish to speak by phone, would you mind answering the following questions via email? When did you first hear about the settlement? Is this something that you have been following (if so, for how long?), or was yesterday the first you heard of it?

What prompted you to send the email?

Having heard what you have about the settlement, what do you think?

How did you get SCSU faculty email addresses? (Looking them up online, using the phone book...?)

How many responses have you receieved?

What was the nature of the responses?

Anything else you would like to add?

Thanks for your time. I hope we can include your views in our story. Sincerely, Eric Eric O'Link Associate Editor University Chronicle

JTR's Reply to Associate Editor Eric O'Link:

JTR: Hello, Eric. Thanks for your query. Here's my reply.

O'LINK: Hello, my name is Eric; I am the associate editor of University Chronicle, the newspaper of St. Cloud State University. This morning, I was handed a copy of the email you sent SCSU faculty members last night, regarding your Web site (The Jewish Tribal Review) and the information posted there. Several faculty members have voiced concern over your email; some have called it anti-Semitic, while others have said that it seems to be particularly poor timing based on yesterday's settlement (I think they missed the fact that you were writing in response to the settlement, if I understood correctly).

JTR: The "timing" is perfect. Faculty member have just been told they they are going to be subjected to an ideological indoctrination program. In a free and democratic society, it is sickening that a small, special interest group can force an entire academic sphere to bend to its will. The academe is supposed to be about CRITICAL INQUIRY, and moral and factual ENLIGHTENMENT, not acquiescence to propagagndistic convention.

O'LINK: I reviewed some of the information on your Web site and can see that it has been well-documented. However, I felt the content was such that some who view the site could be easily tempted to label it as having anti-Semitic bias.

JTR: Our web site is anti-racist, anti-bigotry, and all the rest. You will find nothing stated there that champions anything but an open investigation of Jewish history, Jewish identity, Jewish power and influence, and modern Israel. We lobby for nothing but OPEN, PUBLIC DISCUSSION about these issues, and to break the censorial weapon of "antisemitism." In order for you to even remotely grasp what you are talking about by calling our web site "anti-semitic," you must read our chapter called "The Accusation of Antisemitism" ( ) Your time needs may prohibit this. But the hypocrisies in the accusatioln of "antisemitism" are discussed there for nearly 200 pages, citation by citation. It is moral, factual, ethical, and well-researched. I would welcome any challenge to its morality and factuality. BY ANYONE.

O'LINK: I was wondering if I might interview you sometime this evening (Dec. 4). Our next issue is due out tomorrow; I'm currently working on a story about the settlement and would be interested to hear more about your reason for sending the email.

JTR: I will be happy to respond to your questions by email.

O'LINK: I will be in the University Chronicle office any time after 6 p.m. Central Time, for the rest of the night. The phone number there is [*****]. I understand that you have responded to the emails of several faculty members throughout the day and refuse to say anything about your identity.

JTR: Is the "identity" issue unreasonable to you? It is impossible to speak freely in America about this subject for fear of being fired, fined, or harrassed. The accusation of "antisemitism" is a censorial tool, as many of faculty members surely recognize. Look what happened to your St. Cloud University. The "settlement" is a farce, and goes against all the principles of rationality, free speech, and justice. Jews are held to be sacrosanct in our culture.

O'LINK: We are very intrested in having your opinion as yet one more facet of the story. However, due to editorial policy, I'm not sure that we can use anything you have to say without a name. I could understand if you did not want to divulge your full name, however, would you consider giving us a first name and perhaps last initial, and maybe a geographic region from the country where you are from?

JTR: You may use Rachel B. From Boston. Or you may use anything else.

O'LINK: If you do not wish to speak by phone, would you mind answering the following questions via email?

JTR: When did you first hear about the settlement? Is this something that you have been following (if so, for how long?), or was yesterday the first you heard of it?

I read about it last night, and I discussed it this morning with a friend (who saw it on CNN). I am aware of what's been going on at St. Cloud University. Earlier news items about the issue are posted at our web cite. I am aware of this because the same sort of thing is going on everywhere (censorship of all and any issues having to do with Jewish power and influence in America -- which we meticulously DOCUMENT with thousands of bibliographic citations at our web site). There is a community of Internet indiviuals who are examing this phenomenon, and documenting it as we prepare for war with Iraq -- which is a related issue). ALL of the issue of "antisemitism" are connected to defense of modern, racist Israel, and we document this subject too profusely at our web site.

O'LINK: What prompted you to send the email?

JTR: The email was sent to provide St. Cloud Faculty members with documented, verifiable facts when they are sent to their indoctrination trainings -- classes that will, in the academic context, summarily censor all discussion about this issue. Why is there such a thing as "antisemitism?" What is it? Why is it? Our web cite documents, IN DETAIL, this issue -- and much, more more. Everywhere, even in academe, an investigation into Jewish power and influence is pathologized.

O'LINK: Having heard what you have about the settlement, what do you think?

JTR: This sets an astounding censorial precedent in American academia. WASP culture, Christian culture, the Pope, even Islam, whatever, is freely attacked and impugned throughout our culture. Jewish activists are in the vanguard of this attack (we don't just say this, we DOCUMENT it at our web site) yet they position themselves to be IMMUNE from criticism. This is unjust and immoral. It is a form of fraud, and we are appealing to faculty members to become informed and stand up for their rights as citizens, thinkers, and teachers.

O'LINK: How did you get SCSU faculty email addresses? (Looking them up online, using the phone book...?)

JTR: Not a relevant question. Is contacting a professor a crime?

O'LINK: How many responses have you receieved?

JTR: First, bear in mind, it is a given that no professor can risk publicly to come forward in agreement with the facts we state. He/she will be disciplined, and probably fired. The stigma of being an "antisemite" is prfoundly harmful. You know that. They know that. Hundreds of thousands of dollars in "settlement" is at stake when anyone dares to criticize the powerful Jewish lobby. We emailed over 450 professors at your university. Thus far, about 5 have replied negatively to us. All others are silent. This is a good sign, because it means that many are at least taking the time to make up their own minds about all this. (By the way, I fully recognize that, if forced under the spotlight, and driven by a Thought Police campaign by my Roland Sprecht- (whatever his name is -- can you tell me if he is Jewish?), ALL faculty would be forced to publicly condemn us. Left to their own spirits, a handful have so far sent us complaint and, bear in mind, these people probably HAVE NOT even went to the website (as at least one admitted). One of these eminent professors called our email post "dumb" and another threatened to track us down (what does our identities have to do with the truth or falsehood of our web site?) I note of these five, one has invited me to debate her about the subject. I have not heard from her again when I accepted her challenge, and I'd be happy to debate this in a public cyberspace forum so that all and any may weight the factual, intellectual, and moral depth of my argument. If I'm wrong I could be exhbited as being wrong. But I Am right about this, as many in your community know. But no one would dare to engage me in debate, because their censorial model at work here is easy to prove. I've done years of research about this, and anyone looking at the web site will realize they'd lose such a debate -- whether based on factual or moral grounds.

O'LINK: What was the nature of the responses?

JTR: See above.

O'LINK: Anything else you would like to add?

JTR: The issue is far, far broader than what you can possibly discuss in a single column. I ask you to act as an informed reporter, and read the material about antisemitism (in the link I provide above). The issue of being FORCED to an indoctination program about "antisemitism" is obscene and any reasoned, moral, human being who reads our chapter about this scam will come away from it PROFOUNDLY disturbed at what is happening in our society. Understand. I am not a "racist," KKK member, "neo-Nazi" or any of the other stupid stereotypes that are thrown to stifle dissent. I am a pan-human universalist. If we are to have a "multicultural" society, it must fairly represent the full spectrum of ethnicities and not the omnipresent special interest group that has just shaken down your hapless university for a few hundred thou and, more importantly, nailed down the lid on free speech in America.

Thank you very much, Eric. I only ask that you be reasoned, moral, and fair in your assessment of the issues here. The more you visit our web site, the more you'll understand the cause we make. I ask that you please note in your article the link about the accusation of antisemitism at our web site (above). If you do not, it is a form of censorship and you forbid people from making up their own mind about this. You thereby cater to the censorial nemesis. Do the faculty and yourself a favor, and let our democratic society BE a DEMOCRATIC society where people have wide ranges of information TO MAKE UP THEIR OWN MINDS! There is nothing racist, immoral, or falsified at our site, as your examination will prove. Thanks a lot.

An article appeared on December 9, 2002 in the University Chronicle. Not surprisingly, no mention is made to an alternative to Jewish Thought Police indoctrination, no mention is made of the Jewish Tribal Review's mass mailing, and the article, by Katie Florin and Abby Thoemke, fawns to usual concerns about St. Cloud's "reputation" and the splendors of cultural diversity.

Campus reacts to settlement,
by Katie Florin & Abby Thoemke, University Chronicle, December 9, 2002
"As news of the proposed settlement of the anti-Semitism lawsuit filed against SCSU was spread across campus last week, students' reactions were mixed. The settlement came more than a year after the lawsuit, the nation's first class action lawsuit based on anti-Semitism at a state university, was filed. Although the story appeared on the front page of several newspapers -- both locally and across the nation -- and was covered by the television news programs, many SCSU students said they had not heard about the terms of the agreement. '(SCSU did a) wonderful job of keeping it hush-hush,' said Zach Dorholt, a member of Tau Kappa Epsilon ... Other students felt that information given about the issues was lacking. 'Students don't know what is going on because they are not getting all the facts,' said Andrea Redetzke, a social work major. Several students feared the lawsuit's allegations and now the proposed settlement would have an adverse impact on SCSU's reputation ... Some students worried that the accusations and settlement may dissuade minority students from future enrollment ... Students also expressed hope that the publicity of the issue will promote positive changes. Redetzke said she 'feels responsible as a person on campus to help create awareness for diversity' ... The proposed center also drew varied reactions from students. Kurt Brunnen, a social work major, said that he felt the resource center would 'further separate Jewish students' and suggested, as an alternative, the creation of a center for all multicultural organizations. Hmong Student Organization member Kou Vue said he felt that Jewish students deserved something for the persecution they have encountered ... Several students believed that a major cause of the underlying problem may be the faculty's inability to deal internally with multiculturalism ... '(The center) would be a resource for those who are unfamiliar with Jewish culture,' Redetzke said. 'It would be very empowering for Jewish students.' She observed, based on her experience working at the American Indian Center, that having multicultural centers on campus has been helpful in educating and exposing students to different cultures. She believed that the proposed center would provide further enlightenment to students and faculty members alike. The majority of students interviewed agreed that discrimination exists because of those who have not accepted diversity."

Of the above 9 faculty responses in the first two days to the over 450 emailings, all were negative (indeed, they were kneejerk, unthinking responses, for how could anyone possibly digest over 1,850 links to online articles and 2,000 pages of scholarly text in ONE DAY, and within the burden of class schedules?), and four of these were in direct response -- not to the Jewish Tribal Review email -- but, rather, to Dean Roland Specht-Jarvis' "Dear coward" email, which he apparently circulated among faculty members looking for an echo to his own response. (Those that mimicked Specht-Jarvis [evidenced by his comments in their own emails or the exact SCSU "hate speech" heading] were professors Guy, Mohrbacher, Villanueva, and Bruce. In other words, at least 5 of the 9 critical responses were merely stamped acquiescence of Spech-Jarvis' sentiment, which was presented to them for their approval and, presumably, attendant censorial activism). It was an ASSEMBLY LINE response, routinely, blindly, stamping their names on the dotted line against "hate." It is doubtful that these professors ever even went to examine our web site (Mohrbacher even admitsed she didn't even finish JTR's email, and yet she wanted -- until she thought about it -- to discuss it with us). Specht-Jarvis, whose job as "Dean" is to smooth community relations at any cost and spread good tidings about the new "antisemitism" indoctrination sessions (and may even be Jewish), decided our post was "hate speech," and that was good enough for those that fell quickly into line behind him.

Again, these are supposedly the "free thinkers" of American academe, presumably (?) poised to debate any moral, philosophical, social, or political issue.

440+ faculty members "fence sat," didn't care about the subject, feared involvement in discussion with JTR, were not yet prepared to venture an opinion about our site, or knew well enough to stay out of trouble. What's the advantage in remaining quiet? Everything: security in the status quo. What's to be gained, personally, in public discussion about the subject at hand, in the climate of the fear of law suits and, literally, forced indoctrination training? Nothing. Possibly being fired. Possibly being harrassed or sued for being an "anti-Semite," for spreading "hate."

If ONE open-minded faculty member -- amongst the herd of fear and ignorance -- thinks about what is going around them with invigorated insight, the emailing was successful.

Pass what you know on.

December 16, 2002


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