Jehoash tablet is a fake,
Haaretz (Israel), June 10, 2003
"The inscription on the ancient stone Jehoash tablet that would
have confirmed biblical narrative is a forgery, the daily Ma'ariv
has reported. When first revealed two years ago, the shoebox-sized
tablet inscribed with 15 lines of ancient Hebrew caused a stir in the
archaeological world with some experts dating the stone to the ninth
century B.C.E. An investigation by the Israel Antiquities Authority
has found the inscription to be fake, the Ma'ariv daily said
yesterday in an unattributed report. Osnat Guez, a spokeswoman for the
authority, said the investigation was in its last stages and that no
final conclusions had been reached. Guez said the authority would announce
its findings at the end of the month. If authentic, the inscription
on the small black tablet would validate passages of the Bible that
detail renovations of the first Jewish Temple, ordered by King Jehoash
in the Old Testament. The Antiquities Authority together with Jerusalem
police launched an investigation into the authenticity of the stone
after it was offered for sale by Israeli collector Oded Golan
... He has denied he owns it, but is suspected of trying to circumvent
Israeli antiquities laws by waiting so long to report its existence."
Gibson to sue religious groups? Actor reportedly threatened to file
suit over criticism of Jesus film, World Net
Daily, June 9, 2003
"Actor-director Mel Gibson is preparing to fight back against religious
groups that have criticized his portrayal of Jews in his new film about
the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, reports the Melbourne Herald Sun.
According to the paper, Gibson has threatened lawsuits against both
the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops and the Anti-Defamation League.
The groups have been critical of Gibson's film portrayal of Jewish complicity
in the execution of Christ. The actor reportedly is part of a traditionalist
Catholic movement that holds to the belief that Jews were collectively
responsible for the death of Jesus. The movement rejects changes made
in Catholic doctrine in the '60s that eliminated the emphasis on Jewish
guilt, the Herald Sun reports. Gibson's film, 'The Passion,'
finished shooting in Rom last month. The dialogue is in Latin and Aramaic,
but no subtitles will be included. According to the paper, Sister Mary
Boys, professor of practical theology at Union Theological Seminary
in New York, said, 'The Anti-Defamation League and U.S. Conference of
Catholic Bishops reviewed the script and we wrote a report that was
sent to Mr. Gibson's company. 'We have concerns about the role of Jews
in the movie and we were hoping to get some changes. Mr. Gibson's company
has retaliated by threatening a lawsuit.'As WorldNetDaily reported,
Gibson has lashed out against those he says were planning to 'dig up
dirt' on him and his family. "Whenever you take up a subject like [Christ's
crucifixion] it does bring out a lot of enemies," he said."
big stock sales may be omen. Experts disagree on whether flood of sales
foretells trouble for market,
By Greg Zuckerman, Austin American-Statesman
(from THE WALL STREET JOURNAL), June 8, 2003
"Here's some cold water for a red-hot stock market: Executives
are rushing to sell their companies' shares at a pace not seen since
2001. More than $3.1 billion in shares was sold in May by corporate
insiders, the most such selling in 24 months. By comparison, monthly
stock sales by insiders failed to exceed $1.4 billion during each of
the previous five months, and just $630 million of sales took place
in January, according to research firm Thomson Financial. The moves
are a concern because insider buying and selling -- by people who presumably
are the most knowledgeable about their companies' prospects -- have
been good predictors of the market's direction ... Still, the selling
-- from such savvy executives as Microsoft Corp.'s chief executive,
Steven Ballmer, and Dell Computer Corp. Chairman Michael Dell,
among others -- could portend trouble for earnings. Because of changes
in corporate disclosure rules, insider selling may be more important
an indicator than ever. New regulations imposed in the past year or
so mean executives are much less able to share information with analysts
about early signs of how a quarter or year is shaping up. As such, trading
by executives is one of the few ways left for investors to get an inside
look at how companies feel about their prospects, some argue. How they
vote with their feet is what is key, these people say. Dell sold
almost $300 million in shares in late May, compared with more than $120
million of shares sold during all of last year. His wife, Susan Dell,
sold another 1 million shares, for $31.1 million. Mike Maher, a Dell
spokesman, said he couldn't comment on the sales and pointed out that
Michael Dell remains the largest holder of the company's stock,
with almost $9 billion in shares and options. His family owns an additional
$1.2 billion of the stock ... As for Ballmer, who has sold almost
$1 billion in shares recently, he issued a press release last month
saying, 'I remain excited about the potential for our technology to
change people's lives, and I remain as committed to Microsoft as ever.'
A Microsoft spokeswoman added that Ballmer continues to hold significant
holdings of the company's shares. He currently holds about $10 billion
of Microsoft shares ... Health-related companies stand out because of
a surge in recent insider selling. For example, six executives at Genentech,
a stock that has almost doubled this year, have combined to sell 742,500
shares valued at $36 million in the past month, according to Thomson.
Among them, Chief Financial Officer Louis Lavigne Jr. sold almost
[Jews, communism, and U.S. Imperialism:]
Trotsky's ghost
wandering the White House. Influence on Bush aides: Bolshevik's writings
supported the idea of pre-emptive war,
by Jeet Heer, National Post (posted here
at June 07, 2003
"Joseph Stalin, the Soviet dictator, was paranoid. Perhaps his
deepest fears centred around his great rival for the leadership of the
Bolshevik movement, Leon Trotsky. Stalin went to extraordinary lengths
to obliterate not only Trotsky but also the ragtag international fellowship
known as the Left Opposition, which supported Trotsky's political program.
In the late 1920s, Stalin expelled Trotsky from the Communist
Party and deported him from the Soviet Union. Almost instantly, other
Communist parties moved to excommunicate Trotsky's followers, notably
the Americans James P. Cannon and Max Shachtman. In 1933, while
in exile in Turkey, Trotsky regrouped his supporters as the Fourth International.
Never amounting to more than a few thousand individuals scattered across
the globe, the Fourth International was constantly harassed by Stalin's
secret police, as well as by capitalist governments ... Trotsky's
movement, although never numerous, attracted many sharp minds. At one
time or another, the Fourth International included among its followers
the painter Frida Kahlo (who had an affair with Trotsky), the
novelist Saul Bellow, the poet André Breton and the Trinidadian
polymath C.L.R. James. As evidence of the continuing intellectual influence
of Trotsky, consider the curious fact that some of the books about the
Middle East crisis that are causing the greatest stir were written by
thinkers deeply shaped by the tradition of the Fourth International.
In seeking advice about Iraqi society, members of the Bush administration
(notably Paul D. Wolfowitz, the Deputy Secretary of Defence,
and Dick Cheney, the Vice-President) frequently consulted Kanan Makiya,
an Iraqi-American intellectual whose book The Republic of Fear is considered
to be the definitive analysis of Saddam Hussein's tyrannical rule. As
the journalist Christopher Hitchens notes, Makiya is 'known to
veterans of the Trotskyist movement as a one-time leading Arab member
of the Fourth International.' When speaking about Trotskyism, Hitchens
has a voice of authority. Like Makiya, Hitchens is a former Trotskyist
who is influential in Washington circles as an advocate for a militantly
interventionist policy in the Middle East. Despite his leftism, Hitchens
has been invited into the White House as an ad hoc consultant. Other
supporters of the Iraq war also have a Trotsky-tinged past. On the left,
the historian Paul Berman, author of a new book called Terror
and Liberalism, has been a resonant voice among those who want a more
muscular struggle against Islamic fundamentalism. Berman counts the
Trotskyist C.L.R. James as a major influence. Among neo-conservatives,
Berman's counterpart is Stephen Schwartz, a historian whose new
book, The Two Faces of Islam, is a key text among those who want the
United States to sever its ties with Saudi Arabia. Schwartz spent
his formative years in a Spanish Trotskyist group. To this day, Schwartz
speaks of Trotsky affectionately as "the old man" and "L.D." (initials
from Trotsky's birth name, Lev Davidovich Bronstein). "To a great
extent, I still consider myself to be [one of the] disciples of L.D,"
he admits, and he observes that in certain Washington circles, the ghost
of Trotsky still hovers around. At a party in February celebrating
a new book about Iraq, Schwartz exchanged banter with Wolfowitz about
Trotsky, the Moscow Trials and Max Shachtman. 'I've talked to
Wolfowitz about all of this,' Schwartz notes. 'We had this discussion
about Shachtman. He knows all that stuff, but was never part
of it. He's definitely aware.' The yoking together of Paul Wolfowitz
and Leon Trotsky sounds odd, but a long and tortuous history
explains the link between the Bolshevik left and the Republican right.
To understand how some Trotskyists ended up as advocates of U.S. expansionism,
it is important to know something about Max Shachtman, Trotsky's
controversial American disciple. Shachtman's career provides
the definitive template of the trajectory that carries people from the
Left Opposition to support for the Pentagon ... By the early 1970s,
Shachtman was a supporter of the Vietnam War and the strongly anti-Communist
Democrats such as Senator Henry Jackson. Shachtman had a legion
of young followers (known as Shachtmanites) active in labour unions
and had an umbrella group known as the Social Democrats. When the Shachtmanites
started working for Senator Jackson, they forged close ties with hard-nosed
Cold War liberals who also advised Jackson, including Richard Perle
and Paul Wolfowitz; these two had another tie to the Trotskyism;
their mentor was Albert Wohlstetter, a defence intellectual who
had been a Schachtmanite in the late 1940s. Shachtman died in 1972,
but his followers rose in the ranks of the labour movement and government
bureaucracy. Because of their long battles against Stalinism, Shachtmanites
were perfect recruits for the renewed struggle against Soviet communism
that started up again after the Vietnam War. Throughout the 1970s, intellectuals
forged by the Shachtman tradition filled the pages of neo-conservative
publications. Then in the 1980s, many Social Democrats found themselves
working in the Reagan administration, notably Jeanne Kirkpatrick (who
was ambassador to the United Nations) and Elliott Abrams (whose
tenure as assistant secretary of state was marred by his involvement
with the Iran-Contra scandal)."
[Hmmm. What "special interest group" in the Bush administration
would have motivation in faking Iraq's threat? And who would have the
influence and means to successfully see to fruition this heist?]
Evidence Distorted for War,
Guardian (UK), June 7, 2003
"The Bush administration distorted intelligence and presented conjecture
as evidence to justify a U.S. invasion of Iraq, according to a retired
intelligence official who served during the months before the war. `What
disturbs me deeply is what I think are the disingenuous statements made
from the very top about what the intelligence did say,' said Greg Thielmann,
who retired last September. `The area of distortion was greatest in
the nuclear field.' Thielmann was director of the strategic, proliferation
and military issues office in the State Department's Bureau of Intelligence
and Research. His office was privy to classified intelligence gathered
by the CIA and other agencies about Iraq's chemical, biological and
nuclear programs. In Thielmann's view, Iraq could have presented an
immediate threat to U.S. security in two areas: Either it was about
to make a nuclear weapon, or it was forming close operational ties with
al-Qaida terrorists. Evidence was lacking for both, despite claims by
President Bush and others, Thielmann said in an interview this week.
Suspicions were presented as fact, contrary arguments ignored, he said.
The administration's prewar portrayal of Iraq's weapons capabilities
has not been validated despite weeks of searching by military experts.
Alleged stockpiles of chemical and biological weapons have not turned
up, nor has significant evidence of a nuclear weapons program or links
to the al-Qaida network ... 'When the administration did talk about
specific evidence - it was basically declassified, sensitive information
- it did it in a way that was also not entirely honest,' Thielmann said."
[Is the following article about Sports and Media, or really about
the Jewish power network? (Note again that all 4 major professional
sports commissioners are also Jewish: Tagliabue -- football, Stern --
basketball, Selig -- baseball, and Bettmann -- hockey.]
ABC Hopes NBA Can Rebuild Momentum,
by Rudy Martzke, USA TODAY, June 6, 2003,
p. 2C [paper version]
"The NBA Finals hardly seem to be capturing the public's imagination
... "Im sure ABC and ESPN are worried,' says Larry Novenstern,
whose Deutsch Inc. ad agency represents NBA sponsors Mitsubishi and ... ESPN/ABC offered make-good ads starting in Game 1 of
the Finals, Novenstern said. TNT, with playoff ratings up 28%, does
not have to, President David Levy said ... NBA Commissioner David
Stern told the Mike and the Mad Dog Show this week on New York's
WFAN radio, "You are absolutely right. Fewer people will watch
on a cable network than on a broadcast channel ..." ABC's vice
president Mark Mandel and ESPN programming production chief Mark
Shapiro are upbeat ... ESPN is close to signing former UCLA coach
Steve Lavin as a basketball analyst."
German Politician Did Not Kill Himself: Friends,
By Khaled Schmitt, June 6, 2003,
"Friends of Germany's former deputy chancellor Juergen Moellemann,
who died Thursday, June 5, in a parachute jump, refuted media reports
he committed suicide to escape state prosecution over his pro-Arabs
and Muslims and anti-Israel stances. They asserted he intended to set
up a new party and called on Arab and Muslim communities to join up.
One of the prominent German politician's close associates added there
was nothing that could have possibly pushed him to commit suicide. A
former advertising executive and a vigorous self- promoter, Moellemann
has enjoyed a high morale at recent days, he said. The same argument
was supported by an eyewitness who told the NTV news channel the deceased
handled his parachute easily and calmly before his skydiving, excluding
any possible suicide attempt ... Reinicke put three possibilities for
the death of Moellemann, a former economy minister and deputy chancellor
from 1991 to 1993 when the Free Democratic Party (FDP) was junior partner
in a coalition with the conservatives under Helmut Kohl. 'We are of
course investigating all possibilities. The range of possibilities in
such a case is very large. You can put them in three categories - an
accident, a suicide or sabotage, for instance manipulation of the parachute
by another person.' Vicious Campaign Moellemann recently came under
a ferocious campaign from the FDP and media outlets for his anti-Israeli
remarks and his sympathy with Arab causes. A lawmaker and leader of
the German-Arab Friendship Society, he was a combative maverick known
for his pro-Arab positions. Moellemann had complained of being victim
of a witch hunt after his war of words with leading Jewish members of
the party and his criticism of Michael Friedman, deputy head of Germany's
Jewish community and Israeli Premier Ariel Sharon. Although he gained
the largest number of votes in the last free elections, the prominent
politician was ostracized from the FDP in March allegedly because his
popularity slump on his anti-Israel stance. On Thursday, prosecutors
searched Moellemann's home, office in Muenster, western Germany, over
charges of violating elections laws by receiving Arab donations to finance
a leaflet criticizing the Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories
during his election campaign. The leaflet dubbed Israel an 'occupation
state' and reaffirmed support for Palestinian resistance attacks against
Israeli targets. Moellemann had stressed he would do the same should
any country occupy Germany, accusing Sharon of practicing state
terrorism against armless Palestinians. He was the first German official
in the 1970s to establish strong relations with the Palestinian Liberation
Organization (PLO) and its chairman Yasser Arafat. Moellemann is also
known for his close ties with other Arab leaders.".
[All bracketed material in the following article is in the original:]
Sharansky's View of Jesus "Crucifixion is a Privilege",
By ANTHONY GANCARSKI, CounterPunch, June
6, 2003
"Never let it be said that Israeli Cabinet Minister Natan Sharansky
doesn't know how to cut a promo. On the June 2 edition of C-SPAN's
Washington Journal Sharansky, who the National Christian Leadership
Conference for Israel dubbed 'the long-imprisoned symbol of the Jewish
struggle for freedom and human rights', was asked by a caller to reconcile
Jewish support for the crucifixion of Jesus of Nazareth [apparently,
said caller had access to the Zogby of the day] with the idea that 'Jews...
are the Chosen People.' To me, the caller sounded like a garden-variety
heckler, the kind a slick operator like Sharansky, recently lauded
by the Jerusalem Post for having 'opened his traditionally Russian-based
party to the Anglo community', should've been able to squash with just
a smile and a reminder to C-Span viewers to support their local AIPAC
representative. After all, the former Soviet Refusenik wasn't in Washington
to enjoy the June balm; a cynic might suggest that it was Natan's 'turn'
to bid for Congressional contributions. But I digress. How did Sharansky
respond to this heckler? In a long-winded fashion, he explained that
Israel [and by extension, all of those who keep the Jewish Sabbath]
have special prerogatives, responsibilities to God and his creation
due to their unique positioning in Yahweh's eyes. So long-winded was
Sharansky's response, in fact, that one could've missed him saying
that 'the crucifixion of Christ' was a 'privilege.' Mistakes happen,
apparently, and Messiahs get offed. Sharansky, who thought Jonathan
Pollard deserved to be freed, since he committed espionage not for
an enemy but for one of America's many friends in the world, is entirely
willing -- on a fund-raising trip to the US, no less! -- to write off
the crucifixion of Jesus of Nazareth as a clerical error. Sharansky,
who in 1997 denied that such an entity as the 'Russian mafia' existed,
right around the time he threatened to bolt from the Israeli guvmint
because his party didn't have final say on who the Israeli Ambassador
to Moscow would be, cuts quite the figure. In a country where politicians
have built careers around piddly crap like cutting funding to the NEA,
leading the charge against flag-burning, and protecting our nation's
youth from the menace of reefers, or blunts, or whatever the rappers
call them on ClearChannel radio these days, Sharansky makes light
of the crucifixion of Christ in the United States. May I remind Sharansky
why that's a problem? The United States, nominally a Judeo-Christian
nation, fortifies Israel in no small part because of the Christian Zionist
assumption that such profligate aid buys certain Christians the best
possible seats for the impending end times. A lucrative cottage industry,
the US-Israel alliance, as everyone from Pat Robertson to Bill Kristol
can attest. But loose talk like Sharansky's will undermine
the foundation of that cottage, built on the illusory foundation that
there is such a thing as a shared 'Judeo-Christian' interest to use
Israel as a pivot point for US domination of what is called the Middle
East. No skin off my nose, though. I know why Sharansky, an advocate
of massive Russian immigration into the war-torn state of Israel, has
come to America. To secure another billion, or two. To remind Congress
that the last few dozen stragglers who refuse Israel unconditional support
need to be purged. To observe the American scene. And it's just as well
that his trip stateside coincided with the President's absence. If Bush
had heard Sharansky, who accepted $85,000 in 'charities' from
Israeli convict Grigory Lerner [international embezzler, with
ties to the apparently mythical Russian Mafia], downplay the significance
of Christ's crucifixion by claiming that it's just another 'privilege'
due 'the Chosen People', he may have choked on a pretzel."
Porn Borrowing tactics from the old Hollywood studios, Vivid Entertainment
has ditched the plain brown wrapper and is taking the multibillion-dollar
sex-film industry mainstream,
By Paul Keegan, Business 2.0, June 2003
"On a sunny day in New York City, Steve Hirsch ... switches
off CNN and goes right for the porn channel. "These are mostly video
compilations," he says dismissively as he flips past the ads -- Extra
Busty Beauties, Real Hard Sex, More Dripping Wet Sex, Lots of Filthy
Sex, Filthy Sex Fantasies -- then stops. 'Here we go.' It's a glitzy
head shot of Jenna Jameson, the reigning superstar of porn, appearing
in her latest release, I Dream of Jenna, billed as 'a comical adventure
with 10 of the nastiest sex scenes ever filmed!' Hirsch is 41
years old. He has a broad, handsome face and deep California tan, and
he wears his collar open, revealing glimpses of a massive chest earned
from pumping iron three days a week. Jameson's film is just what he
was looking for -- not a compilation of steamy scenes but an actual
movie with a story line, high production values, and a star-studded
cast led by the vixen he calls 'by far the biggest star in the history
of the adult business.' But Hirsch won't actually watch this
movie -- he couldn't care less about Jameson's sexual escapades. What
really turns him on is the business of porn. Nineteen years ago, he
and a partner scraped together $20,000 to found Vivid Entertainment
of Van Nuys, Calif. Today, Hirsch is a multimillionaire, Vivid
is the biggest XXX film studio in the world, with revenue estimated
at $100 million, and it has Jameson locked up in a seven-year deal.
More important, Hirsch is the executive most responsible for
transforming a disreputable underground industry into a mainstream,
multibillion-dollar business. It now sends hard-core movies to TV screens
across America through hotel chains like Marriott (MAR) and Hilton (HLT)
and satellite and cable operators Comcast (CMCSK), DirecTV, and AOL
Time Warner (AOL) (publisher of this magazine) and is turning unknown
strippers and models into celebrities overnight. You've probably never
heard of Steve Hirsch -- and that's how he likes it. He'd rather
have you focus on his Vivid Girls, porn stars he began manufacturing
in 1984 by bringing back the old Hollywood contract system ... Jenna
Jameson, porn's top star, gets royal treatment -- and brings in an estimated
$15 million a year. All of which makes this soft-spoken businessman
a striking emblem of what's happened to the world of porn in recent
years. As the industry has grown to proportions befitting its obsession
with size -- altogether, magazines, movies, websites, sex toys, phone
lines, and strip clubs account for somewhere between $4 billion and
$10 billion annually -- it has become so complex and competitive that
only the smartest, soberest business minds can prosper. And though the
XXX film business was once considered the sleazy underbelly of Hollywood,
today Hirsch lectures at the USC Business School and has a Dartmouth
grad and MBA as co-chairman of his firm ... Bill Asher, Vivid's
Ivy League chairman, remembers that when he left Playboy's cable division
to run Hirsch's hard-core channels just four years ago, he felt
like he had one foot in the gutter and one in the real business world.
'Now I look around,' he says, 'and I think to myself, 'What happened
to the gutter?'"
Brothers Can Testify Against Him,
Newsday, June 5, 2003
"Two brothers of a prominent New York City cantor accused of sexually
assaulting his nephew can testify against him, a judge ruled Wednesday.
Prosecutors said the two men are prepared to testify that as children
they also were molested by their brother, Howard Nevison, who
has led worshippers in prayer and song at New York's Temple Emanu-El
since 1978. Nevison, 62, was charged last year with assaulting
his nephew during family get-togethers between 1993 and 1998. One of
Nevison's brothers, Lawrence, was convicted in 2000 of
sexually assaulting the same boy and is serving a prison sentence. Lawrence
Nevison and a second brother -- the boy's father, Henry --
both claim they were molested by Howard Nevison when they were
young. Witnesses normally are barred from discussing a defendant's past
crimes, but Judge Paul W. Tressler said their claims were distinctive
enough to indicate a 'signature of the same perpetrator' and could be
heard by jurors. Defense attorneys said the old allegations were maliciously
motivated and would prejudice a jury against their client. The boy making
the accusations, now 13, may also testify. Temple Emanu-El is New York's
largest Reform synagogue. Howard Nevison, who in 1994 became
the first cantor to sing at the Vatican, is on paid leave from the temple
and is free on bail."
"By Way of Deception...",
by Jeremy R. Hammond, Yirmeyahureview,
June 4, 2003
"In the weeks following the September 11, 2001 attacks on the Pentagon
and World Trade Center, a series of letters containing a powder form
of the anthrax virus were mailed to various individuals. One such letter,
postmarked on the 18th, was mailed to Tom Brokaw at NBC. Another was
addressed to the editor of the New York Post. On October 9, similar
letters were mailed to Senators Tom Daschle and Patrick Leahy. The anthrax
in the letters was identified as being of the "Ames" strain. At least
five labs were reported to have the Ames strain, all of which received
their samples from the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious
Disease (USAMRIID) at Fort Detrick, Maryland ... In response to Attorney
General John Ashcroft labeling him as a 'person of interest', Hatfill
stated, 'My lawyers can find no legal definition for a 'person of interest.'
I, however, have a working definition: A 'person of interest' is someone
who comes into being when the government is under intense political
pressure to solve a crime, but can't do so." He mentioned Barbara
Hatch Rosenberg and Nicholas Kristof as being the two most prominent
individuals who had implicated his involvement, although Rosenberg
made a statement, saying, I have never mentioned any names in connection
with the anthrax investigation, not to the FBI, nor to media, nor to
Senate Committees or staffs, not to anyone. I have never said or written
anything publicly that pointed to one specific person. Anyone who sees
parallels is expressing his own opinion' ... The other possible explanation,
which Paul Moore fails to recognize, was pointed out distinctly by Delinda
Curtiss Hanley, news editor of the Washington Report on Middle East
Affairs, who wrote, 'Before the investigation of Dr. Hatfill
captured national headlines, another insider scientist had come under
FBI scrutiny without much media fanfare. It was easy to miss the few
stories published in January 2002 about Lt. Col. Philip Zack,
who, like Hatfill, also had access to a well-equipped laboratory with
lax security. Zack, moreover, actually worked with military-grade
anthrax at Fort Detrick. Dr. Zack left Fort Detrick in December
1991 amid allegations of unprofessional conduct. The
Jewish scientist and others were accused of harassing their co-worker,
Dr. Ayaad Assaad, until the Egyptian-born American scientist quit, according
to an article in Connecticut's The Hartford Courant, the country's oldest
newspaper in continuous publication. Dr. Assaad sued the Army, claming
discrimination after Zack's badgering. Inexplicably, the national
press ignored these documented unauthorized visits to a top-secret government
lab embroiled in the anthrax attacks. Did journalists
fear being labeled anti-Semitic for casting suspicions on a Jewish scientist?
Soon after the 9/11 attack, a long, typed anonymous letter was sent
to Quantico Marine Base accusing the long-suffering Assaad, Zack's victim
in 1991, of plotting terrorism. This letter was received before the
anthrax letters or disease were reported. The timing of the note makes
its author a serious suspect in the anthrax attacks. The sender also
displayed considerable knowledge of Dr. Assaad, his work, his personal
life and a remarkable premonition of the upcoming bioterrorism attack.
After interviewing Assaad on Oct. 2, 2001, the FBI decided the letter
was a hoax. While major newspapers noted that an anonymous letter had
accused Dr. Assaad of bioterrorism, none followed up on it after his
innocence was established. Zack's name never surfaced again as
one of the 30 suspects. When the Washington Report asked Barbara
Hatch Rosenberg, Ph.D., a biological arms control expert at the
State University of New York, if the allegations regarding Dr. David
Hatfill now took the heat off Lt. Col. Philip Zack, she replied,
'Zack has NEVER been under suspicion as perpetrator of the anthrax
attack.' It is hard to believe that, with his connection to Fort Detrick,
Dr. Zack is not one of the 20 to 50 scientists under intense
investigation. Another person not naming names is New York Times reporter
Nicholas D. Kristof. In a series of articles published on July 2, 12,
and 19, however, he called the anthrax perpetrator 'Mr. Z' (not "Mr.
H"). Kristof's description of "Mr. Z" sounds very much more like Dr.
Zack than Dr. Hatfill. Is the anthrax culprit, or "Mr. Z," actually
Dr. Zack or Dr. Hatfill, or another undisclosed scientist? Is
Dr. Hatfill being framed while Dr. Zack stays out of the spotlight?
Will the investigation simply peter out without an arrest? Are the US
government and the media engaging in a shameful cover-up?... Another
too-hot-to-handle story published in the Oct. 31, 2001 Miami Herald
described an FBI search for six "Middle-Eastern looking men with Israeli
passports stopped in the Midwest the previous weekend." The six men
stopped by police were traveling in groups of three in two white sedans.
The article noted that, despite law enforcement agencies being on high
alert after the Sept. 11 attacks, the men were released—even though
they had in their possession photographs and descriptions of a nuclear
power plant in Florida and the Trans-Alaska pipeline. As a result of
the scare, the Federal Aviation Administration imposed flight restrictions
around nuclear plants nationwide, and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission
advised the nation’s 103 nuclear plants to fortify security.... An Oct.
26, 2001 article in The Jerusalem Post reported that five Israeli men
with box-cutters, multiple passports and $4,000 cash detained in New
Jersey on Sept. 11, the day of the attacks on the World Trade Center
and Pentagon, would be deported back to Israel for immigration violations.
Those men were seen laughing and posing for photographs with the smoking
Twin Towers in the background. The U.S. press also deemed that story
not fit to print.' The online publication La Voz de Aztlan
also picked up on the clear possibility of a government white-wash of
the affair, noting that 'Jewish microbiologist Dr. Philip M. Zack
may be behind the deadly anthrax contaminated letters' and quotes Dr.
Assaad as saying, 'This person knew in advance what was going to happen
and created a suitable, well-fitted scapegoat for this action. You do
not need to be a Nobel laureate to put two and two together.'"
Guru Freed After Day in Jail,
Earthlink (from Associated Press), June
4, 2003
"Ed Rosenthal, the self-proclaimed 'Guru of Ganja,' walked
free Wednesday after a federal judge sentenced him to just one day in
prison for growing marijuana Rosenthal said was for medical purposes.
He could have gotten 60 years behind bars. U.S. District Judge Charles
Breyer said Rosenthal genuinely believed that what he was doing
was not against the law. 'He was unaware his conduct was not immunized
from federal prosecution,' the judge said. Rosenthal's case represented
the latest clash between state and federal authorities over the medical
use of marijuana. The federal government does not recognize medical
marijuana laws in California and the eight other states that have them.
Wednesday's decision was met by cheers and applause in the courtroom.
Federal prosecutors had asked for a 6 1/2-year prison term ... In January,
a jury concluded Rosenthal was growing more than 100 plants,
conspired to cultivate marijuana, and maintained an Oakland warehouse
for a growing operation. Rosenthal, 58, had said he was acting
as an agent for Oakland's medical marijuana program, an outgrowth of
a 1996 measure approved by California's voters that allows sick people
to obtain marijuana with a letter from a doctor ... Prosecutor George
Bevan said Rosenthal was not simply helping the ill. 'This operation
is a cash cow. He put out thousands and thousands of plants,' Bevan
said. 'I don't think anyone disagrees with helping sick people, but
as far as we're concerned, it was a business.'"
[Jewish in-house dialogue: Jews make a film about the radical "Weather
Underground," who -- surprise!-- were mostly Jews:]
Molotov Memories
Or, whitey on the moon,
New York Press
"Every documentary has a subject, but a good documentary also evinces
a theme. The Weather Underground pursues those white student radicals
of the 60s who split off from the Students for a Democratic Society
(SDS) to form a more desperate sect of bomb-planting revolutionaries.
Their disgust with American policy during the Vietnam War was a particular
expression of generational backlash. These former students were in a
position to take issue with all the benefits of skin and caste they
enjoyed. Acting upon their embarrassed self-awareness as fortunate whites,
they felt, as one interviewee says, 'a duty and an obligation' to overthrow
what they clearly perceived as a 'racist, genocidal, unjust' government.
When the crazed dream disintegrated, and after years of hiding from
the FBI, they came back to society as professors, local activists, virtually
anonymous Americans. Filmmakers Sam Green and Bill Siegel
cleverly pace the interviews with telephoto shots of crowds on streets
and in corridors: Anywhere. Anyone. A totally successful re-integration.
It’s a story that has gone back underground. Today, it’s an almost forgotten
history carrying an archaic sense that being young meant devotion to
an idea and a passion for issues. But The Weather Underground is most
interesting when forcing those old radicals into self-examination. They’re
brought close to realizing that though times have changed, youthful
recklessness has not. Mark Rudd admits mixed feelings: "Knowledge
of the U.S.’s position in the world was too big. I still don’t know
what to do with it." Some, like Naomi Jaffe and David Gilbert,
haven’t entirely let go. Others remain embittered, like Bernardine
Dohrn, now married to Bill Ayers and with two children. Dohrn
still wears that 'I have nothing to smile about' look on her face that
she had when a young firebrand. Now chagrined, they have some small
understanding that their dangerous folly ('like a Children’s crusade
gone mad') was an excess of privilege and timeless naivete. Some of
this realization comes post 9/11 ... Mark Rudd is quoted: 'I
cherished my hate as moral superiority'—a confession of blistering honesty
that conveys the heat of privileged activism. Something more was going
on than kids acting on principle. And arrogance wasn’t just a trait
of the dangerous ones. An SDS conservative, Todd Gitlin, is interviewed
about the 1968 convention that saw the group splintered ... They dared
to challenge: 'White youth must choose sides now. You’re either one
of the oppressed or one of the oppressors.' That only sounds simple;
it’s a complicated truism you’ll never hear from Eminem."
["Anti-semitism" is the greatest conspiracy theory in
history: it is alleged to everywhere, anywhere, in every possible shape
and form. All non-Jews are unstood to be contaminated by it, and they
must purge themselves before the Jewish Tribunal:]
Village Is Not Burning: A Realist`s Appraisal Of Anti-Semitism Today,
By Leon Wieseltier, The Jewish Press,
June 4, 2003
"In recent years it has become increasingly acceptable, in our
politics and in our philosophy, to proclaim the end of the Enlightenment,
or to dream of it. The spectacle of contemporary anti-Semitism, the
extraordinary durability of the antipathy toward the Jews, should embarrass
this idea, even if the Enlightenment was itself shot through with the
intolerance that it brilliantly denounced. If there is still any question
that the human world, including the Western parts of it, does not yet
suffer from a surfeit of reason and decency, the re- symbolization of
the Jew in our time should answer it. 'Very few phenomena of human history
have a history of approximately 2000 years,' Victor Tcherikover
once remarked. 'Anti-Semitism is one of them.' And so we now have a
whole array of Judeophobias to consider. The taxonomy of present-day
anti-Semitism is ominously large. There are religious varieties and
secular varieties; theological varieties and ideological varieties;
political varieties and cultural varieties; old varieties and new varieties.
There is the anti-Semitism of Christians, which comes in many forms,
and the anti-Semitism of Muslims, which comes in many forms. There is
the anti-Semitism of the Right, in Europe and in the United States,
still stubbornly blaming the Jews for modernity and there is the anti-Semitism
of the Left, most recently seeking shelter (and finding it) in the anti-globalization
movement, which has presided over a revival of the New Left`s dogmas
about capitalism and liberalism and Americanism. And there is the anti-Semitism
that manifests itself as anti-Zionism. This is, I think, the most dangerous
anti-Semitism of them all. It is not the case, of course, that every
criticism of the Jewish state is an instance of anti-Semitism; but it
is certainly the case that every instance of anti-Semitism is a criticism
of the Jewish state, a fundamental criticism, since it denies the legitimacy
of the ideal of a normal life for Jews, who are consigned by anti-Semites
of one kind or another to an endless abnormality of one kind or another.
If Israel cannot be above criticism, neither can Israel`s critics be
above criticism; and the anxiety that many critics of Israeli policy
are at bottom critics of Israeli reality -- that the opposition to Israeli
actions in Jenin or Gaza is sometimes motivated by a prior historical
or religious dogma -- is not an outlandish anxiety. Anti-Semitism
should be the occasion for an international conference at a center for
non-Jewish history. Let me explain. The hatred of the Jews is
a matter of urgent concern to Jews because of the injury that they may
suffer as a result of it. The Jewish investigation of anti-Semitism
is plainly a requirement of self-interest, and also a requirement of
dignity, because defending oneself against one`s enemy is an ethical
duty of the most elementary sort. The search for security has a foundation
in morality. Still, the solution to the problem of anti-Semitism is
not to be sought in the Jewish struggle against it. It
is indecent to ask the victims to make themselves responsible for an
end to their victimization. After all, they are not doing this
to themselves. This is being done to them. If anti-Semitism will ever
vanish from the earth, it will be the consequence of a transformation
not in the mentality of Jews, but in the mentality of non-Jews."
[The reason Wolfowitiz is so frank about oil is that this admission
hides the more important reason:: ISRAEL and the Jewish Lobby:]
Iraq war was about oil,
by George Wright, Guardian (UK), June 4,
"Oil was the main reason for military action against Iraq, a leading
White House hawk has claimed, confirming the worst fears of those opposed
to the US-led war. The US deputy defence secretary, Paul Wolfowitz
- who has already undermined Tony Blair's position over weapons of mass
destruction (WMD) by describing them as a 'bureaucratic' excuse for
war - has now gone further by claiming the real motive was that Iraq
is 'swimming' in oil. The latest comments were made by Mr Wolfowitz
in an address to delegates at an Asian security summit in Singapore
at the weekend, and reported today by German newspapers Der Tagesspiegel
and Die Welt. Asked why a nuclear power such as North Korea was
being treated differently from Iraq, where hardly any weapons of mass
destruction had been found, the deputy defence minister said: 'Let's
look at it simply. The most important difference between North Korea
and Iraq is that economically, we just had no choice in Iraq. The country
swims on a sea of oil' ... His latest comments follow his widely reported
statement from an interview in Vanity Fair last month, in which
he said that 'for reasons that have a lot to do with the US government
bureaucracy, we settled on the one issue that everyone could agree on:
weapons of mass destruction.' Prior to that, his boss, defence secretary
Donald Rumsfeld, had already undermined the British government's position
by saying Saddam Hussein may have destroyed his banned weapons before
the war. Mr Wolfowitz's frank assessment of the importance of
oil could not come at a worse time for the US and UK governments, which
are both facing fierce criticism at home and abroad over allegations
that they exaggerated the threat posed by Saddam Hussein in order to
justify the war. Amid growing calls from all parties for a public inquiry,
the foreign affairs select committee announced last night it would investigate
claims that the UK government misled the country over its evidence of
Iraq's WMD. The move is a major setback for Tony Blair, who had hoped
to contain any inquiry within the intelligence and security committee,
which meets in secret and reports to the prime minister. In the US,
the failure to find solid proof of chemical, biological and nuclear
arms in Iraq has raised similar concerns over Mr Bush's justification
for the war and prompted calls for congressional investigations. Mr
Wolfowitz is viewed as one of the most hawkish members of the
Bush administration. The 57-year old expert in international relations
was a strong advocate of military action against Afghanistan and Iraq."
[Thanks, Jewish Lobbyists. The Muslim world now perceives America
as a land of colonial invaders, just like its Jewish puppet-master --
U.S. Image Abroad Worse Since Iraq War,
Newsday, June 4, 2003
"The United States' image abroad, bad before the war against Iraq,
has plunged further in its aftermath, according to a survey released
yesterday. The poll, conducted in 20 countries and the Palestinian Authority
by the Pew Global Attitudes Project, found softening international support
for the war on terrorism, growing fear in several countries that they
will be attacked by the United States, and an expansion of deep distrust
among Muslims of President George W. Bush and his policies. 'The war
with Iraq has further divided the publics of the world,' said Andrew
Kohut, director of the Pew Research Center for the People & the Press.
'The rift between Americans and Western Europeans has widened and the
bottom has fallen out in support of the U.S. in most of the Muslim world.'
Most of the respondents named Bush as the main source of their mistrust
of America. In a blow to the White House, U.S. residents questioned
said that, on foreign affairs, they had more faith in British Prime
Minister Tony Blair than in Bush. Eighty-three percent of U.S. residents
said they have 'a lot' or "some" confidence in Blair to do the right
things on international issues while 78 percent said the same about
Bush. Only one country, Israel, picked Bush first
as a world leader they trust. The most dramatic element of the
survey, conducted between April 28 and May 15, was the continuing free-fall
of America's image in Muslim countries. In Indonesia, favorable opinion
of the United States nose-dived from 75 percent in 1999/2000 to 61 percent
last summer to 15 percent last month. In Jordan, a U.S. ally, favorable
opinion fell from 25 percent last summer to 1 percent last month. And
Muslims' regard for Osama bin Laden was up in several countries. Seventy-one
percent of Palestinian respondents and 58 percent of Indonesians said
they have confidence in bin Laden to 'do the right thing regarding world
affairs.' Following the U.S. war in Iraq, more
than 71 percent of those polled in Indonesia, Nigeria, Pakistan and
Turkey said they are worried American forces could invade their lands.
'Something that I'd never thought I'd see and something that is of great
concern to me is that people now fear American power,' said former Secretary
of State Madeleine Albright, who chairs the Pew Global Attitudes
Project. 'The strong dislike of the United States is no longer concentrated
in the regions of conflict, that is the Mideast and Pakistan,' Kohut
said. 'It now extends into Africa ... and Indonesia.'"
[The horrible virus/contagion of JEWISH NEUROSIS, gone berserk:]
new anti-Semitism?,
by Jonathan Cook, The Electronic Intifada,
June 3, 2003
"Anti-Semitism, like some plague-inducing virus, is 'evolving'
-- or so warns Holocaust scholar Daniel J. Goldhagen in the American
Jewish weekly The Forward. According to the author, the lessons
of the Holocaust are slowly being forgotten and a 'free-floating' globalised
hatred of Jews is being spread via the Internet and television. Goldhagen's
piece, 'The Globalisation of anti-Semitism,' is one of the latest contributions
to a growing body of reports by American and Israeli journalists and
research centres purporting to show that a powerful new strain of racism
is sweeping the globe. None of the authors is as disinterested as he
claims: each hopes to silence criticism of both Israel and the muscular
Zionist lobby groups within Washington that support Israel. Goldhagen's
trick is to turn traditional Christian anti-Semitism on its head. Where
once the anti-Semites accused the Jews of being the contagion carriers
-- harming their neighbours by spreading their uniquely 'diseased' financial,
professional and moral ideas -- now it is the non-Jew who must be quarantined.
We are all anti-Semites unless we can prove otherwise. 'Globalized anti-Semitism
has become part of the substructure of prejudice in the world,' Goldhagen
writes. 'It is relentlessly international in its focus on Israel at
the center of the most conflict-ridden region today, and on the United
States as the world's omnipresent power.' The rise of Arab anti-Semitism,
which has no obvious connection to historic European hatred of Jews,
is explained away: 'Essentially, Europe has exported its classical racist
and Nazi anti-Semitism to Arab countries, which they then applied to
Israel and Jews in general." The process, however, has not stopped there,
according to Goldhagen. "Then the Arab countries re-exported the new
hybrid demonology back to Europe and, using the United Nations and other
international institutions, to other countries around the world. In
Germany, France, Great Britain and elsewhere, today's intensive anti-Semitic
expression and agitation uses old tropes once applied to local Jews
-- charges of sowing disorder, wanting to subjugate others -- with new
content overwhelmingly directed at Jews outside their countries." The
only way to prove one is not infected, Goldhagen implies, is by abstaining
from any criticism of Israel and Zionist influences -- Christian as
well as Jewish -- currently dominating Washington's policy-making circles
... The diagnosis from Goldhagen and others is that we, the non-Jews,
are doomed to our age-old racism. It's in our genes: we are born in
thrall to our prejudice. Where does such a thesis lead? In another time
and place, it may -- like other philosophies of uniqueness and disease
that preceded it -- take us along a route that leads to the horrible
gas chambers of a warped imagination."
[More Jewish Thought Police:]
Chevron-Texaco Refuses Comment on Controversial Letter,
by John Berlau, Insight on the News, June
3, 2003
"A high-ranking employee at Chevron-Texaco made pejorative references
about Jews in a strong antiwar letter sent to Insight, and the
company refuses to say whether the letter writer's views represent those
of Chevron-Texaco. Amy Wheeler, a technical editor who works in government
and public affairs at Chevron-Texaco's corporate headquarters in San
Ramon, Calif., blasted rock star Gene Simmons as a 'Jewish kibbutzer'
in an e-mail sent to Insight over the company Web server,
The May 2 letter, the full text of which is reproduced below, criticized
as 'slante'" a story Insight ran about the fates of entertainers who
were for and against the war with Iraq [see 'Antiwar Singers Out of
Tune With Public']. Simmons, cofounder of the heavy-metal band
KISS, was a supporter of the war. He noted how his mother had been liberated
from a Nazi concentration camp by American forces in World War II, and
argued that once again the United States had saved people from oppression.
But to Chevron-Texaco's Wheeler, the war simply meant that 'the U.S.
can devastate a virtually defenseless enemy.' Wheeler concluded the
letter with the phrase, 'Mazel tov," apparently a sarcastic use of the
Hebrew expression for "Congratulations.' Cliff May, president of the
Washington-based Foundation for the Defense of Democracies (FDD), was
shocked by the sentiments expressed in the e-mail. 'This seems to me
to be fairly obviously anti-Semitic and fairly obviously anti-American,'
May tells Insight. 'It defends Saddam Hussein by characterizing him
as a 'virtually defenseless enemy.' It bears a remarkable resemblance
to the hate mail we have received here.' May says Chevron-Texaco should
take action to dissociate itself from the viewpoints expressed in the
letter by an editorial employee from its offices. But company spokeswoman
Bonnie Chaikind refused to criticize the e-mail in response to Insight's
queries. "We will not comment on whether this e-mail is acceptable under
our policy," Chaikind replied. Stephen Schwartz, a senior policy
analyst at May's FDD and author of the book The Two Faces of Islam,
said he is not surprised that a top official at Chevron-Texaco would
hold these views because, he alleges, the company has been at the forefront
of defending Wahhabism, the extremist Islamic movement that is dominant
in Saudi Arabia."
[Jews are 2.5% of the American population. Many of the 60 Minutes
staff below are probably Jewish. The ones bold-typed are definitely
Jewish or have common Jewish surnames. Others like Scheffler, Howard,
Gordon, Gavshon, Hartman, Kramer, Messick et al are likely bets. Then
there is Esther and Ruth:]
WE ARE. Program Facts,
60 Minutes (CBS)
Co-editors and Correspondents: Mike Wallace, Morley
Safer, Ed Bradley, Steve Kroft, Lesley Stahl, Andy Rooney.
Contributing Correspondents: Bob Simon, Christiane Amanpour.
Creator and Executive Producer: Don Hewitt. Executive
Editor: Philip Scheffler. Senior Producers: Josh Howard, Esther
Kartiganer, Merri Lieberthal. Executive Story Editor:
Victoria Gordon. Producers: Robert Anderson, Richard Bonin, Alden
Bourne, Leslie Cockburn, Amy Cunningham, L. Franklin Devine, Shari
Finkelstein, Paul Gallagher, Michael Gavshon, David Gelber Rome
Hartman Peter Klein Nancy Krame, Graham Messick, Deirdre Naphin,
Trevor Nelson, Catherine Olian, Harry A. Radliffe II, Michael Radutzky,
Steven Reiner, Jeanne Solomon-Langley, Ruth Streeter, John
Tiffin, Andrew Tkach. Director: Arthur Bloom
decides to indict Rabbi Ginzburg for incitement,
By Gideon Alon, Haaretz (Israel),
June 3, 2003
"Attorney General Elyakim Rubinstein decided Monday to indict rabbi
Yitzhak Ginzburg for incitement to racism. Rubinstein's
decision came after a police investigation that was launched following
a complaint filed against the rabbi by attorney David Shonberg
from Jerusalem, who said that Ginzburg's book Tipul Shoresh
("Root Treatment") contains inciteful comments, such as comparing the
Arabs to a cancer. Rubinstein decided to hold a hearing for Ginzburg's
attorney Naftaly Varzburger before submitting the indictment
to a court. Army Radio quoted Ginzburg's lawyer as saying that
the timing of the decision was puzzling, because the book was distributed
two years ago, and that Ginzburg was being persecuted for expressing
religious and philosophical beliefs. Rubinstein has previously
rejected several demands to indict Ginzburg. In 2001 the State
Prosecutor closed a sedition case against the rabbi, launched following
a petition submitted by attorneys Shonberg and Moshe Frankfurter.
In their petition, they said that Ginzburg made inciteful comments
to the Jerusalem weekly newspaper Kol Hazman and the daily newspaper
Ma'ariv. In both, he reiterated his support for Baruch Goldstein's 1994
massacre of Palestinians at prayer in the Cave of the Patriarchs in
Hebron. In Ginzburg's book, he claims that the land of Israel
belongs only to the Children of Israel and that no 'goy' (non-Jew) has
the right to live in the area unless he is a convert or a righteous
Gentile. The book contains calls for the Arabs to be expelled from Israel
and for the land to be 'cleansed' of foreigners. Ginzburg, one
of the heads of the Od Yosef Chai Yeshiva (which was located in Nablus
before it was evacuated during the Intifada and subsequently destroyed
by Palestinians), also calls on readers not to employ or trade with
Arabs. A similar police investigation against Ginzburg was launched
following the 1998 publication of his book Baruch Hagever ("Baruch the
Man"), which praised Baruch Goldstein's deeds in Hebron, but
in the end, the state prosecutor decided not to indict Ginzburg."
The Strategist
and the Philosopher: Leo Strauss and Albert Wohlstetter, By ALAIN
FRACHON and DANIEL VERNET, Counterpunch,
June 2, 2003 (Translated from an April 16, 2003 Le Monde article).
"Who are the neoconservatives playing a vital role in the US president's
choices by the side of Christian fundamentalists? And who were their
master thinkers, Albert Wohlstetter and Leo Strauss? It
was said in the tone of sincere praise: 'You are some of our country's
best brains'. So good, added George W. Bush, 'that my government employs
around twenty of you.' The president was addressing the American Enterprise
Institute in Washington DC on February 23 (quote from an article published
in Le Monde, March 20, 2003). He was paying homage to a think tank that
is one of the bastions of the American neoconservative movement. He
was saluting a school of thought that has marked his presidency, avowing
everything he owes to an intellectual stream whose influence is now
predominant. He was also acknowledging the fact of being surrounded
by neoconservatives, and giving them credit for the vital role they
play in his political choices ... Where do the intellectual origins
of Bushian neoconservatism lie? The neoconservatives must not be confused
with Christian fundamentalists who are also found in George W. Bush's
entourage. They have nothing to do with the renaissance of protestant
fundamentalism begun in the southern Bible Belt states, which is one
of the rising powers in today's Republican Party. Neoconservatism is
from the East Coast, and a little Californian as well. Those who have
inspired them have an 'intellectual' profile. Often they are New Yorkers,
often Jewish, having their beginnings 'on
the Left'. Some still call themselves Democrats. They have their hands
on literary or political reviews, not the Bible ... George W. Bush has
brought the neoconservatives and Christian fundamentalists to co-exist.
... [Paul] Wolfowitz is for his part a brilliant product
of East Coast universities. He has studied with two of the most eminent
professors of the 1960s. Allan Bloom, the discipline of the German-Jewish
philosopher, Leo Strauss, and Albert Wohlstetter, professor
of mathematics and a specialist in military strategy. These two names
would end up counting. The neoconservatives have placed themselves under
the tutelary shadow of the strategist and the philosopher. 'Neoconservative'
is a misnomer. They have nothing in common with those striving to guarantee
the established order. They reject just about all the attributes of
political conservatism as it is understood in Europe ... As idealist-optimists
convinced of the universal value of the American democratic model, they
want to bring the status quo and soft consensus to an end. They believe
in the power of politics to change things ... As critics of the Sixties'
balance sheet who are opposed to Henry Kissinger's diplomatic
realism, they are anti-establishment. Irving Kristol and Norman
Podhoretz, the founders of Commentary and two of neoconservatism's
New-York godfathers, come from the Left. ... In the 1970s, the Democratic
Senator from Washington State, Henry Jackson (d. 1983) criticized the
major treaties on nuclear disarmament. He helped shape a generation
of young lions keenly interested in strategy, in which one comes across
Richard Perle and William Kristol. The latter had attended
Allan Bloom's lectures. From within the administration and from
without, Richard Perle would meet up with Paul Wolfowitz
when they both worked for Kenneth Adelman, another contrarian
of Détente policies, or Charles Fairbanks, Under-Secretary of State.
In strategic matters, their guru was Albert Wohlstetter. A researcher
at the RAND Corporation, Pentagon advisor and a gastronomy connoisseur
nevertheless, Wohlstetter (d. 1997) was one of the fathers of
the American nuclear doctrine. More precisely, he engaged in the early
attempts to reformulate the traditional doctrine that had been the basis
for nuclear deterrence: the so-called MAD or "Mutual-Assured Destruction".
According to that theory, as both blocs had the capacity to inflict
irreparable damage onto each other, their leaders would think twice
before unleashing a nuclear attack. For Wohlstetter and his students,
MAD was both immoral--due to the destruction it would inflict on civilian
populations--and ineffective: it would end up in a mutual neutralization
of nuclear arsenals ... In Perle and Wolfowitz's tracks,
one meets Elliott Abrams, these days in charge of the Middle-East
at the National Security Council, and Douglas Feith, an Under-Secretary
of Defense. They all share unconditional support
for the policies of the State of Israel, whatever government sits in
Jerusalem. This unwavering support explains how they have stoically
sided with Ariel Sharon. President Ronald Reagan's two mandates (1981
and 1985) gave many of them the opportunity to exercise their first
responsibilities in government. In Washington DC, the neoconservatives
have woven their web. Creativity is on their side. Throughout the years,
they have marginalized intellectuals from the Democratic center and
centre-left to hold a preponderant place where the ideas that dominate
the political scene are forged. Among their fora are reviews such as
the National Review, Commentary, the New Republic, headed for a time
by the young 'Straussian' Andrew Sullivan; the Weekly Standard, once
under the ownership of the Murdoch group, whose Fox News television
network takes care of broadcasting the vulgarized version of neoconservative
thought. Under Robert Bartley's charge, the editorial pages of the Wall
Street Journal have also fallen into neoconservatist activism without
qualms. Their hunting grounds are also the research institutes and think
tanks such as the Hudson Institute, the Heritage Foundation or the American
Enterprise Institute. Families play a role as well: Irving Kristol's
son, the very urbane William Kristol runs the Weekly Standard;
one of Norman Podhoretz's sons worked for the Reagan administration;
the son of Richard Pipes--a Polish Jew who emigrated to the US
in 1939 to become a Harvard University professor and one of the major
critics of Soviet communism--Daniel Pipes has denounced Islamism
as a new totalitarianism threatening the West. These men are not isolationists,
on the contrary. They are usually very well-educated, having vast knowledge
of foreign countries whose languages they have often mastered. They
share nothing with Patrick Buchanan's reactionary populism, which espouses
a US retreat to deal with its domestic problems. The neoconservatives
are internationalists, partisans of a resolute US activism in the world
... Either by filiation or capillary action (Allan Bloom, Paul
Wolfowitz, William Kristol and so on), Strauss's philosophy
has served as neoconservatism's theoretical substratum. Strauss hardly
ever wrote on current political affairs or international relations.
He was read and recognized for his immense erudition of the classical
Greek texts and Christian, Jewish and Islamic scriptures. He was feted
for the power of his interpretive method. "He grafted classical philosophy
to German profundity in a country lacking a great philosophical tradition",
explains Jean-Claude Casanova who was sent to study in the US by his
mentor, Raymond Aron. Aron admired Strauss greatly,
whom he had met in Berlin before the war."

[The Jewish Lobby's censorial coordinated Complaint Bureau wins
a cartoon offends readers,
by Don Wycliff, Chicago Tribune (here at
Focal Point Publications), June 1, 2003
"In my nine years as the Tribune's editorial page editor, the moments
of greatest controversy and personal anguish all were the result of
editorial cartoons ... On Friday, our editorial page ran a cartoon that
crossed all the lines. Drawn by former
Tribune cartoonist Dick Locher, the cartoon depicted President George
W. Bush on one knee on a bridge over what was labeled 'Mideast Gulch.'
The president is laying down a carpet of bills -- U.S. currency, presumably
-- in front of a portly male figure with a large, aquiline nose and
clad in a black suit marked with the Star of David. As a Yasser Arafat-like
figure looks on with arms crossed, the black-suited man -- is he Ariel
Sharon? a generic Israeli? a generic Jew? -- remains riveted on
the money, and says, 'On second thought, the pathway to peace is looking
a bit brighter.' Locher could not be reached for comment Friday evening.
But editorial page editor Bruce Dold said, 'I think Dick Locher intended
to comment on the influence the U.S. can exert through the foreign aid
it provides to Israel. I think that's all Locher intended. But the cartoon
carried several other messages that could be seen as drawing on anti-Semitic
symbols and stereotypes. It also implied that the U.S. is bribing Israel
to support the road map to peace, but there is simply no evidence to
support that. On those levels, the cartoon failed.' Did it ever. The
telephones began ringing early and continued to ring late. E-mail inboxes
started to show that telltale subject line: 'cartoon.' Some callers
identified themselves as Jewish; some did not. But all identified themselves
as offended ... Since the Tribune does not currently have a staff editorial
cartoonist, each day's cartoon is selected from a batch bought from
various syndicates. Locher's cartoons come through Tribune Media Services.
Dold was out of town on Thursday, so the selection of Friday's cartoon
fell to his deputy, John McCormick, with help from Voice of the people
editor Dodie Hofstetter. McCormick said he settled on the Locher cartoon
because the policy issue it depicted -- the use of U.S. aid to influence
the Israeli government -- was one that had often been discussed in editorial
board debates. There is no question in my mind that McCormick and Hofstetter,
two of the most honorable people I have ever worked with, did not knowingly
try to smuggle an anti-Semitic cartoon into the newspaper. But that
this cartoon did indeed give grievous offense to many good people is
beyond question."
Israel's America,
By B.A. Jeddy, Dawn (Pakistan), June 1,
"With the help of a strong Jewish lobby within the corridors of
power in the US, Israel is well in control of the biggest and the baddest
bully in the world. Most people wonder why the United States of America
treats Israel like a spoilt child? Every year it gives Israel tremendous
financial aid in excess of three to five billion dollars, in the process
supporting it unreservedly in its policy of inhuman atrocities against
the Palestinians. America also uses its veto to block any adverse Security
Council resolution that might be against the interests of Israel. It
also completely ignores the fact that Israel reportedly has a deadly
arsenal of over 300 nuclear bombs. It is a well-known fact that most
of the print and audio-visual media that has an impact on the minds
of the American public is controlled by Jews. Just how tight this control
is consider the following examples. A few weeks ago an American free-lancer
wrote in an English paper that after he had published an anti-Israeli
feature in a paper, which had previously accepted all his work, he was
told his writing would no longer be required. Then there is the story
narrated by a British General, Sir John Glubb, popularly known as Glubb
Pasha. He had commanded the Arab Legion in Jordan from 1939 to 1956
and defended that country's borders against Israeli incursions during
the Arab-Israeli conflict. Some well-acclaimed books of his experiences
had already been published in England. After his retirement in the sixties
he wrote down the eventful story of his life and took it to the US,
hoping to find a bigger market. But the first question he was asked
by American literary agents was, 'Does it contain any material derogatory
to Israel?' On his affirmation it was rejected outright. On the 16th
of March a 23 year old American peace activist' Rachel Corrie, was killed
in cold blood as she courageously tried to stop an Israeli bulldozer
from destroying a Palestinian family home. But the cruel murder of even
an American citizen received only muted publicity in the American press.
Jews manage to control the media by becoming the owners of most public
impact papers and magazines. They also acquire a hold on many politicians
and legislators. Politics in America is a game of big money. There is
hardly a congressman or woman who has not been financed by the American
Israeli Public Action Committee, AIPC for short. Even after being elected
if anyone does not toe the line of the AIPC, they are quickly surfed
out by having buckets of sewage of past misdeeds thrown at them in the
Gets the Savage Treatment: Wife of Web site Co-Founder Slapped with
Lawsuit, Buzzflash, June 3, 2003
"A BUZZFLASH INTERVIEW In an exclusive first interview with
BuzzFlash.Com and BartCop.Com, Mike Stinson, co-founder of the watchdog
web site,, reveals why his wife and other websites
are being sued by Michael Savage. BUZZFLASH/BARTCOP: Who
is Michael Savage suing and why? TAKE BACK THE MEDIA: My wife,
Julie Sigwart, was named in a lawsuit by Talk Radio Network (TRN) which
was served to her on May 20th in person at our home. Talk Radio Network
(regarding the Michael Savage radio show) makes allegations in
the lawsuit which are not attributed to her but to our popular website
called Take Back the Media -- which has garnered 32 million hits since
its inception in January of 2003 ... You can read the legal suit papers
at Take Back the We've linked them there from another site
being sued, Also named in the suit is
They're good folks there and need help on this as well -- this is an
attack against free speech on the Web and we need to fight this TOGETHER
folks! TRN is making a lot of claims between all the sites and they've
lumped us all in together. Basically they are claiming these three websites
have cost them an advertising contract (Culligan Co). It's nonsense
and obvious harassment to intimidate and chill free speech on the web.
It's utterly without merit ... BUZZFLASH/BARTCOP: Michael Savage
is the kind of right wing "shock celebrity pundit" who only survives
because of publicity. Is this a publicity stunt on his part? After all,
he changed his last name to "savage," one can hypothesize, to help sell
his demented brand of right wing ranting? TAKE BACK THE MEDIA: Oh yeah,
he changed his name to "savage" from WEINER -- now I'm not sure
how that's pronounced. It's either WEENER or WHINER, anyone know? The
question you pose here is the answer (as usual BuzzFlash is ON the money).
We do believe this is a publicity stunt because his ratings are in the
of Shame,
CBS (60 Minutes), June 1, 2003
"The Holocaust. It’s constantly on television, at the movies, on
stage, in countless relics and monuments, in the country's museums and
in its schools. It is recalled every year on Nov. 9, the anniversary
of Kristallnacht, the 1938 assault on Germany's Jews. Even Germany's
tiny Jewish community is a living emblem of what happened in that country.
Half a million strong before the war, it’s a fraction of that now. As
Morley Safer reports, most of Germany's Jews live quietly and
see that country as one of the safest places in the world to raise their
children. But one of the leaders of that community is anything but quiet.
Michel Friedman, a television star with his own talk show and
a Jew who gets on the nerves of a lot of Germans, never lets them forget
that they must be careful about what they say. Friedman is the
subject of a lot of German hate mail, a focal point for anti-Semitism.
He acknowledges that Germans have tried to make up for their past, but
adds 'I am not responsible that Germany invented the Holocaust. They
are responsible, and that's a part of their life.' Most Germans would
not argue the point. Even young Germans, born decades after the war,
bear the burden. 'It's not always that we think about it. It's, we know
it, we have this responsibility and we think about it when we make any
decisions,' says Carsten Schneider who, at 27, is the youngest member
of the German parliament. Young Germans live in a society devoted mostly
to life, liberty and the pursuit of a good time, but psychologically
they still carry the sins of their grandparents. In most German public
schools, reckoning with the past is an academic requirement ... Is there
a danger in raising generation after generation with this shame as the
central characteristic of their society? 'No, not at all,' says Friedman
... More and more Germans are fed up with all this self-flagellation,
and no one more fed up than 75-year-old Martin Walser, one of the country's
most revered authors and a man who has been writing about the legacy
of the Holocaust for 40 years. Like most everyone of a certain age in
Germany, Walser has to grapple with his own personal history. His mother
was an ardent member of the Nazi party, and at the age of 17, in 1944,
Walser joined the German army. Walser is in no way a Holocaust denier,
but he says that the constant dredging up of German history, on television,
for instance, has become absurd. 'Hitler's doctors, Hitler's dogs, Hitler's
fools, Hitler's generals,' he says. 'You know, and I said that's an
abuse.' And another abuse, says Walser, is the way that other countries
help to keep alive the image of Germany as a recovering Nazi. 'They
treated a whole nation as a criminal on probation,’ he says.'And you
have to keep alive this state of mind that you are not yet accepted,
and that you are not yet a normal man or a normal nation.' A lot of
Germans feel they've done everything in their power to face up to that
past -- paying reparations, apologizing. What more, they ask, can they
do? ... Last year, Walser published a novel that many considered to
be a blatant anti-Semitic tract. It set off an agonizing debate about
just how far a German writer, even an eminent literary figure, can go.
Walser's detractors say that he crossed the line. His novel is a thinly
disguised and very ugly portrait of the most powerful literary critic
in Germany - Marcel Reich-Ranitzky - a Jew and a Holocaust survivor,
and a television star with a brutal way of reviewing books. He trashed
Walser's work, so Walser trashed him. In Walser's novel, the critic
is portrayed as an all-powerful, lecherous, and abusive Jew - a figure
that recalled for many the brutal anti-Semitic caricature of Jews in
the years leading up to the Nazi period. The leading German newspaper
refused to serialize the novel, calling it a document of hatred against
Jews. Walser is outraged at the accusation and its repercussions. 'You
just state it's anti-Semitic, and basta - that's like a death sentence,'
he says. For Walser’s reputation, perhaps, but not for the book. The
scandal turned the novel into a number one bestseller."
9-11 -- What Really Happened,
Cosmic Penguin [compilation of links to
web sites about 9-11]
Gold Coast Tarnished. ‘Capturing the Friedmans’ captures one Jewish
family’s fall, and says something about Great Neck along the way. An
interview with filmmaker Andrew Jarecki,
Jewish Week, May 30, 2003
"The Friedmans of Great Neck are a Philip Roth family
from hell. That is why Andrew Jarecki’s new film, 'Capturing
the Friedmans,' is such a compulsively watchable yet appalling experience.
Arnold Friedman was an award-winning high school teacher, a proverbial
pillar of the community. His wife Elaine and his three sons,
the oldest David, now a popular children’s clown known as Silly
Billy, Seth and Jesse, the youngest, seemed to be
happy and well adjusted. They lived the good life on the Gold Coast
in Great Neck. Until Arnold and Jesse were arrested in
the late 1980s, and later imprisoned, for multiple accounts of alleged
sexual assault on the adolescent boys who came to their house for computer
classes. Then everything fell apart. The neighbors turned on the Friedmans
and they were pilloried in the press. Finally, the family itself
imploded in a harrowing round of bitter name-calling and harsh feuding.
How do we know this? Because the Friedmans recorded it all. 'The
Friedmans kept the cameras running all the time,' Jarecki
says with a mixture of disbelief and fascination. The home movies of
happier times, the videotapes of corrosive battling, even a perversely
self-flagellating video diary kept by David Friedman, all turn
up in 'Capturing the Friedmans,' making it, as Jarecki himself
says, 'the most intimate film I’ve seen in terms of being so close to
a family.' Of course, that begs the question of whether you’d want to
be close to this family. Still, as Jarecki himself says, the
Friedmans are a quintessential Long Island Jewish-American family
and, although the film is relatively circumspect about their
Jewishness — we see a disastrous Passover seder and photos of the boys
lighting a menorah — the family’s Jewish identity is a sort of subterranean
theme running under the surface of the film. 'A lot of what makes this
family seem odd are a lot of those traits are classic Jewish traits,'
Jarecki, himself a Jewish resident of New York, insists in a
telephone interview from Rome. 'They’re like all of us, only more so.
There’s a certain Jewish quality about the showmanship of this family
and the capacity for self-dramatization. There’s a certain quality about
their arguments; these are very Jewish arguments' ... Great Neck itself
is another Jewish character in the film. At key points in 'Capturing
the Friedmans,' which won the Grand Jury Prize at the Sundance
Film Festival earlier this year, Jarecki cuts to a helicopter
shot over the affluent town, revealing it as a peninsula isolated from
the nearby communities. The isolation is both metaphorical and literal,
he says. 'Great Neck is such a Jewish community, it’s almost a shtetl,'
Jarecki says. “I began to look at Great Neck as a sort of giant
pulsating Jewish amoeba, an organism, surrounded by the soupy mass of
Long Island Sound. We see Jewish people on trains and cars, the LIE
as an artery bringing supplies to the organism. That’s what feeds the
organism — everything that comes in is either a Jewish person or food
and sustenance for the organism.'"
Producers' Premieres in L.A.,
Earthlink (from Associated PRess), May
30, 2003
"Mel Brooks brought his singing Broadway bandits West as
a new production of his show-business satire 'The Producers' premiered
with Jason Alexander and Martin Short starring as the conniving
theater impresarios. Alexander took over Thursday night as Max
Bialystock, a lowlife theater producer who convinces the meek accountant
Leo Bloom, played by Short, to help him cheat elderly investors
by creating a surefire flop called 'Springtime for Hitler.' 'We had
a great time tonight, we really did,' Alexander said after the
show. 'Sometimes it's like climbing a mountain but tonight it was walking
on air.' The story started as a 1968 movie with Zero Mostel as
Bialystock and Gene Wilder as Bloom, but is perhaps
best known as the Broadway stage show that won a record 12 Tony Awards
in 2001 with former stars Nathan Lane and Matthew Broderick. ... The
story, Brooks has said, was inspired by
a real-life experience he had working for a producer who would sleep
with elderly women as a pretext for talking them out of their wealth."
Lee Roth, Hoping to Take Classic Rock to Promised Land,
By David Segal, Washington Post,
May 28, 2003
"Since the dawn of distortion, men have fronted metal bands for
simple reasons, like sex, drugs and the joy of wrecking hotel rooms.
David Lee Roth has partaken of his share of groupies, consumed
his share of drugs and trashed a whole Holiday Inn's worth of suites.
But throughout his career as lead singer of Van Halen, and now as a
solo artist, he's had another ambition, one a bit more esoteric and
a lot less sordid. He's on a mission from God. The God of Moses, to
be specific. The God -- let's just spell this out here, shall we? --
of the Jews. 'There's not a lot of Jewish action figures,' says Roth.
'Heroes for little Jewish kids are very few and far between when it
comes to belligerent enthusiasm, a confrontational red-meat approach.
I'm a highly literate slut. I dig only intellectual smut' ... As he
explained in his autobiography, 'Crazy From the Heat,' Roth relished
every decadent minute of band life, but much of his style and energy
came from fury over anti-Semitism and an urge to crush Jewish stereotypes.
That might surprise longtime Van Halen fans who missed the Talmudic
side of Roth's tequila-Tarzan persona. But as Roth explained on the
bus Tuesday night, he's never stopped celebrating the idea of Jewish
identity ... 'Viva la différence, as they say in Israel,' he says, lifting
his Bud toward the ceiling and cackling again. There's some madness
in that laugh, and at various moments in this 15-minute interview, it's
easier to figure out when the punch lines have arrived than the logical
links between the setup and the joke ... Onstage, Roth is a few
parts Bruce Lee, a little bit of Neil Diamond and a whole lot of porn
star. He kick-spins like a cornered martial artist, leaps occasionally
off the drum riser and suggestively wedges his microphone down his pants.
He keeps a bottle of Jack Daniel's nearby, which he sips in dramatic
gestures designed to look like heavy swigs. Most of the booze actually
ends up sprinkled on fans near the lip of the stage. 'You do more for
brunettes than anyone since Snow White,' Roth leers midway through
the show, pointing at a woman a few rows back. She's invited to come
forward, close her eyes and place her hand on Roth's fly, which
she gamely does. Roth clasps her hand in place, grinds his hips
a little and mentions 'little Elvis' ... Roth appreciates the
gaudiness of the show, its dated crudeness, its nostalgia for teased
locks and tight trousers. It's a caricature now, of course, but it's
not a Jewish caricature, which for him saves it from cliche. Maybe it's
not a lesson that the graybeards in the faith want to teach in Hebrew
school, but if his career proves anything it's that a bar mitzvah boy
can do lewd and loud as well as anyone else."
Queens Rabbi Resigns,
Newsday, May 29, 2003
"A Queens rabbi who had been dogged by old sexual abuse allegations
from Canada this week resigned his membership in a prestigious rabbinical
organization and agreed to leave Jewish education, officials of the
group said last night. The Rabbinical Council of America, an organization
of Orthodox rabbis, was believed to be considering ousting Rabbi
Ephraim Bryks of Kew Gardens Hills as a result of the lingering
abuse allegations, which arose when he was the pulpit rabbi and yeshiva
administrator in a Winnipeg congregation during the 1980s. Bryks
has always denied those claims and continued the denial in submitting
his resignation ... Bryks' resignation from the council came as the
1,100-member organization, meeting in Rye, was considering a resolution
on sexual abuse."
Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights,
May 29, 2003
"Beginning June 6, San Francisco’s Museum of Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual
and Transgender History will feature an exhibit on Harvey Milk,
the deceased gay San Francisco supervisor. Milk was killed 25
years ago and was the first openly gay elected official in a major American
city. This is the inaugural exhibit of the Museum of GLBT History. Included
in the exhibit is a portrait of Milk by Robert Lentz called 'Saint
Harvey.' It pictures Milk with a halo behind his head holding
a lit candle. Catholic League president William Donohue commented today
on the portrait: 'It is a tribute, however backhanded, to Roman Catholicism
that gay activists in San Francisco would choose to honor their slain
Jewish, homosexual, agnostic martyr by cribbing from Catholic iconography.
Bereft of sacred imagery in the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender
communities, it was only logical to turn to Catholicism for help. Hopefully,
those involved in this tribute will now look more closely at what Catholicism
has to offer in other areas as well.'”
The Jewish Century,
By Henry Makow,
Save the Males, May 27, 2003
"Kevin MacDonald book 'The Culture of Critique' (2002) portrays
the 20th century as a Jewish century. A hundred years ago, Jews were
an impoverished people living mostly in Eastern Europe surrounded by
hostile populations. Today Israel is firmly established in the Middle
East and Jews have become the wealthiest and most powerful elite in
the United States and other Western countries. More significantly, according
to MacDonald, the Western intellectual world has become Judaized. Jewish
values and attitudes now constitute the culture of the West. Because
of deep-seated Jewish hostility toward traditional Western (i.e. Christian)
culture, the founding peoples 'have been made to feel deeply ashamed
of their own history, surely the prelude to their demise as a culture
and a people.' (lxix) Specifically, Jewish organizations promote policies
and ideologies aimed at undermining cultural cohesion while practising
the opposite policies themselves. While they promote multiculturalism
and internationalism in the West, they insist that Israel remain a racially
pure national enclave for Jews. 'The present immigration policy essentially
places the United States and other Western societies 'in play' in an
evolutionary sense which does not apply to other nations of the world,'
MacDonald writes. 'Notice that American Jews have no interest in proposing
that immigration to Israel should be similarly multiethnic, or ... threaten
the hegemony of the Jews.' (323) THE PARTY OF NATIONAL DECOMPOSITION
MacDonald says anti Semitism in Weimar Germany was based on a perception
that 'that Jewish critical analysis of gentile society was aimed at
dissolving the bonds of cohesiveness within the society.' One academic
referred to the Jews as "the classic party of national decomposition."
(163) MacDonald speculates that Jews feel more comfortable in societies
without a distinctive national character. I think there is more to this.
The break-up of society into isolated individuals is also the agenda
of the new world order, which wishes to remove any united resistance.
The new world order is essentially the transfer of all power to international
finance. The question then arises: is the new world order a Jewish phenomenon?
Or are Jewish intellectuals the pawns of financiers, both Jewish and
non-Jewish? MacDonald focuses on how Jewish intellectual movements led
by authoritarian figures took over modern intellectual life. He discusses
Boas in Anthropology, Adorno in Sociology, Freud
in Psychiatry and Derrida in Philosophy. The 'Frankfurt School,'
for example, was a "Marxist Jewish cult" financed by Jewish millionaire
Felix Weil. Theodore Adorno's influential book 'The Authoritarian
Personality' (1950) was actually sponsored by the American Jewish Committee.
It attributed prejudice to Christian sexual repression and portrayed
gentile group affiliations (including Christian religion, patriotism,
and family) as indications of psychiatric disorder. (162) Social disintegration
leads to psychological confusion. Society has accepted Adorno's
view that there is no objective standard of truth, no common reality.
Everyone is isolated and different. Adorno resisted attempts
to 'endow the world with any universality, objectivity or totality,
with any single organizing principle that would homogenize society...'
(164) This kind of post-modernist philosophy has paralysed modern Western
culture. Western civilization is built on the foundation that truth
is spiritual, universal and knowable. Ultimately truth is God. Universities
today have given up the pursuit of truth and are devoted to Bolshevik-like
social engineering and indoctrination. A liberal arts education today
is not only a waste of time but toxic. Far from bearers of the Western
tradition, universities are its executioners with the tacit blessing
of the government. A RARE EXCEPTION Kevin MacDonald, a professor of
Psychology at California State University is a rare exception. His courageous
indispensable book unveils the subversive character of our time. A soft-spoken
man who approaches his subject with scientific detachment, MacDonald
has amassed a wealth of remarkable detail. For instance, did you know
that white gentiles are the most underrepresented group at Harvard?
They account for approximately 25% of the student body. While Asians
and Jews make up only 5% of the US population, they account for at least
50% of Harvard enrolment. 'The United States is well on the road to
being dominated by an Asian technocratic elite and a Jewish business,
professional and media elite,' MacDonald says. He details the Jewish
role in sponsoring Communism, non-European immigration and the NAACP.
He documents the stranglehold Jews have on US cultural life and shows
how it is used to shape American attitudes ... 'There is never any rational
explanation for anti Semitism...[it] is portrayed as an absolute irrational
evil that must be fought at every turn.' (lviii) On the other hand,
Christianity is typically portrayed as evil in the movies, and Christians
are even depicted as psychopaths. MacDonald cites conservative Jewish
critic Michael Medved who complains that he couldn't find one
film made since 1975 where Christianity was portrayed positively. (lix)
JEWISH-CHRISTIAN RIVALRY MacDonald sees anti Semitism as the result
of legitimate conflicts-of-interest. Yet Jewish organizations demonize
anyone with the temerity to address Jewish power. They suppress the
fact that Jewish-Christian rivalry has very deep roots in Western society.
In my view, this rivalry boils down to the fact that Jewish Pharisees
rejected Christ's gospel of universal love and human brotherhood. Ever
since, Jews have been social and metaphysical outcasts, albeit ones
with amazing powers of self-justification. We have been used as pawns
by worldly powerbrokers bent on destroying Christian civilization. The
'modernist' trend of the 20th Century can be seen in these terms. As
I have suggested elsewhere, Judaism is more a racial creed than a religion.
Jews are told we have a mission to create equality and social justice.
In fact, we are being used by financiers to build a totalitarian world
order. The financiers hold out socialist ideals as bait to transfer
more and more power to government, which they control. Of course, not
all Jews are pawns of the new world order. Most pawns are not Jews.
Racism has no place in this debate. But generally I believe Jews have
played a prominent role in modernism. A beacon for humanity, we have
not been. Deceived ourselves, we have deceived others and purveyed personal
dysfunction and societal oppression. Our role in Communism is a disgrace.
Israel is a source of shame. Jews need to discover who we really are
and rededicate ourselves. We can begin by reading 'The Culture of Critique'
and the other books in MacDonald's trilogy about Judaism as an evolutionary
stategy, 'A People that Shall Dwell Alone' (1994) and 'Separation and
its Discontents' (1998). MacDonald's publisher sent 'The Culture of
Critique' to 40 Jewish publications and didn't get one review. Nor has
there been any mainstream coverage, a confirmation of his thesis and
measure of our captivity."
in Political Forefront. Iran-Contra Figure Plays Key Role on Mideast,
By Michael Dobbs, Washington Post, May
27, 2003; Page A01
"A cycle of disgrace and redemption has brought one of Washington's
most accomplished -- and controversial -- bureaucratic infighters back
to the center of U.S. foreign policy decision-making. When Elliott
Abrams stood in front of a federal judge in October 1991 and pleaded
guilty to two misdemeanor counts of withholding information from Congress,
few imagined he would ever return to government. At age 43, he had become
one of the casualties of the Iran-contra scandal, detested by Democrats
for his combative political style and mistrusted by human rights activists
for playing down the crimes of right-wing dictatorships in Central America.
Twelve years later, Abrams is helping to shape White House policies
toward many of the world's trouble spots. Appointed in December as President
Bush's senior adviser on the Middle East, his responsibilities extend
from Algeria to Iran. But nowhere is his influence more evident than
on the Arab-Israeli peace process. A self-described 'neo-conservative
and neo-Reaganite' with strong ties to Jews and evangelical Christians,
Abrams has become a flash point for the debate on how much pressure
the Bush administration is prepared to apply to Israeli Prime Minister
Ariel Sharon to reach an agreement with the Palestinians ...
Abrams's supporters emphasize his formidable bureaucratic skills,
and say his pro-Sharon views will provide political cover for
the administration in extracting concessions from a reluctant Israeli
government. His enemies depict him as a partisan, ideological figure
who pays a lot of attention to the pro-Israel lobby, but has yet to
reach out to Arab Americans. Abrams's appointment raised a 'red
flag for me and my community,' said Khalil Jahshan, director of government
affairs for the Arab-American Anti-Discrimination Committee. 'If the
president is serious about a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian
conflict, he picked the wrong person to manage the policy for him' ...
'He is relentless in pursuit of his agenda,' said someone who has clashed
with him in internal administration debates. 'If that means pushing
people out of the way who disagree with him, then that is what he will
do.' The White House declined requests for an interview with Abrams
... Administration rivals say Abrams worked behind the scenes
to rewrite the road map on the basis of critiques drawn up by the American
Israel Public Affairs Committee, or AIPAC, a leading Jewish American
lobby group ... Much of Abrams's adult life, beginning with his days
as a Harvard Law School student during the tumultuous 1960s, has been
preparation for an important role in government. In conventional political
terms, he was a liberal, criticizing the Vietnam War and the Cambridge
police for using force to end a 1969 student strike. ... Abrams
joined the neo-conservative aristocracy in March 1980 through his marriage
to Rachel Decter, daughter of conservative pundits Norman
Podhoretz and Midge Decter. By the time Ronald Reagan was
elected president later that year, Abrams had become a Republican
... Abrams also had problems with Congress over the Iran-contra
scandal. In 1991, he was forced to admit in court that he had not disclosed
his knowledge of a secret contra supply network and his solicitation
of a $10 million contribution for the contras from the sultan of Brunei.
He received a pardon from President George H.W. Bush in December 1992
... As president of the Center for Ethics and Public Policy, a Washington-based
religious think tank, Abrams called for reconciliation between
Jews and conservative Christians. He also wrote about the threats to
the Jewish identity in the United States because of assimilation and
intermarriage, arguing that it is important for Jews to understand that
'tomorrow's lobby for Israel has got to be conservative Christians because
there aren't going to be enough Jews to do it.' Under the Bush administration,
evangelical Christians have emerged as an important source of political
support for Israel."
and Sex Abuse Accusations: Jewish Leaders Begin Struggle to Combat Problem,
Newsday, May 26, 2003
"After more than a year of charges and disclosures concerning sexual
abuse of young people by Catholic priests, the story may sound familiar.
But the camp, Mogen Avraham, is a popular summer retreat in Bethel
for Orthodox Jewish children. And the accused was not a priest, but
a teaching rabbi from Forest Hills. The alleged 1998 incident at Camp
Mogen Avraham is just one in a growing dossier of allegations that rabbis,
cantors and other Jewish religious leaders have abused children and
teenagers in their care, a Newsday investigation has found. In sheer
numbers, the problem is unlikely to rival the Catholic Church's, since
priests outnumber rabbis by roughly nine to one. While there is no data
on the number of clergy with sexual disorders, experts say that, anecdotally,
the problem does not seem as severe in the rabbinate as in the priesthood,
even in relative terms. Even so, some rabbis call the sexual abuse allegations
a 'crisis,' and religious organizations are grappling with ways to handle
it. 'We have a huge problem on our hands, a problem that is just beginning
to be addressed in religious circles,' Vicki Polin, a psychotherapist,
said in recent testimony to the Maryland legislature. Polin, who is
Jewish and calls herself a survivor of childhood sexual abuse, runs
The Awareness Center, a Baltimore-based clearinghouse that tracks sexual
abuse allegations against Jewish religious leaders. The center's Web
site lists about 40 alleged cases of abuse involving rabbis and cantors.
As with the Catholic scandals, Jewish victims say they still struggle
years, even decades, later with this betrayal of trust. 'I can honestly
say that he ruined not only my Bas-Mitzvah, but my faith in Judaism,'
wrote one woman, now 30, referring to Rabbi Sidney Goldenberg
... Religious authorities fail to report abuse charges to the police.
Among strictly observant Orthodox Jews, this tendency is bolstered by
the ancient doctrine of mesira, which prohibits Jews from informing
on other Jews to secular authorities, a legacy of centuries of oppression
of Jews in many countries. When religious leaders try to investigate
cases and prevent abusers from having contact with children, their efforts
often fai ... Alleged abusers continue to operate freely by moving among
congregations, states, even countries. Avrohom Mondrowitz, a
self-styled rabbi who once had a popular radio show in Brooklyn, is
living openly and teaching in a Jerusalem college although he is wanted
on charges of sexually abusing four Brooklyn boys, aged 10 to 16. If
he ever returns to the United States, he will be arrested, according
to the office of Brooklyn District Attorney Charles J. Hynes. Many of
the alleged abusers were popular, even charismatic leaders, who were
thought to be particularly good in relating to young people. Rabbi Baruch
Lanner, convicted last year of endangering the welfare of two girls
at a New Jersey yeshiva, sidestepped abuse allegations for years, in
part because of his reputation as a dynamic figure in an Orthodox youth
program ... The rabbinical council is expected to discuss ways to adjudicate
abuse allegations against its members, with penalties that include ouster.
Sources within the organization say that the impetus for the panel's
work includes old abuse allegations against Rabbi Ephraim Bryks
of Kew Gardens Hills, which he has repeatedly denied, and the recent
arrest of Rabbi Israel Kestenbaum of Highland Park, N.J. Kestenbaum,
a chaplaincy leader for the New York Board of Rabbis, was charged in
February with endangering the welfare of a minor after allegedly discussing
sex with an undercover police officer posing as a teenage girl in a
chat room called 'I Love Older Men.' Kestenbaum has pleaded not guilty.
Rabbis concerned about sex abuse say accusations against a rabbi are
often handled quietly, or not at all. Accused rabbis go on hiatus briefly,
then revive their ministries in other congregations, even other countries
in the far-flung Diaspora. One of those was Rabbi Matis Weinberg.
Accused of sexually abusing students at his California yeshiva two decades
ago, he is said to have agreed to leave teaching. But Weinberg
resurrected his teaching career in Israel."
[Lobbyist Organization for Special Treatment for Jewish Criminals:]
The Aleph Institute, Alternative Sentencing
Proposals Consulting Services for Attorneys Counseling to Offenders
and their Families
"Since 1981, The Aleph Institute has grown to become the nation’s
foremost non-profit agency working with and on behalf of Jewish men
and women affected by the criminal justice system, and addresses significant
issues relating to families in crisis and ancillary effects of prison
policies. Over the past twenty years, Aleph has created and implemented
programs that counsel offenders and their families, and assist lawyers
in eliminating or reducing excessive periods of incarceration. Aleph
is the only Jewish organization providing such a wide range of specialized
professional services nationwide. Pre-sentencing, Aleph prepares proposals
for courts across the United States, presenting judges with alternative
means to provide punishment while eliminating or minimizing periods
of incarceration – and the accompanying separation from family and productive
living. In providing these specialized professional services, Aleph
has worked with many of the foremost attorneys and criminal justice
specialists in the country, and makes available a nationwide network
of sentencing specialists, former parole and probation officers, forensic
psychologists, social workers, immigration specialists and other professionals
in this area. In addition to formal court presentations, Aleph’s staff
provides invaluable consulting services to attorneys and counseling
to offenders and their families at every stage of the proceedings, including
attorney referrals, plea agreement strategies, retention of experts,
sentencing guidelines analysis, pre-sentencing investigations and court
appearances ... Aleph’s rabbis, staff and volunteers regularly visit
over 350 state and federal prisons each year and interact with wardens,
chaplains and institutional staff on a daily basis. Aleph also receives
approximately 600 collect telephone calls and 1,000 letters each month
from inmates around the country and their families. As a result, Aleph’s
staff can provide unique insights and counseling as to what may be expected
in the prison setting, which particular institutions may best meet the
particular needs of prospective inmates and their families, and what
actions should be taken at each step of the process to secure religious
and other needs."
TURNER.Gone With the Wind Ted Turner is a worried man,
by Patricia Sellers, Fortune,
May 26, 2003
"No matter how immersed he gets in the Turnerverse, he cannot completely
escape the debacle of AOL Time Warner. One reason is legal: He is named
in several lawsuits, along with other senior executives, as a party
to alleged accounting violations. Another is psychological: Turner is
obsessed with Jerry Levin, AOL Time Warner's former CEO. As Turner's
friends note, he'll be conversing on any subject--restaurants, bison,
ex-wives, whatever--and find a way to lash out at Levin. 'The
biggest mistake I made was trusting Jerry too much,' Turner says. Turner
and Levin had a long association, dating back to the late '80s.
At that time Turner, overleveraged from his MGM acquisition, brought
in a consortium of cable investors, including Time Inc., where Levin
was a top executive. Turner says that Levin tried 'to keep
me small' by twice denying him the chance to buy NBC. The worst affront,
the one that makes him bilious to this day, occurred in 2000, a few
months after Time Warner agreed to merge with AOL. Levin told
Turner he'd have to give up running CNN and his other beloved cable
properties. Turner could stay as vice chairman, but he'd have no operating
role. 'I should have left the company,' says Turner, 'but I loved everybody.
I was a hero.' (Levin declines to comment.) Pushed aside, Turner
took on the role of the angriest AOL Time Warner shareholder ... The
dumbest deal of all, in Turner's view, was the AOL/Time Warner merger.
"A total disaster!" he says. But Turner did nothing to stop it. He says
now that he didn't really understand the Internet."
[Jews hold patent on a depcition of the "Holocaust."]
comparing Holocaust, animals decried,
By Donovan Slack, Boston Globe, May 25,
"Jewish groups yesterday angrily denounced a controversial animal
rights campaign that compares the slaughter of animals for food to the
Holocaust, calling an exhibit with photographs of emaciated Nazi death
camp prisoners a 'horrific' publicity stunt. Gathered at the New England
Holocaust Memorial -- less than a block from City Hall Plaza, where
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals erected a display of billboard
photographs -- Jewish leaders took turns at a lectern, some of them
recounting images of friends or family in camps. 'This outrageous campaign
trivializes the memory of millions of innocent victims of the Holocaust
and insults those who survived,' said Geoffrey H. Lewis, president
of the Jewish Community Relations Council of Greater Boston. PETA's
exhibit, which made its way to Boston yesterday after evoking similar
reactions in 22 other cities, consists of several 6-by-10-foot billboards
depicting pictures of Holocaust victims next to photos of masses of
chickens and turkeys in warehouses. Known for radical stances and shock
campaigns, PETA leaders yesterday were unapologetic. The images may
be 'uncomfortable,' said 21-year-old PETA organizer and campaign creator
Matt Prescott, but ''we need to get past our grief and begin
to use it to teach lessons.' 'We need to use it as a context for teaching
lessons of compassion and kindness,' he said. On the plaza, Prescott
and two other PETA employees stood by the billboards set up next to
the Government Center T stop and handed out fliers to anyone who would
take them. A few enthusiastically took pamphlets. But passersby largely
reacted negatively. 'I don't take things from insane people,'' snapped
one man as he scurried into the station. 'This is the stupidest thing
I've ever seen!' exclaimed Mark Vespucci, a federal employee on his
lunch break, visibly flustered. 'I understand why you're doing this,
but I think it's demoralizing.' Prescott tried to appeal to him.
'I'm Jewish,' Prescott said, adding that his mother's second
cousins perished in Buchenwald ... Officials from the US Holocaust Memorial
Museum, which initially gave Prescott permission to use its Holocaust
images for a 'project comparing the atrocities of the Holocaust to other
forms of oppression throughout history,' said yesterday they were considering
taking legal action against PETA."
unchallenged by media,
by LINDA MCQUAIG, Toronto Star, May 25,
"When Stockwell Day arrived by skidoo in a wetsuit, Canadians laughed.
When George Bush arrived by fighter jet in a combat suit, Americans
called him a hero. That says a lot about the difference between Canadians
and Americans these days. Canadians aren't so easily conned ... Bush's
fighter-plane landing on the deck of a U.S. battleship earlier this
month, and his emergence from the cockpit in combat gear and mussed-up
hair, was even more stage-managed (right down to the soft-tone sunset
lighting and the 'Mission Accomplished' backdrop sign perfectly angled
for TV viewers) ... Only an administration supremely confident of the
media's docility would have risked staging an event like that, leaving
Bush open to ridicule from any media outlet that saw its role as more
than simply being a chronicler of Tales of Fearless Leaders. This media
docility has allowed the Bush administration to go largely unchallenged
as it adopts the mantle of an imperial presidency. Some of the administration's
most rabid hawks have even come close to realizing their dream — implementing
the ultra-elitist ideas of an obscure political philosopher named
Leo Strauss. There's been a buzz recently over reports that Strauss,
who shaped the neoconservative revolution from his post at the University
of Chicago, is lionized by (among others) Deputy Defence Secretary Paul
Wolfowitz, widely seen as the architect of Washington's post-9/11
strategy. Media accounts have focused on Strauss' advocacy of strong
leadership, devoting less attention to his anti-democratic leanings.
Central to the Straussian vision is a docile citizenry, kept
uninformed and easy to manipulate through perpetual fear of external
attack. 'Deception of the citizens by those in power is critical,' explains
Shadia Drury, a University of Calgary political scientist and author
of Leo Strauss And The American Right. Accordingly,
a terrified American public was kept under the mistaken illusion that
Saddam Hussein had 'weapons of mass destruction' and would soon strike
America if America didn't strike first. Clearly, a vigorous, questioning
American media could throw a spanner into the best-laid plans of the
White House Straussians, or 'Leocons' as they're sometimes called,
but there seems to be little chance of that these days."
planned to kill Bevin MI5,
By DOUGLAS DAVIS, Jerusalem Post,
May 25, 2003
"London Britain's MI5 intelligence agency feared that the Lehi
[a Jewish terrorist organiation] was planning to assassinate
anti-Zionist foreign secretary Ernest Bevin in 1947, according to documents
that were declassified in London on Thursday. Bevin, who impeded Jewish
immigration to Mandatory Palestine and opposed the establishment of
Israel, was regarded as the No. 1 enemy by many in the Yishuv during
the period leading to statehood. The declassified documents also reveal
that a bombing raid on London was planned by a Rabbi Baruch Korff
using surplus World War II American and Canadian aircraft, 'in the course
of which leaflets were to be dropped in the name of Lehi, together with
highly explosive bombs.' According to the documents, Korff claimed
that 'millions of dollars had been subscribed by private American sources'
to fund the purchase of the planes. The plot was foiled by MI5 and a
number of arrests were made in Paris. A 1947 briefing document for then-prime
minister Clement Atlee, entitled 'Present Trends in Zionism,' reported
that the Lehi, which assassinated Lord Moyne in 1944, had been steadily
recruiting and was believed to number some 600 followers, 'most of whom
are desperate men and women who count their own lives cheap...' It went
on to note: 'They specialize in political assassinations and it has
been reported that they have been training selected members for the
purpose of proceeding overseas and assassinating a prominent British
personality, special reference having been made several times to Mr.
Bevin in this connection.' An earlier document, entitled 'Threatened
Jewish Activity in United Kingdom, Palestine, and Elsewhere,' which
Atlee is recorded as having read on August 28, 1946, describes the setting
up of Lehi cells in the UK. 'Our Jerusalem representative has since
received information that the Irgun [Irgun Zva'i Leumi, IZL] and Stern
Gang [Lehi] have decided to send five 'cells' to London to work along
IRA lines,' said the document. 'To use their own words, the terrorists
intend to 'beat the dog in his own kennel.' If the 18 Sternists are
executed the Irgun have agreed to cooperate with the Stern group.' It
said that if sentences were carried out, Britain could expect at least
100 outrages, including the indiscriminate shooting of British officers
and soldiers, as well as assassination of selected VIPs in Britain and
throughout the Middle East. The '18 Sternists' were apparently sentenced
to death for a sabotage attack on a railway workshop in Haifa. Their
sentences were later commuted to life imprisonment. The briefing note
said the Lehi had broken away from the IZL at the start of World War
II in opposition to the decision of the IZL, led by Menachem Begin,
to temporarily cooperate with the British government in Palestine. Begin,
who was elected prime minister in 1977, was then described as a 37-year-old
Polish Jew on whose head the Palestine Police had placed a 2,000 bounty.
The intelligence documents note that the IZL specialized in sabotage,
but was equally capable of assassinations, and had been 'responsible
in the past for the liquidation of members of police and the military
whose activities have been judged especially worthy of Jewish resentment
in Palestine.' Atlee's briefing note, which was prepared in advance
of a meeting with MI5 director-general Sir Percy Sillitoe, also included
a list of precautionary measures taken against the terror threats ...
On March 5, 1947, a bomb exploded at the Colonial Club in Trafalgar
Square. The following day, 10 suspects were arrested at London Airport,
two of them believed to be members of the Lehi. In April, another bomb
was planted in London, and 27 hand grenades and detonators were found
in a garage in the city."
`disappear' from Tel Aviv hostel while waiting to testify against pimps,
By Roni Singer, Haaretz (Israel),
May 25, 2003
"Several months ago, the Russian crime squad in the Tel Aviv central
police unit celebrated its success in recruiting two prostitutes to
testify against Boniyat Zada, who is suspected of being one of
Israel's major 'importers' of women from the former Soviet Union. Zada
was arrested and indicted, but the case could not go to trial and
Zada was released. This was because 'suddenly, our two witnesses
disappeared,' says the commander of the squad, Superintendent Pini
Aviram. During the past year, some 20 women who were slated to testify
against their pimps have similarly disappeared. The crackdown on prostitution
in Israel got a legislative boost when the Law Against Trafficking in
Women went into effect in August 2000. However, the Tel Aviv police's
Russian crime squad has only nine investigators, who are left to wage
an almost hopeless battle against a growing phenomenon ... A prostitute
who agrees to testify is housed in a Tel Aviv hostel while waiting for
the pimp's trial to begin. 'The main problem is the waiting period before
testifying,' Aviram explains. 'Sometimes the women have to wait
for nine months or even a year. During this long period, they have no
income and many of them also continue to meet with those against whom
they're supposed to testify,' he adds. 'There is simply no appropriate
framework for the witnesses,' according to attorney Naomi Levenkron,
the legal director of The Hotline for Migrant Workers. 'Everyone knows
where the women are staying. There are no guards around the hostel and
anyone can enter and meet with them' ... However, it is clear that some
of the witnesses are forced to 'disappear' for their own safety."
right here at home,
By Lily Galili, Haaretz (Israel),
May 24, 2003
"Not long ago the first Israeli neo-Nazi Internet site was launched.
To put it more precisely, it is actually an Israeli site in the Russian
language. Who says there are no original productions here? To the
list of oddities by which the world is now defined, a few local paradoxes
can be added. It appears that the number of Russian Jews who will emigrate
to Germany this year will be larger than the number who come to Israel;
the law under which Jews from the former Soviet Union can immigrate
to Germany is close to the restricted definition of 'Jewish under Jewish
law.' The Israeli Law of Return, however, is in
fact based on the Nuremberg Laws, in which the Germans expanded the
definition of who is Jewish in accordance with their own needs.
Anti-Semitism has been swelling recently in Europe, and
also in the Jewish state. Not long ago, the first Israeli neo-Nazi
Internet site was launched. More precisely, it is an Israeli site in
the Russian language. Who says there are no original productions here?
The site is well organized. It has text and pictures showing the activists
of the organization, 'The White Israeli Union,' some of them in Israel
Defense Forces uniforms on the background of army camps and saluting
with a raised arm. The expanded text is divided into sub-sections. There
is one on "Who we are," where the managers of the site introduce themselves
as "Ilya from Haifa and Andrei from Arad," and it is related there that
the members of the organization are 'people who have pride in themselves
and are sick of living among the dirty bastards.' There is a section
on 'Who our enemies are,' where all the 'enemies' are extensively documented:
the Jews, the Arabs, the immigrants from all Moslem republics of the
former Soviet Union, the Moroccans, the foreign workers - in short,
the 'black-asses' ... There is also a 'codex' section of rules of behavior
for members of the organization, among them respect for parents, but
also 'not to be miserly, because a miser is a Zhid,' a derogatory Russian
word for Jew, approximately equivalent to 'Kike' ... Those who follow
phenomena of this sort say that in its structure and content, the site
resembles neo-Nazi sites in Russia, and strong connections exist between
the activists here and the activists there. In the forum on the local
site, there is an ambivalent attitude toward the fact that these proud
white people are living in Israel ... The White Israeli Union site is
a new peak among a number of anti-Semitic phenomena in the Russian-speaking
community in Israel ... In Russian bookstores in Israel, books that
promote Holocaust-denial are sold openly (which is against the law),
as are cassettes of neo-Nazi songs like 'The Nazis are Coming."'Gilichinsky's
attempts to enlist the help of the Anti-Defamation League, the president
of Israel and the official site maintained by the State of Israel and
the Jewish Agency have all been answered in the same spirit: 'It's not
our mandate. Our mandate is anti-Semitism around the world, not in Israel.'"
the blood may spin in American eyes,
By Akiva Eldar, Haaretz (Israel),
May 24, 2003
"Ariel Sharon did not reprimand Benny Elon after
the tourism minister incited congressmen to oppose President Bush's
road map. Sharon's best friends in America have been given his blessings
for their campaign against the plot to give a prize to the Palestinian
violence by dismantling the illegal outposts that are a prize to Jewish
violence. Sharon's problem with Elon is that what AIPAC
(American Israel Political Action Committee) people are doing inside
the pool, Elon insists on doing from the diving board. Sharon's
attack on the road map, like the outpost attack he strategized, is being
done through subterfuge. That's why the Israeli public relations establishment
enlisted the services of three leading American experts on U.S. public
opinion, in other words, spinmeisters. Republican consultant Frank
Luntz, Democratic consultant Stanley Greenburg (who worked
for Bill Clinton and on Ehud Barak's peace campaign), and political
consultant Jennifer Laszlo-Mizrahi. Luntz was here last
week to meet with the heads of the Israeli government's public relations
team, including Gideon Meir, the Foreign Ministry's deputy director
general for communications and information, and the prime minister's
media adviser Ra'anan Gissin. He presented them with the results
of polls and focus group studies conducted by his company in Chicago
and Los Angeles during the first 10 days of the Iraq war. Meir says
the wise recommendations provided by Luntz and his colleagues
have become the guiding lights of the Israel and Jewish public relations
effort in the U.S. The million dollar plus research was paid for by
Jewish donors. Luntz laid out his recommendations in a lengthy detailed
memo. The purpose of the document, he says at the opening, is to help
Israel supporters get their message across about the best way to 'solve'
(the quotes are in the original) the Israel-Palestinian conflict, before
the world's attention is drawn to the road map. 'There will certainly
be some people,' says Luntz, 'particularly those on the political left,
who will oppose whatever words you use, but the language that follows
will help you secure support from a large majority of Americans.' In
places, he provides verbatim speeches for pro-Israeli opinion makers.
Some selected quotes from the Luntz memo: 'The good news is that the
American people firmly believe that if the Palestinians want to demonstrate
sincere commitment to peace, they must abide by the tenants of the president's
soon-to-be-released road map. The not-as-good news is that they expect
exactly same from Israel and they demand it immediately' ... 'Link Iraqi
liberation with the plight of the Palestinian people. If you express
your concern for the plight of the Palestinian people and how it is
unfair, unjust and immoral that they should be forced to accept leaders
who steal and kill in their name, you will be building credibility for
your support of the average Palestinian while undermining the credibility
of their leadership ... Yes, this IS a double standard but that's just
the way things are. A little humility goes a long way. You need to talk
continually about your understanding of `the plight of the Palestinians'
and a commitment to helping them ... 'Democracy loves company. So far,
one of Israel's most effective messages has been that Israel is the
only democracy in the Middle East. It's time to take that message one
step further. Emphatically state that while you are proud of Israel's
democracy, you would much rather be the first democracy in the Middle
East than the only democracy in the Middle East ... 'Find yourself a
good female spokesman. In all our testing, women are found to be more
credible than men. And if the woman has children, that's even better
... Asking a question to which there is only one answer is hard to lose.
It is essential that your communication be laced with rhetorical questions,
which is how Jews talk anyway. (Luntz is Jewish.)"
[Who are the Russian oligarchs? What is the "Russian"
Russia's darkness rising,
By Martin Sieff, UPI, May 23, 2003
"Washington policy-makers and pundits have shared the comfortable
assumption in recent years that Russia Does Not Matter Anymore and that
simultaneously it has been Saved for Democracy. They should read 'Darkness
at Dawn: The Rise of the Russian Criminal State,' David Satter's vivid,
impeccably researched and truly frightening new book published by Yale
University Press (314 pages, $29.95, 2003), and think again. To anyone
who has covered Russia or visited often over the past decade, most of
the case studies, scandals and problems examined in 'Darkness at Dawn'
will not come as any surprise. But what Satter has done is to re-examine
these individual cases and show their interconnections with each other,
like putting together the pieces in a jigsaw puzzle. He does so in such
a way that both the expert on Russia and the casual reader wishing to
be informed can be left with only one conclusion: One of the two major
thermonuclear superpowers in the world, and the only one left with Multiple-Independently
Targeted Re-entry Vehicles on its nuclear missiles remains unstable,
unpredictable, and is dangerously close to becoming a ruthless, predatory
and unpredictable criminal state. Something -- in fact, a lots of things
-- went terribly wrong during the early 1990s transition of Russia from
State Communism to a supposed free market economy. Many others detailed
the problems of transition in detail as they were happening, but Satter
maps the contours of the debris that was left. Without any stable legal
structure governing the owning and trading of property and wealth or
the regulation of business transactions in the decade after the disintegration
of the Soviet Union, Russian society became totally criminalized, not
merely in its day-to-day dealings but in the widespread existential
consciousness of its people. Russia's newly emergent oligarchs have
often been nicknamed 'Robber Barons' after the Gilded Age plutocrats
of late 19th-century industrial America, but the term is a misnomer
in all too many ways. Industrial titans like John D. Rockefeller in
oil and Andrew Carnegie in steel built huge business empires and acquired
enormous power. But they did so within an ordered society, built tremendous
industrial infrastructures that generated wealth for generations after
them, and felt obligations towards it. Rockefeller and Carnegie, like
the Ford family after them donated hundreds of millions of dollars to
enormous, organized philanthropies that immeasurably boosted education,
health and culture, first across the United States and then across the
wider world. The Robber Barons of President Boris Yeltsin's Russia really
were that. They created an industrial and socio-economic desolation
and called it peace ... [Satter] traces the gangster struggles for control
of cities, banks, industrial complexes, even entire provinces each of
which is larger than any other major European nation. And he vividly
documents the casual violence that the protagonists in these -- literal
--wars take for granted, making Al Capone and his colleagues look like
disciples of Mother Teresa by contrast. Things have stabilized, and
somewhat improved since President Vladimir Putin succeeded Yeltsin.
But the criminalized, rapacious super-oligarchs, those billionaire modern
barons, retain control of the Commanding Heights of the Russian economy.
Beneath them, a society of 145 million people stretching across almost
one-seventh of the land surface of the planet remain mired in poverty,
despair and a moral squalor even more devastating than their physical
one. Russia's population continues to implode with soaring death rates
and plummeting birth rates. The underlying reason for this, far more
than the collapse of living standards in the 1990s was, Satter concludes,
that most of those people had lost all hope. They now despaired of things
ever getting better."
ROVING EYE. The masters of the universe,
By Pepe Escobar, The Asia Times, May, 22,
"It may be instructive to learn what US Defense Secretary Donald
Rumsfeld and the 'Prince of Darkness' Richard Perle were doing
last weekend. From May 15 to 18 they were guests at the Trianon Palace
Hotel, close to the spectacular Versailles palace near Paris, for the
annual meeting of the Bilderberg club. Depending on the ideological
prism applied, the Bilderberg club may be considered an ultra-VIP international
lobby of the power elite of Europe and America, capable of steering
international policy from behind closed doors; a harmless 'discussion
group' of politicians, academics and business tycoons; or a capitalist
secret society operating entirely through self interest and plotting
world domination. The Bilderberg club is regarded by many financial
and business elites as the high chamber of the high priests of capitalism.
You can't apply for membership of such a club. Each year, a mysterious
'steering committee' devises a selected invitation list with a maximum
100 names. The location of their annual meeting is not exactly secret:
they even have a headquarters in Leiden, in the Netherlands. But the
meetings are shrouded in the utmost secrecy. Participants and guests
rarely reveal that they are attending. Their security is managed by
military intelligence. But what is the secretive group really up to?
Well, they talk. They lobby. They try to magnify their already immense
political clout, on both sides of the Atlantic. And everybody pledges
absolute secrecy on what has been discussed. The Bilderberg mingles
central bankers, defense experts, press barons, government ministers,
prime ministers, royalty, international financiers and political leaders
from Europe and America. Guests this year, along with Rumsfeld and Perle
(US Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz is also a member)
included banker David Rockefeller, as well as various members of the
Rockefeller family, Henry Kissinger, Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands,
Queen Sofia and King Juan Carlos of Spain, and high officials of assorted
governments. The Bilderberg does not invite - or accept - Asians, Middle
Easterners, Latin Americans or Africans. Some of the Western world's
leading financiers and foreign policy strategists attend Bilderberg,
in their view, to polish and reinforce a virtual consensus, an illusion
that globalization, defined under their terms - what's good for banking
and big business is good for everybody else - is inevitable and for
the greater good of mankind. If they have a hidden agenda, it is the
fact that their fabulous concentration of wealth and power is completely
dissociated from the explanation to their guests of how globalization
benefits 6.2 billion people. Some of the club's earlier guests went
on to become crucial players ... This year, the Bilderberg meeting in
Versailles conveniently merged into the G8 meeting of finance ministers
in Paris, a 20-minute car ride from Versailles, on May 19. The procedure
is traditional: what happens in the Bilderberg is usually a preview
of what is later discussed at the full G8 gathering, which this year
will be held from June 1 to 3 at Evian-les-Bains in the French Alps
... An influential Jewish European banker reveals that the ruling elite
in Europe is now telling their minions that the West is on the brink
of total financial meltdown; so the only way to save their precious
investments is to bet on the new global crisis centered around the Middle
East, which replaced the crisis evolving around the Cold War. According
to a banking source in the City of London connected to Versailles, what
has transpired from the 2003 meeting is that American and European Bilderbergers
have not exactly managed to control their split over the American invasion
and occupation of Iraq, as well as over Israeli Prime Minister Ariel
Sharon's hardline policy against the Palestinians."
Jewish Leader Blasts
Austrian Chancellor,
Baltimore Jewish Times, May 22, 2003
"The head of Austria's Jewish community is accusing the country's
chancellor of malice toward the Jewish community over a funding spat
for community security. Chancellor Wolfgang Schuessel gives him 'the
feeling that his goal is the liquidation of the community,' a Viennese
newspaper quoted Ariel Muzicant as saying. The dispute arose
after Muzicant warned that without compensation for stolen property
and government financial help the community might go bankrupt, and Austria's
few remaining Jews be forced to emigrate. 'If the Austrian government
does not begin to pay compensation for the small Jewish community, we
may have to close our business by July 1,' Muzicant told journalists
Tuesday in Vienna. Schuessel's office did not respond to requests for
comment. The community has been fighting with the government for years
over assets that were stolen or destroyed by the Nazis during World
War II. Vienna's Jewish community, which numbered about 170,000 in 1938,
was among the richest in Europe before the war. Today it numbers 6,710.
The head of the European Jewish Congress backed Muzicant's stance. 'It's
not because of mismanagement the that Jewish community is out of money;
it's because their assets were stolen,' said Michel Friedman,
a German Jew who is president of the European Jewish Congress. The issue
is 'explosive,' he said, especially when the community has to spend
more than 20 percent of its budget on security -- which Friedman thinks
should be the government's responsibility. 'You cannot blame the Jews
when this small community is threatened by anti-Semitism,' he told journalists.
Mediating in the dispute, sources say, is former U.S. Undersecretary
of State Stuart Eizenstat [also Jewish], who was the Clinton
administration's point man for restitution issues and who happened to
be in Austria on a private legal case. But another dispute has arisen
over a comment Schuessel reportedly made to Eizenstat explaining
his refusal to pay for the community's security guards, many of whom
are Israeli."
boss under fire over payments,
By Raymond Snoddy, Times Online (London),
May 22, 2003
"Media Editor LORD [Conrad] BLACK of Crossharbour, the chairman
of Hollinger International, is facing a call for a formal investigation
into $73.7 million (£45 million) of payments made to senior executives
of the media group. The call, on the eve of what is expected to be an
acrimonious annual meeting in New York today, comes from lawyers representing
Tweedy Browne, a New York investment company. The payments to Hollinger
executives were part of 'non-compete' agreements signed when the owner
of the Daily Telegraph sold a number of its North American newspapers.
The $73.7 million was paid in compensation for the directors agreeing
not to set up or own competing titles. The money, Tweedy, Browne says,
should have gone to the company rather than to Lord Black and three
other directors. The letter and documents, also filed with the US Securities
and Exchange Commission, call for the “disgorgement of the payments”
made under the non-compete agreements. Christopher Browne, manager of
Tweedy, Browne, which owns 13.2 million shares in Hollinger International,
said that he expected the independent directors of the company to investigate
the payments. The independent directors include Henry Kissinger,
the former US Secretary of State, and Richard Perle, former chairman
of the Defence Policy Board."
The New York senator’s view that there’s no difference between law and
politics is at the heart of the judicial crisis,
City Journal, May 21, 2003
"Everyone has commented on how unprecedented is the current Democratic
filibuster campaign against President Bush’s appellate court nominees,
Miguel Estrada and Pricilla Owen—well-qualified judges even according
to the liberal American Bar Association but anathema to Democrats because
of their opposition to liberal judicial activism. What hasn’t sufficiently
been noticed is that the filibusters rest on a new jurisprudential theory—call
it Schumerism, after the New York senator who is its most strident
proponent. Extremist and utterly contrary to the spirit of the Constitution,
Schumerism promises to wreak incalculable damage to our political
fabric as the battle for control of the nation’s courts widens. For
two years, Schumer has tirelessly waged a campaign to change
the criteria by which the Senate ratifies presidential judicial picks.
For much of American history, the guideposts the Senate has relied on
to confirm judges are those Alexander Hamilton laid down in The Federalist:
integrity, intelligence and temperament, and faithfulness to the rule
of law—terms on which Estrada and Owen pass with high marks. But instead
of sticking with Hamiltonian standards, Schumer says, senators
must make their Number One concern a judge’s 'ideology'—by which he
means the judge’s private political opinions, as well as the kind of
political results his decisions have led to in past cases and will potentially
lead to in the future. Further, judges whose legal and personal views
on such hot-button political issues as affirmative action and abortion
are outside the 'mainstream' should be disqualified from sitting on
the federal bench, regardless of their competence or integrity or respect
for the law. As for how to find the 'mainstream' in this new scheme,
that’s easy: Schumerism peremptorily defines conservative views
as 'extremist'—not even worthy of rebuttal, and certainly deserving
no place in the judiciary."
Israel weighing EU membership,
By Martin Walker, UPI, May 21, 2003
"The visiting delegation from the European Union was startled this
week when Israel Foreign Minister Silvan Shalom said his government
was weighing an application to join the EU. 'It doesn't mean he is preparing
the dossier for applying tomorrow,' an Israeli spokesman said. 'In principle,
the minister thinks a possibility exists for Israel to join the EU,
since Israel and Europe share similar economies and democratic values'
.. But if and when Israel does achieve a peace settlement with Syria
and Lebanon and the Palestinians (it already has peace treaties with
Egypt and Jordan), Israeli membership could make a great deal of sense
for Israel and the EU alike ... For Israel, EU membership would mean
an end to the regional isolation it suffers, and a strong security guarantee,
along with all the economic advantages of the vast EU market. Joining
the EU would presumably mean joining the euro, shielding Israel from
the kinds of currency crises that have hit the shekel since the intifada
battered its important tourism industry. For the EU, Israel's impressive
high-tech industry could be useful, but any economic advantages to Israeli
membership would have to be balanced against the wider political costs
to the EU, unless the Jewish state's relationship with its Arab neighbors
is transformed ... The EU and Israel already have a formal Cooperation
Agreement, ratified by the Knesset, Israel's parliament, three years
ago. Its provisions include regular political dialogue, liberalization
of trade in goods and services, the free movement of capital and competition
rules, the strengthening of economic cooperation on the widest possible
basis and cooperation on social and cultural matters. (Israel has long
taken part, for example, in the annual Eurovision Song Contest.)"
[A JTR commentator wonders: "Will we be finding in America
Israeli A. B. Yehoshua's new book that blames Jews for "anti-Semitism?"
Don't hold your breath.]
matter its origins, anti-Semitism, like any disease, needs to be fought,
By Hillel Halkin, Jewish Telegraphic Agency,
May 20, 2003
"When we ask ourselves whether anti-Semitism is essentially one
thing or many, just as when we ask ourselves whether or how it will
cease — when we ask, in other words, what must change to make it cease
— are we not really asking whether the real cause of anti-Semitism is
to be found in the Jews or in the world? Before anyone protests that
even to inquire whether the Jews might be the cause of anti-Semitism
is an abject capitulation to the anti-Semites, I would remind you that
the belief that they are the cause of it has been traditionally shared
by anti-Semites with Jews. Why are the Jews like the fruit of the olive
tree? ask the rabbis in the Midrash. 'Because,' they answer, 'as all
liquids mix with each other, but the oil of the olive does not, so Israel
does not mix with the Gentiles . . . And as the olive does not yield
its oil unless it is crushed, so Israel does not return to God unless
it is crushed by affliction.' Being chosen and set apart exacts a double
price. It makes an envious and indignant world persecute the Jews and
it makes a pedagogical God allow this to happen. Historically, this
is the normative Jewish point of view. Classical Zionism, too, viewed
the Jews as the cause of anti-Semitism ... Zionism understood the Jews’
misfortunes differently from rabbinic Judaism, which made it more optimistic
about overcoming them. And yet there is in all self-blame a peculiar
sort of optimism that helps to explain why, starting with the biblical
prophets, there has been so much of it among Jews; for if you are the
cause of your own suffering, you have the ability to rectify it, as
you do not if it is caused by something or someone outside you ... If
anti-Semitism has a single cause — the Jews — it is a dragon that can
be slain. If it has many causes — as many as the world has fears, hatreds
and phobias — it is a hydra: Cut off one head and it will grow another.
Is that, then, what we are asking when we ask whether the new anti-Semitism
is or is not just the old one all over again: whether we are fighting
a dragon or a hydra? ... [A. B.] Yehoshua
is writing a book, too. In it he maintains that the ultimate reason
for anti-Semitism is the Jews themselves. Although
this does not, needless to say, excuse or justify prejudice against
them, the Jews have throughout their history, Yehoshua believes,
baffled and exasperated the world. They have done this by taking two
ideas that were their contribution to civilization and by which civilization
subsequently organized itself — the idea of monotheistic universalism
and the idea of national particularism — and fusing them in a way that
has subverted both, thus ironically making them in the world’s eyes
the symbolic enemy of humanity and of the nation alike. It is
this fusion, or confusion, Yehoshua argues, that has enabled the Arab
states to turn a political and territorial conflict with Israel into
a successful anti-Semitic campaign, since Israel’s failure to distinguish
clearly between religion and nationality — that is, between Jewishness
and Israeliness — makes it an anomaly among democracies and exposes
it to charges of racism and discrimination."
[The Jewish Conquest of "Working Class Redneck."]
Vegas Hosts Country Music Awards, Earthlink
(from Associated Press), May 21, 2003
"The show, televised by CBS, moved to Las Vegas this year for the
first time in the event's 38-year history."
Most Israelis not using contraceptives,
By Gideon Alon, Haaretz (Israel),
May 21, 2003
"About half of Israeli women aged 25 to 44 do not use contraceptives,
according to a poll exploring sexual behavior carried out on behalf
of the Union for the Advancement of Women in Israel by Geocartographia.
The poll's findings were presented yesterday to the Knesset Committee
for the Advancement of the Status of Women. The poll found that 42 percent
of married women and women living with a partner do not use contraceptives;
the figure rises to 58 percent among women not living with a partner.
Birth control pills are the most popular form of contraception, used
by 26 percent of women while 18 percent of women use intra-vaginal devices.
Just 7 percent said they used condoms. Among the ultra-Orthodox community,
only 15 percent of women use any form of birth control. A particularly
worrying statistic is that around 70 percent of Israeli women who have
casual sex do not use condoms and are thus not protected from sexually-transmitted
diseases. The survey also revealed a worryingly low rate of condom usage
among men - 42 percent of Israeli admitted never using condoms. Just
23 percent of men regularly use condoms during casual sex."
Israel yet to grasp concept of democracy,
By Mazal Mualem, Haaretz (Israel),
May 19, 2003
"More than half the Jewish population of Israel - 53 percent -
is opposed to full equal rights for Israeli Arabs, according to a survey
conducted last month by the Israel Democracy Institute. The general
conclusion of the survey, which is dubbed the 'Israeli Democracy Survey'
and will be conducted every year, is that Israel is basically a democracy
in form more than in substance, and that it has yet to internalize fully
the concept of democracy ... The current survey discovered the lowest
support in the last 20 years for the assertion that democracy is the
best form of governance: Only 77 percent of the respondents supported
this premise - as compared to 90 percent in 1999. Israel
is also one of the only four countries of the 32 listed in the study,
in which most of the public believes that 'strong leaders can do more
for the country than debates or legislation.' Prof. Asher
Arian and Prof. David Nachmias, who conducted the survey, say that
Israeli democracy is particularly vulnerable today because of the occupation,
the intifada and the war on terror. Consequently, Israel scores relatively
low on human rights and freedom of the press, which they say should
be a warning sign. On freedom of the press, Israel scored 70 out of
100 - the minimum requirement for the press to be considered free. One
of the reasons attributed to the dip in Israel's rating in this area,
from 72 points in the mid-1990s, is the attitude of the authorities
toward the foreign press since the onset of the intifada. In this respect,
Israel is ahead of only Romania, South Africa, Argentina, Mexico and
India. Concerning discrimination against minorities, Israel scored 3
on a scale of 0-4, and thus belongs to the bottom third of the 28 countries
covered in the survey. In human rights violations, Israel (including
the territories) also scores very high, leading the list together with
South Africa. The only parameter in which Israel scored highest in a
positive way regards the extent that political competition is open to
everyone and enables governmental change. But the flipside of this achievement
is frequent changes in the government and deep social rifts, reflecting
instability and lack of social cohesiveness, according to the survey.
Of 26 countries, only India beat Israel in terms of social gaps. Israel
and Argentina share first place in the frequency of changes in governments
- five in 10 years - and thus also share first place in terms of instability."
chief stops Israelis with suspicious cargo,
By Michael Shinabery, Alomogordo News (New
Mexico), May 19, 2003
"That they were speeding through the school zone first got his
attention. That they had Israeli driver's licenses and expired passports
made him suspicious. Cloudcroft Police Chief Gene Green stopped the
2-ton van on Thursday, for speeding. Initially, Green thought the truck
was commercial because of exterior markings. But when he found it was
out of Chicago, he asked for documentation such as logs books and manifests.
'They said this is a U-Haul truck and handed me a rental agreement (for)
in-town delivery only in Illinois, (which) had expired two days before,'
Green said. He called for backup, and Otero County Sheriff's Deputy
Billy Anders, who patrols the Sacramento Mountains, arrived, along with
Capt. Norbert Sanchez and Det. Eddie Medrano. 'We got them out and started
digging a little deeper,' Green said, 'got permission to search the
truck. They claimed they were hauling furniture from Austin to Chicago.'
When officers advised the men they were not exactly en route from one
town to another, Green said the two men claimed they were Deming bound.
'But they couldn't give us an address in Deming they were going to,'
he said. 'Once we got into the truck, they had some junk furniture I
wouldn't have given to Goodwill.' Also inside the vehicle were, Green
said, '50 boxes' they claimed was a "private" delivery, but the men
insisted they had no 'idea what was in them.' At that point, the officers
called for drug-sniffing and bomb-sniffing dogs. The men were turned
over to the Immigration and Naturalization Service, and U-Haul recovered
the truck. Contents of the boxes remain unknown, pending investigation."
What would you
do if you wanted to topple Saddam Hussein, but your intelligence agencies
couldn't find the evidence to justify a war?,
by Jim Lobe, AlterNet, May 19, 2003
"A follower of Leo Strauss may just hire the 'right' kind
of men to get the job done -- people with the intellect, acuity, and,
if necessary, the political commitment, polemical skills, and, above
all, the imagination to find the evidence that career intelligence officers
could not detect. The 'right' man for Deputy Defense Secretary Paul
Wolfowitz, suggests Seymour Hersh in his recent New Yorker
article entitled 'Selective Intelligence,' was Abram Shulsky,
director of the Office of Special Plans (OSP) -- an agency created specifically
to find the evidence of WMDs and/or links with Al Qaeda, piece it together,
and clinch the case for the invasion of Iraq. Like Wolfowitz,
Shulsky is a student of an obscure German Jewish political philosopher
named Leo Strauss who arrived in the United States in 1938. Strauss
taught at several major universities, including Wolfowitz and
Shulsky's alma mater, the University of Chicago, before his death
in 1973. Strauss is a popular figure among the neoconservatives.
Adherents of his ideas include prominent figures both within and outside
the administration. They include 'Weekly Standard' editor William
Kristol; his father and indeed the godfather of the neoconservative
movement, Irving Kristol; the new Undersecretary of Defense for
Intelligence, Stephen Cambone, a number of senior fellows at the American
Enterprise Institute (AEI) (home to former Defense Policy Board chairman
Richard Perle and Lynne Cheney), and Gary Schmitt, the director
of the influential Project for the New American Century (PNAC), which
is chaired by Kristol the Younger. Strauss' philosophy
is hardly incidental to the strategy and mindset adopted by these men
-- as is obvious in Shulsky's 1999 essay titled 'Leo Strauss
and the World of Intelligence (By Which We Do Not Mean Nous)' (in
Greek philosophy the term nous denotes the highest form of rationality).
As Hersh notes in his article, Shulsky and his co-author
Schmitt ... argued that Strauss's idea of hidden meaning, 'alerts one
to the possibility that political life may be closely linked to deception.
Indeed, it suggests that deception is the norm in political life, and
the hope, to say nothing of the expectation, of establishing a politics
that can dispense with it is the exception.' Rule One: Deception
It's hardly surprising then why Strauss is so popular in
an administration obsessed with secrecy, especially when it comes to
matters of foreign policy. Not only did Strauss have few qualms
about using deception in politics, he saw it as a necessity. While professing
deep respect for American democracy, Strauss believed that societies
should be hierarchical -- divided between an elite who should lead,
and the masses who should follow. But unlike fellow elitists like Plato,
he was less concerned with the moral character of these leaders. According
to Shadia Drury, who teaches politics at the University of Calgary,
Strauss believed that 'those who are fit to rule are those who
realize there is no morality and that there is only one natural right
-- the right of the superior to rule over the inferior.' This dichotomy
requires "perpetual deception" between the rulers and the ruled, according
to Drury. Robert Locke, another Strauss analyst says, 'The people
are told what they need to know and no more.' While the elite few are
capable of absorbing the absence of any moral truth, Strauss
thought, the masses could not cope."
meeting brands 'road map' as heresy,
19, 2003
"A Washington conference of Christian and Jewish Zionists yesterday
heard attacks on the U.S. 'road map' for peace in the Middle East as
a breach of a 4,000-year-old covenant between God and Israel. 'The land
of Israel was originally owned by God,' said Gary Bauer, president of
American Values and a Republican presidential contender in 2000. 'Since
He was the owner, only He could give it away. And He gave it to the
Jewish people.' Terrorists, he said, 'don't understand why Israel and
the United States are joined at the heart.' Called the 'Interfaith Zionist
Leadership Summit,' the conference attracted to the Omni Shoreham Hotel
about 1,000 participants, who debated how evangelical Christians could
best unite with Jews to support Israel. A three-page statement was adopted,
to be delivered to President Bush this week, demanding Palestinian concessions
before Israel is asked to return to its pre-1967 borders, which would
turn over the West Bank and Gaza Strip to the Palestinian Authority
... Evangelical organizations represented at the conference included
the Christian Coalition, the Christian Broadcasting Network and the
Religious Roundtable. One organization distributed bumper stickers saying:
'Pray that President Bush will honor God's covenant with Israel' ...
The conference, underwritten by a $100,000 grant from Zionist House,
a Boston-based Jewish group, appeared to be closely balanced between
Christians and Jews, with a slight Jewish majority."
[Another Jewish "Terror Slut" exposed. Steven Emerson
is a frequent TV pundit on "terrorism."]
Defamation Suit. "Terror" Slut Steve Emerson Eats Crow (Just for Starters),
CounterPunch, May 19, 2003
"Wire Self-styled 'terrorism expert' Steven Emerson has
filed for dismissal of a multi-million-dollar defamation suit against
a Florida newspaper and its senior editor. The 'notice of voluntary
dismissal' (Case No. 00-03739) filed in the Circuit Court in and for
Hillsborough County, Fla., states: 'Plaintiff Steven Emerson herewith
serves notice of his dismissal of this action, without prejudice, against
defendants John Sugg and The Weekly Planet, Inc.' 'This lawsuit did
not have any merit, and I believe it was filed in bad faith to deter
us and others from telling the truth about Emerson. I think that
'pseudo-journalist' is a perfect description for Steven Emerson,'
said Sugg, currently senior editor of Creative Loafing in Atlanta,
Ga. Sugg added: 'We reported the truth. In four years of litigation,
Emerson has been unwilling or unable to come up with any evidence
that what we reported was false. Now that we were close to forcing him
to back up his claims, he has run away.' Emerson's lawsuit alleged
that Sugg, then senior editor of Florida's Weekly Planet newspaper,
'maliciously and repeatedly published false and defamatory utterances'
in an 'ongoing campaign to undermine Emerson's credibility and
damage his professional and personal reputation.' Emerson sought
one million dollars in actual damages and ten million dollars in punitive
damages on each of three causes of action. The complaint centered on
allegations reported by Sugg that two Associated Press reporters said
Emerson gave them a document on terrorism supposedly from FBI
files: 'One reporter thought he'd seen the material before, and in checking
found a paper Emerson had supplied earlier containing his own
unsupported allegations. The two documents were almost identical, except
that Emerson's authorship was deleted from the one purported
to be from the FBI. 'It was really his work,' one reporter says. 'He
sold it to us trying to make it look like a really interesting FBI document.'"
(Weekly Planet, May 1998) ... The lawsuit also disputed allegations
that Emerson gave false information to a Senate subcommittee
during testimony in 1998. In an article headlined 'Ties to Spies?' Sugg
wrote: "In a missive submitted to a U.S. Senate subcommittee in February,
Emerson stated that a federal lawman and other authorities in
1995 told him 'radical Islamic fundamentalists had been assigned to
carry out an assassination of me. An actual hit team had been dispatched...'
Emerson claimed the authorities said he could probably 'get permission
to enter the Witness Security Program' "After I sent Emerson's document
to the Justice Department's Terrorism and Violent Crimes Section, this
on-the-record response was made by spokesman John Russell on May 5.
'You pushed the right button asking about your friend Steve Emerson,'
Russell said. 'We've never given any thought to putting him in the witness
protection program.' Is there any truth to the allegation of an assassination
team? 'No, none at all,' Russell responded.' In documents filed with
the court, Emerson said he was 'notified by U.S. government officials
in 1995 of a death threat against him.' Emerson is best known
for his controversial 1994 PBS production 'Jihad in America.' Muslims
say he has a long history of defamatory and inaccurate attacks on the
Islamic community in this country."
The Other Side of Holocaust Denial,
By Henry Makow, Save the Males,
May 19, 2003
"Although I am the grandson of Holocaust victims, I am embarrassed
by some Jewish organizations that want to make the Jewish Holocaust
the defining event of World War Two. This is seen in the boom in Holocaust
Studies Programs, Holocaust Museums and Hollywood movies like 'The Pianist.'
Canadian Media mogul Izzy Asper is behind a new $200 'Holocaust
and Human Rights Museum' in Winnipeg. The very title equates Jewish
persecution with all 'human rights.' The Second World War was a human
calamity. Over 55 million people died. Why focus on the Jewish experience?
This is the cause of anti Semitism in the first place. Jewish power
brokers are perpetuating a vicious cycle. I am also troubled by the
attempt to classify people like Ernst Zundel as a 'hate criminal.' Zundel's
website claims only one million Jews were murdered, there were no gas
chambers, and Hitler didn't intend genocide. Zundel's claims are repugnant,
but he has a right to be wrong. Society needs people to dispute the
historical record. One may be right. If spreading false information
is a crime, shouldn't we also lock up Tom Brokaw? Canada has locked
up Ernst Zundel. According to his wife, he is being mistreated in prison.
He risks deportation as a 'security risk.' Bernie Farber of the
Canadian Jewish Congress concedes Zundel doesn't 'actually wield the
stick' but 'provides oxygen' to extremists. That definition would curb
everyone's freedom of speech. When questioning 'what is the truth' becomes
'hate', we have entered Orwell's '1984' era of thought crime. Don't
kid yourself. This is the slippery slope to tyranny and Jewish organizations
are partly to blame. We must stand up in defiance. The charge of hate
is used selectively to disarm legitimate opposition. The definition
of 'hatred' is very selective. For example lesbians spew hatred of men
but they are never arrested. Feminists teach impressionable girls that
all males are potentially violent sexual predators. That's OK. The Talmud
is full of hatred against Christ and Christians, but that doesn't count
either. Canadian MP Svend Robinson wants to make 'gay bashing' a hate
crime. He isn't talking about violence against gays, which is a genuine
crime. He would prevent society from defending itself from activists
who teach children that heterosexual roles are not natural but homosexuality
is. 'Hate' is a bogus charge anyway. Many so-called 'Anti Semites' have
written me and most are not hateful or racist in the least. They are
trying to defend their legitimate interests from a real and insidious
attack. The arch anti-Semite Henry Ford, author of 'The International
Jew' employed thousands of Jews in his factories. He worked closely
with a Jew, Mme. Rosika Schwimmer on his Peace Ship crusade. Ford's
Jewish architect Albert Kahn designed hundreds of buildings for him.
Jewish powerbrokers use anti Semitism to disarm opposition to their
political agenda. The promotion of the Jewish Holocaust maintains the
Jews' status as the world's premier 'victims.' This gives them immunity
from criticism. It makes people feel more favourable to them and more
willing to accede to their direction and influence."
over shoot-to-kill fear in Gaza,
by Sandra Jordan, The Observer (UK), May
18, 2003
"Two journalists have been gunned down by Israeli troops, but
their families' pleas for an investigation are met with silence.
The two men met on the road to Baghdad, shortly before the war - Tom
Hurndall, 21, aspiring photojournalist, and James Miller, award-winning
director and cameraman. Disturbed by the levels of risk, both Hurndall
and Miller left Iraq before the war to cover the more manageable risks
of the 'low-intensity' war in Palestine's Gaza Strip. Now Hurndall lies
in a coma so deep he is more dead than alive, and Miller is dead. Hurndall
was wearing an orange day-glo jacket in broad daylight when he was shot
in the head by the Israeli army. James Miller was shining a torch on
to a white flag and wearing a helmet with 'TV' on it in large bright
letters when he too was shot by Israeli soldiers. Both men were carrying
cameras. Their families believe they were targeted
by the Israeli Defence Force (IDF), as part of a deliberate strategy
of suppressing foreign eyewitnesses in the Occupied Territories.
IDF killings in the Gaza are not new. Since September 2000, 2,300 Palestinians
have been killed in the Occupied Territories, many of them children;
773 Israelis have been killed. Palestinians don't expect justice, but
the Hurndall and Miller families did from a country that constantly
stresses it is the only democracy in the Middle East. Both families
are disturbed by the IDF's refusal to conduct an open inquiry into the
two shootings; most IDF investigations are internal and criminal proceedings
rare. A secret IDF document obtained by The Observer points to
a culture of impunity in the army. In the paper, an IDF Commander, now
one of the most powerful generals in the army, appeals to the Chief
Military Attorney to quash an open inquiry in the deaths of five children
saying the exposure of soldiers to the legal system would damage troop
morale and 'completely paralyse the IDF's abilities to take combative
action'. To some, it looks like the IDF is running a 'shoot to kill'
policy in Gaza. The IDF insist they do not target civilians, but they
refuse to release independent eyewitness statements or CCTV and night
vision footage ... Gaza is the 'hottest' part of the Occupied Territories,
and Rafah is the most war ravaged city. It is surrounded by Israeli
towers and tanks to the south, Israeli settlements to the north and
west, and the green line on the east. Watchtowers
enable the Israeli army to kill in the city without entering it.
Since this conflict began 32 months ago, more than 250 people have been
killed here, a third of them children. More than 2,500 have been wounded.
It was 5pm on 11 April, with plenty of daylight left, when Hurndall
was shot in the head as he and a group of ISM activists set up a 'peace
tent' to stop a tank entering the Yibna area of Rafah. According to
those at the scene, there were no Palestinian gunmen in the area. Hurndall
had rushed to help three children who were immobilised by fear. He got
the boy to safety but as he went back for the girls he was shot in the
head, said Allison Phillips, a 62-year-old retired Scottish teacher
and ISM worker who saw it happen ... 'I don't believe it's possible
for that sniper not to have seen the orange jacket,' said Anthony Hurndall,
Tom's father, a trained lawyer, who has left his work to investigate
his son's shooting. 'There have been peace activists in that area for
some time and they have caused a lot of trouble to the Israelis as they
see it because they have obstructed a number of demolitions and other
activities.' He is convinced he won't get answers from the IDF, which
has refused his requests for a meeting. He has been to Rafah three times
but has not returned since his last visit when the British Embassy convoy
he was travelling with was fired on by the IDF. Three weeks after Hurndall
was shot, and not far away, James Miller was killed. He had approached
an Israeli APC to ask for permission to leave an area. He was shining
a torch on a white flag when the IDF opened fire. In Miller's case,
the IDF asserts that the armoured personnel carrier from where Miller
had been shot had been fired on by an anti-tank missile immediately
before they returned fire, 'at the source', hitting Miller. Film footage
of Miller approaching the APC shows that this is not the case. Saira
Shah, Miller's assistant producer, said: 'We knew they could see we
were civilians, that we weren't armed and that were carrying a white
flag. We trusted them not to kill us and under those circumstances they
shot James anyway.' The IDF is investigating Miller's death. So far
they have declined to take evidence from eyewitnesses. They have not
released their own footage. In the past week, at least 20 Palestinians
have been killed in Gaza. Before Ariel Sharon flies to Washington to
meet President George Bush on Tuesday, more will have died. No one will
ever investigate their deaths. It has always been like this for Palestinians
and now it is so for foreign peace and aid workers."
refuses refugee status for SLA man for role in `war crimes',
By Yossi Melman, Haaretz (Israel),
May 18, 2003
"Canada is refusing to grant a Lebanese man the status of refugee,
arguing that he served as an Israeli intelligence agent, a country which
they allege 'carried out war crimes, including murder and torture,'
in southern Lebanon. The decision of the Immigration and Refugee Board
of Canada was exposed on Friday in an article of the National Post
daily, and has drawn sharp responses. The government of Canada was quick
to clarify that the decision does not align with its policy vis-a-vis
Israel. The identity of the 41-year-old man from southern Lebanon is
confidential because of concerns for his safety, and he has been simply
termed, 'Mr. X.' He emigrated to Canada some time ago, possibly through
Israel or with its assistance. He later requested permanent residency
and the Canadian immigration board examined his case. According to the
board's report, the man said he had served as a Mossad agent and had
ties to the IDF surrogate militia, the South Lebanon Army. He says he
provided his controllers with the names of 40 Hezbollah operatives and
details about their whereabouts in 1998-99, in exchange for an $800
monthly salary. A number of human rights groups turned to the board
and demanded Mr. X not be recognized as a refugee, arguing that he participated
in war crimes and crimes against humanity. In the board's report, it
is stated it may be possible that as a result of the information passed
on to his controllers, Hezbollah men were arrested and tortured"
[The Israeli destruction of Christian Armenians.]
unseen village,
By Sara Leibovich-Dar, Haaretz (Israel),
May 18, 2003
"Not known to many, but forever remembered by its former residents
- the story of the Armenian village Sheikh Brak is one of Israeli ambivalence
toward the Armenian Holocaust. Every few weeks, Naomi Nalbandian travels
to the abandoned Armenian village of Sheikh Brak, near Atlit [in Isrsel]
. As a child, she lived there for just one year, but she still misses
it. 'As the years go by, the abandonment of the village saddens me more
and more,' she says. 'If I'd have been older then, I would have fought
with all my might against the abandonment and tried to get other Armenians
to join the struggle.' Last week, on the eve of Independence Day, Nalbandian,
a nurse in the rehabilitation department of Hadassah University Hospital
on Mount Scopus, lit one of the ceremonial torches on Mount Herzl. She
wanted to mention the Armenian holocaust during the ceremony. In 1915-16,
about 1.5 million people were killed in the Armenian genocide carried
out during ther time of the Ottoman Empire. The organizer of the ceremony
- the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport's 'Merkaz Hahasbara'
(Center of Information) - pressured Nalbandian to do no more than allude
to the genocide. Turkey continues to deny responsibility for the annihilation
of the Armenians and contends that the number killed was much smaller.
And, apparently, the diplomatic, economic and
defense-related ties between Israel and Turkey are too important to
endanger with even an indirect reference to another people's holocaust.
Nalbandian gave in, and the process also sapped her energy to fight
for permission to mention the other ethnic trauma: that of the abandonment
of Sheikh Brak. In 1920, a few dozen Armenians who had fled Turkey to
escape the massacres settled near Atlit. A Christian Arab landowner
leased them the village lands. When he fled to
Lebanon in 1948, the lands were appropriated and distributed to the
kibbutzim in the area. 'Your state and mine deceived them and
took all the land from them,' says former agriculture minister Pesach
Grupper, an Atlit resident who once employed the Armenians in his
fields. Not only was the land taken away from them, their village was
not connected to the electricity grid and did not have proper sewage
... Naomi Nalbandian became very attached to the village: 'It was a
wonderful place for kids, a whole world unto itself. To this day, it
pains me to think about the village. Whenever I go to visit my mother
in Haifa, I pass by and get all emotional remembering how we celebrated
the Armenian holidays there. Even after I returned to Haifa, I went
there every weekend and during every summer vacation. It's a shame that
it ended the way it did. We gave up too easily. We didn't realize that
we were losing the only Armenian village in Israel.' 'No one forced
us to leave," says Salfi Morjalian of Haifa, who was born in Sheikh
Brak and lived there until she was 12. 'But, politically, they tried
to make it hard on us so we wouldn't be able to stay there. We didn't
have electricity or running water or a sewage system. We did our business
outside - each family found a far-off, hidden spot to do it i' ... Pesach
Grupper asks rhetorically. 'Electricity only came to Atlit in 1924.'
The Armenians had no electricity until 1981."
[More propanda and disinformation, thanks to the continued hijacking
of American foreign policy in the secret name of Israel. Iraq, Syria,
and Iran must be destroyed as the most likely threats to Jewish Middle
East hegemony:]
al-Qaida Harbored in Iran Source: New attacks ordered from there,
By Knut Royce, Newsday, May 17, 2003
"The United States has developed intelligence indicating that top
al-Qaida leaders operating inside Iran directed Monday's bombing attacks
in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, and have ordered a terrorist strike in East
Africa, according to counterterrorism sources. Intelligence officials
say that top operational leader Saif al-Adil, who has been Osama bin
Laden's security chief and is hiding in Iran, is apparently under the
protection of the country's Revolutionary Guards ... A source who received
a classified briefing on Friday said the Bush administration now is
in a quandary because it can't ignore the intelligence but at the same
time wants to continue pressing the Iranians to stay out of Iraq. 'The
subject of Iran harboring senior al-Qaida people has suddenly been pushed
to the top of the agenda' in the Bush administration, he said ... There
were some indications this week that the United States may be ready
to confront Iran over its hosting of al-Qaida leaders. On Wednesday,
National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice told reporters that the administration
was 'concerned about al-Qaida operating in Iran.' But she made no mention
of any link between Iran and the Saudi attacks. The following day, Defense
Secretary Donald Rumsfeld said, 'We know there is senior al-Qaida in
Iran.' He, too, did not elaborate. The Iranian foreign ministry on Friday
denied that Iran is harboring al-Qaida operatives. U.S. intelligence
sources said that other top al-Qaida leaders believed to be inside Iran
include bin Laden's heir apparent, his son Saad, as well as Abu Hafs
the Mauritanian."
[Who's at the heart of American publishing?]
Cultural Tastes at Big Retail Chains,
New York Times, May 17, 2003
"Several publishers said they had learned not to show books with
explicit content or racy covers to the buyers for the mass merchandise
chains, especially Wal-Mart. 'Our reps who handle that channel might
say, `Well, that cover won't get into Wal-Mart,' " and then we have
to decide whether we are going to change it, if that is going to be
a big channel for this book,' Jane Friedman, chief executive
of the HarperCollins division of the News Corporation, said. "They have
not dictated to us, but we are very smart about servicing that channel
the way they would like to be serviced." Mr. Kirshbaum of AOL
Time Warner's books unit said he decided to start a religious imprint
because a book buyer for Wal-Mart told him that more than half its sales
were Christian books. In the last two months, Crown, part of the Random
House division of Bertelsmann, and Penguin, part of the British media
company Pearson, both started new lines aimed at tapping the booming
market for conservative books. Ms. Friedman said she had created
a special sales force to sell rack-size paperbacks to the discounters,
increasing sales 30 percent in two years. Michael Jacobs, senior
vice president of Scholastic, said his company was investing more in
books about licensed characters like its Clifford the Big Red Dog, in
part because they sell well at mass merchandisers, which can also sell
related toys and apparel. Film studio executives credit Wal-Mart's aggressive
promotion and low prices with playing a major role in the recent shift
toward DVD buying. Warren Lieberfarb, a former Warner Brothers
executive who is considered the father of the DVD, said, 'Wal-Mart now
comes close to spending as much on purchasing DVD's and videos as the
major studios earn from all the theaters in America.'"
expats to seek compensation for assets left behind,
By Shlomo Shamir, Haaretz (Israel),
May 16, 2003
"In the wake of the war in Iraq, Iraqi Jews residing in the United
States and Europe are weighing the possibility of filing class-action
suits demanding compensation in lieu of property and assets that they
were forced to leave behind. Prominent members of the Jewish community
in New York report that since the end of the war, they have seen a wave
of requests from Iraqi Jews seeking an organized appeal for compensation
for property and assets confiscated by the Baghdad regime when they
left the country in the 1950s. The requests have begun to come in at
an increased rate recently to the main New York offices of the World
Jewish Congress. The WJC is the organization that led the international
campaign against Swiss banks and achieved a global agreement under which
compensation was paid out to relatives of holders of dormant bank accounts
who perished during the Holocaust. WJC director Dr. Avi Becker
said Thursday that an Iraqi-Jewish lawyer from San Francisco had informed
him that she intended to file a class-action suit and demand compensation
for property and assets that had been in her family's possession and
had been confiscated by the Iraqi government in 1951. She will be seeking
the compensation from Iraqi funds currently frozen in the U.S. As a
result of the plethora of requests, a conference has been scheduled
in London next month to discuss the issue of 'the property of the Iraqi
Jewish refugees' ... The matter of compensation for the Jews who formerly
lived in Iraq will also be discussed at a session of the executive of
the WJC [World Jewish Congress], due to be held next week in Jerusalem.
The meeting is expected to be attended by Jewish delegates from the
U.S. and Europe. The organization was treating the issue with 'much
caution,' the WJC's Becker told Haaretz. 'The Congress will not
deal with the matter without close coordination with the government
of Israel,' he said."
Front Sets Sights On Toppling Iran Regime,
By MARC PERELMAN, [Jewish] Forward,
May 16, 2003
"A budding coalition of conservative hawks, Jewish organizations
and Iranian monarchists is pressing the White House to step up American
efforts to bring about regime change in Iran. For now, President Bush's
official stance is to encourage the Iranian people to push the mullah
regime aside themselves, but observers believe that the policy is not
yet firm, and that has created an opportunity for activists. Neoconservatives
advocating regime change in Tehran through diplomatic pressure - and
even covert action - appear to be winning the debate within the administration,
several knowledgeable observers said. 'There is a pact emerging between
hawks in the administration, Jewish groups and Iranian supporters of
Reza Pahlavi [the exiled son of the former shah of Iran] to push for
regime change,' said Pooya Dayanim, president of the Iranian-Jewish
Public Affairs Committee in Los Angeles and a hawk on Iran. The emerging
coalition is reminiscent of the buildup to the invasion of Iraq, with
Pahlavi possibly assuming the role of Iraqi exile opposition leader
Ahmed Chalabi, a favorite of neoconservatives. Like Chalabi, Pahlavi
has good relations with several Jewish groups. He has addressed the
board of the hawkish Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs
and gave a public speech at the Simon Wiesenthal Center's Museum of
Tolerance in Los Angeles, and met with Jewish communal leaders. Pahlavi
also has had quiet contacts with top Israeli officials. During the last
two years, according to a knowledgeable source, he has met privately
with Prime Minister Sharon and former prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu,
as well as Israel's Iranian-born president, Moshe Katsav. In
another parallel to the pre-invasion debate over Iraq, an intense policy
battle is heating up between the State and Defense departments over
what to do in Iran. "The president, the vice president and, even more
so, the Pentagon support regime change," said a source who follows the
internal debate closely. 'But State does not want to meddle in Iran,
so you have a big fight right now within the administration.' As was
the case during the Iraq debate, Weekly Standard editor William
Kristol is leading the charge for a more aggressive policy on Iran.
In the magazine's May 12 issue, he wrote an editorial pushing for covert
action and other steps to trigger regime change in Tehran."
[This month's 'Gentile Groveling to the Jewish Machine Award.'
First lover: Jewish. Second wife: Jewish. View of the world: psychoanalysis
(i.e., Jewish). What's antisemitism? : "People achieve their
sense of identity by becoming socialized into the projective identifications
of their peer group or subculture." (i.e., one becomes "antisemitic"
because of a kind of peer group pressure to become an irrational bigot).
Bottom line: Psychoanalysis. This man has apparently imprinted -- like
a young lost duck -- upon the Jewish tribe as his mother. As
Mr. Young clearly proves, sucking a mother's breast (and an infant's
poo-poo wielded as a weapon) is the origin of what is called 'antisemitism.'
Sorry, folks. If you guessed this one correctly, you can collect your
stuffed bear in front of the Bearded Lady tent. I guess it all means
that once you suck Psychoanalystic Psychobabble from your first Jewish
lover's nipple, you tend to go berserk and cannot fetch the velvet slippers
for the Jewish Lobby -- and your inevitable Jewish daughters -- fast
by Robert M. Young, Human Nature, May 15,
"My first lover was a Jew, and I miss her very much, having mistakenly
abandoned her for a Methodist, who became my wife for a short time before
abandoning me and our son. My second wife was a Jew, the most beautiful
woman I have known (think of Sofia Loren), and we have two remarkable
and highly accomplished Jewish daughters, one a lawyer with two sons,
the other a doctor ... My third accuser, a well-known Jewish analytical
psychotherapist, was, if he is to be believed, even more acute in spotting
my anti-Semitism. I founded and ran a small and dramatically unprofitable
publishing imprint called Free Association Books. Its parent company
was Process Press Limited, and at a certain point I began publishing
a few books under that imprint, below which on the title page I put
this slogan: ‘Only purity of means can justify the ends.’ I drew it
from a novel by Arthur Koestler which I greatly admire, Darkness
at Noon, whose hero was ruminating what went wrong with Bolshevism
as he awaited execution in the Stalinist purge trials. He concluded
that where they went wrong was in believing that the end justified the
means, and he decided that instead they should have taken care to get
the process right. Never mind what I thought I was doing in invoking
that quotation, the appearance of the word ‘purity’ was enough to lead
my colleague to accuse me of anti-Semitism. Believe it or not, I was
subjected to some uncomfortable conversations with other Jewish members
of the editorial board of a journal I published and edited, so enthusiastic
and effective was his witch-hunting ... I want to suggest that the key
to understanding the psychodynamics of anti-Semitism and other virulent
denigrating feelings about groups and peoples is the unconscious mechanism
called projective identification. Projective identification is a primitive
mental mechanism in Kleinian psychoanalysis, probably the most
important concept she conceived. It began as a rather simple idea about
early infant development but became, at the hands of subsequent writers,
the most basic element of all communication. Here is what Klein
wrote: She concludes seven pages on the fine texture of the infant’s
early paranoid and schizoid mechanisms as follows: 'So far, in dealing
with persecutory fear, I have singled out the oral element. However,
while the oral libido still has the lead, libidinal and aggressive impulses
and phantasies from other sources come to the fore and lead to a confluence
of oral, urethral and anal desires, both libidinal and aggressive. Also
the attacks on the mother's breast develop into attacks of a similar
nature on her body, which comes to be felt as it were as an extension
of the breast, even before the mother is conceived of as a complete
person. The phantasied onslaughts on the mother follow two main lines:
one is the predominantly oral impulse to suck dry, bite up, scoop out
and rob the mother's body of its good contents... The other line of
attack derives from the anal and urethral impulses and implies expelling
dangerous substances (excrements) out of the self and into the mother.
Together with these harmful excrements, expelled in hatred, split-off
parts of the ego are also projected onto the mother or, as I would rather
call it, into the mother. These excrements and bad parts of the self
are meant not only to injure but also to control and to take possession
of the object. In so far as the mother comes to contain the bad parts
of the self, she is not felt to be a separate individual but is felt
to be the bad self. 'Much of the hatred against parts of the self is
now directed towards the mother. This leads to a particular form of
identification which establishes the prototype of an aggressive object-relation'
(Klein, 1946, pp. 7-8). Note carefully that we have here the
model - the template, the fundamental experience - of all of the aggressive
features of human relations. Six years later Klein adds the following
sentence: 'I suggest for these processes the term 'projective identification.'"
Quebecers see Israel in negative light: poll,
By DAVID LAZARUS, Canadian Jewish News,
May 15, 2003
"A newly released Gallup Poll indicates that francophone Quebecers
think less favourably of Israel than they do of North Korea and Saudi
Arabia. The same poll also shows that francophone Quebecers' attitudes
toward Israel are more negative than those of other Canadians. The poll
was conducted by the Gallup Organization to gauge Canadians' and Britons'
ratings of a variety of countries, including their own, the United States,
some European and Asian nations, and several in the Middle East. Countries
were rated using a 10-point scale ranging from -5 (least favourite)
to +5 (most favourite). The results were released March 11, days before
the start of the U.S.-led war against Iraq, as part of a Gallup briefing
on the Internet for special subscribers. The Association for Canadian
Studies (ACS) recently received permission from Gallup to release the
findings. The poll surveyed 1,000 Canadians including 350 francophones
in Quebec, and found that Canadians in general gave a marginally negative
(-0.06) average rating to Israel. However, when broken down by language,
the findings show that English Canadians gave Israel a marginally positive
average rating of +0.31, while francophone Quebecers gave Israel a -1.29
average rating. By comparison, francophone Quebecers gave North Korea
a -1.23 average rating and Saudi Arabia a -1.12, both slightly higher
than Israel. According to ACS executive director Jack Jedwab, the disparity
between Israel's ratings in francophone Quebec and the rest of Canada
lies in the 'much stronger leftist outlook' of Quebecers."
[More and more, people are openly discussing the Jewish-enforced
dual standards that exists througout popular culture:]
Catholic League for Civil and Religious Rights,
May 14, 2003
"On May 18 and 20, CBS will air “Hitler: The Rise of Evil.” Catholic
League president William Donohue issued the following statement today
on the miniseries: 'From the first announcement of this made-for-TV
movie, Jewish groups have been up in arms. Some questioned why it was
necessary to do a TV portrait of Hitler while others wanted it squashed.
Given what Jews endured in Nazi Germany, their response makes sense.
But what galls the Catholic League is the double standard that is at
work. For example, when the Catholic League objected to the ABC show
‘Nothing Sacred,’ we were blasted by Marvin Kitman of Newsday
for doing so. Yet when he first learned of the miniseries, Kitman
declared—sight unseen—‘I am so against this Hitler movie in advance.’
Why doesn’t he take his own advice and lighten up—it’s just a flick!
Just turn the channel! “What Jewish groups feared most was the possibility
that the movie might ‘humanize’ Hitler. That is why they pressured CBS
from the get-go: not until they were satisfied with the film would they
back off. And they got what they wanted. The original script, met with
disapproval, was scrapped altogether. A new screenwriter was hired and
reliance on the Ian Kershaw biography of Hitler was scaled back. But
this wasn’t all. CBS will even go so far as to issue public service
announcements during the telecast to promote tolerance. The network
will also make a generous donation to a Holocaust-related charity. These
are the kinds of somersaults the networks are capable of doing. For
some. “CBS is owned by Viacom, the same company that owns Showtime.
Two years ago, we protested the incredibly anti-Catholic Showtime film
‘Sister Mary Ignatius Explains It All.’ Not only did Viacom chief Sumner
Redstone not respond to our concerns, the movie’s director, Marshall
Brickman, justified the attack on Catholicism by saying the Church
‘deserves to be the butt of a couple of jokes.’ That’s quite an understatement,
given the maliciousness of the film. “The bottom line from Hollywood
is: Catholics deserve to be bashed and Jews deserve special treatment.
All this from the dons of inclusiveness.”
[The Executive Producer of "Hitler: The Rise of Evil"
is Jewish: Peter Sussman. So is the head of CBS (which is running
the mini-series): Leslie Moonves.]
"Peter Sussman is the Chief Executive Officer of the Entertainment
Group at Alliance Atlantis Communications Inc. and an Executive Producer
on HITLER: The Rise of Evil. Alliance Atlantis's extensive body of work
includes several films dealing with stories and events in connection
with the Holocaust and World War II. Many of these films were executive
produced by Mr. Sussman and they include the mini-series "Nuremberg"
for TNT, nominated for four Emmy Awards (winner of one) and three Golden
Globe Awards and the mini-series "Haven" for CBS, nominated for three
Emmy Awards and winner of the 2001 Humanitas Award. Mr. Sussman
was also an Executive Producer of the award winning feature film "The
Quarrel," based on the celebrated Yiddish short story by Chaim Grade
entitled "My Quarrel with Hersh Rasseyner." Other
Alliance Atlantis feature films on subjects relating to the Holocaust
include "Sunshine," nominated for three Golden Globe Awards,
including Best Film, as well as "Prisoner of Paradise," nominated for
an Academy Award in 2003 for Best Feature Documentary. In addition,
Mr. Sussman executive produced the mini-series "Joan of Arc" for CBS,
which was nominated for 13 Emmy Awards (winner of one), four Golden
Globe Awards, and won the Television Critics Award for Best Movie, Mini-Series
or Special."
proposal' man sues rabbi. Slander case over sexual rumours,
by Angelique Chrisafis, Guardian (UK),
May 14, 2003
"An orthodox Jewish businessman who allegedly tried to buy a friend's
wife for $1m was slandered by a rabbi who spread smears about his sex
life, a court heard yesterday. Brian Maccaba, 45, a Dublin-born
convert, is suing Yaakov Lichtenstein after rumours of perverse
adultery spread across their tightly-knit Jewish community in Hendon,
north London. The case has been described as a real-life version of
the Hollywood film Indecent Proposal, in which Robert Redford
offered a couple $1m if the wife, Demi Moore, spent the night with him.
Mr Maccaba, chief executive of the international technology firm
Cognotec, allegedly sent a series of poems to Nathalie Attar, a young
orthodox Jewish woman who taught his children. In one poem, entitled
'knocking on heaven's door', Mr Maccaba is said to have offered
Mrs Attar's husband $1m (about £650,000) to spend his life with
her. The Attars later told their religious leader, Rabbi Lichtenstein.
In a preliminary hearing at the high court in London, Clive Freedman
QC, for Mr Maccaba, said that from January to June 2001, Rabbi Lichtenstein,
launched a campaign of slander against Mr Maccaba. The rabbi
claimed Mr Maccaba was 'an adulterer involved in all types of sexual
perversion and particularly in chasing after young Jewish newly-weds'.
He allegedly told prominent members of the Jewish community that Mr
Maccaba had slept with one or more married Jewish women and kept a list
of women he wanted to seduce."
[Buying the Black vote:]
controversial election battles, AIPAC reaches out to black caucus,
By Eli Kintisch, Jewish Telegraphic Agency, May 13, 2003
"As it gears up for a struggle over the 'road map' toward Israeli-Palestinian
peace, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee is making special
overtures toward the Congressional Black Caucus, a group with which
it has had rough relations in the recent past. As part of its annual
Washington convention, the pro-Israel lobby honored the caucus chair,
Elijah Cummings (D-Md.), and the rest of the caucus at a special dinner
March 30, attended by roughly 1,000 AIPAC donors from around the country.
Then, on April 24 in New York, AIPAC’s executive director, Howard
Kohr, joined other Jewish community leaders for a lunch with rap
mogul Russell Simmons, who has tried to promote better relations between
the caucus and the Jewish community. With Congress focused on domestic
affairs, it may be too early to judge how effective AIPAC’s efforts
have been to improve support from the black caucus on Middle East-related
resolutions and initiatives. But the first test of that support suggests
a decidedly mixed result: An April letter to President Bush that AIPAC
backed, expressing concerns about aspects of the U.S.-supported road
map, was signed by 313 House members — but only 18 of 39 members of
the black caucus. An AIPAC official said the purpose of the March dinner
was to continue efforts to 'strengthen relations between our community
and members of the Congressional Black Caucus.' Another goal was to
honor Cummings 'and the members of the CBC for their long-standing support
of Israel and to reaffirm to our own community that most members of
the caucus support a strong and secure Israel.' Since the Palestinian
intifada began in September 2000, some CBC members have been among the
most outspoken critics of resolutions they consider too biased in Israel’s
favor. These include John Conyers (D-Mich.) and Maxine Waters (D-Calif.),
as well as former members Cynthia McKinney (D-Ga.) and Earl Hilliard
(D-Ala.). In May 2002, only 22 members of the caucus — which then numbered
38 — voted for a resolution expressing 'solidarity with Israel.' Five
voted against the resolution, and 11 skipped or voted 'present.' The
resolution, which made only a brief reference to Palestinian suffering
from Israel’s anti-terror measures, passed the House by a vote of 352-21
... Experts say that blacks and Jews agree on many political issues.
The two groups strengthened their ties during the civil rights era,
when Jews were an important ally to black groups, but they have frayed
in recent years over such issues as affirmative action. In the 2002
election cycle, wealthy Jewish donors from around the country, many
of them AIPAC members, supported Democratic primary challengers against
incumbents McKinney and Hilliard. After bitter and expensive primary
fights, the pair were ousted by black challengers, leading to accusations
from black congressmen that outsiders were meddling in their elections.
U.S. Reps. Denise Majette (D-Ga.) and Artur Davis (D-Ala.), the winners
in those elections, signed the road map letter to Bush. Majette
said her backing of Israel had nothing to do with the financial support
she received from the Jewish community ... Alcee Hastings (D-Fla.)
... is helping organize a trip to Israel for black and Jewish members
of Congress, which would be a first. The trip, spearheaded by Hastings,
Howard Berman (D-Calif.), Henry Waxman (D-Calif.) and
Cummings, is tentatively scheduled for this summer."
Israel Lobby and the Left: Uneasy Questions,
by Jeffrey Blankfort, Left Curve
"Who Makes up the Lobby? It is important to note that the Israel
lobby is much more than AIPAC (American-Israel Public Affairs Committee),
which primarily focuses on Congress and directs funding from Jewish
PACs and individuals to those politicians it considers to be deserving.
Its other more visible components are the biggest Jewish organizations,
the Anti-Defamation League, the American Jewish Committee, and the American
Jewish Congress, but there are also a number of others, not the least
of which is the extreme right wing Zionist Organization of America,
which at the moment is extremely influential in Washington. All of these
organizations form part of the Council of Presidents of Major Jewish
American Organizations, whose current president is Mortimer Zuckerman,
owner of the NY Daily News and US News and World Report. Its job is
to lobby the President. At the grass-roots you have hundreds of local
Jewish federations and councils that cultivate the support of city councilors
and supervisors and select the more promising among them to run for
Congress, assured that they will be solid votes for Israel. While not
officially part of the lobby, since the establishment of Israel in 1948,
the AFL-CIO has been one of its most solid cornerstones. It has provided
millions of dollars for pro-Israel Democrats; it has blocked all international
efforts to punish Israel for its exploitation and abuse of Palestinian
workers, and it has encouraged its member unions to invest millions
of dollars of their pension funds in State of Israel Bonds, thereby
linking their members' retirement to the health of the Israeli economy.
Over the past year, the lobby has cemented ties with the Christian evangelical
right, which gives it clout in states where there are few Jews and access
to hundreds of thousands of new donors to Israel's cause ... Anyone
who has the temerity to suggest any Israeli instigation of, or even
involvement in, Bush administration war planning is inevitably labeled
somewhere along the way as an anti-Semite. Just whisper the word 'domination'
anywhere in the vicinity of the word 'Israel,' as in 'U.S.-Israeli domination
of the Middle East' or 'the U.S. drive to assure global domination and
guarantee security for Israel,'and some leftist, who otherwise opposes
going to war against Iraq, will trot out charges of promoting the Protocols
of the Elders of Zion, the old czarist forgery that asserted a Jewish
plan for world domination ... [A]rdently pro-Israel American Jews are
in positions of unprecedented influence within the United States and
have assumed or been given decision-making positions over virtually
every segment of our culture and body politic. This is no secret conspiracy.
Regular readers of the New York Times business section, which reports
the comings and goings of the media tycoons, are certainly aware of
it. Does this mean that each and every one is a pro-Israel zealot? Not
necessarily, but when one compares the US media with its European counterparts
in their respective coverage of the Israel-Palestine conflict, the extreme
bias in favor of Israel on the part of the US media is immediately apparent."
[Decide for yourself what Ernst Zundel's web site is:]
Internet giant pulls Zundel's Web site. Canadian rights panel warned
firm of hate literature,
by Adrian Humphreys, National Post, May
13, 2003
"A large U.S. Internet service provider has pulled the plug on
Ernst Zundel's controversial Web site after the Canadian Human Rights
Commission warned the site contained hate literature. In a March 27
letter to the chief executive officer of QWest Communications, a Denver-based
company with 25 million customers, the commission brought the Zundel
site to the Internet giant's attention. 'We have an acceptable use policy
and when the Canadian Human Rights Commission brought to our attention
that Mr. Zundel was publishing hateful material we worked ... to see
it was removed,' said Claire Maledon, spokeswoman for QWest. QWest's
policy prohibits distribution of material that is hateful, obscene,
abusive or excessively violent. Daniel Lavoie, spokesman for the commission,
said Mr. Zundel's return to Canada in February after his deportation
from the United States revived the commission's interest in the ruling
that the Zundel site was spreading material inciting hatred against
Jews, a violation of the Canadian Human Rights Act. The site, however,
re-emerged yesterday on another U.S. host server. Mr. Zundel is in detention
in Canada pending a Federal Court review of the government's declaration
that he is a threat to national security, an order requiring removal
to his native Germany."
group: hatred of Jews at highest level since WWII,
Ha'aretz (Israel), May 13, 2003
"Anti-Semitism is rising at a rate unseen since the end of World
War Two, fuelled in part by an explosion of hate sites on the Internet,
Jewish leaders told an international conference on intolerance Monday.
From just one Web site in 1985, there were now more than 4,000 promoting
terrorism, hate and historical revisionism, according to a report released
at the conference held at the Paris headquarters of UNESCO, the UN scientific
and cultural body. The three-day conference, which plans to combat anti-Semitism
through 'education for tolerance', is attended by religious leaders
and experts, as well as political representatives including Minister
for Diaspora Affairs Natan Sharansky; U.S. congressman Robert
Beauprez, Republican of Colorado; and France's Interior Minister Nicolas
Sarkozy. Also scheduled to attend are the United Nations High Commissioner
for Human Rights Sergio Vieira de Mello and former NATO commander in
Europe General Wesley Clark. 'Not since the end of World War Two has
the world seen such a proliferation of anti-Semitism,' Rabbi Marvin
Hier, founder of the Simon Wiesenthal Center which preserves the
memory of the Holocaust, said in a conference address. 'I believe that
you have a new generation of professional haters who are serving as
leaders, demagogues, and they're inspiring young people to do their
bidding while they often hide,' he told journalists earlier. Hier cited
cartoons in Western newspapers and a range of comments by leading Arab
officials as evidence of the rise in anti-Semitism. It was wrong to
blame poverty or the Israeli-Palestinian conflict for the upsurge, which
could only be confronted by speaking out, he said. 'There is nothing
new about the oldest hatred,' he said. 'Some will hide behind what Israel
is doing... but those are just excuses, that's a ruse.' Rabbi Abraham
Cooper, associate dean of the Wiesenthal center, presented a report
detailing 4,000 international Web sites that he said promote terrorism,
hatred or Holocaust denial. 'We are seeing now a very sophisticated
manipulation of the Internet by terrorists and their supporters,' he
said. 'They are ahead of the curve in understanding the possibilities
of the Internet.' But protesters outside, including many Jews and members
of the Americans Against the War coalition, said Cooper had deliberately
excluded radical Zionist groups from the list. In a letter to the conference
host, UNESCO Director-General Koichiro Matsuura, the protesters said
the Wiesenthal center, 'under the deceitful cover
of the struggle against anti-Semitism, is on the contrary encouraging
intolerance and racism in our societies' ... Shimon Samuels
of the Simon Wiesenthal Center's Paris branch said anti-globalization
protests had degenerated into attacks 'on what they see as the vultures
of society [who] are in most cases the United States and the Jewish
people.' 'They have taken the old stereotypes and simply modernized
them... thereby proliferating and having a multiplier effect they were
never able to do in previous decades,' he said."
[The National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States
has 53 members. 18 members have likely Jewish surnames: Berkowitz, Byman,
Felzenberg, Ginsburg, Greenburg, Jacobson, Kaplan, Lederman, Lesemann,
Levitt, Marcus, Raidt, Rundlet, Scheid, Tobin, Wermter, Yerkes, Zelikow.
"Inquiries regarding Commission staff may be directed to Al Felzenberg,
deputy for communications, at (202) 331-4062."
Commission on Terrorist Attacks upon the United States,
U.S. Government
"Bruce Berkowitz: Consultant. Research fellow at the Hoover
Institution at Stanford University, and senior analyst at RAND. Began
career at the CIA. Author of several books, including The New Face of
War and Best Truth: Intelligence in the Information Age. Has also served
on Senate Intelligence Committee staff and as a consultant to the intelligence
community and Defense Department ...
Alvin Felzenberg: Deputy for Communications. Formerly at Voice
of America, after serving as communications consultant to Secretary
of the Navy Gordon England. Directed the Heritage Foundation's 'Mandate
2000' project on the presidential transition process, and was editor
of Keys to a Successful Presidency. Held several senior staff positions
with the House of Representatives.
Susan Ginsburg. Counsel. Former senior official in the Treasury
Department's Office of Enforcement. Law clerk for the Honorable Judge
A. Leon Higginbotham, Jr., on the 3rd Circuit Court of Appeals and worked
in the State Department's Bureau of International Narcotics Matters.
Doug Greenburg. Counsel. Former litigation partner at Winston
and Strawn and a former staff attorney with the Securities and Exchange
Commission. Former law clerk to the Hon. Alan E. Norris, U.S. Court
of Appeals for the 6th Circuit ...
Stephanie Kaplan: Special Assistant. Former assistant director
for international security at the Center for Strategic and International
Studies (CSIS) and a former associate with the Aspen Strategy Group,
a policy program of The Aspen Institute ...
Matthew Levitt. Consultant. A senior fellow in terrorism studies
at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy. A former intelligence
research specialist in the FBI's International Terrorism Intelligence
witnesses. Two Israelis who witnessed Palestinians being shot by the
IDF could not believe their eyes. In recent weeks, columnist Gideon
Levy described two violent incidents in the territories in which a Palestinian
boy was killed and a Palestinian girl was injured. In the wake of these
articles, two eyewitnesses sent their testimonies on the circumstances
of the shootings. Both raise serious questions concerning the behavior
of IDF soldiers,
Haaretz (Israel), May 2003
"1. Deliberate shooting at children. I read Gideon Levy's
article about the death of Omar Matar ('The 144th Child,' Haaretz Magazine,
April 11) following my own personal familiarity with the events that
are described in it. As someone who personally witnessed the incident
at the Qalandiyah checkpoint, on Friday, March 28, I can say that it
was a traumatic, terrible, unimaginable experience. My girlfriend and
I arrived at the site as members of WATCH, a group of Israeli women
who oppose the occupation and who observe the checkpoints every day
in the area of Jerusalem and the West Bank. This was not the first time
we have seen what has become routine at the checkpoints: Children throwing
stones at the fence near the Qalandiyah neighborhood and burning tires.
Within a few minutes, a group of about 10 soldiers advanced in the direction
of the children and began shooting at them. Stunned by what we were
seeing - soldiers armed with rifles, wearing helmets and flak jackets
shooting at a small group of schoolchildren - we immediately called
the Benjamin Brigade commander, who told us that the orders to the soldiers
that we had seen were to shoot rubber bullets in the air. I told him
that I could see with my own eyes that they were not shooting in the
air, but that they were shooting right at the children and that it is
known that rubber bullets (which are really steel bullets covered in
rubber) can kill. Within a short time, an ambulance came to the neighborhood's
main street and we learned that a boy, Omar Musa Matar, had been shot
in the head. Our warnings to the army had fallen on deaf ears and failed
to prevent Omar's death. This incident brings
a number of difficult thoughts to mind - thoughts about the imperviousness,
cruelty and total contempt for Palestinian lives, which is reflected
in the fact that after years of intifada, the Israel Defense Forces
and the police have not yet found ways to disperse civilian riots that
comply with international law; about the soldiers armed with rifles
facing off against little children with stones; about the horrific disparity
between the orders given by senior commanders and the reality on the
ground, in which each soldier acts as he sees fit in the full knowledge
that he will not be tried for murder, abuse, robbery or any other trampling
of the law and human rights. According to figures provided by
B'Tselem [The Israeli Information Center for Human Rights in the Occupied
Territories], the number of incidents in which the Military Police launches
an investigation following the killing of innocents by soldiers is minimal,
the manner in which the investigations are conducted ludicrous and the
number of the convictions negligible. Consequently, I will not be surprised
if the murderer is not brought to justice in this case either. This
is not a trigger-happy soldier, but rather a group of soldiers acting
like a murderous gang, storming a group of children that do not represent
a genuine danger. -- Adi Dagan ...
2. No danger to the soldiers In the article about the Tul Karm refugee
camp (Haaretz Magazine, March 28), Gideon Levy mentioned a 15-year-old
girl 'who apparently tried to stab a soldier' at a checkpoint. She was
shot and 'has been lying wounded in Meir Hospital, handcuffed, for a
few weeks now.' On February 20 of this year, I was serving in the reserves
at the checkpoint between Taibeh and Tul Karm. At about four o'clock
in the afternoon, I went up to my post. About an hour and a half afterward,
a girl of about 15 arrived, walked behind me and continued in the direction
of a group of soldiers at the main area of the checkpoint. She stopped
and at a certain point, took out a knife and stood without moving for
quite a while. True, she did wave the knife in the air, but what she
did was far from endangering the soldiers. The commander of the checkpoint,
who arrived meanwhile, carried out the proper procedure for arresting
a suspect and shot at her from a few meters away. The procedure calls
for a warning shot in the air; if the suspect still does not stop, shots
may be fired at the the suspect's legs and only after that at the suspect's
torso. I heard three shots. After that, for a long while, she lay there
bleeding and crying, 'I want my mother."'It was quite a difficult sight
to see. An ambulance that arrived was not allowed to approach her until
IDF sappers had finished checking her. I have been doing my reserve
duty in the territories since April 1988. I have accumulated quite a
bit of experience, and this time I decided to use my own judgment during
my work at the checkpoint. When I saw older people coming to ask for
permission to go through to visit their children in Taibeh, or mixed
couples, I let them go through. My behavior caused some disagreement
and consequently, the subject was brought out in the open. I explained
that I was not working from a particularly leftist position, but rather
from a human point of view. A number of things should be made clear
about the shooter. The officer that shot the girl is an educator in
his civilian life ... -- Peleg Levy"
Country Leads the World -- By Far -- in Computer Hacking Attacks?]
Riptech [pdf file: Origin of Attacks
-- See page 16]
The British
by John Kampfner, New Statesman (UK), May
12 2003
"John Kampfner on a new alliance, comparable to Bush's backers
in the US. Many are from the left; others, though from the right, think
Blair the only leader worth influencing An intriguing new alliance is
forming in British politics. It lies beyond conventional party structures.
It is based mainly in the media, but is being watched approvingly by
the government. It is a coalition between conservative thinkers and
their pro-war, pro-intervention counterparts who hailed from the left.
This new breed of militarist Blairites believes it is in the vanguard
of a progressive new foreign policy. They are disdainful of their critics.
They see the future as theirs. Together with their new allies of the
right, they form a first generation of British neoconservatives."
Who's who in the neo-con nomenklaturam, by Tom Allen and Mat Smith,
May 12 2003: ... David Aaronovitch, who moved recently from the
Independent to the Guardian/ Observer, was once called Cherie
Blair's favourite columnist. A former Communist Party activist, he accuses
his former comrades of being 'in denial' over Iraq and of reneging on
the left's international obligations to get rid of Saddam Hussein. His
columns resonate with despair at the left. In a recent column, however,
he hinted at a wobble if weapons of mass destruction are not found:
'I - as a supporter of the war - will never believe another thing that
I am told by our government, or that of the US ever again.'"
The firing
of Jayson Blair Panic and hysteria reign at the New York Times,
By Bill Vann and David North, World Socialist
Web Site, May 12, 2003
"The New York Times’ extraordinary public denunciation Sunday
of one of its junior reporters, Jayson Blair, is a serious episode that
warrants close examination. It is a signal of deep crisis, demoralization,
panic and cowardice at an institution that has long referred to itself
as the 'newspaper of record'. (clip) Blair’s alleged offenses should
be placed in a broader political context. To describe his lifting of
quotations and false description of scenic details as a 'low point'
in the history of the Times is absurd. ... Having promoted aggression
against Iraq on the grounds that it was necessary to eliminate 'weapons
of mass destruction', the newspaper’s senior foreign affairs columnist
Thomas Friedman recently wrote, 'Bush doesn’t owe the world any
explanation for missing chemical weapons (even if it turns out that
the White House hyped this issue).' Thus, lying—by both the government
and the Times—to promote a war in which tens of thousands of people
die is not a problem, but copying a quote from another newspaper is
a capital offense. Such are the paper’s journalistic standards. One
only has to compare Blair’s conduct to that of one of the newspaper’s
more senior correspondents, Judith Miller [also Jewish],
who has served as a willing conduit for misinformation from neo-conservative
circles promoting war. She has specialized in stories built on not a
single verifiable fact, repeatedly proclaiming evidence substantiating
the existence of 'weapons of mass destruction'. The Times recently insisted
that the fact that Ms. Miller is associated with the right-wing, pro-Zionist
Middle East Forum of Daniel Pipes, which has advocated war not
only against Iraq but Syria and Lebanon as well, was no violation of
the paper’s standards of objectivity."
for disbelief,
By Aviva Lori, Haaretz (Israel),
May 12, 2003
"Archaeologist Israel Finkelstein and his colleagues are
stirring controversy with contentions that many biblical stories never
happened, but were written by what he calls `a creative copywriter'
to advance an ideological agenda. Prof. Israel Finkelstein sees
no contradiction between holding a proper Pesach seder and telling the
story of the exodus from Egypt, and the fact that, in his opinion, the
exodus never occurred. The Hebrew edition of the book by Finkelstein
and his American colleague, the historian and archaeologist Neal
Asher Silberman, 'The Bible Unearthed: Archaeology's New Vision
of Ancient Israel and the Origin of Its Sacred Texts' has just been
published. The English edition was published in the United States in
January 2001 and a French edition appeared last year ... In addition
to the periods of the patriarchs and the exodus, about which most scholars
agree that there is only the most tenuous connection between the stories
in the Bible and the historical reality, Finkelstein and Silberman
place a large question mark over the period up to and including the
time of the United Monarchy. 'Did it happen or not?' he asks at the
end of each chapter, and proceeds to explain why it did not, based on
his research and archaeological findings, including the discoveries
at Megiddo, a site that is considered the jewel in the crown of biblical
archaeology ... He deconstructs this foundation only in order to reconstruct
it according to the logic that guided the ancient authors, and arrives
at the conclusion that the stories about the conquest of the Land of
Israel, the settlement period, the United Kingdom and the attempt to
enhance the prestige of the Kingdom of Judah at the expense of the Northern
Kingdom (Israel) are part of an ideological - religious and political
- manifesto, a master stroke by a creative copywriter ... The stories
of the patriarchs, Finkelstein says - adding that today most
scholars accept this view - are folklore about forefathers that the
authors of the Bible in the seventh century salvaged from the mists
of history in order to reinforce their hold on the cultural heritage."
[Jews don't like attempts at Arab influence in academe to counter
their own. If Jews were to pull questionable funding sources from Jewish
organization coffers, most might go bankrupt.]
is pressured to return $2.5m gift,
By Jenna Russell, Boston Globe, May 11,
"Harvard Divinity School is poised to return a $2.5 million gift
from the president of the United Arab Emirates after questions recently
surfaced about his ties to a controversial Arab think tank with alleged
anti-Semitic and anti-American leanings. UAE president Sheikh Zayed
Bin Sultan Al Nahyan gave the money three years ago to fund a new professorship
in Islamic studies, but in recent months several Divinity School students
and faculty members have questioned his connection to the Zayed Center
for Coordination and Follow-up, which champions unity between Arab nations.
A spokeswoman for the Divinity School's dean, William A. Graham, said
he assigned a researcher to investigate ties between the Zayed Center
and the UAE president after students brought the issue to his attention.
Wendy McDowell, the spokeswoman, said the extreme views aired on the
center's Internet site ''upset (Graham) and the faculty greatly.'' The
site's roster of speakers included a Holocaust denier and an author
alleging the US government masterminded the Sept. 11 attacks ... In
his opening remarks at a conference last year, the executive director
of the Zayed Center - described on its website as ''a fulfillment of
the vision of the President of the U.A.E.'' - denounced Jews as 'the
enemies of all nations,' according to press accounts of the event, triggering
objections from the Anti-Defamation League, a Jewish activist group.
Harvard theology student Rachel Fish was
the first to raise the issue with Harvard administrators. 'The
university has the right and the responsibility to discriminate in where
its funding comes from,' said Fish, 23, whose Harvard studies
have jointly focused on Judaism and Islam ... In March, Fish and
two other students took their concerns about Sheik Zayed - and copies
of pages from the Zayed center website - to Graham, and forwarded copies
to Harvard president Lawrence Summers [also Jewish] ...
Jimmy Carter has been criticized for his association with the Zayed
Center, which published his autobiography in Arabic."
[Why does the Los Angeles mayor implore the media to hide the fact
that this criminal is Jewish?]
shocked after Iranian Jew arrested for series of religious arsons,
By Tom Tugend, Jewish Teleghraphic Agency,
May 11, 2003
"Leaders of the Iranian Jewish community say they are disturbed
that a member of their community is believed to have been responsible
for a string of arson attacks that targeted religious institutions,
including synagogues. At the same time, however, they expressed relief
that the attacks apparently were not motivated by anti-Semitism. Farshid
Tehrani, 40, was arrested early last Friday by police, who had been
tracking him for a day after receiving a tip linking him to the five
arson incidents in Encino. During three successive days last week, incendiary
devices, described by some as Molotov cocktails, were hurled at the
Bahai Faith Community Center, the Iranian Synagogue, Da’at Torah Educational
Center and Valley Beth Shalom, one of the leading Conservative congregations
in the Los Angeles area. About 10 days earlier, a similar attack on
the First Presbyterian Church of Encino caused $75,000 to $100,000 in
damage, according to the Los Angeles Times. Damage at the other
locations was relatively minor, and there were no injuries. Sam Kermanian,
secretary general of the Iranian American Jewish Federation, told JTA
that his community, as 'one of the targets of these attacks, had been
extremely concerned that they were hate- or terrorism-related.' But
relief over the arrest was mingled 'with deep shock at the possibility
that the perpetrator might be someone from our community' ... Investigation
of the attacks was conducted through one of the largest local law enforcement
mobilizations in recent history, with more than 150 police, fire department,
FBI and other federal investigators working on the case. These included
65 detectives from the L.A. Police Department’s anti-terrorism division
... Rabbi Moshe Hafuta of the Da’at Torah Educational Center
told the Times that he had been involved in a dispute over an apartment
he rented from Tehrani, and that a blaze, apparently set with lamp fluid,
broke out at the apartment in late April. The Times investigation also
reported that the State of California had filed two tax liens against
Tehrani, who, in turn, had tried to sue two judges who had ruled against
him. The fears engendered by the arson attacks motivated congregations
and people of all faiths to come closer through meetings and gestures
of support. Rabbi Harold Schulweis of Valley Beth Shalom noted that
when the Molotov cocktail heaved through a sanctuary window at 6:30
a.m. landed a few feet from the ark, the Hispanic Catholic custodians
rushed in to save five Torah scrolls. In a news
conference last Friday evening, Los Angeles Mayor James Hahn and police
announced that an arrest had been made, but pleaded with the media not
to divulge the suspect’s name or background. The Times ignored the request."
rivals turn on each other as weapons search draws a blank, One
key argument for war was the peril from weapons of mass destruction.
Now top officials are worried by repeated failures to find the proof
- and US intelligence agencies are engaged in a struggle to avoid the
by Paul Harris and Martin Bright,
Observer (UK), May 11, 2003
"Where are Saddam's weapons of mass destruction? Was the war fought
on a platform of lies? Taji was the only specific location singled out
by Secretary of State Colin Powell in his address to the UN when he
argued that evidence compiled by US intelligence proved the existence
of an illegal weapons programme. 'This is one of 65 such facilities
in Iraq,' Powell said. 'We know this one has housed chemical weapons.'
But The Observer has learnt that Taji has drawn a blank. US sources
say no such weapons were found when a search party scoured the base
in late April. By then it had already been looted by local villagers.
If Taji ever had any secrets, they are long gone. That is bad news for
Britain and the United States. The pressure is building to find Saddam's
hidden arsenal and time is running out. Last week the US flew 2,000
more experts into Iraq. The Iraq Survey Team will join 600 experts already
there. Organisations in Iraq hunting for weapons now include teams from
the US and British armies, the CIA, the FBI and the Defence Threat Reduction
Agency. Yet at more than 110 sites checked so far they have found nothing
conclusive. It has been an exercise in false alarms ... intelligence
agencies is becoming vicious on both sides of the Atlantic. Having fought
a war to disarm Iraq of its terrible weapons, neither the US nor Britain
can admit that Iraq never had them in the first place. The search for
weapons of mass destruction cannot be allowed to fail. The search is
especially vital for The Cabal. In the brave new world of post-11 September
America, this tight group of analysts deep in the heart of the Pentagon
has been the driving force behind the war in Iraq. Numbering no more
than a dozen, The Cabal is part of the Office of Special Plans, a new
intelligence agency which has taken on the CIA and won. Where the CIA
dithered over Iraq, the OSP pressed on. Where the CIA doubted, the OSP
was firm. It fought a battle royal over Iraq and George Bush came down
on its side. The OSP is the brainchild of Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld,
who set it up after the 2001 terrorist attacks. It was tasked with going
over old ground on Iraq and showing that the CIA had overlooked the
threat posed. But its rise has caused massive ructions in the normally
secretive world of intelligence gathering. The OSP reports directly
to Paul Wolfowitz, a leading hawk in the administration. They
bypassed the CIA and the Pentagon's own Defence Intelligence Agency
when it came to whispering in the President's ear ... One CIA official
described The Cabal's members as 'crazed', on a 'mission from God'.
But for the moment The Cabal and Rumsfeld's Pentagon have won and Powell's
doveish State Department has lost. Tensions between the two are now
in the open ... A massive picture of intelligence misuse has emerged.
Aside from Downing Street's plagiarised dossier, there are allegations
that Iraq tried to buy uranium from Niger. The documents that the accusation
were based on were shown to be false by the International Atomic Energy
Agency, but that had not stopped Britain and America warning of Saddam's
nuclear threat. In fact, the forgeries were obvious. One Niger Minister,
whose signature was on a document, had been out of office for a decade
when the forgeries were produced. A US envoy sent to investigate the
claims reported to the CIA in February 2002 that they were fakes. But
the OSP and the White House ignored him. Other selective use of intelligence
occurred. Much was made of the OSP's body of Iraqi defectors, but they
chose which defectors they wanted to listen to."
[The Jewish origins of the destruciton of Postville, Iowa, may be
found here.
Read Stephen Bloom's book about the ultra-Orthodox Chabad group that
migrated to Postville, set up a slaughterhouse, and began to exploit
and destroy the town.]
fight flight Small districts fear segregation, loss of aid,
by By KATHY A. BOLTEN, Des Moines Register,
May 11, 2003
"Postville, Ia. - A growing number of white students are fleeing
a handful of rural Iowa school districts that are home to meat-processing
plants employing large numbers of immigrants. The exodus alarms school
officials, who worry their districts will face the daunting task of
educating predominately non-English-speaking students with dwindling
financial resources. Students transferring from districts in which they
live take with them the state's per-pupil financial aid, about $4,500
a student. Officials also fret that their schools will become segregated,
with white students attending classes in neighboring districts while
local classrooms are filled with minority students, most of whom are
Hispanic. School board members in Postville - where one in five students
belongs to an ethnic or minority group - took the unusual step last
summer of adopting a voluntary desegregation plan that limits the number
of white students who can leave the district. Desegregation plans were
used predominately by large urban districts in the late 1960s and 1970s
in an effort to equalize racial populations as whites fled cities to
the suburbs ... Postville's desegregation plan took effect this school
year. It is being challenged in Allamakee District Court by a white
family whose request to send their daughter to a neighboring district
was denied. The lawsuit's outcome probably will determine the fate of
small Iowa districts faced with educating growing numbers of immigrant
students ... According to the 1990 census, about 1,470 people lived
in Postville, located in northeast Iowa. None of the residents was Hispanic,
the census data showed. Ten years later, the city's population jumped
more than 50 percent, to about 2,270, including about 470 Hispanics.
In all, about 20 ethnic groups are represented in Postville. The growth
was fueled by two meat-processing plants - Iowa Turkey Products and
Agriprocessors, a kosher plant. Both have grown in recent years and
have turned to immigrants to work in hard-to-fill jobs. Ten years ago,
virtually no minority or non-English-speaking students attended Postville
schools. This year, 20.9 percent of the district's students are minorities
and nearly 25 percent are learning English. School officials in the
past three or four years have noticed an increasing number of students
leaving the district."
you rather I went to a prostitute?',
By Zvi Harel, Haaretz (Israel),
May 11, 2003
"Finally, after decades of sexual abuse of his daughter and grandchildren,
an 82-year-old is convicted. Indictments in sex
crimes within the family have been flooding the Israeli courts in recent
years. Behind closed doors at the Tel Aviv District Court, the
trial of an 82-year-old man recently ended; for decades he had sexually
abused his daughter and three grandchildren - two granddaughters and
a grandson, his son's children. The accused committed indecent acts
on his grandchildren from the time they reached the ages of 4, 8 and
9. His daughter lived through a prolonged nightmare, from the time she
was 14 until three years ago, when she turned 54. During all those years,
the father frequently raped her. The daughter did not file a complaint
with the police because, she says, she was afraid that such a complaint
would lead to the breaking off of her connection with her parents, Holocaust
survivors, on whom she had pity. The person who finally found the courage
to complain to the police was the son of the accused.".
finanziellen Unregelmäßigkeiten. Staatsanwaltschaft ermittelt gegen
jüdische Gemeinden [Public prosecutor finds financial irregularities
in local Jewish organization],
Nachrichten (Germany), May 11, 2003
"Die Staatsanwaltschaft Magdeburg ermittelt gegen jüdische Gemeinden
im Land wegen finanzieller Verfehlungen. Wie die "Magdeburger Volksstimme"
in ihrer Freitagausgabe berichtet, hat die Behörde ein so genanntes
Vorermittlungsverfahren gegen die Gemeinden Magdeburg, Dessau und Halle
sowie gegen ihren Landesverband eingeleitet. Außerdem werde gegen ein
früheres Mitglied des Landesvorstandes wegen des Verdachts der Untreue
dance a Strauss waltz,
By Jim Lobe, Asia Times, May 9, 2003
"Is United States foreign policy being run by followers of an obscure
German Jewish political philosopher whose views were elitist, amoral
and hostile to democratic government? Suddenly, political Washington
is abuzz about Leo Strauss, who arrived in the US in 1938 and
taught at several major universities before his death in 1973. Following
recent articles in the US press, and as reported in Asia Times Online
This war is brought to you by ... in March, the cognoscenti are becoming
aware that key neoconservative strategists behind the Bush administration's
aggressive foreign and military policy consider themselves to be followers
of Strauss, although the philosopher - an expert on Plato and
Aristotle - rarely addressed current events in his writings. The most
prominent is Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz, now widely
known as 'Wolfowitz of Arabia' for his obsession with ousting Iraq's
Saddam Hussein as the first step in transforming the entire Arab Middle
East. Wolfowitz is also seen as the chief architect of Washington's
post-September 11 global strategy, including its controversial preemption
policy. Two other very influential Straussians include Weekly Standard
chief editor William Kristol and Gary Schmitt, founder, chairman
and director of the Project for the New American Century (PNAC), a six-year-old
neoconservative group whose alumni include Vice President Dick Cheney
and Pentagon chief Donald Rumsfeld, as well as a number of other senior
foreign policy officials. PNAC's early prescriptions and subsequent
open letters to President George W Bush on how to fight the war on terrorism
have anticipated to an uncanny extent precisely what the administration
has done. Kristol's father Irving, the godfather of neoconservatism
who sits on the board of the American Enterprise Institute (AEI), where
a number of prominent hawks, including former defense Policy Board chairman
Richard Perle, are based, has also credited Strauss with
being one of the main influences on his thinking. While a New York Times
article introduced readers to Strauss and his disciples in Washington,
interest was further piqued this week by a lengthy article by The New
Yorker's legendary investigative reporter, Seymour Hersh, who
noted that Abram Shulsky, a close Perle associate who
has run a special intelligence unit in Rumsfeld's office, is also a
Straussian. His unit, according to Hersh, re-interpreted evidence
of Iraq's alleged links to Osama bin Laden's al-Qaeda terrorist network
and possession of weapons of mass destruction to support those in the
administration determined to go to war with Baghdad ... Shadia Drury,
author of 1999's Leo Strauss and the American Right, says that
Hersh is right on the second count but dead wrong on the first.
'Strauss was neither a liberal nor a democrat,' she said in a
telephone interview from her office at the University of Calgary in
Canada. 'Perpetual deception of the citizens by those in power is critical
[in Strauss's view] because they need to be led, and they need strong
rulers to tell them what's good for them. 'The Weimar Republic [in Germany]
was his model of liberal democracy for which he had huge contempt,'
added Drury. Liberalism in Weimar, in Strauss's view, led ultimately
to the Nazi Holocaust against the Jews. Like Plato, Strauss taught
that within societies, 'some are fit to lead, and others to be led',
according to Drury. But, unlike Plato, who believed that leaders had
to be people with such high moral standards that they could resist the
temptations of power, Strauss thought that 'those who are fit
to rule are those who realize there is no morality and that there is
only one natural right, the right of the superior to rule over the inferior'.
For Strauss, 'religion is the glue that holds society together',
said Drury, who added that Irving Kristol, among other neoconservatives,
has argued that separating church and state was the biggest mistake
made by the founders of the US republic. 'Secular society in their view
is the worst possible thing,' because it leads to individualism, liberalism
and relativism, precisely those traits that might encourage dissent,
which in turn could dangerously weaken society's ability to cope with
external threats. 'You want a crowd that you can manipulate like putty,'
according to Drury .... 'Because mankind is intrinsically wicked, he
has to be governed," [Strauss] once wrote. 'Such governance can
only be established, however, when men are united - and they can only
be united against other people.' 'Strauss thinks that a political
order can be stable only if it is united by an external threat,' Drury
wrote in her book. 'Following Machiavelli, he maintains that if no external
threat exists, then one has to be manufactured. Had he lived to see
the collapse of the Soviet Union, he would have been deeply troubled
because the collapse of the 'evil empire' poses a threat to America's
inner stability. 'In Strauss' view, you have to fight all the time [to
survive],' said Drury. 'In that respect, it's very Spartan. Peace leads
to decadence. Perpetual war, not perpetual peace, is what Straussians
believe in." Such views naturally lead to an 'aggressive, belligerent
foreign policy', she added."
[Unspoken: the complaintants below are Jewish and they have the
right to tell the Black Caucus who is kosher for speaking engagements.]
object to Sharpton speaking,
By SVEN GUSTAFSON, The Oakland Press,
May 9, 2003
"Tonight's Michigan Democratic Party Black Caucus awards dinner
is drawing fire from some Republican state lawmakers who object to the
group's choice of a keynote speaker. Led by Rep. Marc Shulman,
R-West Bloomfield Township, a group of House Republicans has called
on caucus chair Derek Albert to rescind the group's invitation to the
Rev. Al Sharpton to speak at its awards dinner 'because of (Sharpton's)
long history of intolerance, racism and anti-Semitic statements.' In
a letter dated May 1 and signed by 27 House Republicans, Shulman
cites examples where Sharpton, a 2004 Democratic presidential candidate,
was quoted making derisive comments linking ancient Greeks with homosexual
behavior and Jews with 'diamond merchants.' In another quote, Sharpton
reportedly referred to former New York Mayor David Dinkins as 'that
n----- whore turning tricks in City Hall.' 'I'm disappointed,' said
Rep. Shelley Goodman Taub, a Bloomfield Hills Republican who
signed the letter. 'This is a really insensitive choice by the caucus,
very insensitive to other minorities. Some of the things Rev. Sharpton
said about Jews and Greeks and white people are just very offensive.'"
The Holocaust: A club to batter today's Jews?,
By Bradley Burston, Haaretz (Israel),
May 2003
"Nearly six decades after the fires of Nazi extermination factories
were extinguished, two and a half years of unrelenting Arab-Jewish bloodshed
have lent an often perverse immediacy to the Holocaust, as both sides
routinely draw parallels to an episode without parallel in human history.
Appropriated to peddle causes as far afield as animal rights, has the
Holocaust also become a club with which today's anti-Semites can batter
today's Jews? ... [W]hen does criticism of Israel and Israeli actions
cross the line into outright anti-Semitism. In the view of some, the
widespread use of the image of the Jew-occupier as Nazi - a staple of
portions of the Palestinian, Arab and pan-Muslim press - has led to
a situation in which the Holocaust has become a tool to attack today's
Jewry, both in Israel and throughout the world. But many critics of
Israeli policy, including many Israelis and Jews abroad, counter that
Israel itself has fostered anti-Semitism. They contend that hardline
Israeli military and diplomatic policies toward the Palestinians have
in turn hardened world opinion toward Israel and, by extension, Jews
worldwide. Moreover, they say, rather than confront their critics with
substantive arguments, Israel and its supporters worldwide have come
to cry anti-Semitism whenever the Jewish state is being taken to task.
The sides can no more agree on the lessons of the Holocaust than they
can on what constitutes anti-Semitism ... While there are widespread
debates over the definition of anti-Semitism - as in contentions that
neo-conservative Jews advising the Bush administration enjoy undue influence
and single-handedly pushed the White House into war against Saddam -
there is little debate over cold statistics showing a significant rise
in violent attacks against Jews last year when compared to the year
before. The target of attacks is shifting from Jewish institutions like
cemeteries and synagogues, to personal attacks against Jews or people
believed to be Jews by their attackers, most of whom were Muslim, the
study showed. The geographical focus of the attacks had also shifted,
with a large number now taking place in Western Europe, especially in
France, Great Britain and Belgium. 'There seems to be an attempt by
Europeans to shrug off responsibility for the Holocaust, by claiming
that the Jews in Israel use the same tactics against the Arabs that
the Nazis employed against the Jews,' said World Jewish Congress Secrtetary-General
Avi Becker. 'The rise is very worrying. We have reached a situation
where even the publisher of Der Spiegel compared [Prime Minister
Ariel] Sharon to Hitler. I don't think it would be right
to speak in terms of a new Holocaust at this stage, but there is no
doubt that Jewish communities are at war.'"
Names N.J. Student Valedictorian advertisement,
Washington Post, May 9, 2003
"A high school student who sued to claim the title of valedictorian
as hers alone doesn't have to share the honor with two other students
with lower grade point averages, a judge ruled Thursday. U.S. District
Judge Freda Wolfson ordered the Moorestown school district to
name Blair Hornstine the sole valedictorian for the class of
2003. Hornstine, 18, who completed many of her courses over the
last two years with tutors because of an immune deficiency, argued that
she should be the only valedictorian at next month's graduation because
she has the highest grades at Moorestown High School. The school district
argued that the shared honors were fair because it was impossible for
the other two students also chosen as valedictorians to match Hornstine's
GPA. As non-disabled students they were required to take classes such
as gym that receive less weight in calculating the average. But Wolfson
said the school's decision 'would send the message that we have two
valedictorians this year, a disabled one and a non-disabled one.' In
a written statement, Hornstine said that sharing the valedictorian
title would have left the next disabled student unprotected. The school
board president said she did not know what step the board would take
next. The case will move forward to trial on Hornstine's claim
for damages. Her lawsuit seeks $500,000 in compensatory and $2 million
in punitive damages, as well as legal fees and costs." [See
also article below]
visitors must sign waiver in case army shoots them,
by Chris McGreal, The Guardian (UK), May
9, 2003
"The Israeli military yesterday began obliging foreigners entering
the Gaza Strip to sign waivers absolving the army from responsibility
if it shoots them. Visitors must also declare that they are not peace
activists. The move came hours before an autopsy on James Miller - the
British cameraman killed in a Gaza refugee camp - confirmed that he
was almost certainly killed by an Israeli soldier, despite the army's
assertions to the contrary. Yesterday, the British government demanded
an Israeli military police criminal investigation into Miller's death
and the shooting of another Briton by the army in Gaza, Tom Hurndall,
a peace activist. Mr Hurndall is in a coma with severe brain damage
after being shot in the head by an Israeli soldier last month as he
attempted to protect a small child from gunfire. The Foreign Office
minister, Mike O'Brien, called in the Israeli ambassador to London to
press the demand, which diplomatic sources portrayed as a ratcheting
up of pressure on the Israeli government. 'On the basis of the evidence
we've seen, we feel this case is so serious that we are asking for a
military police investigation,' said a Foreign Office spokesperson.
The waiver to enter Gaza requires foreigners, including United Nations
relief workers, to acknowledge that they are entering a danger zone
and will not hold the Israeli army responsible if they are shot or injured.
The army document also warns visitors they are forbidden from approaching
the security fences next to Jewish settlements or entering "military
zones" in Rafah refugee camp close to the Egyptian border where Miller
was shot dead on Saturday. He was the third foreigner killed or severely
wounded in the area in recent weeks, besides numerous Palestinian civilians
hit by Israeli fire, many of them children. The army invariably claims
the victims were caught in crossfire. Palestinians say most of the shooting
is indiscriminate and reckless, or worse. The latest victims include
a one-year-old boy, Alian Bashiti, shot dead in his home in neighbouring
Khan Younis refugee camp on Wednesday. Yesterday, Israel's forensic
institute issued its autopsy report which backs up the accounts of witnesses
who say that Miller was killed by a shot from an Israeli armoured vehicle.
A video of the shooting also appears to undermine Israeli army claims
that Miller, 34, was caught in crossfire and that soldiers shot in his
direction in response to incoming fire from a Palestinian gunman nearby.
The film shows three journalists in flak jackets and helmets, clearly
marked with the letters TV. They are shouting 'Is there anyone there?
Is there anyone there? We are British journalists.' A single shot is
heard and then another followed by the sound of Miller groaning after
he was hit. There is no sound of crossfire. Yesterday, the army said
it had yet to receive the report and therefore could not comment."
[Beaucoup Jew coup:]
Diplomats Decry `Military Coup',
by Sonni Efron, Hartford Courant,
May 9, 2003
"Diplomats are paid to have cool minds and even cooler temperaments,
but inside the beleaguered State Department, plenty of America's elite
diplomats are privately seething. They are up in arms over what they
see as the hijacking of foreign policy-making by the Pentagon and efforts
to undercut their boss, Secretary of State Colin L. Powell. 'I just
wake up in the morning and tell myself, 'There's been a military coup,'
and then it all makes sense,' said one veteran foreign service officer.
The first two years of the Bush administration has seen what the diplomat
called a 'tectonic shift' of decision-making power on foreign policy
from State to the Defense Department, one that has seen the Pentagon
become the dominant player on such key issues as Iraq, North Korea and
Afghanistan. 'Why aren't eyebrows raised all over the United States
that the secretary of defense is pontificating about Syria?' asked the
official, who declined to be identified. 'Can you imagine the defense
secretary after World War II telling the world how he was going to run
Europe?' he added, noting it was Secretary of State George C. Marshall
who delivered that seminal speech in 1947. Leading conservatives and
Pentagon officials say such comments show the State Department's failure
to grasp how profoundly global politics and U.S. foreign policy interests
have been redefined, especially after the Sept. 11 attacks ... In public,
Powell and Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld have friendly relations,
and their policy differences are cordial, if hard-argued. In private,
Powell is said to roll his eyes at the volume of 'Rummygrams' routinely
sent his way that offer the defense secretary's views on foreign policy.
However, at the day-to-day working level, midlevel State
Department bureaucrats say they are alarmed by the ideological fervor
of the Pentagon's civilian decision-makers, and how they leave
State out of important decisions, brush aside the diplomats to get things
done, or ignore tasks they do not want to perform ... A midlevel official
complained that intemperate remarks by administration hawks have damaged
American interests. "Goodwill is an element of national security - and
perhaps one of the most profound elements of national security," he
is the outrage over activist's death?,
May 8, 2003
"On April 9, nearly a month after American peace activist Rachel
Corrie, 23, met a gruesome end beneath an armoured Israeli bulldozer,
the Jerusalem Post noted that the international media were 'surprisingly'
mute about her fate which, depending on your view of the Israeli-Palestinian
conflict, was either murder, a 'regrettable accident,'' or 'suicide
by bulldozer.' While the death meant 'bad press for Israel,' Erik
Schechter wrote, it had 'not yet generated the political firestorm
that ensued, in October, 2000, after the death of Muhammad al-Dura,
the 12-year-old killed in a Gaza clash between Israeli soldiers and
Palestinian gunmen. 'This might be due to the world's preoccupation
with the war in Iraq, which began four days after Corrie's death,' he
continued. 'Two or three more American deaths might just peek out from
behind the Baghdad headlines.' Well, no. Since Corrie's death, two of
her fellow members of the International Solidarity Movement also met
grisly fates. American Brian Avery, 24, had his face shot off by Israel
Defence Forces and Briton Thomas Hurndall, 21, is clinically dead after
he took a bullet to the head. This week, a British cameraman was shot
dead as well, adding to the string of journalists who have been killed
in Israel in recent years. So where is the outrage? After a flurry of
headlines in the days after her death, virtual silence, at least in
the mainstream news organs. Her memorial service, broken up by Israeli
forces, got scant notice in the U.S. There's been no word on Israel's
investigation into her death. Meanwhile, a resolution, introduced by
her congressman, calling on Washington to conduct a 'full, fair and
expeditious investigation' goes ignored. Was Corrie's death media collateral
damage, forgotten in the bombing of Baghdad, Jessica Lynch, SARS, Laci
Peterson and other news? Was she political fallout, best left unmentioned
by a U.S. on the cusp of war? Is the world simply tired of the carnage
in Israel, where thousands of civilians, Israeli and Palestinian, men,
women and children, have been killed since the second intifada broke
out in 2000? Or is something else at play here? As American conservative
columnist Charley Reese wrote last month, Corrie was victimized 'by
a news media so adamantly determined to play the three monkeys (see
no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil) when it comes to Israel. After
all, merely telling the truth will get you labelled an anti-Semite.'
And he should know, as he has been labelled just that many a time, especially
by such media activism groups such as the Committee for Accuracy in
Middle East Reporting in America. (CAMERA once threatened to sue me
but never followed through.) But I won't dwell on that here except to
note that they portray Corrie as having been out to 'justify terrorism.'
Bad enough that Corrie was crushed to death, but now she is being buried
again, a victim of media neglect and Blogistani justice. Cruise the
net and you'll find many Likudnik hardline blogs, or web logs, and web
forums, where Corrie has been crudely excoriated ... The Jerusalem
Post was wrong and Reese got it right. There are some stories to
which the media are deaf, dumb and blind."
[Our Jewish senators at the helm in debating Big Brother laws:]
Widens Surveillance Law,
Fox News, May 8, 2003
"The Senate easily passed a measure Thursday expanding a powerful
surveillance law, used in spy and terrorism investigations, to allow
U.S. agents to wiretap lone foreigners who can't be linked to a terror
organization or government. Currently, U.S. law enforcement officers
can get warrants authorizing intelligence-gathering wiretaps from a
secret court, but only if they can establish a reasonable belief the
target is an 'agent of a foreign power' or group. The bill, which passed
90 to 4, would amend the 1978 Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act
(search) to remove that requirement ... The bill, introduced by Sens.
Charles Schumer, D-N.Y., and Jon Kyl, R-Ariz., has become known
in Washington as the 'Lone Wolf' measure ... Senators rejected 35-59
an amendment by Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., that would have
given federal judges more discretion when to approve such surveillance
warrants against foreigners believed to be acting on their own ... In
a compromise reached last week, the bill was changed to include a provision
by Sen. Russell Feingold, D-Wis., requiring that the Justice
Department report to lawmakers how often that 'lone wolf' provision
is employed."
[The American government's Department of Judeocentrism,
courtesy of Jewish reporter Judith Miller:]
Search, Not Alone, in the Cellar of Secrets,
By JUDITH MILLER, New York Times, May 8,
"BAGHDAD, Iraq — A team of American soldiers returned today to
Iraqi secret police headquarters and found a suspicious intruder whom
they detained, dozens of 19th- and early 20th-century
Jewish texts and records and a huge unexploded American bomb,
but not the ancient copy of the Talmud for which
they were searching."
[Question: Is Jan Simonsen Jewish? Or just an honorary Jew?]
Blair Nominated for Nobel Prize for Iraq War,
by Alister Doyle,
Reuters, May 8, 2003
"A Norwegian parliamentarian nominated President Bush and British
Prime Minister Tony Blair for the Nobel Peace Prize on Thursday, praising
them for winning the war in Iraq. 'Sometimes it's necessary to use a
small and effective war to prevent a much more dangerous war in the
future,' Jan Simonsen, a right-wing independent in Norway's parliament,
told Reuters. 'If nobody acted then Saddam Hussein could have
produced weapons of mass destruction and, in five or 10 years, could
have used them against Israel,' he said."
[Toronto mayor Mel Lastman is Jewish, and he is from New York.]
Lastman to
lead mission to Israel,
By RON CSILLAG, Canadian Jewish News,
May 8, 2003
"Toronto Mayor Mel Lastman will lead the first-ever delegation
of Canadian municipal officials to Israel beginning May 10. Lastman
and his wife Marilyn will join a dozen other municipal politicians
and officials from Canadian Jewish Congress on the five-day CJC-sponsored
mission to meet with their Israeli counterparts and get a sense of the
issues they face. Also scheduled are meetings with Prime Minister Ariel
Sharon, finance minister Benjamin Netanyahu and industry
and commerce minister Ehud Olmert. The participants will also
be briefed on how municipalities cope with the threat of terrorism.
There will be a strong contingent from York Region, north of Toronto.
Scheduled to go are Thornhill Tory MPP Tina Molinari, who’s also associate
minister of municipal affairs; York Region chair Bill Fisch; Vaughan
Mayor Michael Di Biase; and Vaughan Ward 5 councillor Susan Kadis. The
participants are slated to travel to the city of Ramla in Israel, which
has special significance for the City of Vaughan. The two municipalities
twinned a decade ago to encourage deeper cultural and economic ties
between them. Congress says it’s important to sensitize these officials
to Israel’s concerns because often, the municipal level is a stepping
stone to bigger things in politics. Also scheduled to take part are
Ken Boshcoff, the mayor of Thunder Bay and president of the Association
of Municipalities of Ontario; Scott Northmore, mayor of Bracebridge;
Frank Miele, York Region’s commissioner of economy/technology/development
& communications; Alex Munter, a city councillor from Kanata; James
Gordon, the mayor of Sudbury; and Toronto city councillor Mike Feldman
... The junket’s purpose is to introduce 'one more group of important
Canadian decision makers and policy makers to Israeli society and challenges
faced by both government and people of Israel,' says CJC Ontario region
chair Ed Morgan, who will be accompanied by region executive
director Bernie Farber; political action committee chair Rachel
Turkienicz; CJC director of community development Michael Soberman;
and CJC national treasurer Cary Green."
Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights,
May 8, 2003
"Catholic League president William Donohue commented today on the
one-man show, 'Bill Maher: Victory Begins at Home,' now playing
on Broadway. Louis Giovino, the league’s director of communications,
saw the show last night and provided Donohue with an account of the
show and the audience reaction to it. Here are Donohue’s remarks: 'According
to an AP story, Bill Maher ‘is an equal opportunity satirist,’
but this a stretch at best and a lie at worst. Theater critic Clive
Barnes correctly identifies Maher not only as a liberal, but
as one who is ‘unashamedly’ so. Yes, Maher does manage to offend
some feminists (the New York Times noted that his anti-feminist
jokes were the only time the audience hissed), but by and large his
targets were politically correct. Which means it was safe to bash the
pope, priests and the sacraments. The audience, according to Howard
Kissel of the New York Daily News, ‘seemed to consist of
my fellow upper West Siders,’ which is code for
well-educated liberal Jews. 'There were no anti-Semitic jokes
and the digs at Muslims were aimed at Islamic fundamentalists. To maintain
his liberal credentials, Maher went out of his way to say ‘99
percent of the people who live in the Middle East are not terrorists.’
But Catholic priests were given no such assurances. Indeed, he spoke
in the most obscene and sweeping terms about priests, and at one point
even took umbrage at the shocked laughter that greeted his filthy Catholic-bashing
jokes. To wit: Maher said to his fans, ‘Come on people! It’s
not a few bad apples here, it’s systemic.’ “Maher, whose mother
is Jewish and whose father is Catholic, is as phony as he is coarse.
Quite unlike Mel Brooks, who pokes gentle fun at virtually every
segment of the population, Maher gives some groups a pass, takes
swipes at others and unleashes his anger at a select few. And no group
does he reserve his venom for more than Catholic priests. “Maher
has been publicly venting his anti-Catholic bigotry for years. That
liberals love him says more about them than about Maher himself.”
[Michael Ledeen is one of the Jewish "neocons"
who have hijacked America.]
Unknown Hawk - Neoconservative Guru Sets Sights on Iran,
by William O. Beeman, Pacific News Service,
May 08, 2003
"From 'creative destruction' to 'total war,' the guiding beliefs
of the most aggressive foreign policymakers in the Bush administration
may originate in the works of an influential yet rarely seen neoconservative.
Most Americans have never heard of Michael Ledeen, but if the
United States ends up in an extended shooting war throughout the Middle
East, it will be largely due to his inspiration. A fellow at the conservative
American Enterprise Institute, Ledeen holds a Ph.D. in History and Philosophy
from the University of Wisconsin. He is a former employee of the Pentagon,
the State Department and the National Security Council. As a consultant
working with NSC head Robert McFarlane, he was involved in the transfer
of arms to Iran during the Iran-Contra affair -- an adventure that he
documented in the book 'Perilous Statecraft: An Insider's Account of
the Iran-Contra Affair.' His most influential book is last year’s 'The
War Against the Terror Masters: Why It Happened. Where We Are Now. How
We'll Win.' Ledeen’s ideas are repeated daily by such figures
as Richard Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld and Paul Wolfowitz. His views
virtually define the stark departure from American foreign policy philosophy
that existed before the tragedy of Sept. 11, 2001. He basically believes
that violence in the service of the spread of democracy is America’s
manifest destiny. Consequently, he has become the philosophical legitimator
of the American occupation of Iraq. Now Michael Ledeen is calling
for regime change beyond Iraq. In an address entitled 'Time to Focus
on Iran -- The Mother of Modern Terrorism,' for the policy forum of
the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs (JINSA) on April
30, he declared, 'the time for diplomacy is at an end; it is time for
a free Iran, free Syria and free Lebanon.' With a group of other conservatives,
Ledeen recently set up the Center for Democracy in Iran (CDI),
an action group focusing on producing regime change in Iran. Quotes
from Ledeen’s works reveal a peculiar set of beliefs about American
attitudes toward violence. 'Change -- above all violent change -- is
the essence of human history,' he proclaims in his book, 'Machiavelli
on Modern Leadership: Why Machiavelli's Iron Rules Are as Timely and
Important Today as Five Centuries Ago.' In an influential essay in the
National Review Online he asserts, 'Creative destruction is our
middle name. We do it automatically ... it is time once again to export
the democratic revolution.' Ledeen has become the driving philosophical
force behind the neoconservative movement and the military actions it
has spawned. His 1996 book, 'Freedom Betrayed; How the United States
Led a Global Domocratic Revolution, Won the Cold War, and Walked Away,”
reveals the basic neoconservative obsession: the United States never
'won' the Cold War; the Soviet Union collapsed of its own weight without
a shot being fired. Had the United States truly won, democratic institutions
would be sprouting everywhere the threat of Communism had been rife.
Iraq, Iran and Syria are the first and foremost nations where this should
happen, according to Ledeen. The process by which this should
be achieved is a violent one, termed 'total war.' 'Total war not only
destroys the enemy's military forces, but also brings the enemy society
to an extremely personal point of decision, so that they are willing
to accept a reversal of the cultural trends,' Ledeen writes.
'The sparing of civilian lives cannot be the total war's first priority
... The purpose of total war is to permanently force your will onto
another people.'"
Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights,
May 7, 2003
"On May 26, the Israel Museum will host an exhibition, Revelation:
Representations of Christ in Photography, that is based on a newly
released book by that name; it will run through September 6. Nissan
N. Perez is curator of photography at the museum and the author
of the book’s introduction. Catholic League president William Donohue
explained why he was addressing this subject today: “Merrell, the publisher
of Revelation, sent me a complimentary copy of the book in April. The
letter said it was published ‘in time for Easter-related columns.’ I
take it this was my Easter gift. “As Nissan Perez says, the 195
illustrations range from the ‘sacred’ to the ‘profane.’ His decision
to include the profane may explain his defensiveness: he writes that
‘no disrespect or offence [is] intended.’ How considerate. I wonder,
is this what he tells his Jewish friends when they are offended by anti-Semitic
art—to consider that no disrespect was intended? Does he likewise seduce
himself? “Nissan claims that unlike secular art, the prime function
of artistic expression in the Catholic Church has been to stifle independent
thought. He cites, for example, that the Dada and Surrealist movements
(from roughly World War I through the 1930s) were united in their ‘call
for the eradication of all organized religion.’ Midway through the 1920s,
the principal organ of the Surrealists featured on its cover a photograph
bearing the same title as the main article: ‘1925: End of the Christian
Era.’ In 1934, Georges Hugnet offered us ‘The Last Supper,’ which featured
a woman performing fellatio on a man standing in front of Jesus and
his disciples at the Last Supper. “But it is obvious that Nissan
fails to appreciate how nihilistic art dehumanizes the culture and abets
a collective sense of insouciance in the face of suffering. In the same
year that ‘Christianity Ended’ (1925), Mein Kampf was published.
The moral relativism that marked Weimar Germany—the work of ‘creative’
artists—made possible Hitler’s triumph. For the Israel Museum not to
get this is quite sad.”
Is The Bible Hate
By Randall Palmer,, (from Reuters),
May 7, 2003
"An attempt to broaden Canada's hate-crimes laws to include protection
for homosexuals has sparked a fierce debate in Parliament over whether
the Bible and the Koran could be branded as hate literature. It centres
on a bill from gay Member of Parliament Svend Robinson that would make
it a crime, punishable by up to two years in prison, to incite or promote
hatred against homosexuals. But his attempt to end gay-bashing has brought
warnings that pastors or imams could be thrown into jail for preaching
homosexuality is evil and that their scriptures could be banned or confiscated.
Robinson, a member of the minority New Democratic Party, dismissed the
fears as unfounded. "There's not an attorney general in the country
anywhere at any level who would consent to the prosecution of an individual
for quoting from the Bible," he told a House of Commons committee examining
the bill. "An attorney general who tried something like that would be
run out of town on a rail." Opponents of the bill point to the Owens
court case in Saskatchewan five months ago involving the right to quote
the Bible in an newspaper ad against homosexuality. The judge ruled
that a Biblical passage in Leviticus 'exposes homosexuals to hatred.'
Even though the Owens case dealt with human rights legislation, critics
said that sort of ruling could just as easily be applied in a hate-crimes
case under the criminal code. 'I'm concerned about the chilling effect
of this kind of decision,' said Vic Toews of the official opposition
in Parliament, the Canadian Alliance ... Because Robinson's bill has
prompted an avalanche of e-mails and letters to members of Parliament,
it has become hot potato that the Liberals appear unsure how to handle."
Policy Board,
Center for Cooperative Research
Privilege Before
the Law,
By Paul Craig Roberts, VDare [Originally
published in The American Conservative 2-24-03],
"How did we end up with racial quotas when the 1964 Civil Rights
Act expressly forbids them? It was primarily the work of one man, an
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) bureaucrat named Alfred
Blumrosen, now a Rutgers University law professor. Blumrosen’s
thoroughgoing and illegal rewrite of the Civil Rights Act was accepted
by the Supreme Court in Griggs v. Duke Power (1971) ... Neither the
clear statutory language of the act and the amendments nor the act’s
unambiguous legislative history could prevent Blumrosen and the
Burger Court from standing the Civil Rights Act on its head. Blumrosen
ignored the act and its statutory prohibition against regulatory interpretation.
He bet that he could get away with rewriting the act because of the
courts’ deference to the regulatory agency. Blumrosen redefined
discrimination to be statistical disparity or under-utilization of blacks.
If an employer’s work force contained a smaller percentage of blacks
than blacks comprised of the local population, the company was discriminating.
Anything that had disparate impact, such as employment tests, Blumrosen
declared to be discriminatory. Having eliminated intent, he was
able to shift the act’s focus from specific discrimination against individuals
and initiate agency proceedings against employers even in the absence
of complaints of discrimination ... Blumrosen’s rewrite of the
Civil Rights Act required employers to adopt racial quotas in order
to avoid federal lawsuits. Private employment and promotion quotas are
held to be legal because of the fiction that they are 'voluntarily adopted'
and not required by federal statute. They are required, of course, to
avoid federal lawsuits. Blumrosen’s redefinition of discrimination
created 'reverse discrimination.' Whites lose opportunities for racial
reasons alone."