Mietek is a Polish Jew from the Warsaw Ghetto.
As a teenager during World War II, Grocher claims he survived nine (9) concentration camps including Buchenwald and Majdanek, and that he was the only member of his family to survive.
In 1943 at the age of 16, Mietek says he was at Majdanek and was scheduled to go to the gas chamber.
How did he survive? A miracle of course!
While in line to go to the gassum chamber, Mietek was terrified, and instinctively started to move backwards.
Luckily, a guard was distracted while talking to someone, and Mietek managed to slip away and find his parents in the camp.
The evil Germans then just flat out forgot to gas Mietek after that!
Since the end of the war he has lived in Västerås, Sweden and traveled around to Swedish schools giving speeches about the events of the Holocaust™. [1]
According to an interview in the Swedish newspaper Östgöta-Correspondenten on December 8, 2004, Grocher managed to sneak out of a gas chamber at Majdanek:
“When I was in there I understood what was awaiting me and the others inside that space. Instinctively I started to move a little backwards, without really thinking that I would manage to escape. By chance I managed to do it. An officer started talking to another officer and moved away a few steps. During that moment I managed to sneak away and reunite with my parents in the camp.”
According to another article on Grocher which appeared in the local Katrineholms-Kuriren on May 15, 1998, the guard discovered young Mietek sneaking out of the chamber and fired all six shots of his revolver at him, missing the escapee but hitting six other Majdanek martyrs. So much for German marksmanship!
Mr. Grocher tells the Östgöta-Correspondenten reporter regarding his gas-chamber escape feat: “I would say I'm the only one who managed to do that.”
In the Östgöta-Correspondenten interview, Mietek Grocher presents another twist to the Holostory, when he gets the rather troubling question why he was in nine different Nazi camps:
How come the speaker [Mietek Grocher] stayed in as many as nine concentration camps?
- Well, the Germans want to spread confusion among us. And it was considered important that we did not have time to start organizing ourselves into resistance.
The Germans were also careful to deceive the International Committee of the Red Cross. Its representatives saw very good conditions in some concentration camps.
- All the prisoners seemed to be in good shape, they had nice clothes and different arts were practiced. But shortly after the Red Cross had studied the camps, and had gone home to tell how good it was there, these prisoners were also killed, Mietek Grocher said.
Article from Swedish newspaper Östgöta-Correspondenten: "Mietek Grocher managed to escape from gas chamber" ("Mietek Grocher lyckades rymma ur gaskammare")
Note: use http://www.archive.org/ to find article if original link no longer works
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An artist's representation of the
routine. Note: The gas chamber in question here is not Majdanek's but the one showed to the tourists as "Auschwitz I". |
Wikipedia provides interesting information on Mietek Grocher's book writing skills and his autobiography "I survived!" ("Jag överlevde!"):
ControversyIn late October 2010 upon reading Grocher's book, Artur Szulc,[1][2] a Polish-born military historian from Sweden has noted, that aside from perpetuating long-debunked myths about the German attack on Poland, a large part of I survived has been copied verbatim from the book of fiction written in 1961 by Leon Uris and titled Mila 18,[3] including the mention of apparently fictional Nazi officers serving in the General Government during World War II. Several names of German officials in Grocher's book are unknown to history. Szulc contacted Grocher's publishers, but released his own findings in January 2011 when the questions he posed to them were not answered to his satisfaction.[4][5]
Mietek Grocher not only has a truth and honesty issue. To add to the list of dubious morals of this propagator of the "Holocaust" story, we also have to add - hypocrisy.
To the Swedish school children, Grocher pretends to be against ethnic cleansing and massacres of civilians. But that just counts for Jewish civilians! Down in Palestine, Mietek Grocher has no problem whatsoever to wholeheartedly support the Jewish colonial entity called "Israel", an Apartheid state founded and maintained by ethnic cleansing and countless of massacres, war crimes continuing until today!
Below a cutout from the magazine Menorah of the Swedish Zionist organization Förenade Israelinsamlingen, the Swedish section of the United Israel Appeal. Here we can see Mietek Grocher with his grandchildren celebrating the 60th anniversary of the state of Israel, together with Zionist fanatics such as the Israeli ambassador to Sweden, Eviatar Manor, and the Jewish Agency's Europe director Arieh Abir, to name a few.
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Source: Menorah, nr. 2, 2008
See Also:
- Anita Schorr's Holocaust® Tale - Escaped Auschwitz gassum chamber by slipping into latrine unnoticed
- Samuel Pisar's holo fairytale - Survived 3 "death" camps - Escaped gas chamber by claiming he "was there only to wash the floor"
- Katalin Weinberger's HolyCo$t tale- Saved life of her sister by "burying her in ground for 30 days with a pipe sticking up through soil to breathe"
- Max Edelman's sad Holocaust™ tale: "Blind Jew in a Death Camp" - Miraculously survived 8 days without water, escaped being holocausted though blind
- Leon Litvack's tale - "Second generation Holocaust survivor" says his momma escaped Auschwitz gas chamber twice by climbing out a window