The official story is that "5 million" non-Jews died during the Holohoax -- in addition to the sacred magical "6 million" Jews -- including ethnic Poles, Romani, Soviet civilians, Soviet prisoners of war, people with disabilities, homosexuals, Jehovah's Witnesses, and other political and religious opponents.
Of course both these numbers are complete fabrications, and extreme exaggerations of how many people actually died under German occupation or in the German concentration camps.
Assuming that roughly half of the concentration camp inmates were non-Jewish, why is it that you almost never hear from any of these non-Jewish "survivors"? Didn't any of them see or hear about the "homicidal gas chambers"? Don't they have any horror stories and testimony of the "extreme cruelty" of the Germans?
And if any non-jews actually witnessed such things, don't you think the Jewish-controlled press would be more than willing to publish the stories?
Are any of the non-Jewish "victims" of the Holocaust™ receiving monetary reparations from Germany?
Why do the "5 million" non-Jewish "victims" get 1/1000th coverage in the history books, media, etc as the "6 million" Jewish "victims"?
I guess you have to be a Jew in order to come up with Holyhoax fairytales.
Other Articles of Interest:
- Jews alleged a "holocaust" of "6 Million" Jews in Romania, Poland and Ukraine in 1919 at end of WWI
- New York Times reports 6 million Jews holocausted in Russia in 1921!
- Early Holohoax Tale - 64 million Jewish children wrapped in scrolls and burned by the Romans in 2nd century A.D.
- Dachau - The U.S. Army and Government lies about "extermination" and "homicidal gas chambers" - Microcosm of the Holocaust™ Fraud
- The Lies of Simon Wiesenthal; His Holohoax story an outrageous fabrication; His work as "Nazi hunter" and Holocaust™ "historian" a total fraud
- Elie Wiesel: Prominent Liar and Anti-German Hatemonger; Claims Jews "burned alive in flaming ditches" and "ground spurted geysers of Jewish blood"