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Proof of the Jewish-Zionist takeover of the BBC!

By David Duke, August 13, 2014

The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) is the world’s best known international broadcaster, and with over 23,000 staff, certainly the largest. It is a public service broadcaster which is owned by the British government, has an annual revenue of in excess of £5 billion ($8.4 billion), primarily funded by an annual television tax charged to all households in Britain.

The BBC is supposed to be “independent” - but, as a close study of its inner workings, controlling figures and methods of indoctrination show, it is, as of August 2014, nothing more than yet another Jewish Supremacist-controlled propaganda outlet.

The current head of BBC Television is the Jewish Supremacist Danny Cohen - who, prior to his April 2013 appointment to that position, was the Controller of BBC One, the BBC’s principal television channel in the United Kingdom.

Danny Cohen is not only a dedicated Zionist-Jewish Supremacist, he is of elite Jewish pedigree that is specially honored by Jews all over the world, and that has special status in Israel. Cohen is a “Kohen,” plural Kohanim, the most revered Jews of Judaism and of Israel. In fact, although Israel has laws against marrying non-Jews, some exceptions are sometimes allowed for converts. However, the Kohanim, as the elite of the Jews, have even more stringent proofs of pure Jewish racial descent than than that of SS elite in National Socialist Germany.

In Israel the Israeli Government under the control of the head rabbis, will not allow a Kohen to marry even a Gentile convert to Judaism! In fact, in Israel a Kohen by law cannot marry any “Jew” that has a single drop of non-Jewish blood.

Danny Cohen, head of BBC TV.

cohen of Jewish family name

Prior to controlling BBC One, Cohen was Controller of BBC Three, for three years between 2007 and 2010. He started out his “television executive” career with the UK’s commercial Channel 4, where he took up various roles including Head of Documentaries, Head of Factual Entertainment and Head of  digital television channel E4 (”Entertainment 4”).

Cohen’s past “entertainment achievements” include the commissioning of a number of “shows”, identical in content to the sort of trash produced by his coreligionists in Hollywood and on American TV. Cohen’s creations include:

Skins: The show depicts sixth-form pupils indulging in drink and drugs binges and idolizes dysfunctional families, eating disorders and sexual identity,

The Inbetweeners, which follows a group of socially awkward teenagers who make crude comments about girls, get drunk, and break the law,

Snog, Marry, Avoid, which depicts so-called ‘slap addicts” who are given a make-under, rather than a make-over, and

Hotter than my Daughter, which features parents who think they are more attractive than their children. Such shows are typically completely pre-scripted (as in the US’s “Storage Wars” series”) but are presented as “reality” and exploit all manner of real and imagined human weaknesses.

Anthony Reuben, "head of statistics" for the BBC. Assigned to "make sure" of the broadcaster's "facts..."

Anthony Reuben, “head of statistics” for the BBC.
Assigned to “make sure” of the broadcaster’s “facts…”

The BBC’s current head of Statistics is another Jewish Supremacist by the name of Anthony Reuben. Prior to taking over this key position, Reuben was a senior personal finance reporter at The Money Channel, a program editor at Reuters Television, Business producer at Sky News, Output editor at Financial Times Television - and did his internship at the Jerusalem Post in Israel.

According to Reuben’s Linkedin business profile, his position as “head of statistics” was created especially for him by the “BBC Innovation Fund to be a champion of statistical robustness across BBC News.”

These are but two of the host of Jewish Supremacists in the BBC. There are many more, but for the purposes of this study, they will serve as prime examples of how this supposedly independent and state-owned corporation is manipulated in the interests of the Zionist conspiracy.

The perfect example of Jewish Supremacist control of BBC output comes with the well-known and respected financial journalist Max Keiser. Commissioned to do a series called “The Oracle” for BBC World News, Keiser quit after ten episodes - because, as he announced on Twitter:

“The reason I quit my BBC show; got strict orders not to mention Israel in any context. This kind of censorship leads to #Gaza horror.”


In other words, Keiser, who now works for the RT news channel, was allowed to mention anything at all—except Israel, and by implication, Jews and the Jewish role in world financial scandals and problems.

In a second Twitter comment on the same subject, Keiser said that the BBC has a‘no go’ policy re: Israel.”


He then linked to an article showing how the British government was actually arming Israel, and posed the question “Is this why? Revealed – Britain’s ‘role’ in arming Israel.”

So, the Jewish grip over the leading international TV outlet in the world is such can even censor their programs who dare to mention Israel. One must remember that most people will put their career first, so when their bosses which give them lucrative programs, tell them not to mention Israel, they usually do it for their self-interest and self preservation. Kaiser exposed this, but one can only imagine how many others go along with the Jewish demands.

The second example of how the BBC, under its current Jewish supremacist bosses, manipulates the news in favor of the Zionist fanatics, came with Anthony Reuben’s recent (August 11, 2014) article titled “Caution needed with Gaza casualty figures.

As pointed out, Reuben is a big Zionist with a former position in the top echelons of Israeli media!

In this article, Reuben attempts to create the impression that the United Nations reports on the number of civilian deaths and injuries suffered by innocent men, women and children as a result of the attacks on Gaza by Israel, are misleading.


In a carefully-chosen image which accompanies the article, a picture of a wounded Palestinian child adorns the website page. This is a subtle psychological trick - the Jewish Supremacists want readers to associate pictures of wounded Palestinian children with “fake statistics” and thereby get the racist Zionists off the hook.

For someone whose specialty is supposed to be “robust statistics,” Reuben’s article actually says nothing. No facts at all are produced to contradict the official UN figures on the number of dead and wounded civilians.

Instead, all that Reuben does is make comments such as “it is hard to say with certainty at this stage how many of the dead in Gaza are civilians and how many were fighters” and that “some of the conclusions being drawn from them [the UN figures] may be premature.”

Reuben does not produce any facts at all to support his claims - and the article is obviously an attempt to spread disinformation by innuendo - a commonly used Jewish Supremacist propaganda tactic.

Not only does Reuben hope that the title and image of the article create a subconscious association between injured or dead Palestinian children and “fake statistics, but it is also an attempt to whitewash Israel’s genocidal war crimes in Gaza - and this, from a publicly-funded and supposedly independent state broadcaster.

zionist media conglomerates los angeles jewish times smIn the pre-internet era, the broader public would have been exposed only to the propaganda which Jewish Supremacists like Cohen and Reuben would have put out.

It is little wonder therefore, that the Jewish racists have been able to have their own way and manipulate the public, especially in the West, for so many years. 99.9 percent of the people watching BBC TV have no idea that the man who runs it all is a dedicated Jewish supremacist. They have no idea when the read the article on Gaza statistics on the BBC that it was written by a Jewish Zionist who formerly worked in Jewish media.

If this is the condition of government run media such as the BBC what is the situation in the private, mostly Hollywood centered TV and movie industry which is owned overwhelmingly by Jews? Here is an article from the Jewish Times of Los Angeles boasting of the Zionist control over the world’s larges media conglomerates.

Thankfully, however, the advent of the internet has pulled the exclusivity of information rug out from under the feet of Jewish Supremacists such as Cohen and Reuben.

Once the wall of silence and disinformation is broken down, the fall of Jewish Supremacism is not far behind.  

— Dr. David Duke

Proof of the Jewish-Zionist takeover of other “British” TV services

By David Duke, August 15, 2014

As most of our readers know, I have thoroughly documented the almost breathtaking Jewish domination of American Television, movies and other media. I have even revealed mainstream Jewish pundits who have boasted it about their strong grip on American media. In my recent article on the BBC, I illustrated the Jewish takeover of the British Government Media by Danny Cohen. Cohen is an elite Jew whose genetic heritage is vaulted in Israel to the point where the Jewish state prohibits marriages between “Cohens” (Kohanim) and even Jews who have a drop of discernible Gentile blood in their ancestry.  (yes, strange but true). I also show screen shots of Jewish sites showing how Cohens have “special privileges” because of their purity of race.

It is important to know that in Britain it is not only the BBC which has come under the iron grip of Jewish Zionist Supremacists - all the other three major television services in Britain also languish under the control of this insidious clique, research by my team has revealed. This incredible Jewish influence in media in Britain and America is also repeated in nation after nation in the Western World. Accidental? Coincidental? You be the judge.  Let’s begin with our look at British broadcast television:

(1). ITV

ITV plc is a British media company that holds 12 of the 15 regional television licenses that make up the ITV (“Independent Television Network”) network, the oldest and largest commercial terrestrial television network in the United Kingdom.

ITV has vied with BBC One for the status of the UK’s most watched channel since the 1950s. Since 1983, ITV plc has been controlled by a joint corporate takeover by two companies - Granada plc and (the parent company of Granada Television) and Carlton Communications.

Sidney Bernstein

Sidney Bernstein

Granada Television, a subsidiary of Granada Ltd, originated in Granada Theatres Ltd, which owned cinemas in the south of England, founded in Dover in 1930 by the Jewish Supremacist Sidney Bernstein and his brother Cecil.

The Bernsteins became involved in commercial television, and in 1954, the Independent Television Authority (ITA) awarded Granada the North of England contract for Monday to Friday television slots.
From there, the company went through some financial ups and downs, but continued to grow, so that by 1997, it had acquired Yorkshire-Tyne Tees Television and in 2000 it had added Anglia Television and Meridian Broadcasting and some divisions of HTV.

Sidney Bernstein died in 1993, but not before being made a “Baron” in 1969 by a grateful Labour government for the support he had shown that party.

Michael Green

Michael Green

Carlton Communications, the other company which now controls ITV, was created in 1982 by the Jewish Supremacist Michael Green, his brother David and his father-in-law, Lord Wolff. The company was floated on the London stock market, and five years later, Carlton bought the US firm Technicolor. Its TV arm, Carlton Television, won the 1992 bid to secure the London weekday ITV franchise previously held by Thames Television.

Carlton acquired numerous other smaller ITV franchisees until the 2003 merger with Granada TV to form ITV plc. The new company also acquired the Breakfast franchise holder, GMTV, from The Walt Disney Company in 2009 and Channel Television from Yattendon Group plc in 2011.

Green retired from the company in 2003, and the current head of ITV is Archibald Norman, a former Conservative Party MP. Although Norman is not Jewish, the company’s past history can safely indicate the political direction which ITV follows.

(2). Channel 4

Channel 4 is a British public-service television broadcaster which began transmission in 1982. Although largely commercially self-funded, it is supposedly publicly owned; originally a subsidiary of the Independent Broadcasting Authority (IBA), the station is now owned and operated by Channel Four Television Corporation, a public body established in 1990.

The channel was established to provide a fourth television service to the United Kingdom in addition to the television license-funded BBC’s two services and the single commercial broadcasting network, ITV.

David Abraham

David Abraham

The Chief Executive of Channel 4 is Jewish Supremacist David Abraham, who has held the position since January 2010. He was previously Chief Executive of UKTV, a multi-channel broadcaster, jointly owned by BBC Worldwide and Scripps Networks Interactive. UKTV is one of the United Kingdom’s largest television companies.

Abraham’s career also reaches across the Atlantic: In the United States he was vice-president of the Discovery Home network and president and general manager of the TLC channel for Discovery Networks.

When he was appointed head of Channel 4, Britain’s leading Jewish newspaper, the Jewish Chronicle, gleefully announced that Abraham had “high ideals” for Channel 4.

Given the record, we are reasonably sure what these “high ideals” are going to be.

(3). Channel 5

Channel 5 Britain’s fifth television network which was launched in 1997. Originally owned by the RTL Group (owned by German media conglomerate Bertelsmann), Channel 5 was purchased by Jewish Supremacist Richard Desmond in 2010.

Richard Desmond, left, with good friend George Osborne (right), the current UK Chancellor of the Exchequer.

Richard Desmond, left, with good friend George Osborne (right),
the current UK Chancellor of the Exchequer.

Desmond, who also owns the Express Newspapers company (publishers of the British national newspapers Daily Star and Daily Express) founded the Northern & Shell publishing company which publishes various celebrity magazines, such as OK! and New!

Desmond originally made his “media fortune” by being the UK’s first sex-phone line operator, and then later became Britain’s largest pornography magazine publisher, holding the Penthouse license for the UK and other titles, including the infamous titles Asian Babes, Readers’ Wives, and Mega Boobs. His company also still runs the “adult” cable TV channel known as The Fantasy Channel.

This Jewish Supremacist’s various pornographic ventures has made him the 57th richest man in Britain according to The Sunday Times Rich List, with a net worth of £950 million.

Desmond finally sold Channel 5 to the US company Viacom for £450 million, Viacom is, unsurprisingly, controlled by fellow Jewish Supremacist Sumner Murray Redstone (born Sumner Murray Rothstein), who is also majority owner and Chairman of the Board of the National Amusements theater chain. Through National Amusements, Sumner Redstone and his family are majority owners of CBS Corporation and Viacom (itself the parent company of MTV Networks, BET, and the film studio Paramount Pictures).

The evidence is clear: through behind the scenes business deals, long term planning and opportunism, Jewish Supremacists have managed to get an almost complete stranglehold on “British” television networks - and their biased coverage of the Gaza Holocaust has once again shown the heavy hand of Jewish censorship at work.


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