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"Sonderbehandlung" aka "Special treatment of Jews" - the 21st Century version:

COVID-19 response shows that Jews now are the special privilege group of Mankind!

Freedom Research, May 2021


Welcome to the Brave New World of Jewish Global control where The Chosenites of the Jewish God Yahwe get special treatment - the fast lane to medical salvation - whereas the non-Jewish majority just will have to stand patiently, waiting in line, for their turn.

Another hint of the future Judaized World to come...

"It was pure Wild West. Both the CIA and Mossad sent people there who snatched protective masks directly from the assembly line and loaded them on their planes."

- Robin Dangoor, Jewish insider and community COVID-19 response coordinator.

After Israel's rollout of its highly media publicized "groundbreaking" "impressive" COVID-vaccination program, the most Judaized nations - USA and the UK, followed suit - showing how countries that dance to the Jewish tune reap the benefits, and how the peoples who still resist Judaization - like the occupied Palestinians and the resistive Iranians - have to face the killer virus on their own, with whatever means they have at hand.

Already in the beginning of the Global Pandemic, that exploded around March-April 2020, reports arrived that Israel at an early stage had got special information on the deadliness of the new virus.

The Jewish paper Jerusalem Online reported in the article "Report: US and Israel Knew About Coronavirus Threat in November" (Jerusalem Online, April 17, 2020), that many months before the rest of the World knew, already in November 2019, Israel had the exclusive privilege, along with NATO, to be alerted by the U.S. intelligence agencies of the new viral threat blooming in China:

US intelligence agencies warned Israel of the threat of a coronavirus outbreak in China as far back as in November 2019, Israeli Channel 12 News reported Thursday.
The American intelligence community, says the report, learned of the disease circulating in China’s city of Wuhan in the second week of November, putting together a classified document that mapped out the potential dangers of its spread to other countries. The report suggests that information pertaining to the virus was known only to the Chinese government at the time.
The White House, the Trump administration reportedly “did not deem it of interest”, yet saw fit to acquaint two allies with the classified document, NATO and Israel.
In late November, Israeli military officials were cited in the report as having mulled the potential dangers of the virus spreading to the region and neighboring countries, with the classified information supposedly reaching politicians and the Health Ministry, where “nothing was done.

This pre-warning gave Israel the opportunity to prepare for the viral onsalught in advance, to aquire the PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) and refurbish its stocks of pandemic gear.

In Sweden the official magazine of the Swedish Jewish community, Judisk Könika (translates "Jewish Chronicle", but not to be mixed up with the British paper), in September 2020 ran an article consisting of an interview with a top level Jewish executive and Talmudic scholar, Robin Dangoor, of Sephardic Iraqi Jewish background.

During the first onslaught of coronavirus in Sweden, Dangoor, the article tells, was provided with thousands of dollars from the well-off Swedish Jewish community, with the mission to procure virus protection gear on the Chinese market. Gear to be used for Sweden's Jewish elderlies.

From the interview in Judisk Krönika, the words from Robin Dangoor:

It was pure Wild West. Both the CIA and Mossad sent people there who snatched protective masks directly from the assembly line and loaded them on their planes. At the same time, the Chinese authorities withdrew 90 percent of all export licenses.
["Det var rena Vilda västern. Både CIA och Mossad skickade dit folk som ryckte skyddsmasker direkt från löpande bandet och lastade på sina plan. Samtidigt drog de kinesiska myndigheterna in 90 procent av alla exportlicenser."]

"Both the CIA and Mossad sent people there who snatched protective masks directly from the assembly line and loaded them on their planes"!

And this is told by a Jewish insider, a high esteemed member of the group. Not from a "wile, anti-Semitic, fake news, conspiracy theory peddling" source, as the Jews otherwise label everytime news pop up that don't fit their propaganda and may threaten their, usually, subversive, agenda.

After the procurement of PPE and other components to battle the first wave of the viral onslaught, ensued the race to find the vaccine to combat this new illness.

Early in the race Pfizer in their partnership with BioNTech, came up as one of the companies leading the race.

The CEO of Pfizer is Albert Bourla, described as a "Greek businessman" from the famous Greek city of Thessaloniki. But as one dwelt futher into the matter, its was rather plain that mr Bourla was actually Jewish, hailing from Thessaloniki's Jewish community. (It should here be reminded that it is the same Jewish community that France's fanatically pro-Israel former President Nicolas Sarkozy traces his roots.)

Already in November 2020 the fact of Bourla's Jewishness was published by the main Jewish news outlets, for instance the Jewish Telegraphic Agency (JTA): "Israel signs COVID vaccine deal days after Netanyahu noted how Pfizer CEO is 'proud' of his Jewish heritage" (JTA, November 13, 2020):

“This is a great day for the State of Israel and a great day on the way to our victory over the coronavirus,” Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said in a statement Friday, adding that he is working “to ensure that we will receive the vaccine together with the leading countries around the world and that we will not get pushed back in line.”
The announcement came days after Netanyahu said in a video address that Israel would be able to sign a deal with Pfizer in part because the company’s CEO, Albert Bourla, told Netanyahu he is proud to be Jewish.
“Albert Bourla is very proud of his Greek heritage and of his Jewish heritage, from Thessaloniki,” Netanyahu said. “After this conversation, which was very productive and very practical, I’m convinced we will complete the contract with Pfizer.”

So according to the JTA article and Netanyahu himself, part of the reason for the deal was that Bourla was "proud to be Jewish".

Imagine the furor if a similar deal would have been made where you could see that Italy - the seat of the Christian Pope - as an example, would get a special stash of lifesaving medication from a company, partly becase the CEO himself was "proud to be Christian"!

After this announcement, mr Bourla's attachement to Judaism and the Jewish state of Israel became even more apparent.

During the December 2020 Hanukkah celebrations, Bourla even appeared with the Jewish skullcap - the kippah/yarmulke - in a joint session with the Israeli Embassy, lighting Hanukkah candels.

And the Israeli Embassy tweeted triumphantly:


The event was also noted in The Times of Israel, in the article: "Pfizer CEO, son of Holocaust survivors, joins Israeli embassy Hanukkah lighting" (The Times of Israel, December 17, 2020):

Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla lit the Hanukkah candles at a virtual ceremony organized by the Israeli embassy in Washington on Wednesday evening, just days after his pharmaceutical corporation received the final go-ahead to distribute its coronavirus vaccine across the US.
Introducing Bourla, Ambassador Ron Dermer pointed out that the business executive is also the son of Holocaust survivors, as his parents were among the few Jews from Thessaloniki, Greece to survive the horrors perpetrated by the Nazis.
“Seventy-five years after the Nazis murdered millions, Dr. Bourla is today leading the race to save millions,” Dermer said, lauding Pfizer for being the first corporation to develop a COVID-19 vaccine, which will be distributed to countries around the world, including Israel.
In brief remarks before lighting the candles, Bourla noted that Hanukkah is “the story of great determination in face of adversity,” and also “the story of the possible becoming possible.”


Then followed Israel's criminal mafioso leader, Benjamin "Bibi" Netanyahu, pushing the Jewish levers on Albert Bourla, to secure the first shipments of the newly produced vaccine, in advance of the non-Jewish nations. Netanyahu boasted that he called Bourla multiple times, to get Israel the newly produced staches.

Bourla himself admitted in The Times of Israel article "Pfizer CEO hails ‘obsessive’ Netanyahu for calling 30 times to seal vaccine deal" (The Times of Israel, 11 March 2021):

Impressed with Netanyahu’s vaccine ‘obsession’
In the interview, Bourla said it was “very appropriate for humanity” that one country be chosen as a testing ground for the efficacy of Pfizer’s vaccine.
“I was talking with several heads of state. I spoke with your prime minister, he convinced me that Israel is the place with the right conditions,” Bourla said. “I was impressed, frankly, with the obsession of your prime minister. He called me 30 times.”

The paper then continued to tell that Bourla in person even was about to travel to the Jewish state, Israel:
Bourla, the Greek-born son of Holocaust survivors, was set to arrive in Israel on March 8, just 15 days before the March 23 election, but last week delayed the trip.
“It was quite complicated as a trip… in the middle of the pandemic the logistics weren’t always perfect, so we decided I’ll stay here,” he said in the interview.
There had been earlier speculation that the trip had been postponed to avoid appearing to influence the national vote. Netanyahu has repeatedly touted his personal rapport with Bourla as a major reason Israel was able to secure large quantities of coronavirus vaccines so quickly.
Bourla confirmed receiving letters imploring him not to visit Israel ahead of the elections, as well as letters telling him to go through with the trip.

In the Swedish daily Expressen, run by the Jewish Bonnier family/media clan, the paper's Jewish Israel reporter, Arne Lapidus (also a former editor of Judisk Krönika), revealed that "Netanyahu has personally called the vaccine manufacturer Pfizer's CEO dozens of times - and says he once reached him at two o'clock at night" (Expressen, 25 December 2020).

So the Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu even has the audacity/chutzpah to phone the CEO of a world leading company in the middle of the night, to use his Jewish/Israeli influence. All this according to the old Zionist dogma that every Jew is an Israeli citizen, and that their government is actually that of Israel, even if they live abroad among the non-Jews, in the so called "Diaspora".

Bourla has since reiterated his Zionist pro-Israel stance. In April 2021 Pfizer CEO Bourla was invited to speak at Israel's Independence Day ceremony tribute in Jerusalem (see video below from the event), where Bourla said that he took "immense pride in Israel":

I am honoured that you have chosen to pay tribute to Pfizer at this Independence Day ceremony. Along with Jews around the world I take immense pride in Israel. Pride in the fact that Israel is there for Jews everywhere, for us and for our children. [...] I want to thank Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu [...].

It is also important to add that the head scientist at Pfizer is the Swedish-American Jew Mikael Dolsten. The Times of Israel article "Mikael Dolsten, Jewish immigrant and top Pfizer scientist, hails US melting pot" (The Times of Israel, 17 November 2020) noted boastingly that:

Dolsten, who moved to the New York area from Sweden in 2004, is far from the only Jewish immigrant in his field. In fact, Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla is a Jew from Thessaloniki, Greece. The chief medical officer for Moderna, a competing drugmaker that announced Monday that its COVID-19 vaccine was nearly 95% effective, is an Israeli immigrant named Tal Zaks.

Concluding remarks

So here we have the sum up of how Israel and the Jews got to know about the virus in advance, how they got to secure the protective gear via their clandestine organization, the Mossad, and how they used Jewish influence to secure shipments of vital pharmaceutical products, way ahead of the non-Jewish majority of the World.

Note that this is the case where we know what happened as the Jews chose to reveal it in official publications. The deeper and more troubling questions is; In which other instances have similar special fast lanes for Jewish exclusivity, Sonderbehandlung/Special treatment of Jews, been used, at the non-Jews' expense?

Because there is always someone who will suffer from this injustice, as it is always a "zero-sum game", a game that according to its definition, as provided by Wikipedia, has the following stipulations:

In game theory and economic theory, a zero-sum game is a mathematical representation of a situation in which each participant's gain or loss of utility is exactly balanced by the losses or gains of the utility of the other participants. If the total gains of the participants are added up and the total losses are subtracted, they will sum to zero. Thus, cutting a cake, where taking a larger piece reduces the amount of cake available for others as much as it increases the amount available for that taker, is a zero-sum game if all participants value each unit of cake equally.





Some other Jewish actors on the COVID vaccine scene

As mentioned above we have Dr. Tal Saks, Moderna’s Chief Medical Officer. Israeli paper The Jerusalem Post noted in its article "Who are the Jews behind the coronavirus vaccines?" (17 November 2020):

[...] Moderna’s chief medical officer, Dr. Tal Zaks, is an Israeli who received his doctorate from Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, and gives interviews in Hebrew to the Israeli media.

Tal Saks

Samuel Langer, Jewish founder of Moderna.
Picture taken from the Jewish site Juifs célèbres ("Famous Jews")

The man behind Russia's COVID-vaccine effort Sputnik V is the Russian Jew Alexander Gintsburg, director of the Gamaleya Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology in Moscow.

Alexander Gintsburg

French Jew Serge Weinberg, chairman of the investment firm Weinberg Capital Partners, is also independent Director of the French pharmaceutical company Sanofi. It should be noted that mr Weinberg also is a member of the ultra-Zionist Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). The subsidiary company Sanofi Pasteur is a major vaccine producer, also taking part in the global race to produce a COVID-vaccine.

Serge Weinberg

(David Loew, most probable also a Jew, was until recently CEO of Sanofi Pasteur Vaccines but has since July 2020 moved to another company.)

Also we should not miss out mentioning Jeremy Levin, the Jew who sits as Chairman of BIO - the global Biotechnology Innovation Organization, the world's largest advocacy association that represents the biotechnology industry.

Jeremy Levin

Jeremy Levin represents the pharmaceutical megabusiness corporations. As such, he got into panic mode in May 2021 - as India was suffering under the murderous Delta-variant's onslaught - and voices were raised in India and all over the world, that President Biden and the U.S. should waive COVID-19 vaccine patents, effectively sharing "the secret sauce" recipes, the argument being that the waive would allow other countries to produce the vaccines on their own and thus vaccinate more people.

But mr. Levin, fearing the raised objections to this U.S. hegemony, presented all kinds of arguments why this would not be benificial to Mankind (i.e. the companies that he represents).

It should here be noted that South African-born Jew Jeremy Levin has a background as CEO of Israel's largest commercial company and one of the world’s largest drug manufacturers, Teva Pharmaceuticals.

UK's The Jewish Chronicle in an article with the title "Meet Jeremy Levin, the new head of drugs firm Teva" (May 17, 2012), thus informs us:

Jeremy Levin has a big task on his hands. The former Londoner has moved to Israel to become boss of the country’s largest company. [...]
Dr Levin has visited Israel dozens of times over the years, including a period as a young man working in a kibbutz cowshed. His Hebrew is already impressive but he feels improvement is needed before he will be able to manage meetings in the language. He and his wife Margery are enjoying life in central Tel Aviv where they rent a flat.

* * *

Here - once again - we have people representing a group that comprises some 0,2% of Humanity and who label themselves as "God's Chosen People", deciding over the other 99,8%, the non-Jews/Gentiles, or Goyim as the Jews call the World's majority.

And who benefits from these strategic decisions - decisions of Life vs Death and Suffering - we let you, the reader, decide...

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- David Ben-Gurion, Israeli Prime Minister

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