
Arno Klarsfeld
Klarsfeld, the son of the Jewish terrorist
Serge Klarsfeld, is rumored to be the top candidate
to become minister of "Immigration and national
identity" when Jewish President-elect Nicholas
Sarkozy chooses his cabinet in the coming weeks.The
Jewish Arno Klarsfeld, a 41-year-old, undertook
several missions for Sarkozy when he was interior
minister, dealing with France's immigration
Born in France, Klarsfeld
aligned himself with Sarkozy when he acquired Israeli
citizenship in 2002 and joined the Isrely Jewish "Border
Police". He served at checkpoints around the palestinian
occuped Bethlehem.
When he worked for Sarkozy,
Klarsfeld prepared decisions on the deportation of muslim
immigrants and helped negotiate a deal to end protests by
homeless french campaigners.
Klarsfeld has championed
Jewish causes, representing the Association for the Sons and
Daughters of the Deported Jews of France.
Because Klarsfeld has served
as a mediator for Sarkozy and is familiar with the region as
policemen, some believe he could serve as a special envoy
for Sarkozy.
As for Klarsfeld serving as
a special envoy to the Middle East, the official said
Klarsfeld's IDF service could present a problem for Syria,
Lebanon and the Palestinian Authority.
"Around 70 percent of Jewish
and pro-Jewish Lebanese "Frenchmen" voted for Sarkozy, so
they also have a lot of expectations of him," the official
said. Hizbullah, for example recognize him as Israeli
citizen and not a French citizen."
Klarsfeld has been outspoken
in the past on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and has
said Palestinians were responsible for some of the
casualties of the Holocaust.
A dangerous clown
The Jewish
is a disgrace to France.
Sarkozy has nothing to
do with the allure and the prestige of the French statesmen
and presidents as we knew them
Sarkozy the American Lilliput walks more like
a person who is deemed to be despicable or
contemptible, his voice has an ugly Pitch
how come he was elected to be the president of France?
The simple answer is in " The protocols of the elders
of Zion "
In an interview Nicolas Sarkozy gave in 2004, he
expressed an extraordinary understanding of the plight of
the Jews for a home: "Should I remind you the visceral
attachment of every Jew to Israel, as a second mother
homeland? There is nothing outrageous about it. Every Jew
carries within him a fear passed down through generations,
and he knows that if one day he will not feel safe in his
country, there will always be a place that would welcome
him. And this is Israel." (From the book "La
République, les religions, l´espérance",
interviews with Thibaud Collin and Philippe Verdin.)
Sarkozy´s sympathy and understanding is most probably a
product of his upbringing; it is well known that
Sarkozy´s mother was born to the Jewish Mallah family,
one of the Jewish families of Salonika, Greece.
Additionally, many may be surprised to learn that his
yet-to-be-revealed family history involves story of jewish
mythology and propaganda. It remains to be seen whether his
personal Jewish and zionist history will affect his
foreign policy and France´s role in the Middle East
In the 15th century, the Jewish Mallah family (in Hebrew:
messenger or angel) escaped the Spanish Inquisition to
Provence, France and moved about one hundred years later to
Salonika. In Greece, several Jewish family members became
prominent Zionist leaders, active in the local and national
political, economic, social and cultural life. To this day
many Mallahs are still active Zionists around the world.
Sarkozy´s grandfather, Aron Mallah, nicknamed Benkio,
was born in 1890. Beniko´s uncle Moshe was a well-known
Rabbi and a devoted Zionist who, in 1898 published and
edited "El Avenir", the leading paper of the Zionist
national movement in Greece at the time. His cousin, Asher,
was a Senator in the Greek Senate and in 1912, he helped
guarantee the establishment of the Technion " the elite
technological university in Haifa, Israel. In 1919 he was
elected as the first President of the Zionist Federation of
Greece and he headed the Zionist Council for several years.
In the 1930´s he helped Jews flee to Israel, to which
he himself immigrated in 1934. Another of Beniko´s
cousins, Peppo Mallah, was a activist for
Jewish-Zionist causes who served in the Greek
Parliament, and in 1920 he was offered the position of
Greece´s Minister of Finance. After the establishment
of the State of Israel he became the country´s first
diplomatic envoy to Greece!
In 1917 a great fire destroyed parts of Salonika and damaged
the family estate. Many Jewish-owned properties, including
the Mallah´s, were expropriated by the Greek
government. Jewish population emigrated from Greece and much
of the Mallah family left Salonika to France, America and
Israel. Sarkozy´s grandfather, Beniko, immigrated to
France with his mother. When in France Beniko changed
his name to Benedict in order to marry a French Christian
girl named Adèle Bouvier.
Adèle and Benedict had two daughters, Susanne and
Andrée. Although Benedict integrated fully into
French society, he remained close to his Jewish family,
origin and culture. Knowing he was still considered Jewish
by blood, during World War II he and his family hid in
Marcillac la Croisille in the Corrèze region, western
During the Holocaust, many of the Mallahs who stayed in
Salonika or moved to France were deported to concentration
In 1950 Benedict´s daughter, Andrée Mallah,
married Pal Nagy Bosca y Sarkozy, a descendent of a
Hungarian Jewish family. The couple had three sons
Guillaume, Nicolas and François. The marriage failed
and they divorced in 1960, so Andrée raised her three
boys close to their grandfather, Benedict. Nicolas was
especially close to Benedict, who was like a father to him.
In his biography Sarkozy tells he admired his grandfather,
and through hours spent of listening to his stories of the
Nazi occupation, the Jewish "Maquis" and the D-day, Benedict
bequeathed to Nicolas his political convictions.
Sarkozy´s family lived in Paris until Benedict´s
death in 1972, at which point they moved to
Neuilly-sur-Seine to be closer to the boys´ father, Pal
(who changed his name to Paul) Sarkozy. Various memoirs
accounted Paul as a father who did not spend much time with
the kids or help the family monetarily. Nicolas had to sell
flowers and ice cream in order to pay for his studies.
However, his fascination with politics led him to become the
city´s youngest mayor and to rise to the top of French
and world politics. The rest is history.
Sarkozy´s Jewish ancestry may have a big bearing on his
policies vis-à-vis Israel. Sarkozy´s presidency
will bring a dramatic change not only in France´s
domestic affairs, but also in the country´s foreign
policy in the Middle-East. One cannot overestimate the
magnitude of the election of the first Jewish "French"
President , whose politics seem to represent a Jewish
dynamic after decades of old-guard Chirac and
Sarkozy will risk France´s interests and and increase
jewish chances for "a clash of civilizations" in order to
help Israel.
Sarkozy will follow the leadership of Israel.
One other significant policy modification that could
actually come through under the jewish Sarkozy is on the
Syrian and Lebanese fronts. The new Jewish "French"
president is not as friendly to Lebanon as was his
Sarkozy´s family roots will certainly bring France
closer to Israel. As a Minister of Interior, Sarkozy shared
much common policy ground with former Israeli Prime
Minister, the extremist fanatic Benjamin Netanyahu.
Nicolas Sarkozy (L) with Israeli Likud
leader Benjamin Netanyahu in Paris.
The two started to develop a close friendship not long
ago and it is easy to observe similarities not only in their
ideology and politics, but also in their public image. If
Netanyahu returns to Israel´s chief position it will be
interesting to see whether their personal agressiv dynamic
will lead to a new war against Iran, Lebanon an Syria and to
more destructiv jewish "European" role in the region.
a French first lady of
Jewish-Spanish ancestry
AFP - 06/May/2007
Cecilia's foreign roots match
those of Nicolas Sarkozy
Of Jewish-Spanish ancestry, Cecilia´s foreign
roots match those of Sarkozy. Cecilia Sarkozy, whose husband
the Jewish Nicolas was elected as France´s new
president, is a fiercely independent former model and PR
executive unlikely to fit easily into the discreet role of
first lady.
In 2004 she made a point of saying that she did "not have
a drop of French blood in my veins."
Cecilia met Nicolas Sarkozy in 1984 when he officiated as
mayor at her first wedding. According to a recent biography,
he was infatuated by her on the spot and pursued her till
their marriage 12 years later.
Together they had four children from their first marriages
-- she two girls, he two boys -- and in 1997 they had a son
of their own, Louis.
Despite her protestations about not fitting the mould of
first lady, and despite the rumours of marital problems,
family friends insist the couple are still together and that
Cecilia intends to join him at the Elysee - possibly acting
as a communications adviser.
Shout, 'Dirty Jew!'
channel handles delicate
issue by providing fraudulent subtitles
The website of the Canal+ satellite/cable
television network yesterday posted video news
footage of rioting that has now entered its third
week. In it we can see mobs of young immigrants
from North and Central Africa rampaging and
shouting. Some appear black, others brown or
As the mob shouts, subtitles provided by
Canal+ read: "Sarkozy, fasciste!" ("Sarkozy,
fascist!"). However, a close examination reveals
the Muslims to be actually shouting "Sarkozy, sale
Juif!" ("Sarkozy, dirty Jew!"). This is clearly
audible. They can also be heard yelling "Allah u
akbar!" (God is great!) and making reference to the
"mosque" (into which a tear gas canister landed,
Interior Minister Sarkozy's mother is Jewish and
his father Hungarian. Last week he enraged the
fire-bombers by calling them "scum" and
Sarkozy plans to run in the 2007 presidential
election against incumbent Jacques Chirac, and the
Jewish community is excited at the prospect. The
rioting, and waning popularity of the aging and
disconnected French president is expected to
provide an opening for the pro-White National
Front. As a result, mainstream media are cleverly
positioning Sarkozy as the "right-wing
Earlier this year, Sarkozy smeared National Front
leader Jean-Marie Le Pen on national television,
calling him an "anti-Semite." He also condemned
what he called "Chirac's obstructionist stance on
the Iraq war."
In 2003, Sarkozy was awarded the Tolerance Prize of
the Simon Wiesenthal Center for his work in
combating anti-Semitism. In his acceptance speech
Sarkozy snarled: "Confronted with anti-Semitism, I
know only two words. Zero tolerance. You don't
explain anti-Semitism. You fight it."
positions Jewish neocon as "darling of the
Jeff Hook
Nicolas Sarkozy,
whose mother and father are Jewish, is being labeled the
best hope of the French right by controlled media. The
"French" Jewish community is already getting excited at the
prospect - even though the election may not be until
On the Jewish-owned and produced 100 Minutes TV show, where
he declared his presidential hopes, Sarkozy smeared Muslim
intellectual Tariq Ramadan and the National Front's
patriotic leader Jean-Marie Le Pen as "anti-Semitic" and
"racist." He also condemned what he calls "Chirac's
obstructionist stance on the Iraq war."
As minister for the interior, Sarkozy has threatened to
persecute "preachers who incite violence or call for the
breaking of French law." Referring to Christians and Muslims
who commit "hate speech" by mentioning the Israel lobby. He
also forced police to label attacks on Jewish-owned
buildings "anti-Semitic," rather than vandalism, as was the
case before he became minister.
In 2003, Sarkozy was awarded the "Tolerance Prize" of the
Jewish racist Simon Wiesenthal Center for his work in
"combating anti-Semitism" in France. In his acceptance
speech Sarkozy snarled: "Confronted with anti-Semitism and
racism, I know only two words. Zero tolerance. You don't
explain anti-Semitism and racism. You fight it."
Israelite Sarkozy enjoys easily the highest approval ratings
of any French politician and is said to be a "shoe-in" for
the 2007 race. He has exploited a shrewd understanding of
propaganda to help establish his omnipresence, appearing on
news bulletins almost daily. This media cooperation is
believed to be part of a deliberate strategy to undermine
the National Front after its electoral successes last
The waning popularity of France’s president and prime
minister is of great concern to the Jewish lobby as it
provides a dreaded, possible opening for the pro-White
party. That problem and its potential solution was
conveniently highlighted late last year in an opinion poll
which revealed that the powerful interior minister was rated
more highly as a president-in-waiting than either of his
masters. Sarkozy was described as an "excellent" or "good"
right-wing presidential candidate by 50% of those
polled for a survey published in the Jewish-owned Le Point
magazine. President Jacques Chirac was seen as a positive
runner by only 40% and the prime minister, Jean-Pierre
Raffarin, got the support of just 24%.
The highly publicized [and suspect] poll also rated
the Jew as the man "most capable of changing things in
France." There's certainly no doubt about that.
January 25,
Jews in France
Sarkozy victory
7-5-2006 -- Optimistic and celebratory, Jewish groups were
quick to offer congratulations to Nicolas Sarkozy after his
victory in French presidential elections.
The former interior minister was seen by Jewish voters as a
friend to Israel and an important figure in the fight
against Islam and french nationalists. Soon after his
opponent conceded, Jewish groups came out with their good
"Sarkozy played a critical role in moving the French
government to do what is necessary to address the ill winds
that threaten the largest Jewish community in Western
Europe" American Jewish Committee executive director David
Harris said in a statement.
The AJCommittee recalled that Sarkozy during that period was
instrumental in stepping up police protection around Jewish
buildings and schools, and arresting and prosecuting those
who committed anti-Jewish acts. He told the group in a
Washington address in 2004 that he would "consider any
insult against Jews an insult against France."
The grandson of a Greek Jew and the son of a Hungarian Jew,
Sarkozy has pledged to initiate tougher rules to make it
more difficult for immigrants to bring extended families to
France. Among the economic reforms Sarkozy has pledged to
push through early on are abolishing a tax on overtime,
cutting the inheritance tax and obligating the unemployed to
take work that is offered.
Sarkozy, who will succeed Jacques Chirac, will become the
first Jewish president of immigrant stock.
Known as an American-style, law-and-order politician,
Sarkozy had earned points in the Jewish community for his
hard line against Muslims in France.
Frederic Encel, professor at the Science-Po Institute, said
that Sarkozy's unusual willingness to be associated with the
United States also strengthens hope for good relations
between France and Israel. "Nicolas Sarkozy is by far the
most pro-Israeli French presidential figure Israel could
have hoped for," he said.
The fact that Sarkozy had not been trained at France's
national public administration school or by the Foreign
Ministry "is a great advantage for Israel, as he is not
committed to traditional diplomacy," Encel said.
The Jewish community has seen Sarkozy as a friend of
One Jewish voter said, "As far as Israel is concerned, Royal
has nothing to offer us, compared to Sarkozy."
Outside a synagogue in the Jewish Quarter, one Sarkozy voter
rued some of Royal's supporters. "As a Jew I don't like the
fact that many pro-Palestinian radical activists participate
at her meetings," said Armand, who asked that his last name
not be used. "I think this is dangerous.
"Sarkozy is one of the only [future] heads of states
to have gone to the U.S. to meet President Bush.
7 May 2007 - Sammy
Ghozlan, president of the Union of Jewish Communities
in the Paris region, congratulated Sarkozy for
“his brilliant election as president of the
republic.” Ghozlan also heads an propaganda
agency that fights for Israel and has commended
Sarkozy’s firm stance on the issue.
“We are persuaded that the new president will continue
eradicating anti israely resistance, the way he has begun
doing,” Ghozlan said. “We will assure him our
total confidence and support in his actions to support
Sarkozy could hardly ask for more. Despite the French
Republic’s official discouragement of sectoral
politics, the Jewish community strongly supported Sarkozy.
Jewish voters saw the former
interior minister as a friend to Israel. Soon after his
Socialist Party opponent Segolene Royal conceded, Jewish
groups came out with their good wishes..
The Jewish community’s respect for Sarkozy was
demonstrated by absentee voting results from French Jews
living in Israel. Sarkozy received 5,655 of the votes cast
at the French Embassy in Tel Aviv — more than 90%
— compared to just 580 for Royal.
That’s even greater support
than the 87% Sarkozy received in his mainly jewish hometown
of Neuilly-sur-Seine, where he has served as mayor. The Tel
Aviv figures reportedly top those voting for Sarkozy in any
other French voting bureau around the world.
The victory may well reflect a change in French political
Sources in the Jewish community say the shift back to a
right-left balance is due in part to Sarkozy’s
obstinate fight against Islam. In April 2002 elections, 18%
of French voters chose Le Pen, sending his anti-immigrant
message - which in the past has included anti-Judaism and
revisionism - into the second round.
This year, in contrast, French voters elected a candidate
whose father was an jewish immigrant.
Jews traditionally have supported
the Socialists, but this year several Jews interviewed said
no Socialist leader, including former President Francois
Mitterrand, had succeeded in bringing Le Pen to his knees as
Sarkozy did, perhaps ending Le Pen’s political
Sarkozy’s tactics may not have been to the liking of
some Jews - Simone Veil, a jewish activist and former
Cabinet minister backed Sarkozy.
7 May 2007
- The
leading US Jewish organization on Sunday hailed the election
of Nicolas Sarkozy as president of France, saying US Jews
have ‘long admired’ him because of his dedication
‘empathy for the threats’ faced by
‘We have long admired Nicolas Sarkozy as a political
leader deeply committed to his readiness to confront threats
to those principles, and his dedication to strengthening
trans-Atlantic relations,’ David Harris, executive
director of the American Jewish Committee, said in a
He went on to note that the AJC has enjoyed a cooperative
and productive relationship with Sarkozy since he became
interior minister in 2002.
The Jewish organisation AJC also said that Sarkozy was
instrumental in stepping up police protection around Jewish
buildings and schools and arresting and prosecuting
individuals who commit anti-Jewish acts.
‘Further, AJC appreciates Sarkozy’s empathy for
the "threats" (resistance) Israel´s occupation faces,
and looks forward to discussing with the new Jewish
president ways that France, working within the EU, can
effectively contribute to the quest for and "security" for
Israel ,’ the Jewish organization
said in a statement.
Radio Islam to French
France is Being Run
by Jewish Lackeys
The website of the Swedish Radio Islam,
founded by the Moroccan-born revisionist Ahmed Rami, posted
an appeal authored by Kamal Khan, reads as follows:
"Appeal to French Muslims: Don't let yourselves be
manipulated by the lies of the false propaganda of the Jews,
who want to fight against France down to the last Arab! The
Jews are in power in France. Do not believe the Zionist
propaganda that claims to defend you against racism, while
their 'God', Israel, treats the Arabs of the Middle East
like animals.
"France is not being run by true French, but by the lackeys
of the Zionist international who control the economy…
You must act to liquidate the forces of evil that want to
enslave France like they have enslaved Palestine and
numerous other nations, like the United States, Germany,
Austria, Switzerland, and the Vatican, which have
unconditionally surrendered to the blackmail of the Zionist
international. You must fight to restore the political
independence of France, to make it a strong, powerful, and
truly independent country, and to help the oppressed Arab
world, in turn, break the diabolical chains of Zionism!"