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Jewish Media Influence in Sweden
The Bonnier Family - Peter Hjörne - Helle Klein - Robert Aschberg
About "Jewish Media Influence in Scandinavia": Main part of this article was copied from letters to the Jewish Tribal Review.
We have tried to put it into a more reader friendly form, we have omitted some, added some, and formatted.

The Bonnier family (Jewish)

Gutkind Hirschel came to Denmark from Germany in 1801. He changed his name to Gerhard Bonnier and settled in Sweden about 25 years later. Biography

Listing of some Bonnier owned companies:

Brimax, a UK children’s book publisher, Autumn Publishing Ltd,

Medicine Today International AB
Dagens Medicin, in Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland and Poland.

AS Diena, which publishes the leading morning newspaper and regional newspapers in Latvia.

The Mastiff Media Holding AB production company was merged with MTV Produktion AB.

Bonnier Radio AB:
SBS Radio AB, Mix Megapol, Radio City, Vinyl, Rockklassiker and E-FM.

Teknik i Media i Sverige AB

Econ/Ullstein/List, one of the major publishing houses in Germany.

Dun & Bradstreet operations in Sweden, Denmark, Norway and Finland.

Bonnier Magazine Group publishes magazines in four segments, specialist magazines, lifestyle, business and industry magazines. The magazines are issued in 11 countries, of which publishing operations are conducted in four: Sweden, Denmark, Spain and Poland.

Illustrerad Vetenskap, Gör Så Här, Allt om Mat and Amelia, Komputer för alla and crossword magazines in Sweden. Bo Bedre Norge, Debut, DigitalFoto för Alla, Leva!, Mama and Ruby.

Svensk Filmindustri, SF Bio, Home Entertainment and Bonnier Radio in Sweden, LNK TV in Lithuania and Bonnier Amigo Music Group.

Bonnier Business Press publishes business newspapers in nine countries:
Dagens Industri in Sweden, Børsen in Denmark, Äripäev in Estonia, Dienas Bizness in Latvia, Verslo Zinios in
Lithuania, Delevoj Peterburg in Russia, Puls Biznesu in Poland, Wirtschafts Blatt in Austria and Finance in Slovenia.

Bonnier Newspapers:
Dagens Nyheter, Sydsvenska Dagbladet, Expressen including GT and Kvällsposten, Stockholm City, Skånemedia, with Ystads Allehanda, Trelleborgs Allehanda and Kristianstadsbladet.

The business area also includes partly owned newspaper holdings in Poland (50 %) and Latvia (83,5 %), as well as Bold Printing Group (a Swedish daily newspaper printing group), Pressens Bild (image service) and 50 percent of Pressens Morgontjänst (newspaper delivery service).

Bonnier AB is a wholly owned subsidiary of AB Bonnierföretagen, which is a wholly owned subsidiary of Bonnier Holding AB, a subsidiary of Albert Bonnier AB.

This (shortened) listing was extracted from the company's more detailed information in BONNIER AB Interim Report January-August 2003.pdf.

Jewish media takeover

Leif Pagrotsky
Leif Pagrotsky
Leif Pagrotsky is the Jewish Swedish minister of Culture and Education

He is the only one who could stop the Jewish media giants Bonnier and Proventus from taking over Alma Media. (Anti trust laws).

But Pagrotsky already said he approved of what he called "more diversity" in the Swedish media.

When Bonnier found out there was another potential non-Jewish buyer; Schibsted, they quickly got support from the Jewish Billionaire Robert Weil so they could secure complete Jewish media dominance in Sweden. 
Bonnier (The Bonnier Group)

The TV Station LNK, is owned by the Jewish Bonnier family, based in Sweden.

Bonnier is a taken name; originally the family was named Hirschel.
Not only is the Bonnier family Jewish and not only do they own LNK, but they are the by far most influential media group in Sweden and in Finland. They are very influential in Denmark as well. They are also involved in the Baltic countries (LNK in Lithuania) the UK, Germany, Poland and other countries.

Of the seven largest daily newspapers in Sweden, the seven with a daily circulation of over 100,000, the Bonnier family owns four, Dagens Nyheter (the Daily News), Expressen (the Express), Sydsvenska Dagbladet (the Southern Swedish Daily News) and Dagens Industri (the Industry of Today).

The largest of the private TV channels in Sweden is TV4.

The Bonnier family directly holds 21,6% of TV4 and through their ownership of the Finnish based Alma media company they hold an additional 23,4%, totalling 45% which amounts to a virtual control.

As head of TV4 we find Jan Scherman (Jewish). Jan Scherman's daughter Clara Scherman is chief buyer for TV4. A man with an (Jewish?) Hungarian name Hans Isoz heads TV4 Vision.

Through Alma Media, Bonnier also controls MTV3, the most popular channel in Finland with 39,1% of the total viewing time (in 2001) and Subtv, the third largest commercial television channel in Finland, aiming mainly at young adults.

Bonnier also employs the Jews Sven Irving (now TV4 News), Artur Ringart (TV4) and Peter Sommerstein (Sydsvenska Dagbladet).

In Finland, Bonnier owns 23% of MTV in that country. In Finland, Bonnier controls the leading daily Iltalehti and Kauppalehti, Finland's largest business media with a circulation of 85.000 per day. Bonnier controls the printing house Lehdentekijät, that produces 40 regularly published magazines in Finland. In addition to that they own five regional papers, 15 local papers and nine free-distribution papers in Finland alone. They further control the Baltic News Service, the leading news bureau in the Baltic region, providing the world with news about the Baltic with a Bonnier touch.

Peter Hjörne (Jewish)

Beside the Bonnier family in Sweden there is the Peter Hjörne (real name Kaplan), owner and chief editor of Göteborgs-Posten (the Gothenburg Post; GP), the fourth largest newspaper in Sweden with a circulation of 253,700, reaching 600,000 readers daily. GP is furthermore the only newspaper in Sweden's second largest city, Gothenburg. Hjörne is also the owner of two local newspapers, Bohuslänningen (32.400) and Strömstads tidning (5,200); both distributed in the Swedish north-west coast area. In addition he controls 22% of Liberala tidningars konsortium (the consortium of liberal newspapers) and thereby Nerike Allehanda (The eighth largest newspaper in Sweden with a circulation of 66,300), Motala Tidning/Vadstena Tidning (12,800), Bergslagsposten (10,600) and Nya Ludvika tidning (9,500). Finally he also holds 9% of Hallandsposten (31,000). Peter Hjörne is the son of a sister of another infuential Swedish Media Jew: Per Gyllenhammer (former top boss of Volvo).

Hjörne pays schoolchildren to watch Jewish propaganda

Hjörne is a part of the old Jewish establishment in Gothenburg and has his way to influence the Gentiles of that city. For instance, when the Jew Steven Spielberg's movie Schindler's List reached the screens Hjörne personally paid so all senior high school students would see it. 
The Bonnier family owns 30% and Hjörne owns 10% of The Swedish News-agency Tidningarnas Telegrambyrå (the Swedish Central News Agency), the main news source for the none-local news stories in most minor papers in Sweden.

Robert Aschberg (Jewish) owns the largest production company in Sweden called Strix Television and produces programs for every major channel, especially TV3 where almost all programs that aren't Hollywood produced sitcoms, talk shows (Ricky Lake and Jerry Springer [Both are Jewish]) or bad movies come from Strix. It was Strix, by the way, that first came up with the idea of the show Survivor, now broadcasted also in the USA.

himself is the head of several of these usually noisy and chaotic shows and has thus been called Sweden's Michel Friedman. His maternal grandfather is the banker Olof Aschberg who helped finance the Russian Revolution and his brother, Richard Aschberg, works at Aftonbladet (the Evening Post). Robert Aschberg is furthermore an important financer of eXpo, a Swedish version of the ADL, even if it is not an exclusively Jewish organization.

Swedish Labour Union & Norwegian Schibstedt Company:
Editor in Chief Helle Klein (Jewish)

The largest newspaper in Sweden is Aftonbladet (the Evening Post), jointly owned by the Swedish Labour Union and the Norwegian Schibstedt company. The chief editor, however, is the Jewess Helle Klein, great granddaughter of the former grand rabbi of Stockholm, Rabbi Gottlieb Klein. Her father, Ernst Klein, is influential in Swedish media as well. 1990-1999 he was the chief editor of Östgöta Correspondenten, the ninth largest newspaper in Sweden, and now he sits on its board. He furthermore is president of Svensk Presshistorisk Förening (Swedish association of press history).

Beside Klein there are several Jewish staffers working at Aftonbladet.

In other words, of the seven largest news papers in Sweden, six are either owned by or edited by Jews.

And please note, there are fewer than 20,000 Jews in Sweden making up roughly 0.2% of the total population. Actually, I could go on and on describing the Jewish media influence in Sweden but I guess you see where I am heading.

Pehr G Gyllenhammar (Jewish)

Pehr G. Gyllenhammar is the director of Kinnevik, which controls TV3, ZTV and the free newspaper Metro.
Gyllenhammar remains speaker for Reuters Founders Share Company.
The Reuters press agency was founded in 1848 by the Jew Paul Julius Reuter, his real name was Israel Beer Josaphat.

Marianne Ahrne
Marianne Ahrne (Jewish)

The Jewish film maker and writer Marianne Ahrne has control over a large part of the Swedish Film Institute's (Svenska Filminstitutet) 50 million kroner ($ 7.4) budget for long films.

She is known to block films which criticize Israel or USA.

The Swedish producer Kjell-Ake Olsson asked for financial support for his film "Grisbrottaren" about the now deceased artist Lars Hillersberg It was turned down because of Hillersberg's "fanatic anti-Americanism and his demonization of Israel”. The film “repetioner”, based on a book by bestselling author Lars Norén got its budget cut because three supposed national socialists voice their opinions in it. Details in Swedish.

Sweden is the most immigration and asylum friendly country in the world

They let virtyually everybody in!
But the Israeli dissident
Mordechai Vannanu

will not be granted asylum here!

Of course this has nothing to do with


Analyzing Jewish influence in Sweden

To analyze the Jewish influence in Sweden is a delicate matter, much due to the fact that the influence in many regards is indirect.

For instance, a couple of years ago (in 1997) a Jewish historian named Stéphane Bruchfeld made an investigation asking Swedish students questions about the Holocaust.

The result of the investigation showed that one third of the student questioned the official version of the Holocaust, something that outraged the media who blamed the Swedish educational system for this.

The government responded by making a decision that 700.000 copies of a book about the Holocaust should be distributed to all students in the country and be sent to manyl households.

The author appointed for writing the book? You might remember his name: Stéphane Bruchfeld. The best part is that after the decision was made, someone noticed that Bruchfeld “accidentally” had misinterpreted the figures of his investigation. Actually very few students questioned the official version of the Holocaust.

Well, Bruchfeld was not very sorry, he had already been appointed to write the book which then was distributed as planned. As a consequence several schools arranged annual theme days with discussions about how Jews have been persecuted and history in school nowadays focus more on the Holocaust than on the Second World War at large.

The actions of Bruchfeld may have been direct, but many of the consequences were indirect. There was no official demand for theme days or more focus on the Holocaust in education, still as this was a direct result of Bruchfeld’s doings and how young Swedes nowadays are learning about the “unique” suffering of Jews during the Second World War is an example of the indirect Jewish influence in our country.

Bruchfeld is by the way engaged in Svenska Kommittén mot Antisemitism (SKMA; the Swedish Committee against Anti-Semitism), a lobbying organization that also “educates” schoolteachers, students and journalists about anti-Semitism, which in practice mean that all criticism of Jews is hate and should be extinguished.

Earlier this week SKMA arranged a two-day seminar called “From prejudice to genocide” and had invited leading journalists from all major media. The two main themes of the seminar were that criticism of Israel in media should be equated with anti-Semitism, which in the end could, or most likely would, end with genocide, and that anti-Semitism among Muslims and Arabs in Sweden is widespread but denied by the anti-Semitic media in Sweden.

Well, of course the anti-Semitic media ruled by the Bonnier family, Peter Hjörne (Kaplan) and Helle Klein responded by denouncing the evil Muslims and Arabs in Sweden that do have the nerve to criticize Jews or the altruistic state of Israel.

I have read the 50 page report released by SKMA during the seminar; The Denied Hatred – Anti-Semitism among Arabs and Muslims in Sweden. I wish I had the time to translate it for you, and I guess you wished you had the time to then actually read it. It expresses some extremely subjective perspectives and exemplifies the particularistic view that so many Jews hold.

The official author of the report, the Gentile Mikael Tossavainen, equates all anti-Semitism with Jew-hate. This is very important when analyzing what he later on refers to as anti-Semitic. For instance, the report claims that the view that Jews somehow could ever contribute to-, or cause an anti-Semitic reaction is in itself anti-Semitism made manifest.

Further, the policies or acts of Israel has nothing at all to do with the reason Arabs or Muslims may dislike Jews, according to the report. All Arabs or Muslims who may dislike or criticize Jews have hated Jews all along anyway. Another amazing suggestion is that anything critical about Judaism as a religion is anti-Semitic. To claim that Jews, according to the Jewish religion, are considered to better then “the nations of the world” or that that there would be anything immoral in the Torah, or any glorification of violence is anti-Semitism.

In other words, if you do claim anything of this you are an anti-Semite and per definition do hate Jews. Great objective scholarship don’t you think? The report also considers Palestinian school-books anti-Semitic since they refer to Israel as the “1948-country”, calls suicide-bombers martyrs, and do not mention the Oslo-accord.

Well, well, what might one add to this discussion regarding Israeli school-books? Then, of course, there is no term for Jewish hatred of Gentiles. Racism? No, Judaism is perfect, remember, anything critical to Jewish behavior or Judaism is anti-Semitism and anti-Semitism is Jew-hatred.

This is the paradigm of Jewish apology, the extremely subjective and contradictory Jewish apology. The logic is that all Gentiles criticizing Jews do so, always, without any real reason except for an irrational, pathologic hatred. These anti-Semitic Gentiles further blame Jews for all the bad things happening to them in the world.

Well, what if we apply that logic to Jews, what do we have? Jews are constantly blaming Gentiles for being anti-Semitic whenever they are having any problems. All the Jew's problems are caused by anti-Semites; at least that is what we are told. The same logic, which Jews claim that anti-Semites are following, is followed by them, themselves, when they express that very claim. Well, I guess we will continue discussing this topic further on in the future. (M)


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