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Opium Lords
Israel, the Golden Triangle, and the Kennedy Assassination

by Salvador Astucia







After President John F. Kennedy was killed in 1963, America became deeply involved in the Vietnam War. Within a few short years, heroin addiction in America reached epidemic proportions. In the background, Israel expanded its borders by force and became a colonial empire ruling a nation of hostile Palestinian subjects. This book reveals how Israel exploited the Western powers’ long history of opium trafficking as a means of toppling the young American president. The following points summarize the information presented:

  • Opium was the glue that held together the rivaling factions that conspired to kill JFK.

  • The main factions in the conspiracy were Zionist instigators, the American Mafia (headed by Jewish mobster Meyer Lansky and his lieutenant, Santo Trafficante), French-Corsican crime syndicates in Marseilles, France and Southeast Asia, and the US military.

  • Heroin smuggling was first introduced in the United States in the 1920s by Jewish gangsters such as Meyer Lansky, "Legs" Diamond, and "Dutch" Schultz.

  • One of the reasons President Johnson escalated US involvement in Southeast Asia was because the American Mafia and French-Corsican heroin traffickers needed a new source of opium for their heroin factories. Turkey had been the main source, but its government was about to eradicate opium production.

  • Joseph Kennedy, Sr’s three sons were viewed as a new American dynasty that threatened Israel’s plans to expand its borders. The Kennedy Dynasty would last until 1985 if each son served two terms in the White House. It is widely known that Joseph Kennedy Sr developed a strong loathing of Jews from his business dealings with them in finance, Hollywood, and politics.

  • A decree was issued to kill JFK by Nahum Goldmann, founder of the World Jewish Congress and its president in 1963.

  • Louis Bloomfield of Montreal was assigned to set up the coup d’état. He was an influential international lawyer with an extensive espionage background (e.g., British intelligence, Haganah, OSS, CIA).

  • Martin Agronsky and other Jewish journalists and media moguls collaborated in the plot by pushing a false cover story that Lee Harvey Oswald alone killed JFK.

  • Right-wing extremists joined the coup initially but broke ranks and declared a holy war against Jews immediately after JFK was killed.

  • The assassins were the lieutenants of French-Corsican heroin trafficker and convicted Nazi collaborator, Auguste Joseph Ricord. He was living in Argentina at the time of the assassination. Later he moved to Paraguay which became a major hub for smuggling heroin into the United States.

  • The assassins were Lucien Sarti, François Chiappe, and Jean-Paul Angeletti—all French-Corsicans.

  • Nixon was driven from office because he destroyed Ricord’s heroin cartel, established détente with the Soviet Union, withdrew forces from Vietnam, and ended the draft.

  • Under Nixon’s orders, police in Mexico City tried to arrest Lucien Sarti—the man who fatally shot JFK in the head. When Sarti fled, Mexican police opened fire. He died in a hail of bullets on April 27, 1972.

  • JFK made enemies within the military establishment and Israel when he attempted to establish détente with the Soviet Union in the summer of 1963. He also wanted to prevent Israel from acquiring the Bomb.

  • JFK was viewed as a threat to Israel because of pro-Hitler statements he wrote in his 1945 diary (later published) and two books: Why England Slept and Profiles in Courage.

  • President Johnson aggressively supported Israel because he and his wife were secretly Jewish.

  • Texas—a former Spanish colony—became a haven for Sephardic Jews expelled from Spain in 1492. Jewish migration continued from other countries in the 19th and 20th Centuries.

Once Kennedy was out of the way, President Johnson began to shift America’s foreign policy dramatically. First of all, he increased military forces in South Vietnam from 16,000 non-combat advisors to over 500,000 draftees by the time he left office in January 1969. Secondly, he joined America and Israel at the hip by increasing financial and military aid and becoming its ally during the Six Day War, an aggressive land-grab that was immediately labeled illegal by the United Nations per Resolutions 242 and later 338. Since then, one president after another has given Israel virtually everything it wants. During Kennedy’s last year in office, in 1963, the United States provided a mere $40 million per year to Israel. Within only two years, President Johnson had increased that amount to $130 million per year, over three times Kennedy’s allowance. Most of the Johnson money was for military buildup. Since Kennedy’s death, the annual subsidy to Israel has grown into the billions (presently about $3 billion per year), but the Johnson administration marked a true turning point.1 In fact, American aid to Israel has far exceeded the total US payments to reconstruct postwar Europe under the Marshall Plan.2



The Truth About the Sixties

From the day President Kennedy was killed, on November 22, 1963, until Lyndon Baines Johnson stepped down as President in January 1969, the United States government was under siege by hardened criminals, carpetbagger politicians, war mongering generals, and ruthless friends of Israel. Their primary goals were threefold: firstly, to fill their pockets with illicit drug money attained from the sale of heroin within the United States and other countries; secondly, to prolong the Vietnam War as a means of smuggling opium from Southeast Asia for large-scale production of heroin which was ultimately smuggled back into the United States; and thirdly, to quietly support Israel’s expansion of its borders into Arab-occupied territories. These three things were the mainstay of American foreign policy throughout the 1960s. The implementers of this policy were the same forces who killed President Kennedy, Martin Luther King, Robert Kennedy, Malcolm X, and countless others.

Ironically, the situation began to change by an unlikely soul. He was a man hated by many for his awkward ways, his lack of charisma, even the way he looked and talked. He was not a handsome man or a skilled orator. He was a streetwise man who often used vulgar language and privately expressed ethnic slurs in a seemingly bigoted manner. But despite his outward character flaws, deep within his spiritual being this man believed strongly in God, loved his mother, his wife and children, and was extremely kind—on a personal level—to almost anyone in need. Unlike President Kennedy, this man was not born into wealth; but like Kennedy, his former adversary, this man had an innate understanding of right and wrong.

Richard M. Nixon assumed the Presidency in January 1969. His campaign had included a war on drugs,3 as many presidents have done since; but Nixon evidently took his anti-drug campaign a bit farther than his successors. He went after Auguste Joseph Ricord, a French Corsican, former Nazi collaborator, and international heroin smuggler.4 Ricord was protected by the hardened criminals, the carpetbagger politicians, the war mongering generals, and the ruthless friends of Israel.5 The same forces who had martyred America’s finest would stage a bloodless coup against President Nixon for attempting to exorcise the demons from America’s possessed soul.6

Nixon’s war on drugs was the impetus that led to Ricord’s arrest in Paraguay on March 25, 1971.7 A diplomatic tug of war ensued between Paraguay and the United States over custody of the wily heroin kingpin. Consequently, Ricord sat in a jail cell in Tacumbu Penitentiary in Asunción, Paraguay for a year and a half while the two governments disputed his custody. Finally in September 1972 Ricord was extradited to the United States and prosecuted for conspiracy to smuggle narcotics into America.8 On December 16, 1972 he was convicted of that crime, and on January 19, 1973, he was sentenced to 20 years in prison and fined $25,000.9

Nixon’s pursuit of Auguste Ricord may have been part of a broader plan to end the war in Vietnam. By breaking up the international heroin cartel, Nixon destroyed one of the main reasons for US involvement in Southeast Asia, but there were others. He also re-opened relations with China and used that alliance as leverage to establish détente between the United States and the Soviet Union in May of 1972.10 Nixon also increased foreign aid to Israel dramatically; he gave the Jewish State about $1.61 billion from 1971 through 1973. That was a huge increase—approximately the same amount that America had given Israel over its entire 22 year history (from 1948 through 1970).11 By doing this, Nixon divided his Jewish enemies. Essentially he bought them off. Nixon further divided his enemies by pushing for a military victory in Vietnam. In December of 1972 he began a relentless bombing campaign of North Vietnam (known as the "Christmas bombing"). This aggressive approach divided the military and was ultimately used to force North Vietnam into serious negotiations in Paris for a peaceful solution to the war. As a result, a peace agreement was soon reached. At that point Nixon withdrew American forces from Vietnam and ended the draft.

It is significant that Nixon’s visit to the Soviet Union occurred just one month before the Watergate burglary which occurred on June 17, 1972.12 The Soviet Union continued to exist until December 1991, but Nixon essentially ended the Cold War in May of 1972 when he and Soviet Premier Leonid Brezhnev signed of the SALT I (the Strategic Arms Limitation Talks) agreement.

Although Nixon has been judged harshly by many, much about his character was revealed in his farewell address to the White House staff on August 9, 1974:


… the greatness comes not when things go always good for you, but the greatness comes when you are really tested, when you take some knocks, some disappointments, when sadness comes, because only if you have been in the deepest valley can you ever know how magnificent it is to be at the highest mountain.

… We want you to continue to serve in Government, if that is your wish. Always give your best, never get discouraged, never be petty; always remember others may hate you, but those who hate you don't win unless you hate them, and then you destroy yourself.

… And so, we leave with high hopes, in good spirit and with deep humility, and with very much gratefulness in our hearts. I can only say to each and every one of you, we come from many faiths, we pray perhaps to different gods, but really the same God in a sense, but I want to say for each and every one of you, not only will we always remember you, not only will we always be grateful to you but always you will be in our hearts and you will be in our prayers.
Thank you very much.


(President Richard M. Nixon13)

The story about to be told is not merely about the death of President John F. Kennedy, it also answers many questions about President Richard M. Nixon, the Watergate Scandal, the Vietnam War, the Six Day War, the corrupt American news media, and the continuing Arab-Israeli conflict that ultimately led to terrorist attacks on America on September 11, 2001. The most troubling aspect of this book is the cynical business of opium smuggling by the Western powers, something that has been going on for nearly two centuries. In fact the West fought two Opium Wars with China in the 19th Century to force China to import opium.(Footnote 1) As a result, China developed a serious addiction problem which continued until the communists took over in 1949 and banned all narcotics. But the practice went underground in the latter half of the 20th Century.14 Consequently, wealthy interests within the Western powers delegated the smuggling of narcotics to international crime syndicates and espionage services.15

Furthermore, heroin smuggling and prostitution were introduced in the United States in the 1920s by Jewish gangsters such as Meyer Lansky, "Legs" Diamond, and "Dutch" Schultz. Those two enterprises had been ignored by the Italian Mafia because of Sicilian traditions which forbade such practices. In the mid-1920s, heroin was banned in the United States. In 1930 a Mafia war broke out regarding the illicit sale of narcotics. Over sixty gangsters were killed and a new generation of leaders emerged with little regard for the traditional code of honor. The leader of the new American Mafia was the legendary Lucky Luciano who forged an alliance between the Italian Mafia and Meyer Lansky's Jewish gangs. This alliance survived for almost 40 years and became the dominant characteristic of organized crime in the United States in the 1960s and 70s.16 This book demonstrates that Israel exploited Meyer Lanksy’s heroin smuggling connections in the United States and abroad as a means of toppling President Kennedy.

To some this book may seem like a painful view of reality; to others it may seem like divine truth; still others may deny the facts completely. Whatever the case may be, I for one have learned that truth is indeed stranger than fiction.



The Motives

The primary motive behind the assassination was Kennedy’s efforts to establish détente with the Soviet Union in the spring and summer of 1963; however, he was apprehensive about how American Jews and the US military would react to a shift in Cold War policy. He reportedly told Soviet diplomat Andrei Gromyko that there were "two groups of the American population which are not always pleased when relations between our two countries are eased." One was "ideological," the other "of a particular nationality who think that, always and under all circumstances, the Kremlin will support the Arabs and be an enemy of Israel. This group has effective means for making improvement between our countries very difficult."17

In October of 1962 the United states discovered that the Soviet Union had been supplying Cuba with nuclear missiles. A war of nerves ensued between the two superpowers known as the Cuban Missile Crisis. Kennedy insisted that the missiles be removed, and ultimately, he prevailed; however, he was not boastful about his victory. During the crisis the US generals wanted to attack Cuba, but Kennedy feared a US assault would escalate into nuclear war. There was a great deal of tension between Kennedy and the military at that time. In fact it is generally accepted among scholars that one of the reasons that the nuclear stalemate ended peacefully is because both Kennedy and Khrushchev feared a military coup might arise against Kennedy if a settlement was not soon reached.18

In the months that followed, a genuine friendship developed between Kennedy and Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev. By the spring of 1963, the two leaders had made great progress towards ending the Cold War, limiting the nuclear arms race, and signing a nuclear test ban treaty. Right-wing elements within the US military resisted détente for ideological reasons.19 Israel opposed détente as well because they feared the Kremlin and Washington were more interested in Arab oil than a Jewish state located in a barren desert without natural resources or strategic interests of value to either superpower. In short, détente would mark the beginning of the end for Israel as a world power because neither superpower had a strategic interest in Israel.20

On June 10, 1963, President Kennedy delivered a speech, Strategy of Peace, before the graduating class at American University. Many refer to it as "The Peace Speech." The Manchester Guardian called the American University speech "one of the greatest state papers of all time." The speech was the most eloquent and powerful of Kennedy’s career; it contained a spiritual ethos with a gripping message of hope for mankind, but it was also practical. Here are a few excerpts from the Peace Speech:


… What kind of a peace do I mean and what kind of a peace do we seek? Not a Pax Americana enforced on the world by American weapons of war. Not the peace of the grave or the security of the slave. I am talking about genuine peace, the kind of peace that makes life on earth worth living, the kind that enables men and nations to grow and to hope and build a better life for their children—not merely peace for Americans but peace for all men and women—not merely peace in our time but peace for all time. …

… I speak of peace because of the new face of war. Total war makes no sense in an age when great powers can maintain large and relatively invulnerable nuclear forces and refuse to surrender without resort to those forces. It makes no sense in an age when a single nuclear weapon contains almost ten times the explosive force delivered by all the allied air forces in the Second World War.


It makes no sense in an age when the deadly poisons produced by a nuclear exchange would be carried by wind and water and soil and seed to the far corners of the globe and to generations yet unborn. …

… I am not referring to the absolute, infinite concept of peace and good will of which some fantasies and fanatics dream. I do not deny the value of hopes and dreams but we merely invite discouragement and incredulity by making that our only and immediate goal. …

…World peace, like community peace, does not require that each man love his neighbor—it requires only that they live together in mutual tolerance, submitting their disputes to a just and peaceful settlement. And history teaches us that enmities between nations, as between individuals, do not last forever. However fixed our likes and dislikes may seem, the tide of time and events will often bring surprising changes in the relations between nations and neighbors.


So let us persevere. Peace need not be impracticable, and war need not be inevitable. By defining our goal more clearly, by making it seem more manageable and less remote, we can help all peoples to see it, to draw hope from it, and to move irresistibly toward it. …


In short, both the United States and its allies, and the Soviet Union and its allies, have a mutually deep interest in a just and genuine peace and in halting the arms race. Agreements to this end are in the interests of the Soviet Union as well as ours—and even the most hostile nations can be relied upon to accept and keep those treaty obligations, and only those treaty obligations, which are in their own interest.


So, let us not be blind to our differences—but let us also direct attention to our common interests and to the means by which those differences can be resolved. And if we cannot end now our differences, at least we can help make the world safe for diversity. For, in the final analysis, our most basic common link is that we all inhabit this small planet. We all breathe the same air. We all cherish our children's future. And we are all mortal. …


The United States, as the world knows, will never start a war. We do not want a war. We do not now expect a war. This generation of Americans has already had enough—more than enough—of war and hate and oppression. We shall be prepared if others wish it. We shall be alert to try to stop it. But we shall also do our part to build a world of peace where the weak are safe and the strong are just. We are not helpless before that task or hopeless of its success.


Confident and unafraid, we must labor on—not toward a strategy of annihilation but toward a strategy of peace.




(JFK, American University, June 10, 1963)

On June 16, 1963, six days after Kennedy’s American University speech, David Ben-Gurion resigned as prime minister of Israel. Michael Collins Piper suggested in his book, Final Judgment, that Ben-Gurion resigned in order to go underground and carry out Kennedy’s assassination. It is my suspicion, however, that Nahum Goldmann (president of the World Jewish Congress) issued the order to kill Kennedy immediately after the American University speech. I further suspect that Ben-Gurion was personally moved by Kennedy’s eloquent words and refused to participate in the plot to kill him. Ben-Gurion may have had an epiphany of sorts after hearing or reading Kennedy’s speech and was apparently overcome with shame at the thought of plotting to kill such a wise man. In his later years, Ben-Gurion renounced Zionism stating, "I’m no longer a Zionist, I’m no longer a Socialist, I don’t belong to Histadrut, I resigned from the Knesset."21

There were other motives for the assassination besides Kennedy’s Cold War policy. To fully understand Israel’s motivation for killing Kennedy, it helps to understand Israel’s overall strategy. Israeli scholar and publisher Simha Flapan explained that expansion was always Israel’s main objective. With respect to the original partition plan, in 1948, Flapan stated that "acceptance of the UN Partition Resolution was an example of Zionist pragmatism par excellance. It was a tactical acceptance, a vital step in the right direction—a springboard for expansion when circumstances proved more judicious."22

In essence, Simha Flapan was saying that the founding fathers of Israel had planned to violate UN treaties from the day Israel was founded in 1948. The breaking of vows—Jews recite a prayer called the Kol Nidre (all vows) on the eve of Yom Kippur which sanctifies the breaking of vows for the ensuing year23—has been a controversial part of the Jewish culture for centuries. In fact, most Rabbis omitted the Kol Nidre from Yom Kippur services in the 19th Century because of its controversial nature, but it was reinstated in 1945.24

Having stated that, I believe most fair-minded students of Middle Eastern history would agree that Israel had the following five-point strategy in 1963:

  1. Israel planned to expand its borders by force.
  2. Israel wanted the Cold War to continue (as Gromyko pointed out). In other words, Israel did not want détente between the two superpowers.
  3. Israel wanted the Bomb.
  4. Israel wanted to weaken Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser because he was a lightning rod for Arab unity.
  5. Israel wanted to divide the Arab nations.

None of these five points could be achieved with a Kennedy in the White House. The Israelis distrusted President Kennedy because of his father. It is widely known that Joseph Kennedy Sr developed a strong loathing of Jews from his business dealings with them in finance, Hollywood, and politics. And the elder Kennedy had groomed four sons for the White House, but his oldest—Joe, Jr—had been killed in World War II. President Kennedy’s inauguration in January 1961 marked the beginning of a dynasty that would likely continue until 1985 (after the three surviving sons had each completed two terms).

With this background information, it becomes clear that there was one primary motive for the assassination: to destroy the Kennedy Dynasty. The reason Israel acted when they did was because Kennedy was on the verge of ending the Cold War. He was also making plans to prevent them from acquiring the Bomb. This called for a drastic response.

Destroying the Kennedy dynasty would allow Israel to continue its annexation program, thereby acquiring more Arab land, something that would be impossible while a Kennedy was in the White House. The culmination of Israel’s expansion was the Six Day War, in June 1967. Had the Kennedy Dynasty not been destroyed, this could not have occurred until at least 1985. This is not to suggest necessarily that precise planning for the Six Day Way was underway in 1963; however, it is widely accepted that Israel planned to expand its borders since its founding in 1948, as Simha Flapan observed.

This explains why Bobby Kennedy was assassinated, on June 5, 1968, in a similar style as John. But despite stories that Bobby’s "alleged" assassin—Sirhan Sirhan, a Palestinian immigrant—hated him because of his loyalty to Israel, in reality Bobby Kennedy was not supported by American Jews in his 1968 presidential campaign.25 A year later Ted’s political career was nearly destroyed when he "accidentally" drove his car off an unmarked bridge on Chappaquiddick Island, near Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts, and his companion in the car, 28-year-old Mary Jo Kopechne, was drowned.

In fact, Joe Kennedy Sr believed President Roosevelt was responsible for the death of his oldest son, Joe Jr. Kennedy believed that Roosevelt reviewed the order to send his son on a high-risk bombing mission over France in which Joe Jr was killed. During the 1944 presidential campaign, Kennedy asked Senator Harry S. Truman, Roosevelt’s running mate, "Harry, what the hell are you doing campaigning for that crippled son of a bitch that killed my son Joe?"26

Truman responded, "If you say another word about Roosevelt, I’m going to throw you out the window."27 Obviously there was no love lost between Truman and Kennedy either.

At this point, we have established two reasons why friends of Israel wanted to assassination President Kennedy: (a) to prevent détente between the United States and the Soviet Union, and (b), to destroy the Kennedy Dynasty. But there were several other motives.

First all, in 1945 a young Jack Kennedy wrote the following words in his diary in praise of Adolf Hitler:


After visiting these two places (Berchtesgaden and the Eagle’s lair on Obersalzberg), you can easily understand how that within a few years Hitler will emerge from the hatred that surrounds him now as one of the most significant figures who ever lived. He had boundless ambitions for his country which rendered him a menace to the peace of the world, but he had a mystery about him in the way that he lived and in the manner of his death that will live and grow after him. He had in him the stuff of which legends are made.


(Prelude To Leadership - The European Diary of John F. Kennedy, Summer 1945, Regnery Publishing, Inc., Washington DC, p. 74)

Second point: In 1940 John Kennedy wrote a book, Why England Slept, which explored why Neville Chamberlain’s Britain was unprepared for war with Hitler’s Germany. The book appears to be a fair-minded analysis; however, it was a sensitive topic because Chamberlain was actually pro-Hitler. Consequently, even a balanced analysis of Chamberlain’s leadership would be frowned upon by influential friends of Israel.

In Why England Slept, Kennedy made the bold observation that Sir Arthur Balfour had essentially recanted the spirit the Balfour Declaration, a brief document officially authored by Balfour in 1917 and bore his name.(Footnote 2) The Balfour Declaration stated the following:


His Majesty's Government views with favor the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavors to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country.


(Balfour Declaration, November 2, 1917)

In Why England Slept, Kennedy pointed out that that Sir Balfour’s opinion had changed considerably between 1917 and 1933. Kennedy wrote the following:


In reading statements like that of Sir Arthur Balfour, Chairman of the Balfour Steel Company, made in 1933, "One of the gravest menaces to peace today is the totally unarmed condition of Germany," we should not dismiss it as being blindly stupid. We must remember that in the summer of 1939 a sufficient number of the Senate of the United States believed there would not be a war in Europe this year, and refused to repeal the embargo on arms. Every country makes great errors, and there is usually a good reason for it at the time. We must also remember that we are looking at the problem from the vantage point of 1940. In reading statements like Balfour’s we should try to realize that in 1933 the facts may have appeared to warrant an entirely different interpretation.


(Why England Slept, JFK, 1940, Introduction, page xxv)

Sir Balfour’s cited statement from 1933 indicates that he was obviously pro-German. This is significant because Hitler became chancellor (Kanzler) and Führer of Germany in 1933, and everyone knows that Hitler was anti-Jewish from the beginning. Therefore, by making pro-German statements the very year that Hitler rose to power in Germany, Balfour was in effect reneging on the terms of the Balfour Declaration which committed Britain’s support to Palestine as a Jewish homeland. Kennedy had subtly pointed that fact out to informed readers of his book.(Footnote 3)

Third point: In 1956 then-Senator Kennedy indirectly criticized the Nuremberg Trials by naming Senator Robert Taft as a courageous profile in the acclaimed book, Profiles in Courage. Kennedy cited Taft for the "courageous act" of criticizing the Nuremberg Trials while they were in progress in 1946.

Fourth point: In July 1957, Senator Kennedy made the front page of the New York Times when he delivered a speech on the Senate floor denouncing French colonial occupation of Algeria. When Algeria was given independence in 1962, it became another Arab nation. In the eyes of Zionists, this posed yet another threat to Israel’s existence. In Kennedy’s speech, he also criticized French brutality in the French Algerian War. By supporting independence for Algeria, Kennedy had indirectly aligned himself with Israel’s nemesis, Egyptian President Nasser. In the Arab world, Nasser was as charismatic as Kennedy later became in the West. Nasser openly promoted pan-Arab policies which garnered admiration among most Arab leaders and the Arab people. Nasser had publicly endorsed Algerian independence from France, a position that would unite France with Israel against Egypt in the Suez Crisis of 1956.

Fifth point: Both Kennedy and Khrushchev had stronger ties with Egyptian President Nasser than with Israel. Their befriending of Nasser, a living icon symbolizing Arab unity, was a signal to Israel that both superpowers had more interest in the Arab world than in Israel’s continued existence as a Jewish homeland, let alone its expansion into neighboring Arab territories.

Sixth point: President Kennedy had voiced strong, albeit private, opposition to Israel’s development of the Bomb. The Kennedy Administration was well-aware of Israel’s nuclear reactor in Dimona. In fact, Kennedy and Ben-Gurion got into a heated personal exchange over that issue. Kennedy was concerned about Israel’s nuclear capabilities and made a secret deal for regular American inspections of the nuclear reactor in Dimona in exchange for Hawk antiaircraft missiles, something that Ben-Gurion wanted. Ben-Gurion allowed an inspection once, but it was a deception. The Dimona facility was disguised to look like a nuclear power plant, but the CIA advised Kennedy that this was not the case and advised the President to push for further inspections. Kennedy followed their advise. Historian Michael Beschloss wrote that "in the fall of 1963, Kennedy and Rusk were indeed casting about for some kind of cooperation with the Russians to keep Israel from going nuclear."28

After Ben-Gurion resigned as prime minister in June 1963, he was replaced by Levi Eshkol. On July 5, 1963, President Kennedy sent a strongly worded communiqué to Eshkol that American commitment and support of Israel "could be seriously jeopardized" if Israel did not let the United States obtain "reliable information" about Israel's efforts in the nuclear field. (Reference Appendix A for a transcript of the letter.)

Seventh point: The Yemen War (the forgotten war) was another reason the Israelis disliked Kennedy. His strategy in that war was to maintain Arab unity; however, part of Israel’s five-point strategy was to divide the Arab nations. The Yemen War is largely undocumented by Western historians, but President Kennedy became entangled in a civil war in Yemen which was still in progress when he was killed. Initially, the Yemen War pitted Egypt and the United States against Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Great Britain.

Confusion erupted in Yemen following the death—of natural causes—of its leader, Imam Ahmed, on September 18, 1962. Imam Ahmed was an extraordinary but archaic man with the same values of rulers from the Middle Ages. He was succeeded by his son, Prince Mohammed al-Badr; however, the younger Imam was even more eccentric than his father. While on official delegations, he would stop and climb trees and sit on a tree branch indefinitely. Clearly he was not suited to rule a nation in the Twentieth Century. Within a week after the father died, the Prince was overthrown by Colonel Abdullah al Salal, a commander of the Royal Guard. The Colonel had been imprisoned for five years by the elder Imam and had endured inhuman living conditions while incarcerated.29

Badr, escaped to the mountains and rallied loyal tribesmen to his cause, launching an armed struggle to regain the throne. He received generous assistance from two monarchs, the kings of Jordan and Saudi Arabia. Salal sent an emissary to Egypt who asked Nasser for help. Wanting to get Yemen out of the Middle Ages, Nasser sent troops to Yemen to support the new republican government. Nasser’s support was important and understandable. He was not only the president of Egypt, but a charismatic advocate of the pan-Arab movement who strove to maintain solidarity among Arab nations.30 This made him the arch-enemy of friends of Israel since their goals were to divide and conquer Arab nations and expand its borders into their territories.

Kennedy’s primary interest in Yemen was to hold the coalition of Islamic states together and deal with the conflict as a civil war. He encouraged the Yemenite government to resolve its problems internally without support from outside nations. Consequently, he encouraged all Arab nations—Jordan, Saudi Arabia, and Egypt—to withdraw military forces from Yemen.31 Kennedy’s policy of encouraging solidarity among Arab nations during the Yemen conflict was likely another reason why friends of Israel wanted him killed. Israel has always wanted to divide, not unite, the Arab nations. With Kennedy out of the way, the Arab coalition became much weaker as the Israelis planned their efforts to expand its borders. In addition, Nasser’s influence diminished greatly. This was largely due to Egypt’s prolonged involvement the Yemen War.

The following is historian William Cleveland’s description of how solidarity among Islamic States was obliterated by the Yemen War:


By 1965 nearly 70,000 Egyptian troops were engaged on the side of the military regime in Yemen. Bogged down in difficult terrain and harassed by guerrillas, the Egyptian forces suffered heavy losses and were finally withdrawn in 1968. In this case, Egypt’s intervention divided Arab loyalties instead of unifying them; it presented the spectacle of Arab fighting Arab and of the heads of state of Saudi Arabia and Egypt hurling insults at one another.


(William Cleveland, A History of the Modern Middle East, p. 296)

To summarize the motives, friends of Israel had no use for Joseph Kennedy, Sr or any of his sons because of the elder Kennedy’s well-known dislike of Jews. And John Kennedy had displayed similar views throughout his adult life. But it was the young president’s efforts to end the Cold War, to prevent Israel from acquiring the Bomb, and his efforts to maintain Arab unity in the Yemen war that made pro-Israel forces decide to stage a coup d’état in the fall of 1963.



The Plot Against Kennedy

After years of research, I have developed the following scenario of how the plot against President Kennedy was conceived and accomplished:

I believe the assassination was decreed by Nahum Goldmann, founder of the World Jewish Congress and its president in 1963, after taking counsel from influential friends of Israel. They likely included, but were not limited to the following individuals:

  • David Ben-Gurion, Prime Minister of Israel and head of the Mapai Party (1948-53 & 1955-63)

  • Levi Eshkol, Prime Minister of Israel and head of the Mapai-Labour Party (1963-69)

  • Golda Meir, Prime Minister of Israel and head of the Labour Party (1969-74)

  • Menachem Begin, former commander of the terrorist organization, Irgun Zvai Leumi (Hebrew: National Military Organization), Prime Minister of Israel and head of the Likud Party (1977-83)

  • Yitzhak Shamir, former member of the terrorist organization known as the Stern Gang, also a former member of Irgun Zvai Leumi, Prime Minister of Israel and head of the Likud Party (1983-84 & 1986-92)

  • Yitzhak Rabin, Prime Minister of Israel and head of the Labour Party (1974-77 & 1992-95)

  • Samuel Bronfman, billionaire businessman, former bootlegger, owner of Seagram-Distillers Corporation; resided in Montreal

  • Louis Bloomfield, international lawyer (and Bronfman’s attorney), contractor for the CIA and FBI, formerly a British Intelligence officer who served in Palestine under the command of General Charles Orde Wingate training Haganah soldiers during the Arab Revolt in the 1930s; resided in Montreal

  • Bernard Bloomfield (brother of Louis), influential businessman; resided in Montreal

One can easily see Goldmann, speaking not only for himself, but as President of the World Jewish Congress that year, prophesing that President Kennedy should die for the nation of Israel. And his death would not only be for that nation, but for all friends of Israel scattered abroad.

From that day forth they plotted to kill him.

Louis Bloomfield was directed to manage the assassination. And he did so with the full knowledge and support of Lyndon Baines Johnson and J. Edgar Hoover.

In 1963 the top underworld figure in the American Mafia was Jewish mob leader Meyer Lansky.32 In addition to heroin, Lansky had major interests in gambling, especially in Florida, pre-Castro Cuba, the Bahamas, and Las Vegas.33 Santo Trafficante was one of Lanksy’s chief lieutenants34 who controlled the Florida-Cuba-Bahamas corridor.

Bloomfield met with Lansky about hiring assassins. It was agreed that the Guerini Family, a leading French-Corsican crime family, would provide the hit men.35 This was a logical choice since the CIA had a long history with the Guerini Family since the late 1940s.36 The assassins chosen were close associates of Auguste Joseph Ricord, a French-Corsican gangster living in Argentina after being convicted of collaborating with the Third Reich and sentenced to death in absentia by the Permanent Military Court of Paris. Their names were Lucien Sarti, François Chiappe, and Jean-Paul Angeletti; originally from Marseilles, France. A fourth man, Christian David, was also offered the contract, but he refused. David and the three hit men eventually became Ricord’s lieutenants when he emerged as the number one smuggler of heroin into the United States in the late 1960s and early 70s.37

Bloomfield knew that the American Mafia and the French-Corsican syndicates of Marseilles were looking for a new source of heroin and morphine base because their previous source, the Mediterranean Basin, had developed insurmountable problems.38 Faced with the prospect of either finding a new source or going out of business, Bloomfield helped them establish Southeast Asia as a primary source.39 Links had already been established between Corsican gangsters in Marseilles and those in Southeast Asia during the First Indochina War (1946-1954), but the relationship needed to be strengthened.40

A deal was apparently struck—brokered by Bloomfield—between the American Mafia, the Corsican syndicates of Marseilles and their associates in Southeast Asia. If the gangsters would kill Kennedy, Bloomfield would have Kennedy’s replacement, President Johnson, escalate American involvement in the Vietnam War. In addition, the new president would instruct key generals to assist the Corsicans in Saigon in their drug smuggling efforts. An important military figure was General Edward G. Lansdale who admitted in a 1971 interview that he met with the Corsican drug traffickers in 1965 where a "truce" was made.41 In other words, in exchange for killing Kennedy, America would wage an opium war in Vietnam in order to supply the American Mafia and the Corsican syndicates of Marseilles with a new source of heroin and morphine base.

It appears that Bloomfield also assisted the heroin traffickers in laundering large sums of money generated from the criminal enterprise. Being a skilled lawyer, Bloomfield apparently set up fake corporations42 in order to funnel heroin money into numerous banks throughout the world.43 The proceeds from the narcotics enterprise would be divided among the participants by channeling the illicit drug money to appropriate bank accounts. Bloomfield would also use this vast international criminal enterprise to finance assassinations of other political figures. Such targets included assassination attempts on French President Charles de Gaulle44 and the murder of Moroccan political exile Mehdi Ben Barka.45 Both men supported Algerian independence,46 as did John Kennedy when—as a United States Senator—he made a controversial speech in support of Algerian independence.47 Israel was opposed to granting Algeria its independence because it would mean the establishment of another Islamic state.



The Assassination

In the fall of 1963, the three assassins were flown from Marseilles to Mexico City where they spent some three or four weeks at the house of a contact. They were then driven from Mexico City to the US border at Brownsville, Texas. They crossed the border using Italian passports. They were picked up on the American side of the border at Brownsville by a representative of the Chicago Mafia with whom they conversed in Italian. They were then driven to Dallas and put up in a safehouse which had been prepared for them so as not to leave hotel records. They spent several days taking photographs of Dealey Plaza, and in the evenings at the safehouse they studied the photographs and they arranged a "crossfire" with three guns.48

On November 22, shortly before the presidential motorcade drove through Dallas, the assassins were driven to Dealey Plaza. Chiappi and Angeletti took their positions in two office buildings; one was high, one was low. Sarti stood behind a picket fence on top of a hill near the middle of Elm Street, his rifle loaded with exploding bullets. He was disguised as a policeman. As the limousine approached the center of Elm Street one shot was fired from a lower-level window of the Dal-Tex building directly behind the car; a bullet struck Kennedy in the back of the neck.49 He clutched his throat with both hands, his elbows raised high.50 Four seconds later,51 a second shot rang out from an upper-level window of the Texas School Book Depository, hitting Texas Governor John Connally in the back,52 above his right armpit; his torso was turned to the right as he was struck.53 He sustained five wounds from one bullet, each wound being to the left and below the previous. He was sitting directly in front of Kennedy.54

One second later55 Sarti fired from behind the picket fence hitting Kennedy in the right temple slamming his body backward and to the left, then slumping sideways in the seat. The bone in his right temple fell beside his ear as the back of his head exploded.56 He was declared legally dead shortly thereafter.

A fourth shot was fired that missed the car completely, but grazed onlooker James Teague in the cheek;57 it was fired simultaneously with one of the other shots.58



The Framing of Oswald

Within hours a low-level intelligence officer who worked for the United States government was arrested and subsequently charged with the murder of President Kennedy. His name was Lee Harvey Oswald; he was also accused of shooting Dallas police officer Jefferson Davis Tippet shortly after Kennedy was killed.

Oswald was completely innocent.59 Bloomfield had used him as a patsy, a scapegoat to throw the public off the trail of the true assassins.60 Under Bloomfield’s direction, Oswald’s associates and handlers had given him assignments for months designed to self-incriminate.61 While living in New Orleans in the summer of 1963, his handlers were Guy Banister62 and Clay Shaw63 (aka, Clay Bertrand) who reported directly to Bloomfield.64 One of Oswald’s associates was David Ferrie, an eccentric homosexual and professional pilot.65 Ferrie had flown the assassins from Dallas to Montreal in a private plane several days after the assassination.66 From there Bloomfield arranged to have them flown back to Marseilles, France.67

Two days after the assassination, Oswald was shot and killed by Jack Ruby, a Dallas clubowner with links to Meyer Lansky68 and other mob figures; he had also worked as an FBI informant. Ruby was part of the conspiracy; eye-witnesses saw him in compromising situations on the day Kennedy was killed. Julia Ann Mercer testified before the Warren Commission—her testimony was later illegally altered—that she saw a young man with a rifle dismount from a pickup truck driven by Jack Ruby at Dealy Plaza about an hour before the assassination.69 While in custody, Oswald had not cooperated with the conspirators and it was decided that he must be killed. Ruby’s handlers advised him to kill Oswald or be implicated in Kennedy’s murder as well.70 This was done under the direction of Bloomfield.



The Warren Commission

Upon assuming the presidency, Johnson immediately formed a commission ostensibly to investigate the assassination, but the real agenda was to cover-up the truth from the American public. It was named the The Warren Commission after its distinguished chairman, Chief Justice Earl Warren. After months of research, the commission issued a report which concluded that Oswald had acted alone and there was not a conspiracy.

A large percentage of the commission’s members, however, were Jewish; not as ranking members, but as assistant counsel and staff members. The following is a complete listing of the members of the Warren Commission:

Ranking Members

Chief Justice Earl Warren, Chairman

Senator Richard B. Russell

Senator John Sherman Cooper

Representative Hale Boggs

Representative Gerald R. Ford

Mr. Allen W. Dulles (former CIA director, fired by Kennedy)

Mr. John J. McCloy

J. Lee Rankin, General Counsel

Assistant Counsel


Francis W. H. Adams

Joseph A. Ball

David W. Belin

William T. Coleman, Jr.

Melvin Aron Eisenberg

Burt W. Griffin

Leon D. Hubert, Jr.

Albert E. Jenner, Jr.

Wesley J. Liebeler

Norman Redlich

W. David Slawson

Arlen Specter

Samuel A. Stern

Howard P. Willens


Staff Members


Phillip Barson

Edward A. Conroy

John Hart Ely

Alfred Goldberg

Murray J. Laulicht

Arthur Marmor

Richard M. Mosk

John J. O’brien

Stuart Pollak

Alfredda Scobey

Charles N. Shaffer, Jr.

Lloyd L. Weinreb




Commission Attorneys David Belin and Arlen Specter

Two Jewish assistant counsels for the Warren Commission, David Belin and Arlen Specter, rose to prominence in the years following the assassination. Belin wrote books and made numerous talk show appearances endorsing the Warren Report. As assistant counsel, Belin had a gift for changing the subject when questioning witnesses about to reveal important information. In other words, his task was apparently to prevent the crime from being solved. For example, Belin questioned Dallas Police officer, Sergeant D.V. Harkness, who told Belin (under oath) that he saw several strangers using a departing train to leave the area where President Kennedy had just been murdered. Belin responded:

"I want to go back to this Amos Euins. Do you remember what he said to you and what you said to him when you first saw him?"71

Amos Euins was another witness who had nothing to do with trains or the grassy knoll. Belin was clearly changing the subject.

Arlen Specter authored the portion of the Warren Report that critics call the "Magic Bullet Theory." Years later Specter was elected US Senator representing Pennsylvania for the Republican Party. In 1994, Specter chaired the Senate Intelligence Committee after the Republicans had won control of the Senate in the fall elections. The Senate Intelligence Committee provides oversight of all US intelligence services including the CIA and FBI. In fact, Specter chaired the powerful oversight committee when the Murrah Building, in Oklahoma City, was bombed on April 19, 1995. There is strong evidence to suggest that Israel was behind the bombing of the Murrah Building as well. That act of terrorism was not unlike the bombing of the King David Hotel in Jerusalem by Jewish extremists on July 22, 1946. Both topics are discussed later.



The Means: Division Five and Permindex

J. Edgar Hoover allowed Bloomfield to run what is known as FBI Division Five, an "independent" covert enterprise set up by Hoover and William Sullivan. Division Five was not an official part of the government, although many of its leaders held high-ranking official positions. This was the mechanism Bloomfield used to stage the coup against Kennedy. Lyndon Johnson was fully aware of Division Five and was an active participant with Bloomfield and Hoover in setting up the coup.72

It should be noted that William Sullivan, co-founder of Division Five, was shot and killed with a high-powered rifle near his home in New Hampshire in November 1977. Sullivan had just completed a preliminary meeting with investigators for the House Select Committee on Assassinations. The man who shot him was the son of a state policeman and claimed to have mistaken Sullivan for a deer. He was arrested, charged with a misdemeanor—"shooting a human being by accident"—and released into the custody of his father. No further investigation was ever done.73 In addition, Sullivan was finishing an exposé on Hoover’s FBI, with journalist Bill Brown, when he was killed. Two years later, Brown published Sullivan’s book entitled, The Bureau: My Thirty Years in Hoover’s FBI. It was a major indictment of J. Edgar Hoover and Lyndon Johnson.

Divison Five was apparently given that name because it managed spy networks within five different political/military groups. With Bloomfield managing those five groups, a more accurate name would have been Division Six, because he added Israel’s interests to the overall agenda. He added a sixth layer, Permindex, a dummy trade corporation used to finance Israeli espionage and political assassinations. In addition Permindex was a tool for laundering illicit heroin money for American and French-Corsican-Latino crime syndicates.

By combining Permindex with Hoover’s Division Five, Bloomfield had control of the following six intelligence units:


  • The Security Division of NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) – This group represented the munitions industry. They were opposed to Kennedy because he was trying to make peace with the Soviets and end the Cold War. Since the Security Division was in the war business, Kennedy was of no value to them. He was a threat to them financially. NASA was used mainly as a cover because the American public associated it with space travel. In fact, the security division of NASA was headquartered at the Defense Industrial Security Command (DISC) in Alabama and Ohio. DISC was the police and espionage agency for US munitions makers.


  • The Solidarists – This group represented Jewish exiles from Russia and Eastern Europe.


  • The American Council of Christian Churches – This group supported right-wing political agendas mixed with Evangelical Christianity. The latter supported the state of Israel for religious purposes. The ACCC also had operatives in right-wing extremist groups like the Ku Klux Klan and the John Birch Society. The common thread who supported Israel.


  • The Free Cuba Committee – This group consisted of anti-Communist extremists who opposed Castro.


  • The Syndicate – US mobsters with gambling casinos in Havana, Cuba and the Caribbean; headed by Meyer Lansky and his lieutenant Santo Trafficante.


  • Permindex – A dummy trade corporation created by Bloomfield to finance covert activity internationally for the state of Israel; also used to launder illicit heroin profits for American and French-Corsican-Latino crime syndicates. This was separate from the FBI’s Division Five, but since it was run by Bloomfield, it was a de facto leg of the Division Five intelligence network.74


Joseph Milteer Corroborated Jewish Conspiracy

Joseph Milteer was a wealthy southerner from Georgia with right-wing extremist political beliefs. He was an active member of the Constitutional America Party and had acquaintances in the Ku Klux Klan.75 His politics were a mixture of ultra-right extremism mixed with Evangelical Christianity which included the belief in Armageddon. Evangelicals believe Jews are needed to establish a Jewish state so that Jesus will return, gather all Jews in Israel, and build a Temple. The world would then end and practically all the Jews would be killed at Armageddon. The few Jewish survivors would convert to Christianity.76

Evangelical ministers Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell are both big supporters of Israel because of their belief in Armageddon. Robertson in particular is a big believer in Armageddon. The bizarre thing about Evangelicals is they do not hesitate to encourage Jewish conversion to Christianity; however, they also feel that Jews are needed in order to fulfill the scriptures.

When Menachem Begin was cautioned that Evangelical aid was provided to Israel only because they believed that a new Jewish state was needed for the second coming of Jesus, and the conversion of Jews to Christianity, he reportedly responded: "I tell you, if the Christian Fundamentalists support us in Congress today, I will support them when the Messiah comes tomorrow."77

On November 9, 1963, Miami police informant William Somersett met with Joseph Milteer who proceeded to outline the assassination of President Kennedy. Milteer stated that Kennedy would be shot "from an office building with a high-powered rifle," and "they will pick somebody up within hours afterwards, if anything like that would happen, just to throw the public off."78 This was thirteen days before Kennedy was assassinated. Milteer definitely knew what he was talking about.

On November 23, 1963, the day after Kennedy was shot, Milteer met with Somersett again and stated that there was a "Communist conspiracy by Jews to overthrow the United States."79 He further stated that Martin Luther King and Attorney General Kennedy were now unimportant, but the next move would be against "the big Jew."80

This information is extremely important because Milteer was clearly a man with prior knowledge about the plans to kill President Kennedy. Despite his extremist politics, Milteer was a person to be taken seriously. His comment about Martin Luther King, Robert Kennedy, and "the big Jew" tells us three things. First, his reference to "the big Jew" corroborates my thesis that one Jewish individual—likely Louis Bloomfield—ran the coup against Kennedy. Second, it reveals that right-wing extremists had broken ranks with the Jewish-led coup immediately after Kennedy was killed. Apparently, Milteer and his associates had made a pact with Bloomfield to support the coup while they secretly plotted to kill him—Bloomfield—after Kennedy was executed. Third, it suggests that contingency plans were in place in 1963—by the right-wing extremists—to kill Martin Luther King and Robert Kennedy.

Further evidence indicates that Milteer personally declared a right-wing war on the Jews. On November 24, just two days after Kennedy was killed, Milteer apparently delivered a speech before the Constitutional American Party at Columbia, South Carolina. He reportedly made the following statements:



… to all Christians: The Zionist Jews killed Christ 2000 years ago and on November 22, 1963, they killed President Kennedy. You Jews killed the President. We are going to kill you.81


Such an action against Jews was not surprising in light of the origins of the Ku Klux Klan. Originally formed in Nashville, Tennessee in 1867 by Confederate cavalry general Nathan Bedford Forrest, the Klan disappeared by 1882 because its original objective—the restoration of white supremacy throughout the South—had largely been achieved during the 1870s. In addition, Forrest had ordered it disbanded in 1869, because of the group's excessive violence.82

The second wave of Klan activity began when it was reorganized in 1915, not because of strong anti-black sentiment, but because white Protestants in small-town America felt threatened by the Bolshevik revolution in Russia and by the large-scale immigration of the previous decades that had changed the ethnic character of American society.83

Milteer’s call to arms against Jews may have intensified hatred by the Ku Klux Klan against Jews and blacks alike in its opposition to the Civil Rights movement. On June 21, 1964, three civil rights workers—Michael Schwerner, Andrew Goodman and James Earl Chaney—were abducted and killed by the Ku Klux Klan in Mississippi. Two of those men were Jewish; only one was African-American. Their abduction occurred just seven months after Kennedy’s assassination.

As soon as the three workers turned up missing, President Johnson and J. Hoover launched a massive investigation. The fate of the three men was uncertain, but their disappearance provided the final impetus needed for the 1964 Civil Rights Act to pass. The bodies of Goodman, Schwerner and Chaney were found five weeks later, buried in a mud dam. Eventually, 19 men, including the county sheriff and a deputy, were convicted of federal conspiracy charges in connection with the murders.

On the surface, Johnson and Hoover seemed courageous in their fight against right-wing extremists; but in reality, they had plotted jointly with the same forces to kill Kennedy. The chickens had indeed come home to roost.



George Wallace and Curtis LeMay

Did Joseph Milteer have enough influence—even within his group of right-wing extremists—to declare a war against Jews? As it turns out, he may have had assistance from at least one prominent politician, namely Alabama Governor George Wallace who was friendly with right-wing General Curtis LeMay, a member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff in the Kennedy administration. LeMay was a hawkish adversary of Kennedy’s during the Cuban Missile Crisis.84 Their animosity toward one another has been widely documented.

The Constitutional American Party—the group that Milteer reportedly addressed on November 24, 1963 when he declared war on the Jews—later evolved into Wallace’s third-party, The American Independent Party, when he ran for president in 1968.85 General LeMay was his running mate.

George Wallace loathed the Kennedy brothers and Martin Luther King because they shamed him in June 1963 during a standoff at the University of Alabama where Wallace stood in the doorway to block enrollment of black students. Under President Kennedy's direction, Bobby Kennedy called out the Georgian National Guard who forced Wallace to step aside. Martin Luther King was in the middle of the conflict as well. In fact, he solicited the aid of the Kennedy brothers to deal with Wallace.

Wallace wanted to be president badly, probably more than Lyndon Johnson. And he would not have a chance until 1985 when the Kennedy Dynasty was over (after John, Bobby and Ted had each served two terms).

LeMay was one of the Joint Chiefs of Staff during the Kennedy administration. He was an ardent cold warrior, and partly for this reason his tenure as chief was neither successful nor happy. LeMay found himself at constant odds with the management policies of Defense Secretary Robert McNamara and the "flexible response" military strategy of Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman General Maxwell Taylor.86

Kennedy’s relationship with the military was strained,87 to say the least, but he and Lemay displayed mutual contempt for one another. Kennedy once remarked after one his many walkouts on the General, "I don't want that man near me again."88

LeMay was one of the generals who put heavy pressure on Kennedy to attack Cuba during the Cuban Missile Crisis. Having been ill-advised once before by the Joint Chiefs during the Bay of Pigs Invasion, Kennedy was not willing to make the same mistake twice. He remarked, "Those sons of bitches with all the fruit salad just sat there nodding, saying it would work."89

In his four years as chief, LeMay argued vigorously for new air weapons like the B70 bomber and the Skybolt missile, and against the swingwing "fighter" plane, the General Dynamics TFX (later named the F111). He lost all these battles. In addition, LeMay had strong feelings regarding American involvement in Vietnam, arguing against the gradual response advocated by the Administration. Once again he was ignored.90

Lemay was in effect arguing on behalf of the munitions industry. As previously stated, the munitions industry was represented in Hoover’s Division Five the powerful intelligence apparatus used by Louis Bloomfield to orchestrate the coup against Kennedy. More specifically, the munitions industry was represented within Division Five under the auspices of the Security Division of NASA which was headquartered at the Defense Industrial Security Command (DISC) in George Wallace’s home state of Alabama and also Ohio. DISC was the police and espionage agency for US munitions makers. This was all under the control of Louis Bloomfield through his control of the FBI’s "free-lance" espionage unit, Division Five.

Joseph Milteer’s reference to the "big Jew" corroborates that there was in fact a Jewish conspiracy apparently headed by one Jewish individual. That person was Louis Bloomfield.



The Assassinations of Robert Kennedy and Martin Luther King

Division Five was apparently used to kill Martin Luther King and Robert Kennedy in 1968 and blame the murders on patsies, James Earl Ray and Sirhan Sirhan.

Malevolent forces converged against King and Kennedy because the latter was about to assume the presidency and former was endorsing him. Both wanted to end US involvement in the Vietnam War, but several interests would prevail over their wishes. First, the right-wing extremists hated both men because of they—along with President Kennedy—had embarrassed George Wallace in June 1963 when the Georgian National Guard forced him to allow black students to enroll at the University of Alabama. Second, Israel absolutely did not want the son of Joseph Kennedy to become president. None of the Kennedys could be counted on to support Israel’s annexation program of expanding its borders into neighboring Arab territories. Third, American and French-Corsican-Latino crime syndicates wanted the Vietnam War to continue because they were reaping huge profits from the Golden Triangle from its production of opium. Those profits were apparently being shared with senior military personnel and various wealthy interests within the Western Powers.

In March of 1967 Senator Robert Kennedy announced a peace plan for Vietnam and soon became an outspoken antiwar advocate.91 Martin Luther King quickly followed the senator’s lead. On April 4, 1967, at Riverside Church in New York City and again on the 15th at a mammoth peace rally in that city, King committed himself irrevocably to opposing US involvement in the Vietnam War. Once before, in early January 1966, he had condemned the war, but official outrage from Washington and strenuous opposition within the black community itself had caused him to acquiesce.92

On Jan. 30, 1968, the Tet Offensive began. It was a massive attack launched by the North Vietnamese on the Tet (lunar new year) Vietnamese festival. It marked a new beginning of anti-war sentiment amongst many Americans. Gene McCarthy had been campaigning for the presidency on the Democratic ticket. On March 16, 1968, Robert Kennedy announced his candidacy for the presidency;93 Martin Luther King immediately endorsed him. On March 31, 1968, President Johnson startled television viewers with a national address that included three announcements: (1) he had just ordered major reductions in the bombing of North Vietnam, (2) he was requesting peace talks, and (3) he would neither seek nor accept his party's renomination for the presidency.94 On April 4 King was killed by a sniper's bullet while standing on the balcony of a motel in Memphis, Tennessee where he and his associates were staying. On March 10, 1969, the accused assassin, James Earl Ray, pleaded guilty to the murder and was sentenced to 99 years in prison.95 Ray later recanted his confession.

By June 4, 1968 Robert Kennedy had won five out of six presidential primaries, including one that day in California. Shortly after midnight on June 5 he spoke to his followers in Los Angeles' Ambassador Hotel. As he left through a kitchen hallway he was fatally wounded by a Palestinian immigrant, Sirhan Bishara Sirhan; at least that’s the official story. Robert Kennedy died the next day on June 6, 1968.96



The Coup Against Nixon

As it turns out, Watergate was not the only cover-up in the Nixon White House. Joan Hoff, a research professor of history at Montana State University, recently wrote an article asserting that on December 21, 1971—six months before the Watergate burglary occurred—Nixon approved the first major cover-up of his administration; however, he was not covering up his own misdeeds. He was covering up the Navy’s. Nixon had learned that Admiral Thomas Moorer, head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, had authorized his subordinates to spy on the White House’s National Security Counsel. For thirteen months, from 1970 to late 1971, Navy Yeoman Charles E. Radford systematically stole and copied NSC documents from Alexander Haig, Henry Kissinger, and their staff. When Nixon learned of this, he ordered it hushed up; but he let the military know he was aware of its spying. Apparently Nixon and his aides thought that approach would give them more leverage dealing with a hostile defense establishment.97

To evaluate Nixon fairly, one must consider the times in which he served as President. He took office just six years after a coup d’état which pushed America deeply into a war in Southeast Asia, a conflict that evolved into an opium war. The aftermath of President Kennedy’s assassination was a highly unstable government in which a variety of carpetbaggers lined their pockets, profiteering from the sale of illicit heroin made from opium grown in the Golden Triangle. This volatile state of affairs created havoc within the US intelligence community. One set of federal agents worked desperately to stop the flow of heroin traffic from entering US borders while another group looked the other way.

Vietnam was a cynical war run by a variety of interests. It became a continuation of opium smuggling that had been practiced by the Western Powers for nearly two centuries. In the 1940s, opium trafficking went underground and was handled secretly by international crime syndicates working jointly with various espionage services. Practically speaking, it was not within Nixon’s power to end the war by issuing an Executive decree. He did, however, manage to withdraw American forces by first severely crippling Auguste Ricord’s drug cartel, then establishing détente with the Soviet Union followed by relentless bombing of North Vietnam (the Christmas Bombing, Dec. 1972). The latter effort was done to force North Vietnam back to the Paris peace talks where a cease-fire and peace agreement was subsequently reached. Finally Nixon withdrew US troops from Vietnam and ended the draft. In addition he dramatically increased financial aid to Israel, apparently an effort to divide his enemies in that country and supporters abroad.

Within the context of history, many of Nixon’s actions regarding China, the Soviet Union, Vietnam, and the heroin war were indeed bold and courageous.



Media Moguls

The most important tool, however, to ensure success of the 1963 coup d’état was a non-government entity: the American news media. This is where the ancient Jewish culture comes into play. A thorough analysis of the media’s coverage of President Kennedy’s assassination reveals a vast presence and relentless participation of Jewish journalists and correspondents supporting the cover story that Lee Harvey Oswald alone shot and killed Kennedy. Examples include Martin Agronsky, Elie Abel, Irving R. Levine, Peter Hackes, Kenneth Bernstein, Lief Ede, Gabe Pressman, and Walter Lippmann to name a few.

It is difficult to believe that such widespread endorsement of the Oswald cover story could have occurred by chance. The sheer magnitude of Jewish participation within the news media leads to the logical conclusion that a clear signal must have been given by a central figure and symbol of authority within the Jewish culture in 1963. I have concluded that the individual in question was Nahum Goldmann, founder of the World Jewish Congress and its president in 1963. I have further concluded that the World Jewish Congress is tantamount to the Sanhedrin, the Jewish Council in ancient Palestine under Roman rule that issued the order to kill Jesus.

The high-priest of the Sanhedrin, Joseph Caiaphas, issued the decree to kill Jesus. Caiaphas was appointed by Roman procurator (governor) Valerius Gratus, predecessor of Pontius Pilate. Caiaphas questioned Jesus before handing him over to Pilate for crucifixion.98 As president of the World Jewish Congress, Nahum Goldmann was the 1963 equivalent of Joseph Caiaphas. Once a decree to kill Kennedy was issued by high-priest Goldmann, then Jewish individuals within the American news media became active participants in the 1963 coup d’état.

Today, seven Jewish Americans run the vast majority of US television networks, the printed press, the Hollywood movie industry, the book publishing industry, and the recording industry. Most of these industries are bundled into huge media conglomerates run by the following seven individuals:99

  • Gerald Levin,(Footnote 4) CEO and Director of AOL Time Warner

  • Michael Eisner, Chairman and CEO of the Walt Disney Company

  • Edgar Bronfman, Sr.,(Footnote 5) Chairman of Seagram Company Ltd

  • Edgar Bronfman, Jr,(Footnote 6) President and CEO of Seagram Company Ltd and head of Universal Studios

  • Sumner Redstone, Chairman and CEO of Viacom, Inc

  • Dennis Dammerman, Vice Chairman of General Electric

  • Peter Chernin, President and Co-COO of News Corporation Limited

Those seven Jewish men collectively control ABC, NBC, CBS, the Turner Broadcasting System, CNN, MTV, Universal Studios, MCA Records, Geffen Records, DGC Records, GRP Records, Rising Tide Records, Curb/Universal Records, and Interscope Records.

Most of the larger independent newspapers are owned by Jewish interests as well. An example is media mogul is Samuel I. "Si" Newhouse, who owns two dozen daily newspapers from Staten Island to Oregon, plus the Sunday supplement Parade; the Conde Nast collection of magazines, including Vogue, The New Yorker, Vanity Fair, Allure, GQ, and Self; the publishing firms of Random House, Knopf, Crown, and Ballantine, among other imprints; and cable franchises with over one million subscribers.

NBC was founded by David Sarnoff, a Russian born Jew who studied the Talmud as a child, rose to prominence by picking up the sinking Titanic's distress signal, later served under Eisenhower in World War II, and was made a brigadier general.100

Another Jewish media mogul in Kennedy’s time was William Paley, president of Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS). Paley was also a highly trained expert in psychological warfare, which is a military term for propaganda. The Encyclopedia Britannica provided some interesting facts about Paley’s World War II activity in the "Mediterranean":


During World War II Paley served the US government as supervisor of the Office of War Information (OWI) in the Mediterranean, and later as chief of radio in the OWI's Psychological Warfare Division (1944-45), finally becoming deputy chief of the Psychological Warfare Division.101


One of the most influential and widely respected newspaper commentators in Kennedy’s time was Walter Lippmann, an ardent Zionist. In 1917, Lippmann served briefly as an assistant to Secretary of War Newton D. Baker. In 1919, President Woodrow Wilson sent Lippmann to France to take part in the negotiations for the Treaty of Versailles.

The stated examples of behind the scenes political influence and manipulation may explain, to a degree, why Jews were expelled from virtually every country in Western Europe from 1290 through 1551. With such control of American political institutions and the news media, Jewish political forces have the ability to manipulate war and peace, crush nations, and topple sitting heads of state. This was the situation when Jesus walked the earth two-thousand years ago,102 it is the situation today, and it was the state of affairs in President Kennedy’s time.


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  1. George Ball, The Passionate Attachment, pp. 9 - 13


  2. ibid, p 256


  3. Nixon’s war on drugs is widely documented. It is mentioned throughout several books. Examples include Contrabandista by Evert Clark and Nicholas Horrock; The Great Heroin Coup by Henrik Krüger; and Encyclopedia Britannica: Richard Nixon.


  4. Nixon’s pursuit of Auguste Ricord is the thesis of a book, Contrabandista, by Evert Clark and Nicholas Horrock.


  5. My assertion that "Ricord was apparently protected by the hardened criminals, the carpetbagger politicians, the war mongering generals, and the ruthless friends of Israel" is corroborated in Alfred McCoy’s book, The Politics of Heroin in Southeast Asia. Part of McCoy’s general thesis is that heroin smuggling was condoned by the US military. Ricord is mentioned in the book, along with the Guerini brothers and the French-Corsican heroin network.


  6. Authors Len Colodny and Robert Gettlin made the argument in their book, Silent Coup, that Nixon was brought down by the US military because of his policies in Vietnam, China and the Soviet Union. Michael Collins Piper made a similar argument in his book, Final Judgment.


  7. Evert Clark and Nicholas Horrock, Contrabandista, pp. 3 - 8


  8. ibid, p. 212


  9. ibid, p. 230


  10. Encyclopedia Britannica: Nixon, China and the Soviet Union


  11. George Ball, The Passionate Attachment, p. 281


  12. Encyclopedia Britannica: Union of Soviet Socialist Republic


  13. President Richard M. Nixon, Farewell Speech to White House Staff, August 9, 1974 (


  14. Encyclopedia Britannica: Opium; Opium Wars


  15. The assertion that "wealthy interests" of the Western powers sanctify narcotics smuggling by international crime syndicates and espionage services is essentially the thesis of Alfred McCoy’s book, The Politics of Heroin in Southeast Asia.


  16. Alfred McCoy, et al, The Politics of Heroin in Southeast Asia, pp. 17 - 18


  17. JFK reportedly told Andrei Gromyko that Jews would not support détente. This was mentioned by Michael Beschloss in the Crisis Years, pp. 648-649. Beschloss got the information from Gromyko’s book, Memoirs, pp. 181 - 2.


  18. Stephen R. Shalom, Terrorists and Madmen, March 27, 1999, ZNET,


  19. Richard Mahoney, Sons & Brothers, p. 45; Herbert Parmet, Jack, p. 141; Merle Miller, Plain Speaking, p. 186


  20. ibid


  21. Ben-Gurion’s statements are from Herzl, Hess, and Histadrut, by Nahum Guttman, p. 18.


  22. George Ball, The Passionate Attachment, p. 23


  23. The Kol Nidre prayer is described in the Talmud’s book of Nedarim, 23a.


  24. Encyclopedia Britannica: Kol Nidre


  25. Richard Mahoney, Sons & Brothers, p. 359


  26. Richard Mahoney, Sons & Brothers, p. 45; Herbert Parmet, Jack, p. 141; Merle Miller, Plain Speaking, p. 186


  27. ibid


  28. Michael Beschloss, Crisis Years, p. 649


  29. Mohamed Heikal, The Cairo Documents, pp. 214 - 215


  30. William L. Cleveland, A History of the Modern Middle East, p. 296; Mohamed Heikal, The Cairo Documents, pp. 214 - 215


  31. Letter from Kennedy to Nasser per Mohamed Heikal, The Cairo Documents, pp. 216 - 217


  32. Alfred McCoy, et al, The Politics of Heroin in Southeast Asia, pp. 17 - 18


  33. Encyclopedia Britannica: Meyer Lansky


  34. Santo Trafficante was one of Meyer Lanksy’s chief lieutenants. Reference Alfred W. McCoy, et al, The Politics of Heroin in Southeast Asia; reference The Mafia Comes to Asia, p. 216.


  35. Christian David stated, in The Men Who Killed Kennedy, that he was offered the contract by Antoine Guerini. He was one of the Guerini brothers, also known as the Guerini Family.


  36. CIA had long history with Guerini Family. Alfred W. McCoy, et al, The Politics of Heroin in Southeast Asia; reference The Mafia Comes to Asia, pp. 37 - 47.


  37. Lucien Sarti, François Chiappe, Jean-Paul Angeletti, and Christian David were identified as Auguste Ricord’s lieutenants in Contrabandista by Evert Clark and Nicholas Horrock, p. 91. Clark and Horrock stated that the four men were extremely violent. Christian David stated, in The Men Who Killed Kennedy, that he was offered the contract by Antoine Guerini, but he refused because it was too dangerous. David further stated that Lucien Sarti was one of the assassins. In the stated documentary, David conveyed to researcher Steve Rivele that Sarti shot Kennedy from the grassy knoll, that he used exploding bullets, that he was dressed as a policeman, and that there were two other Corsican assassins. David would only reveal Sarti’s name because he was dead, but the other two were still alive, and David feared reprisals if he identified them. David’s story was corroborated by Michel Nicoli in the same documentary. Nicoli’s face was covered, but it was revealed that he had been in the heroin trafficking business. Clark and Horrock also indicated that Michel Nicoli worked for Christian David in Auguste Ricord’s worldwide heroin cartel, pp. 186-187, 217-218.


  38. Alfred W. McCoy, et al, The Politics of Heroin in Southeast Asia; reference The Mafia Comes to Asia. McCoy cited his source as an interview with John Warner*, Washington, D.C., October 14, 1971; other U.S. officials including Representative James H. Scheuer, the Comptroller General of the United States, and the Assistant Secretary of State for East Asia and Pacific Affairs have observed this shift to Southeast Asia. (U.S. Congress, House Committee on Foreign Affairs, International Aspects of the Narcotics Problem, 92nd Cong., Ist sess., 1971, pp. 61, 119, 149.) The statement, "Bloomfield knew that [American and Corsican gangsters needed a new opium source]," was deductive reasoning based on my knowledge of Louis Bloomfield, Auguste Joseph Ricord and his four lieutenants: Christian David, Lucien Sarti, François Chiappe, and Jean-Paul Angeletti. Bloomfield notwithstanding, the fact that American and Corsican gangsters needed a new opium source was information supplied by McCoy using the referenced cites herein.


  39. ibid. The statement, "Bloomfield helped them establish Southeast Asia as their primary source," was deductive reasoning based on my knowledge of Louis Bloomfield, Auguste Joseph Ricord and his four lieutenants: Christian David, Lucien Sarti, François Chiappe, and Jean-Paul Angeletti. McCoy did not write about Bloomfield specifically; however, he did write that "Corsican syndicates of Marseille turned to their associates in Southeast Asia for help."


  40. Alfred W. McCoy, et al, The Politics of Heroin in Southeast Asia; reference The Mafia Comes to Asia. McCoy cited his source as an interview with Police Col. Smith Boonlikit, Bangkok, Thailand, September 17, 1971.


  41. Alfred W. McCoy, et al, The Politics of Heroin in Southeast Asia; reference The Mafia Comes to Asia. McCoy cited his source as an interview with Gen. Edward G. Lansdale, Alexandria, Virginia, June 17, 1971.


  42. Jim Garrison, On the Trail of the Assassins, pp. 100 - 104. Describes Bloomfield’s two front corporations, Permindex and Centro Mondiale Commerciale (the World Trade Center). It is highly significant that Garrison listed ex-Nazis and ex-members of Mussolini’s Italian fascist government as members of the board of directors for Permindex and Centro Mondiale Commerciale. Auguste Ricord was not a Nazi per se, but he worked for the Gestapo when Germany occupied France during World War II. In 1950 Ricord was sentenced to death in absentia by the Permanent Military Court of Paris for collaborating with the Nazis. (Evert Clark & Nicholas Horrock, Contrabandista!, p. 16)


  43. Evert Clark & Nicholas Horrock, Contrabandista!, p. 184. A narcotics intelligence report (1971), provided by US Customs, is cited by the authors. It states the following about Auguste Ricord’s heroin network: "The magnitude of this investigation is so great that it has become necessary to computerize the financial data in order to properly coordinate it."


  44. Jim Garrison, On the Trail of the Assassins, p. 103; Jim Marrs, Crossfire, p. 499; Michael Collins Piper, Final Judgment, p. 199. Garrison cited the following source from the Italian Press linking Permindex to attempts on de Gaulle’s life: Paesa Sera (Rome), March 4, 1967. Piper cited the following source for Permindex-de Gaulle’s assassination attempts: Executive Intelligence Review, Dope, Inc. (New York: New Benjamin Franklin House, 1986 [second edition]), p. 434. Marrs cited a similar source, Dope, Inc., but used the first edition, published in 1978, and he cited pp. 301-329).


  45. ibid, p. 76. Authors Clark & Horrock wrote that Auguste Ricord’s bodyguard, Christian David, was "wanted in Paris for the murder of Police Commissaire Gallibert—who, when he was shot, was investigating the kidnapping and murder of the Moroccan political exile, Mehdi Ben Barka."


  46. Encyclopedia Britannica: Charles de Gaulle, Mehdi Ben Barka


  47. New York Times, July 3, 1957, Kennedy Urges U.S. Back Independence for Algeria, p. A-1


  48. Steve Rivele, The Men Who Killed Kennedy


  49. ibid


  50. Zapruder film


  51. ibid


  52. Steve Rivele, The Men Who Killed Kennedy: Christian David stated that the second shot hit the other man in the car (everyone knows that was John Connally). The four second delay was determined by viewing the Zapruder film. The general location of the of the individual who shot Connally was easily determined by analyzing his five wounds. (ref. Jim Garrison, On the Trail of the Assassins, pp. 281-282) Each wound was below and to the left of the previous. Therefore, the shot was fired from above and to the right. Hence, the shot that hit Connally was fired from an "upper-level window of the Texas School Book Depository."


  53. The fact that Connally’s torso was turned to the right was determined by viewing the Zapruder film. It also matches his description of the shots (The Men Who Killed Kennedy). His sitting position is critical because it establishes the direction from which the bullet was fired. Some researchers get confused on this point. (example, J. Marrs, Crossfire, p. 308-d: sketch shows Connally seated in wrong position)


  54. Jim Garrison, On the Trail of the Assassins, pp. 281-282


  55. The one second delay between Connally being shot and Kennedy being fatally shot in the head was viewed in the Zapruder film. This is critical because it discredits the Warren Report which states that two consecutive shots cannot be fired from an Italian made Mannlicher-Carcano (the rifle Oswald "allegedly" used) in less than 2.3 seconds. (Reference Warren Report. Go to the section known by researchers as the "single bullet theory." Unfortunately, a specific page number cannot be referenced because the Warren Report’s page numbers vary among its many publications.)


  56. Zapruder film


  57. Jim Garrison, On the Trail of the Assassins, p. 281


  58. Steve Rivele, The Men Who Killed Kennedy (Christian David told Rivele that four shots were fired, but two were fired simultaneously. This is important because it explains why so many witnesses claim they only heard three shots.)


  59. Most researchers believe Oswald was innocent (unless they support the Warren Report of course).


  60. William Torbitt, Nomenclature of an Assassination Cabal, Reference Section I: Permindex and its Five Subsidiaries


  61. Jim Garrison, On the Trail of the Assassins, pp. 71, 80, 81, 126-128, 326, 337


  62. Jim Garrison, On the Trail of the Assassins, pp. 26-30, 35, 40-41, 48, 50, 67, 71, 80, 216, 326, 337-338


  63. Jim Garrison, On the Trail of the Assassins, pp. 91-92, 122-123, 183-184, 215-216, 274-276


  64. William Torbett, Nomenclature of an Assassination Cabal; reference Section II, J. Edgar Hoover, Ferenc Nagy, Clay Shaw, L.M. Bloomfield, and Permindex. Also, Jim Garrison implied that Bloomfield managed the "cabal." Reference On the Trail of the Assassins, pp. 101, 102, 137.


  65. Jim Garrison, On the Trail of the Assassins, pp. 4-5, 10-11, 30-31, 50, 122, 123, 216


  66. The statement that David Ferrie flew the assassins from Dallas to Montreal in a private plane several days after the assassination is based two things. First, Christian David told Steve Rivele that the assassins were flown from Dallas to Montreal about ten days after the assassination (reference The Men Who Killed Kennedy). Second, it has been established by Garrison and others that Ferrie provided pilot services on an as needed basis for members of the "cabal." Garrison specifically pointed out that Ferrie had flown Shaw to Montreal on numerous occasions. (Reference On the Trail of the Assassins, pp. 136-137.)


  67. Steve Rivele, The Men Who Killed Kennedy


  68. Encyclopedia Britannica: Meyer Lansky. The article stated that the House Select Committee on Assassinations had linked Jack Ruby (aka, Jack Rubenstein) to Lansky.


  69. Jim Garrison, On the Trail of the Assassins, pp. 251-255


  70. Jim Garrison’s statements in The Men Who Killed Kennedy


  71. Jim Garrison, On the Trail of the Assassins, pp. 20-22


  72. Division Five has been mentioned in at least different sources: (1) William Torbitt, Nomenclature of an Assassination Cabal, Reference Section I: Permindex and its Five Subsidiaries; (2) Jim Marrs, Crossfire, p. 499. Marrs cited Konstandinos Kalimtgis, David Goldman and Jeffrey Steinberg, Dope, Inc.: Britain’s Opium War Against the US, pp. 301-329; (3) Michael Collins Piper, Final Judgment, p. 192.


  73. Jim Marrs, Crossfire, p. 564


  74. I developed a composite of Division Five based on descriptions from the following three sources: (1) William Torbitt, Nomenclature of an Assassination Cabal, Reference Section I: Permindex and its Five Subsidiaries; (2) Jim Marrs, Crossfire, p. 499. Marrs cited Konstandinos Kalimtgis, David Goldman and Jeffrey Steinberg, Dope, Inc.: Britain’s Opium War Against the US, pp. 301-329; (3) Michael Collins Piper, Final Judgment, p. 192. NOTE: In my opinion, the stated descriptions of Division Five are based largely on reality, but contain a degree of disinformation. Therefore I have modified the descriptions based on my knowledge of the case.


  75. Joseph Milteer’s post-assassination remarks to Miami police informant, William Somersett, are in an FBI report in National Archives file number 180-10123-10039. The "originator" is the US Secret Service. The text of the referenced document was obtained from John McAdams’ website. ( The cited report states that Milteer "had contact with Robert Shelton who is a KK leader but he thought Shelton could not be depended upon as he opposes violence."


  76. George Ball, The Passionate Attachment, pp. 203


  77. ibid


  78. Joseph Milteer’s prophetic statements about JFK’s assassination, on November 9, 1963, to Miami police informant, William Somersett, are on John McAdams’ website ( The same transcript is available in Anthony Summers' book, Conspiracy, p. 404. Milteer’s statements are also in the documentary, The Men Who Killed Kennedy, by Nigel Turner.


  79. Joseph Milteer’s post-assassination remarks to Miami police informant, William Somersett, are in an FBI report in National Archives file number 180-10123-10039. The "originator" is the US Secret Service. The text of the referenced document was obtained from John McAdams’ website. (


  80. ibid


  81. ibid (NOTE: Although the cited FBI report does not explicitly state that Milteer made a speech at the Constitutional American Party, it is strongly implied. The report states that, on Nov. 24, 1963, Milteer "made some notes prior to the arrival of members of the Constitutional American Party who were to have a meeting [in Columbia, S.C.] and captioned the notes ‘notes to all Christians --- The Zionist Jews killed Christ 2000 years ago and on Nov. 22, 1963, they killed President Kennedy. You Jews killed the President. We are going to kill you’.")


  82. Encyclopedia Britannica: Ku Klux Klan


  83. ibid


  84. Ernest May & Philip Zelikow, The Kennedy Tapes, pp. 5, 6, 8, 9-10, 12, 26, 32, 43, 177, 178, 182, 185, 186, 205, 247, 263, 265, 306, 565, 683, 699


  85. Delmar Davis, The American [Independent] Party, (1992), ( Davis wrote that "The American Party grew out of the George Wallace movement of 1968." He also wrote of Christian extremism: "The Christian who does not want the world to be totally Christian is not totally Christian." Clearly an Evangelical group, Davis gave tacit support to Israel in the following statements: "Iran is Islamic. Israel is Jewish. Why do we hesitate to make America Christian?" He essentially endorsed Judaism, something commonly associated with right-extremist groups; however, it is common among Evangelical Christians because of their belief in Armageddon. Davis wrote the following on the topic of Jews: "We also drew fire from the 'far right', as it is sometimes called. Those who claim that all our problems are caused by Jews who are not 'real Jews'' could not support our party because we believe that no single group has caused the downfall of America. It is the abandonment of principles that has destroyed us. When correct principles - the Word of God - are adhered to, then no group can bring about our downfall. When those principles are ignored, any group can crush us." Also, Davis’s 1992 description of the American Party stated that its two groups, The American Party and The Christian Party, were respectively located in Provo, Utah and Epworth, Georgia. Joseph Milteer was also from Georgia.


  86. Airpower Journal, The Professional Journal of the United States Airforce: Reference Curtis E. LeMay,


  87. Richard Reeves, President Kennedy: Profile of Power, p. 306


  88. ibid. p. 182


  89. ibid. p. 103


  90. Airpower Journal


  91. Michael Jay Friedman, Congress, the President, and the Battle of Ideas: Vietnam Policy, 1965-1969, (1999),


  92. Encyclopedia Britannica: Martin Luther King, Jr.


  93. Encyclopedia Britannica: Robert F. Kennedy


  94. Encyclopedia Britannica: Lyndon Johnson


  95. Encyclopedia Britannica: Martin Luther King, Jr.


  96. Encyclopedia Britannica: Robert F. Kennedy


  97. Joan Hoff, The Nixon Story You Never Heard (article). Collusion between Admiral Moorer, Yeoman Radford, and others within the US military is also discussed at great length in Silent Coup by Len Colodny and Robert Gettlin.


  98. Caiaphas is mentioned in the King James Bible: John 18:13 & 14. Caiaphas’ appointment as high priest of the Sanhedrin is described by Josephus (Roman historian), Antiquities, XVIII, iv, p. 3; & XVIII, ii, p. 2.


  99., stock quotes & corporate profiles


  100. Encyclopedia Britannica: David Sarnoff


  101. Encyclopedia Britannica: William Paley


  102. Holy Bible, King James, Matthew, 27, v. 1-26









  • A: JFK’s Letter to Eshkol About Dimona
  • B: George Magazine Article About Yitzhak Rabin's Murder

  • Bibliography

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