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Jews at the helm of ostensibly non-Jewish organizations
(New listing at JTR, ever-growing. This list could go on for miles. It is only a sampling.)

Some valid questions about Jewish influence: to what degee do these people have allegiance to the Jewish victimology tradition, by extension to what degree do they hold dear the state of Israel and/or other Judeocentric interests within their respective organization's policy? Also, to what degree do they reflect a "Jewish view of the world," so popularly declared as something very real in Jewish circles -- particularly in deconstructing and/or subverting the non-Jewish social, cultural, and political order? To what extent are these people activists in such public policy socialization processes, sensitizing the public to Jewish interests and concerns?


NAACP (and other African-American organizations)

Washington Kurdish Institute,
Executive Director: Mike Amitay -- reputed to be the son of former head of AIPAC (the massive Jewish American lobbying organization for Israel), Morris Amitay.

American Institute of Polish Culture,
Founder and President: Blanka A. Rosenstiel

Emperor's Clothes,
(ostensibly about Yugoslavia and the Balkans)
Editor: Jared Israel (apologist for Israel)

Asia Society,
Chairman of the Board: Maurice R. Greenberg (article: 2001)
"To meet the increasing demand for greater awareness and understanding of Asia and its dynamic relationship with America, the Asia Society extensively renovated and expanded its world headquarters in New York City. The $30 million initiative substantially enhanced the Asia Society's museum galleries, as well as its public facilities and programs, and strengthened the Society's role as the only institution in North America addressing the intersection of the arts, economics, politics, and society throughout the Asia-Pacific region." This building is called The Maurice R. and Corinne P. Greenberg Building.

Committee for the Liberation of Iraq,
President: Randy Scheunemann
"The president of the Committee is Randy Scheunemann, Trent Lott's former chief national-security adviser. Last year Scheunemann worked for Donald Rumsfeld as a consultant on Iraq policy ... The Committee is little more than an extension of the Project for a New American Century (PNAC), an 'educational' organization packed with neocons such as William Kristol and Robert Kagan."

Open Society Institute,
Founder/Billionaire Moneybags: George Soros

U.S. Committee for a Free Lebanon,
"Golden Circle" members include: Elliot Abrams, Salo Aizenberg, Eleana Benador, David Chazen, Alain Gabriel Courtines, Rachel Ehrenfeld, Michael Eisenstadt, Eliot Engel, Philip Epstein, Gil Feiler, Douglas Feith, Leonard Getz, Richard Greenfield, Richard Hellmann, Irwin Hochberg, Michael Ledeen, Matthew Levitt, Daniel Lubetzky, Richard Perle, Daniel Pipes, Scott Rosenblum, Nina Rosenwald, Michael Rubin, Eric Silverman, David Steinmann, Jonathan Usher, Stanley Weiss, David Wurmser


A List of "Anti-Hate" organizations

(includes some overtly Jewish groups)

Institute for the Study of Genocide,
Executive Director: Helen Fein


America First Party,
Chairman: Dan Charles
"[The] Reform Party as a whole is in big trouble these days ... Earlier this year, several national executive committee members resigned, along with the leaders of 18 state chapters that decided to disaffiliate from the national organization and launch a new group, the America First Party (AFP). Based in Boulder, Colo., the upstart AFP is headed by Dan Charles, a Jewish right-wing activist previously aligned with the Reform Party."

FrontPage magazine,
Founder/editor: David Horowitz (former far Left political activist, now a conservative apologist for Israel and Judeocentrism)

National Endowment for Democracy,
President: Carl Gershman

Heritage Foundation,
President: Edwin Feulner
(Likely Jewish. Married to Linda Claire Leventhal and author of Hate is Hate).

Center for the Study of Compassionate Conservatism,
Member of Board of Directors: Marvin Olasky

Center for Middle East Peace and Economic Cooperation,
Chairman: S. Daniel Abraham (avid pro-Israel acitivist)

Center for the Study of Popular Culture,
co-founder: David Horowitz (see below)

Carnegie Council on Ethics and International Affairs,
President: Joel Rosenthal

Hudson Institute,
Founder (deceased): Herman Kahn
President: Herbert I. London (Winner of the 2001 American Jewish Congress Award)
Chairman of the Board: Walter P. Stern
Vice President and Director: Kenneth R. Weinstein ("Prior to rejoining Hudson, Weinstein was the managing director of the Shalem Center, an educational and research institute with offices in Jerusalem and Washington, D.C.")

Manhattan Institute for Policy Studies,
President: Lawrence J. Mone

People for the American Way,
Founder: television director Norman Lear

The Center for Libertarian Studies (venerates Murray Rothbard),
Founder: Burton S. Blumert

Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty,
Executive Director: Thomas A. Dine
Dine "headed the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) from 1980 through June 1993."

Middle East Forum,
Executive Committee Chairman: Irwin Hochberg
"The Middle East Forum, a think tank, works to define and promote American interests in the Middle East ... In particular, it believes in strong ties with Israel, Turkey, and other democracies as they emerge; works for human rights throughout the region; strives to weaken the forces of religious radicals; seeks a stable supply and a low price of oil; and promotes the peaceful settlement of regional and international disputes ... Toward this end, the Forum seeks to help shape the intellectual climate in which U.S. foreign policy is made by addressing key issues in a timely and accessible way for a sophisticated public."

The Conservative Caucus,
Chairman: Howard Phillips
"Constitution Party & Independent American Party Presidential Nominee ... Born February 6, 1941 in Boston, Massachusetts. Married to Peggy Phillips. Six children, eight grandchildren. Evangelical Protestant (Jewish by birth, later converted in adulthood to Christianity)."

The Mitre organization,
Chairman of the Board: James Schlesinger
"MITRE is a not-for-profit national resource that provides systems engineering, research and development, and information technology support to the government. It operates federally funded research and development centers for the DOD, the FAA, and the IRS."

Aspen Institute,
Chairman: William E. Mayer (Jewish?)
Vice Chairman: Lester Crown
(Jewish Aspen officials include everyone from Henry Kissinger to Madeline Albright).

Project for a New American Century,
Chairman: William Kristol

Institute for Policy Studies,
Founder/funder: Samuel Rubin
"Cora Weiss, nee Cora Rubin, daughter of Samuel Rubin. She was a director of the Samuel Rubin Foundation from its inception. She was also instrumental in the funding decision to create the Institute for Policy Studies. Her husband, Peter Weiss, was the first IPS chairman of the board of directors. She and her husband Peter selected Marcus Raskin and Richard Barnet as co-directors of the Institute for Policy Studies."

World Affairs Council,
Chair: Bill Grinstein

Center for the Research on Military Organization,
Director: David R. Segal

Term Limits,
President: Howard Rich

Council on Foreign Relations,
President: Leslie Gelb
Vice President: Abraham Lowenthal

Center for Policy Alternatives,
Board Secretary: Miles Rapoport

Drug Policy Alliance,
Executive Director: Ethan Nadelman

Education Policy Institute,
Chairman: Myron Lieberman

Ethics and Public Policy Center,
President: Hillel G. Fradkin

The Joan Shorenstein Center on the Press, Politics, and Public Policy, (Harvard U.)
"The Shorenstein Center was established with a generous gift from Walter H. and Phyllis J. Shorenstein, in memory of their daughter, Joan. Joan Shorenstein Barone is remembered by all who worked with her as one of the most dedicated professionals ever to enter the field of political journalism."

Miller Center of Public Affairs,
Executive Director: Philip Zelikow
"The Miller Center's mission is to study and inform the national and international policies of the United States, with a special emphasis on the American Presidency. We conduct primary historical research, hold public forums, document presidential oral history, award fellowships in American political development and organize commissions on important public policy issues."

9-11 Commission (National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States),
Executive Director: Philip Zelikow (see also above)
"January 27, 2003: Philip Zelikow, White Burkett Miller Professor of History and Director of the Miller Center of Public Affairs at the University of Virginia, has been appointed as the Executive Director of the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States, also known as the '9/11 Commission.'"

Ethics and Public Policy Center,
President: Hillel Fradkin

Center for Ethics and Public Policy,
President: Elliot Abrams

SITE Institute-The Search for International Terrorist Entities,
Director: Rita Katz



Fairness and Accuracy in Media (FAIR),
Executive Director: Jeff Cohen

Paul Revere Society,
The PRS apparently IS Michael Savage (born Michael Weiner). Conservative talk-show host and apologist for Israel.

Association of American Publishers,
Chairman of the Board of Directors: Jane Friedman
(Friedman is President and CEO of HarperCollins Publishers).

Screen Actors Guild,
President: Melissa Gilbert
"Other Jewish performers in the cast [of the play "The Education of Max Bickford"] include Jill Clayburgh and Sara Gilbert. Gilbert, 27, is best known for her youthful role as Roseanne's youngest daughter on the "Roseanne" television series. Her sister, MELISSA GILBERT, 38, was the former child star of "Little House on the Prairie" and many TV movies. Melissa was elected president of the Screen Actors' Guild late last year." -- Jewish Bulletin

American Film Institute,
Director and CEO: Jean Picker Firstenberg (Jewish?)

Recording Industry Association of America,
Chairman and CEO: Hilary Rosen

National Association of Recording Merchandisers,
"The Voice of Music Retailing"
President: Pamela Horovitz
Chairman: David Schlang (Jewish?)

National Film Board of Canada, (government subsidies for independent filmmakers) Commissioner and Chairperson: Jacques Bensimon

Arbitron, (media research)
President and CEO: Stephen B. Morris
(non-executive) Chairman: Lawrence Perlman

The Media Coalition, Inc.,
Executive Director: David Horowitz

The Media Access Project,
President and CEO: Andrew Jay Schwartzman

Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (Canada's BBC),
President and CEO: Robert Rabinovitch

Canadian Museum of Civilization,
President and CEO: Victor Rabinovitch (brother of Robert - see above)
"Their [the Rabinovitch brothers] appointments, the apex of careers built largely in the federal civil service, were 'a source of naches [pride] for the entire Jewish community,'' said Irving Abella, a Toronto historian and former president of the Canadian Jewish Congress. 'They are energetic and dedicated, and never tried to hide their Jewish background.'"

Center for Media and Public Affairs,
President: S. Robert Lichter
Vice President: Linda Lichter


American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)
President: Nadine Strossen

Judicial Watch,
Chairman: Larry Klayman (a Jewish convert to Christianity)

Lawyers Committee for Human Rights,
strong interest in fighting antisemitism)
Executive Director: Michael Posner

Human Rights Watch,
Executive Director: Kenneth Roth

American Center for Law & Justice (ACLJ),
Chief Council: Jay Alan Sekulow
He also operates: The Slavic Center for Law and Justice (SCLJ), along with SCLJ co-founder Vladimir Ryakhovskiy (Jewish?)
and also The European Center for Law and Justice (ECLJ)
Note: The "Jay Sekulow Live!" daily radio show is co-hosted by Gene Kapp.

National Lawyers Guild,
President: Bruce Nestor (Jewish surname)
President-Elect: Michael Avery (Jewish surname)
Executive Vice President: Marjorie Cohn

Child Welfare League of America,
President and CEO: Shay Bilchik
"Cardinal McCarrick announced July 11 that a Child Protection Advisory Board with experts from related fields has been formed to review and strengthen the Archdiocese of Washington's policies and procedures on preventing and dealing with cases of child abuse. The chairman of the nine-member board, Shay Bilchik, is the president and CEO of the Child Welfare League of America ... 'Every child as a birthright is entitled to nurturance and protection,' said Bilchik, whose Child Welfare League is the nation's oldest and largest association of agencies that directly help abused, neglected, abandoned and other vulnerable children and their families. The board chairman, who is Jewish, said members would examine archdiocesan policies, help the local Catholic Church in 'confronting and preventing the tragedy of child sexual abuse,' and determine if there are 'more effective methods for protecting children, for whom the Church is a spiritual home.'"

Southern Poverty Law Center,
CEO: Joe Levin

Bazelon Center for Mental Health Law,
Executive Director: Robert Bernstein

Center for Equal Opportunity,
President: Linda Chavez
"She met her husband, Christopher Gersten, while attending the University of Colorado. Gersten, who is Jewish, heads the Institute for Religious Values."

Center for Law and Social Policy,
Chair: Joe Onek
"Berkowitz: I see also that you worked on the Hill at one point? Onek: I'd worked on the Hill for Kennedy but not on health issues particularly. Berkowitz: And Mondale was not a rabbi? Onek: No, I knew Mondale because I'd worked on the Hill, but I had no ties."
"The Center for Law and Social Policy (CLASP) was founded in 1968 by Charles Halpern and three other lawyers, with the assistance of Justice Arthur Goldberg."


American Library Association,
President: Maurice Freedman

American Federation of Teachers,
President: Sandra Feldman

Service Employees International Union (SEIU)
President: Andrew L. Stern

Communication Workers of America (AFL-CIO),
President: Morton Bahr (also President of the Jewish Labor Committee)
Executive Vice-President: Larry Cohen
(Note: Barbara Easterling (Jewish?) is this group's Secretary-Treasurer and also
of the Labor Advisory Board for State of Israel Bonds).

President: Bruce Raynor (Jewish surname)
Raynor succeeded Jay Mazur in July 2001. "A new chapter in the history of the U.S. labor movement began in 1995 with the founding of UNITE (Union of Needletrades, Industrial and Textile Employees). The new union was formed by the merger of two of the nation's oldest unions, the International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union (ILGWU) and the Amalgamated Clothing and Textile Workers Union (ACTWU)."
Per Jay Mazur: He is noted as an official of one of "53 member organizations of major American Jewish organizations that seeks to strengthen the U.S.-Israel Alliance, and to protect and advance the security and dignity of Jews abroad." Mazur is here noted as a representative for the National Committee for Labor Israel.

The Newspaper Guild, (union - part of Communication Workers of America)
International Chairperson: Carol Rothman

American Association for the Advancement of Science,
CEO, and Executive Publisher of  "Science" magazine: Alan Leshner.
Chairman of the Board: Floyd E. Bloom (Jewish?)
Director of science & policy programs: Albert H. Teich (Jewish?)

Union of Concerned Scientists,
President: Howard Ris [Jewish?]
Chairman of the Board: Kurt Gottfried

Foundation for Individual Rights in Education,
President and Co-Director: Alan Charles Kors
Co-Director: Harvey A. Silverglate

Institute of Medicine (National Academy for Science),
President: Harvey Fineberg

American Political Science Association,
President-Elect: Margaret Levi
Vice President: Ira Katznelson
Secretary: Judith Goldstein

American Psychological Association,
President: Robert J. Sternberg

International Association for Philosophy and Literature,
Executive Director: Hugh J. Silverman

National Association of Science Writers, Inc.
President: Deborah Blum

National Association of Social Workers,
President: Terry Mizrahi

Writers Guild of America, West
President: Victoria Riskin (also on the American Film Institute Board of Trustees)
("Welcome to the official Web site of the Writers Guild of America, west, a labor union that represents more than 8,500 professional writers who create your favorite films and television programs."

Writers Guild of America, East,
President: Herb Sargent (Jewish?)

The Songwriters Guild of America,
Executive Director: Lewis Bachman

The American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers (ASCAP),
President and Chairman of the Board: Marilyn Bergman
Vice Chairman: Cy Coleman (Jewish?)
Vice Chairman, Publisher Board: Jay Morganstern
Treasurer: Arnold Broido

Music Publishers Association of the United States,
President: Tom Broido

American Psychiatric Association,
President: Paul Appelbaum
"Dr. Appelbaum, a world-renowned psychiatrist, presented 'Religion and Psychiatry: An Orthodox Jewish Psychiatrist’s Perspective' at the luncheon."

Institute of Industrial Engineers,
President: Jeremy Weinstein

Middle East Studies Association (MESA),
(Previous) President: Joel Beinin

The American Educational Research Association (AERA),
Executive Director: Felice J. Levine

American Sociological Association,
President: William T. Bielby
"Bill’s non-observant Jewish mother worked in a shoe store at the Palmer House and then with her husband in the store."

American Society of Magazine Editors (ASME)
[a division of Magazine Publishers of America]
Executive Director: Marlene Kahan

American Sportscasters Association,
President: Lou Schwartz

Committee to Protect Journalists,
Chairman of the Board: David Laventhol
Executive Director: Ann Cooper (Jewish?)

Chairman: Howard B. Goldstein
"The PSRC of America is an organization of physicians, nurses, administrators, allied health care professionals, and data analysts providing services to promote quality of care and the efficient management of health care resources in managed care and traditional settings."


American Patrol,
Co-founder Shirley Lertzman

Federation for American Immigration Reform,
Executive Director: Dan Stein (Jewish citation here)

National Immigration Forum, (pro-immigration)
Chairman of the Board: Diana Aviv
Executive Director: Frank Sharry (Jewish?)


World Bank,
President: James D. Wolfensohn

Federal Reserve System,
Chairman: Alan Greenspan

Economic Policy Institute,
President: Larry Mishel (Mishel comes up on a web search as a Jewish surname)
Vice President: Ross Eisenbrey (Jewish?)

International Futures and Options Exchange,
CEO: Hugh Freedberg

The Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT),
Chairman: Nickolas J. Neubauer

New York Board of Trade,
Acting President, CEO, Chairman, and Chairman of the Board: Charles H. Falk
Vice Chairman of the Board: Frederick W. Schoenhut

American National Standards Institute (ANSI),
President and CEO: Mark W. Hurwitz

American Corn Growers Association,
CEO (in 2000): Gary Goldberg
("In February 2001, Goldberg was sentenced to five years probation for obtaining child pornography by mail. 'When the FBI and police knocked on his door, it was the end of Gary Goldberg, chief executive of the American Corn Growers Association,' The Tulsa World reported. 'Now and forever, it’s Gary Goldberg, convicted sex offender.' Goldberg, who once rubbed elbows with senators and even visited President Clinton in the White House, now says: 'I’m a felon. They don’t let felons in the Oval Office.' Goldberg’s crime led to a very public resignation from his high-profile ACGA role. But the organization did not divorce itself of Goldberg entirely: he now serves as the Chief Executive Officer of the ACGA-linked American Corn Growers Foundation, where he remains in charge of fundraising and glad-handing the big-money foundations that keep ACGA afloat. Goldberg, a Tulsa corn grower, served as CEO of ACGA for three years and National President for five.

Electronic Retailing Association,
Chairman: Linda A. Goldstein

Gemological Institute of America,
President: Lee Berg

U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission,
(Previous) Chairman: Arthur Levitt
Secretary: Jonathan G. Katz
Commissioner: Cynthia A. Glassman
Commissioner: Harvey J. Goldschmid

Direct Marketing Association,
President: H. Robert Weintzen

Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments,
Chairman of the Board: Richard Danzig
"Recently [1999], Richard Danzig was appointed Secretary of the U.S. Navy. The appointment marks the very first time a member of the Jewish faith has reached the commander level of one of the American Armed Forces divisions. The office is second in rank only to the Secretary of Defense ... Observing that the prestigious appointment was duly noted within the Jewish community, I asked Danzig if he felt that his Judaism had played a significant role in his line of work. He pointed out that the structure of the military community is, in fact, quite similar to the Jewish community ... . Although his position as Secretary of the Navy is rare for a civilian officer, the military offers many jobs for civilians."

National Economic Council,
Chairman: Stephen Friedman

Turnaround Management Association,
Chairman: Randall S. Eisenberg
Penultimate Chairman: Melanie Rovner Cohen

American Council for Capital Formation,
President: Mark A. Bloomfield

Business Council for Sustainable Energy,
Chairman: Scott A. Wiener

Consumer Energy Council of America,
President: Ellen Berman

Consumers Union,
Director: Gene Kimmelman
Policy Analyst: Adam Goldberg


Art organizations

College Art Association,
President: Michael Aurbach

Campaign for Museums, (Great Britain)
Chairman: Loyd Grossman


Planned Parenthood Federation of America,
President: Gloria Feldt
"At the tenth annual Power of One event, over 600 women gathered in San Francisco to celebrate their commitment to the Jewish Community Federation. They were inspired by messages from Jan Richer, Liki Abrams, and keynote speaker Gloria Feldt, President of the Planned Parenthood Federation of America, who spoke eloquently about her Jewish roots, personal challenges and the importance of activism."

National Abortion Federation,
President and CEO: Vicki Saporta
(Jewish? Saporta is a Sephardic Jewish surname)

Feminists for Free Expression,
Founder: Marcia Pally
Vice President: Marilyn Fitterman
Secretary: Jayme Waxman
"Jamye Waxman is a writer, producer, performer, sex educator and outspoken advocate for women's sexual liberation. Jamye is currently pursuing her masters in human sexuality education and teaches sexuality classes at a well-know adult toyshop in downtown Manhattan. She is the Associate Producer of the television show Naked New York and a columnist for Playgirl Magazine. She produced 'Love Bytes' with Bob Berkowitz and hosted her own show 'Aural Fixation' on WSEX Radio."
Member of Board of Directors: Abby Ehmann
"Abby describes herself as a 'Sexpert' and 'New York's preeminent female smutmeister,' began a career in the adult entertainment industry as an Associate Editor at Penthouse Forum. She has also served as Consulting Editor of Masquerade Erotic Newsletter, Girls of Outlaw Biker and Erotica Online. She has written for many sex-oriented publications from Screw and Hustler to Forum and New Rave."

National Gay and Lesbian Task Force,
Co-Chair: Loren S. Ostrow
"Loren Ostrow ... is outgoing President of the Board of Congregation Kol Ami, a predominately gay and lesbian synagogue in West Hollywood, CA, and he previously served as Co-Chair of the L.A. Gay & Lesbian Center's Board of Directors."

Museum of Sex,
Executive Director and Founder: Daniel Gluck

National Partnership for Women and Families,
President: Judith Lichtman

Population Action International,
President: Amy Coen

National Coalition for Sexual Freedom,
Chairperson of the Board of Directors: Vivienne Kramer
(A Jewish "Vivienne Kramer" is noted here. The same one?)

Children's Defense Fund,
Founder and President: Marian Wright Edelman
(Married to Peter Edelman).

Women's Independent Forum,
Chairman: R. Gaull Silberman


Voices in the Wilderness,
Prominent Activist: Bert Sacks
(Sacks is active against the planned invasion of Iraq. He has lived in Israel). [From a correspondent: Bert Sacks, an open Zionist, is one of the highest-profile activists in the Voices in the Wilderness, a group that has long protested sanctions on Iraq. The price of his participation, which is cherished because he is a self-described "saint", is complete silence by VITW (including by founder Kathy Kelly) on Israel (he is a former west bank settler and a dual-citizen), on Dual-Containment, and in the Israeli role in setting US policy on Iraq].

Alliance to Save Energy,
President: David M. Nemtzow
(Nemtsow: Jewish name.)


The Center for the Advancement of Objectivism ("Ayn Rand Institute"),
(includes avid activism on behalf of Israel)
Chairman: Peter Schwartz
President and CEO: Yaron Brook

Georgia Rural Urban Summit,
founder: Daniel Levitas
(Levitas also is the former executive director of Atlanta's Center for Democratic Renewal)

American Humanist Organization, (largest American atheist organization)
President: Melvin Lipman
2002 "Humanist of theYear" - Steven Weinberg

Advocacy Institute,
Co-chair: David Cohen
Co-Chair Michael Pertschuk

Alzheimer's Association,
President and CEO: Sheldon Goldberg

National Coalition Against Censorship (NCAC)
Executive Director: Joan E. Bertin
Co-Chairman: Jeremiah S. Gutman

Alliance for Justice,
President: Nan Aron

Council for a Livable World,
President: John Isaacs (Jewish?)
"John Isaacs has served as executive director and president of Council for a Livable World since 1991, headed the Washington office since 1981 and lobbied for the Council since 1978."

Nuclear Control Institute,
Founder: Paul Leventhal
"Paul Leventhal founded the Nuclear Control Institute in 1981 and served as its president for 21 years prior to his retirement in June 2002. Mr. Leventhal now serves as Advisor and President Emeritus. Prior to founding NCI, Mr. Leventhal held senior staff positions in the United States Senate on nuclear power and proliferation issues."

Institute for Popular and Reproductive Health (Bill Gates' foundation),
Director: Laurie Schwab Zabin
"In 1999, Zabin accepted the position of the Director of the Bill and Melinda Gates Institute for Population and Reproductive Health."
"It would be very hard for me to separate my whole moral compass from what I take from the history of the Jewish people." -- Zabin.

(Current or recent)

"Ronald Ehrenberg, the Irving M. Ives Professor of Industrial and Labor Relations and vice president for academic programs, planning and budgeting, drew mainly from his personal experiences and his background as a Jew to demonstrate the continued need for affirmative action programs ... . Six out of eight Ivy League universities in recent years have had Jewish presidents, Ehrenberg said."

“It’s fascinating,” observed President James O. Freedman in the February 11 Los Angeles Times, “that there was not a Jewish president of a major university — with one or two exceptions — until about 15 years ago. And then all of a sudden — without notice — there are Jewish presidents now at dozens of major institutions.” Among all those presidents, however, Freedman remains among the most outspoken on Jewish issues in higher education. Through a series of public comments, notably his 1990 attack on the Dartmouth Review, Freedman has repeatedly used his ethnicity to make a name for himself in academic circles. The Los Angeles Times interview concerned his comments at the opening of the Roth Center for Jewish Life, in which he exposed Dartmouth’s history of anti-Semitism."

Tufts University,
"Lawrence S. Bacow, recently installed as president of Tufts University, likes to say that the naming of a Jewish college president is hardly newsworthy anymore. After all, MIT named Jerry Weisner in 1970, and since then Jewish presidents have reigned at prestigious institutions from Dartmouth to Harvard, Penn to Princeton ... And, the new Tufts head boasts, every door of the President's mansion on the Medford campus now hosts a mezzuzah, while the kitchen has been koshered for his family's use. Bacow's strong commitment to Judaism and the Jewish community is clear from his positions as a director of the Jewish Community Housing for the Elderly and a trustee of Hebrew College, and his wife's role as a trustee of Temple Emmanuel in Newton. He believes it is important for American Jews to 'speak up on behalf of Israel and to show their support visibly,' yet he understands the complexities of the situation."

Harvard University,
President: Lawrence Summers (replaced Neil Rudenstine)
"I speak with you today not as President of the University but as a concerned member of our community about something that I never thought I would become seriously worried about -- the issue of anti-Semitism. I am Jewish, identified but hardly devout."
(More concern about anti-Semitism)

Yale University,
President: Richard L. Levin

Princeton University,
President: Harvey Shapiro (stepped down after 12 years, in 2001)

Dartmouth College,
President: James O. Freedman
(What Being Jewish Means to Me: "I dearly wish that my father, who had confronted anti-semitism in finding his early teaching positions, had lived long enough to see the installation of Jewish presidents at numerous Ivy League and Big Ten universities.")
More hysterical Judeocentric weirdness from Freedman.

Cornell University,
President: Jeffrey Lehman

University of Pennsylvania,
President: Judith Rodin
* "KOL NIDRE REMARKS: We ask: 'Where are we, ourselves?' not just, 'Where am I?' We pray collectively, both to recognize our collective responsibilities and to acknowledge the failings and limitations that are common to us all. In this way, we express the essential inter-relatedness between our own actions and the larger community in and for which we act."
* "[T]he University of Pennsylvania will not support divestment from Israel, boycotts of Israeli scholars and scientists, or any effort to stifle the free expression of diverse ideas and opinions about the Middle East conflict by our faculty and students."
* "[T]argeting Israel for divestment and boycotts is wrong."

Northwestern University,
President: Henry Bienen, also Jewish
"Northwestern hosts an annual summer Institute for Holocaust and Jewish Civilization .... President Bienen serves as the honorary chair for the Institute."

University of California,
President: Richard Atkinson (former Chancellor of UC - San Diego)
(Atkinson is a member of the Board of Directors of the avidly pro-Israel Koret Foundation, which features its "Israel Emergency Fund")

Stanford University,
Chairman of the Board: Isaac Stein

McGill University (Canada),
Principal: Bernard Shapiro (stepped down in 2002)
Shapiro has been replaced by Heather Munroe-Blum
(she is married to Jewish screenwriter Len Blum)

President: David Baltimore

Carnegie Mellon University,
President: Jared L. Cohon

"Steven L. Isenberg, who has been Adelphi University's board chairman since the appointment of this group of trustees by the New York State Board of Regents in February 1997, was named interim president of Adelphi on July 26, when Matthew Goldstein announced his departure to become chancellor of the City University of New York."

West Chester University,
President: Madeleine Wing Adler
WCU is the headquarters of the National Association for Holocaust Studies.
(Note from a JTR contributor: Dr. Lawrence Davidson of the WCU history dept. says that "Israelis have come to believe in an alternate history." See page 84, April '03 issue of Washington Report On Middle East Affairs magazine.)

Bard College,
President: Leon Botstein


New School for Social Research,
Dean of Graduate Faculty: Richard Bernstein


The University of Alberta (Canada) has had two Jewish presidents: Max Wyman and Myer Horowitz.

From a correspondent: "When I was at the University of Arizona in the 1980s, the president, Henry Koffler, was a Jew and an open supporter of the JDL [Jewish Defense League], which was strong there. He also sat on the board of the Office of Technology Assessment. He now is the chairman of the U of A Foundation, which manages endowments."


(Note: a pillar of "interfaith" Jewish-Christian organizations tends to be the propagandizing of Christan sensitization to Jewish concerns about "anti-Semitism" (underscoring alleged Christian blame for the "Holocaust"), and revision of historical Christian religious texts to accommodate Jewish demands. These types of organizations are typically constructed towards Christian sympathy of Jewish hostility to Christianity. Note that at least two organization directors are rabbis at Christian colleges -- a situation that is reciprically (read: "priest") unthinkable at a Jewish center of higher learning. Interfaith "dialogue" with Jewry is essentially Christian CONCESSION to Jewish perspective, never the other way around.)

International Fellowship of Christians and Jews,
Director: Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein
(Note: this organization is a noteworthy exploitive scam. Rabbi Eckstein has sucked tens of millions of dollars from innocent Christians for brutal, racist Israel -- a country that has contempt for them.)

The Center for Catholic-Jewish Studies,
Director: Michael Cooper

The Center for Christian-Jewish Understanding,
(Sacred Heart University - Fairfield, Connecticut)
Director: Rabbi Joseph Ehrenkranz

The Ecumenical Institute for Jewish-Christian Studies,
(Southfield, Michigan)
Executive Director: David Blewett

Jay Phillips Center for Jewish-Christian Learning,
(University of St. Thomas - St. Paul, MN)
Director: Rabbi Barry D. Cytron

Chrétiens et Juifs pour un Enseignement de l’Estime,
Managing Director: Menahem R. Macina

Centre for Jewish-Christian Relations,
(Cambridge University - Great Britain)
Executive Director: Edward Kessler

The Elijah School for the Study of Wisdom in World Religions,
Director: Rabbi Alon Goshen-Gottstein

Interfaith Encounter Association, IEA,
Director: Yehuda Stolov

Koordinierungsausschusses für Christlich-Jüdische Zusammenarbeit,
(Coordinating Committee for Christian-Jewish Cooperation)
Director: Markus Himmelbauer

Interreligious Coordinating Council in Israel,
Director: Rabbi Ron Kronish

"[Chris] Gersten, a Reform Jew, president of the Institute for Religious Values and organizer of last November's [1999] Jewish-Christian dialogue at Catholic University, 'Affirming the Sanctity of Life,' provided specific goals and actions that can be pursued immediately."


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