No Return = No Peace
Al Aqsa Uprising
Who is Ariel Sharon
(Feb 2001)
Main Page
U.S. Interest
Aid to Israel Espionage, Pollard USS Liberty Lavon Affair Defense industries
Media/Policy Pro-Israel Lobbies Policies Media deceptions Israel & Media ADL
Zionism I
Zionism = Racism Zionist-Nazi Alliance Holocaust Politicizing Palestinian Massacres Torture of Palestinians
Zionism II
Settlements Jerusalem House Demolistions "Importing" Jews Land Confiscation Wars: `48,`56,`67,`73 Golan Height Myth Israel's Birth Myths Palestinians' Expulsion Israel's Aggression Israel's Terrorism Murdering POW
Peace Process
History, Sadat Said, Chomsky, Fisk Oslo, Wye, etc Netanyahu vs Barak Refugees Arafat Corruption AlAqsa Uprising
Gulf War History U.S. Hypocrisy U.S. Media Depleted Uranium Israeli Connection Sanctions "Oil-for-Food"
Southern Lebanon Hizbullah History of Aggression Qana Massacre Robert Fisk
Fundamentalist Christians Jordan-Israeli relations Iran, Turkey & Kurds. U.N.-U.S.-Israel U.S., Israel, Drugs & Dictators U.S. Foreign Policy Israel's Weapons of Mass Destruction Israel a Haven for Criminals Historical Documents Time Lines Pope Pius XII Israel's Pollutions Israel Theft of Water
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An Educational Project For
The Case Against Israel and the Destruction of Iraq.
Facts Ignored or Manipulated by Western Media
Created and Maintained by SAM, a Christian, Arab-American Tax-Payer; above all a human being, with compassion for victims of injustice.
Israel's Effects on U.S. Interests
- U.S. Aid to Israel
- Espionage against the U.S./Pollard
- The 1967 USS Liberty
- The 1954 Lavon affair
- Israel's harming of U.S. defense industries
- Israeli harassment of U.S. Marines
Political & Media Power of Israel
- Pro-Israel Lobbies
- Clinton's pro-Israel cabinet
- Subtle media deceptions
- Countless shows & movies promoting Israel
- Countless anti-Arab movies.
Zionism & Israeli Apartheid
(Parts I or II)
- Israeli/Zionism's racism & discrimination
- Zionist-Nazi & Zionist-Fascist alliance
- WWII Zionists' indifference to Jewish suffering
- Israeli human right violations & massacres
- Politicizing the Holocaust
- Home demolitions & torture
- Israeli Ethnic cleansing, expansionism & settlements
- Israeli Terrorism & aggression.
The "Peace Process"
- History of the "Peace Process"
- Edward Said, Noam Chomsky, Charley Reese, Naseer Aruri, Israel Shahak and Robert Fisk on the "Peace Process".
- Maps for Oslo, 1967, 1947 ... etc
- Deception behind "peace"
- Netanyahu's and Barak's government
- The Wye Agreement
- Refugee issues
- The Corruption of Arafat
- Arafat as Israel's occupation enforcer
- AlAqsa Uprising
Gulf War & Sanctions
- A U.S. green light to Iraq to invade Kuwait?
- Destruction of Iraq & weapons used
- U.S. double standard & hypocrisy
- Depleted Uranium use by Allies
- Starvation of Iraqis and their children
- Epidemics & cancer rate surge due to sanctions.
Devastation of Lebanon
- A history of aggression against Lebanon
- Israel's real interest in Lebanon
- Hizbollah's resistance to Israel's occupation
- Israel's "Security Zone" inside Lebanon
- Qana massacre
- Sabra & Shatila massacre
News & Information Resources
- Washington Report on Middle East Affairs
- The Independent, Ha'aretz
- Jewish Telegraphic Agency
- The Associated Press
- The Washington Post
- Middle East Realities
- Israel Wire
- Informative Palestinian, Israeli & Jewish web sites (Human Rights... etc).
- Israeli government sites
- Right-wing and extremist Israeli sites
- Fundamentalist Christians' support of Israel
- Israel, central America, drugs & Dictators
- U.N. resolutions against Israel & U.S. vetos
- U.S. hegemony by bullying the U.N.
- Israel's toxic pollution of international waters
- Israel's Monopoly of water resources
- Israel's weapons of mass destruction
- Historical documents, maps,
- Jordanian-Israeli collusion
- Iran, Turkey, Kurds, Morocco, and Israel.
- Pope Pius XII & the Holocaust
Books & References
- Recommended books on everything contained in this site.
Index by Author
- The articles of selected authors listed in this site.
- Authors' Internet archives whenever available.
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Launch date 09/1998
Continually Updated (Unless Otherwise Stated)