Jewish Power in Russia
In Russia the Jews have
reached new heights in their strive for power and domination. After
their predominance in the Bolshevik Revolution and Communist Soviet
Union with names such as Trotsky, Beria and
Kaganovich, the Jews have
festered even better in Capitalist Russia, with leading Jewish
oligarchs like Berezovsky, Gusinsky, Khodorkovsky,
Leviev, setting the trend.
It should be noted that these named oligarchs all are subjected to criminal charges,
specially interesting in the case of
Gusinsky who use to be the No 1. Jewish leader in Russia, as the
president of the Russian chapter of the World Jewish Congress.
"I don't want my children to be slaves of the Jews"
Radio Islam's inteview with the Russian Colonel Yevgeny Shchekatikhin
The Catechism of the Jew in Russia
Text published in Tel Aviv, but not in Russia
Historical background |

- The Jews Are Not A Race!
By Dr. Alfred M. Lilienthal. On the fact that over 90% of those today calling themselves "Jews", are actually descendants of the Khazar people, originating from southern Russia. For more on Khazar Jews see our special section.
Stalin's Jews - We mustn't forget that some of greatest murderers of modern
times were Jewish
By Sever Plocker, from Israeli site
- The Jewish Role in the Bolshevik "Revolution"
By Mark Weber
- More on Jewish
influence in Russia's Communist movement and the NKVD
- Jews in Russia's
Communist Movement
Excerpts from the book Born a Jew, by the Jew Boris Bogen: "... the Tsar's palace rang with the folk songs of the Ghettos."
- Jewish
Money and Economic Influence: the Historical
Includes information on the economic power of the Jews in Russia
- World of our
Article on Jewish Godfathers in Eastern Europe, from Israeli Newspaper Ha'aretz
Left: Jewish Commissariat 1918: Uritsky, Trotsky,
Zinoviev, Sverdlov, Kaganovich.
Click photo to enlarge.
Politics, finance and medias |
Jewish Power in Russia
- Jewish
Money and Economic Influence: The Jewish "oligarchs"
Includes information on the present economic power of the Jews in Russia
Jewish Media influence in
From the Jewish Tribal Review homepage's "Jewish Influence in the Mass Media" (pt. 2).
Pictures of
Putin with his Jewish-Israeli masters
"In Russia, suggestions of a cultural change for the better"
Revealing article by Zionist Jew William Safire
The "Yachtgate" affair -
Russian Jewish Mobster colludes with British Jews from Labour and the Conservatives
...and Rothschild is the intermediary
Capitalism in the New Russia
Tycoons Take the Reins in Russia
Collection of articles on the Jewish takover of modern Russia
A multitude of articles collected by the Jewish Tribal Review.
Russian Media Mogul Out on Bail in Greece
Russia's richest man under arrest
Russia demands UK-based tycoon's arrest
Arrested oil tycoon passed shares to banker
Article in The Washington Times on Jewish-Russian oligarch Mikhail Khodorkovsky's cooperation with renowned Jewish banker Jacob Rothschild
Russia: Richard Perle to the rescue in Russia
Soros vs Russia
ZGram from the Zundelsite
Israeli ambitions of "Mafia boss"
Grigory Lerner, a Jewish multi-millionaire businessman charged with defrauding Russian banks of more than $75 million, organising the murder of a Russian banker and attempting to murder others, and falsifying his documents
- New York police crack
Israeli-Russian Ecstasy ring
Article from Israeli Newspaper Jerusalem Post
Russian mafia helping
Mexican cartels smuggle drugs into U.S.
Israeli Media Assets Dominate Russia's Media Stream
Primakov: Real Name: Pinchas Finkelstein
Communist Condemns Zionism
Jewish Tycoons "Ruining" Russia
Hebrew Press on Jewish influence in Russia and Media Baron's arrest
WJC asks Interpol not to arrest Russia's
- Angolagate
and the Jewish connection - a collection of articles
On Israeli weapon smuggler Gaydamak, Jean-Christophe Mitterrand, Leviev, Rich, Attali, Mandelsaft
Includes information on how Jewish Clinton-donor Marc Rich helped Apartheid South Africa
Lev Leviev - diamond tycoon,
Jewish king of Africa, supporter of Settlements
World Jewish Congress: Billionaires, Oligarchs, Global
Influencers for Israel
By Alison Weir, If Americans Knew, November 24, 2019.
Billionaires, Russian oligarchs, Ukrainian ambassadors, international financiers, the Rothschilds, and glitterati of all sorts gathered at the 2019 gala for the World Jewish Congress. The gathering represented unparalleled power & wealth… martialled on behalf of Israel…
Caricatures/cartoons on Jewish/Zionist influence on
Russian politics
![]() "Just as Putin was a wonderful president for the Jews, I think that Medvedev will be one, too. [...] By the way, Putin always says: I'm proud of the fact that I have so many Jewish acquaintances. I wish the Jews themselves would appreciate the Jews the way Putin knows how to appreciate them. That's our problem in Israel." - Lev Leviev, Jewish diamond tycoon and President of The Association of Jewish Communities in Russia, quoted in Ha'aretz, 08/03/2008. |
- Radio Islam
har intervjuat den ryska journalisten Valentin
- Radio Islam
har intervjuat den ryska f.d. militären och redaktören
- Radio Islam
om den ryska revolutionen.
- A. Rami talar
med en finländsk kvinna i ett
- Ledande namn
i den ryska revolutionen enligt Radio
- Exempel
på namn som författaren Alexander Solsjenitsyn talar om
i sina böcker.
- Lenins
"revolution" - En judisk kupp
- Citat
från boken Vad är Israel?
Click here to go to Radio Islam's